Chapter 4

The Real World

Publisher Summary

This chapter explains analog and digital signals and their interconversion. Bridging the gap between the analog and the digital at some point is important if one wants to market the latest gadget. The chapter discusses how to make the analog-to-digital leap. Analog means a continuously variable signal. It means that the item being measured can be chopped up into infinite little pieces over time. The simplest form of digital is two states: It’s either there or not. Digital signals could be used to represent Boolean statements, one level indicating true and the other indicating false. Boolean logic is based on a digital representation of the world. Digital processing speeds eventually increased enough to take over almost all applications. An analog signal is converted to digital by chopping it up into chunks at predetermined time intervals. (This chopping is called the sample rate. The faster the sample rate, the higher the frequency that can be digitized.) Then the signal is measured at that point in time and assigned a digital value, which is called sampling the signal. Digital signals (typically represented as 1 or 0) can be crammed together to indicate different levels of analog. A single digit can indicate two levels. To convert a digital signal back to analog, the circuit has to simulate the analog signal it represents. This always requires some kind of filtering. There are many ways to convert digital to analog. One is by pulse width modulation (PWM). The digital PWM is fed into a low-pass filter that removes the switching frequency of the signal, essentially leaving an analog signal.

The real world is the place where you and I live. It isn’t in this book or in a simulation or even the scribbles on a schematic. All those things are representations of the real world. They help us understand how the real world works. At some point, all the circuits we create and design will interface with the real world, even if it is just a button to press or display to look at. It follows that we should talk a bit about some of the things we use to hook our circuits up to the big, bad world.

Bridging the Gap

If this book had been written back when computers were analog, this section wouldn’t even be needed. As it is, the proliferation of those pesky little digital chips gives it top billing. You need to bridge the gap between the analog and the digital at some point if you want to market your latest gadget as “way cool digital technology.” Knowing a bit about how to make the analog-to-digital leap seems like a good idea.

Analog vs. Digital

If we put analog in one corner of a boxing ring and we put digital in the other corner and then we let them duke it out, who do you think would win? In today’s world, digital is all the rage, but what really sets it apart from analog? Let’s find out.

What is analog? Is it merely some ancient term lost in the world of today’s digital engineers? No; analog basically means a continuously variable signal. It means that the item being measured can be chopped up into infinite little pieces over time. Say, for example, a signal changes from A to B over a 1-second interval. If you look at it before 1 second is over it will be somewhere between A and B. It is a continuous variable. No matter how small you slice up the time segments, there is still a signal with information there.

The world as we perceive it is analog in nature. Colors blend infinitely from one end of the spectrum into the other. The sound as a car races by on the street is heard in a continuously increasing and then decreasing volume level. As you drive a car, you continuously change speed in response to the traffic and environment around you. The world around you is analog.

So what, then, is digital? “My computer is,” you say. Yes, this is true. But let’s get a little more basic with it. Hold up one of the digits on your hand. (A digit is your finger, in case you were wondering.) Now put it down, now put it up again. This is digital. It is either there, or it is not. I don’t know if digit (as in finger1) is where the term digital came from, but it helps me remember what it means. So the simplest form of digital is two states: It’s either there or not.

Let’s go even deeper. What about the time it takes to change state? What if we look at our digital finger as it moves from all the way down to all the way up? If you look at it carefully, you see that a digital signal is really analog in nature. This is true. As one of my engineer friends is fond of saying, “There is no such thing as digital, really—just funny-lookin’ analog.” So digital is really just a mode of perception. You look at something in a specifically determined time frame and define whether it is there or it is not. Digital is a predetermined definition of analog levels.

If digital is really analog in disguise, why even bother with it? Early on it was discovered that digital signals worked well in communication. Remember the telegraph? It used a digital dot/dash series to represent a letter. Why does it work well? Let’s look at our digital finger signal example again. At a distance, it is obvious to the observer whether your finger is up or down. In fact, this sort of signal is used on the freeway every day! All kidding aside, the point is that you can avoid communication errors by using digital signals for communication.

So what is the drawback to using digital signals? The telegraph didn’t last long. It was quickly replaced by analog forms of communication. The reason for this has to do with bandwidth, a measure of the amount of information a signal can carry. The analog signal can carry vast amounts of information. It can, in fact, have an infinite number of levels for a given signal range.

Back to the finger example: If you have a good telescope and can focus in on the finger from far away, you can easily see the varying levels that the finger can represent. The same thing can be accomplished without a telescope if you have a very large finger. This implies that analog signals can represent large amounts of information much more easily than digital signals can. To do this, though, you just need! more power2 (Imagine a manly grunt here.) If you can’t get more power out of the signal, noise or other unwanted information can easily disrupt the signal. This is what happens when you get too far away from your favorite radio station and it starts to sound fuzzy. Sometimes you can give the receiver “more power” with better filters, amplifiers, or the like. Nevertheless, signal integrity is one of the struggles with analog systems.

On the other hand, to get a digital signal to move a lot of information, it has to work fast. Back when people wanted to hear each other talk, it was much easier to use analog signals. The digital technology of the time simply couldn’t work fast enough to represent all the complexities of the audio information. Thus for many years communication efforts focused on analog encoding and decoding of information. However, digital was being used in another domain entirely, in the application of Boolean logic.3

Digital signals could be used to represent Boolean statements, one level indicating true and the other indicating false. The computer was born. Statements such as, “If this is true, then do that,” could now be executed by machines. Boolean logic is based on a digital representation of the world. Don’t think that there are only digital computers, though. For a while there were many analog computers in use to handle computations involving large amounts of information. Digital processing speeds eventually increased enough to take over these applications.

So We Have Analog

The upsides are that analog can represent lots of information, and the world around us can easily be represented by analog signals. The downsides are that it takes more power in either the transmitter or receiver to resolve the analog signals, and small analog signals can be easily disrupted by outside influences.

Then There Is Digital

The pros of digital are low power transmission and the ability to represent logic statements. The cons are information limits (low bandwidth), requiring it to work fast to process large pieces of information, and the fact that the world around us is analog, not digital in nature.

The Best of Both Worlds

Wouldn’t it be great to have the best of both worlds? That’s what engineers thought, so they coined a couple of acronyms to get the process started: ADC (the analog-to-digital converter) and DAC (the digital-to-analog converter). Let’s find out what these are.

A-to-D and Back Again

What is A-to-D conversion (or ADC)? Is it a religious experience? Is it the opposite of D-to-A conversion (or DAC)? A to D is all about taking the real world and making it into ones and zeros so that digital technology can manipulate it. You can reasonably say that D to A reverses the process. Here we will explore what this A to D to A is and what it is good for.

A Is for Analog

An analog signal is converted to digital by chopping it up into chunks at predetermined time intervals. (This chopping is called the sample rate. The faster the sample rate, the higher the frequency that can be digitized.) Then the signal is measured at that point in time and assigned a digital value, which is called sampling the signal. Digital signals (typically represented as 1 or 0) can be crammed together to indicate different levels of analog. A single digit can indicate two levels. If you use a binary numbering system, the more digits you use, the number of levels goes up by 2 raised to the power of the number of digits. Four digits give you 16 levels (2^4). Eight digits gives you 256 levels (2^8) and so on. One common way of determining the level of a signal is to use a comparator, as shown in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1 Comparator-driven ADC.

Study this application. In this case, the signal is compared to a reference voltage. You increase the reference voltage from min to max. When the signal is larger than the reference voltage, the op-amp comparator will output a high, or a 1. When the reference voltage is the larger of the two, the output will be low, or a 0. If the circuit knows the value of Vref at the time the output changes state, this is when Vref is approximately equal to Vsignal. I say approximately because there is always a question of resolution. For more on this topic, read on.

D Is for Digital

Now that we have a digital signal we can do lots of fun things with it. We can transmit it, receive it, and manipulate it without worrying much about signal loss. But what is next? Say we convert guitar music into digital format to add some neat sound effects. You can’t simply send the digital data back out to be heard. It must be converted back to analog. Why? Because there are certain things we perceive well in an analog format. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the speedometer in your car; I’ll bet it is an analog gauge. (There are some things we like to see digitally, but usually that’s so we don’t have to deal with infinite increments; look at the odometer in your car for this example.4)

To convert a digital signal back to analog, the circuit has to simulate the analog signal it represents. This always requires some kind of filtering. There are many ways to convert digital to analog. One of my favorites is by pulse width modulation (PWM). In a PWM circuit, the device’s output switches on and off at a given frequency—see Figure 4.2on the next page. The percentage of time it is on versus off is the amount of analog signal it represents. This percentage is called the duty cycle.

Figure 4.2 Duty cycle-controlled analog output.

The digital PWM is fed into a low-pass filter that removes the switching frequency of the signal, essentially leaving an analog signal. The number of levels that this signal can represent depends on the resolution of the PWM signal. This means the capability of the PWM to be switched on and off at varying duty cycles. For example, a PWM that could switch on and off in increments of 5% duty cycle would have less resolution than a circuit that can handle increments of 1% duty cycle—see Figure 4.2. This means that digital signals can represent only discrete levels of analog signal. These levels are the resolution of the signal.

Why is resolution so important? We stated earlier in the comparator example that the circuit knows what level Vref is at. How does it know that? It must generate it somehow. It does so with some type of DAC process. It is the resolution of that DAC process that will determine the resolution of the ADC process.

So there we are. We went from analog to digital and right back to analog again. It really is a circle. Let’s look at some examples to see this concept in action.

It Takes a Little D to A to Get a Little A to D

A while ago I was explaining my thoughts on the world being analog in nature to a fellow engineer. He emailed me the following response:

I would like to provide counterpoint to your assertion that “the world as we perceive it is analog in nature.” I think that there are as many, if not more, natural digital perceptions as there are analog. Some samples: alive or dead, night or day, open or closed, wet or dry, flora or fauna, dominant or submissive, predator or prey, hungry or full, coarse or smooth, hot or cold, fuzzy or sharp, open or closed, single or multi, camouflage or warning, flat or mountainous, forest or desert, stormy or clear, noise or silence, blind or seeing, male or female, feast or famine, survive or die, on or off and so on. Granted, things like warm, breezy, sunsets, and omnivorous are there, but for the most part, I think our nature perceptions are digital.5

In many ways he is correct in his eloquent comments; however, he refers to our perception. We place the analog information from the world into “digital buckets.” (There are certainly levels between hot and cold, for example.) I think the reason we do this is to facilitate decision making, to limit the store of information, and to ease communication. We impose a digital perception when it makes sense to do so. A better phrase I could have used is something like, “The world is analog in nature, upon which we impose our digital perceptions.” With that in mind, let’s look at some more of the nuts and bolts of A-to-D conversion. We’ll start with the DAC and a simple comparator from a couple of pages back.

A simple comparator will output a high or low signal depending on whether one input was above or below the other (Figure 4.3). This is a great time to use a comparator, since digital circuits like obvious signals such as high and low. Let’s drill the basic process of this circuit: You convert a digital number to a known analog level, compare that to an analog signal, and if it is close to the same value (here is where resolution counts), the digital number you output represents the analog value.

Figure 4.3 Comparator-driven ADC.

Let’s do an example. You are converting an analog signal with the actual value of 4.45. You try outputting a 1 on your DAC. The comparator says “higher” (it does this by outputting a 1, or a high signal6). You then try outputting a 2. The comparator says “higher.” Now you try a 3, then a 4. Guess what the comparator says each time. That’s right, it says “higher.” So what do you try next? Of course, you try a 5. Then the comparator says “lower.” Now your circuit knows that the value is between 4 and 5. At this point you pick one of these two values7 (assuming in this case that the DAC only outputs six discrete levels over a range from 0–5.) The smaller the steps or increments that you can output with the DAC, the closer you can estimate the value of the analog signal. When you make the steps in the DAC smaller you increase the resolution of the signal.

There is a better and faster way than merely sweeping across all the values in the range. (We will increase the resolution of our DAC now to illustrate this point.) Start by making your first output on the DAC equal to ½ of the entire range. In this case you output 2.5 on the DAC. Now look at what the comparator says and make a logic decision (digital is good for this sort of thing). You can see whether the comparator says “higher,” and you can eliminate everything below 2.5. So you make your next output equal to half of the remaining range—in this case, you output 3.75. Look at the comparator again and eliminate some more possibilities (a high eliminates everything below the number, whereas a low eliminates everything above the number), then output half the remaining range. Repeat this process until you are out of resolution and you will have an approximation of the analog signal. This is a very fast way of converting an analog signal known as successive approximation. It is often used when high-speed analog-to-digital conversion is needed.

Did you notice that I often use the word approximation as the A-to-D process takes place? This is because a digital signal can never truly equal an analog signal; it must always draw the line somewhere. Do not forget that digital means that there are discrete steps involved. Analog has, by definition, infinite increments.

Now that you have the basic idea behind the A-to-D conversion process, let’s look at some examples of DAC circuits to develop a more intuitive understanding.8

This is a slick way to get a digital voltage level, and you can get the R2R ladder in a nice compact package, as shown in Figure 4.4. You must take care not to hook it up to any low-impedance devices without buffering, since its output level can be easily affected by external loads.

Figure 4.4 The R2R ladder.

How does the ladder work? A digital byte is output to the ladder, which changes the voltage level to the input of the comparator. You should note that the MSB (most significant bit) has the most effect on the output. The LSB (least significant bit) affects the output the least. This works very well with the approximation method described before. You simply load the DAC value you want on the resistors and look at the output signal. It is very fast. The biggest downside is that it uses a lot of output pins. (The output pins must be able to sink or source sufficient current to work correctly.) One caution: Make sure your processor can handle the output load of the ladder. The Zilog processor I used in one application of this circuit years ago worked fine and even had an onboard comparator for the ADC process, but I did use every pin, leaving little room for additional signals if needed.

In this circuit, the duty cycle of the PWM signal is ramped up from 0% till it passes the value of the analog signal, as indicated by the comparator—see Figure 4.5 on the next page. The analog voltage is represented by the percentage of the PWM signal when the comparator changes state. The RC filter must turn the PWM into basically an analog level. This means that the PWM must switch significantly faster than the speed of the signal you are trying to digitize.

Figure 4.5 PWM ramp.

This method relies on the transient response of the basic RC circuit (Figure 4.6). The step input causes the input to the comparator to increase according to the response time of the RC circuit. The output of the RC circuit is equal to Vi(1−e−(t/τ)). So if you know the value of tau, which is R * C, you can calculate the voltage based on the time it takes to pass the input. This can be tedious to calculate in some micros, but often high accuracy is not needed and a lookup table of the values can be implemented. In many cases, a lower-resistance discharge path is added to this circuit to ensure that the output of the RC circuit begins at zero.

Figure 4.6 RC charge time.

The downsides to this circuit are the curve calculations, but the first three tau of the signal are a fairly linear approximation. Depending on the application, that might be good enough. (Review the connection between electronics and hand grenades way back at the beginning of the book to see when things are “good enough.”) If your task isn’t too demanding and you don’t get too close to the upper rail, you can simply count time and toss out that complex calculation, making this a quick, cheap, and dirty ADC.

So there you have three easy ways to get a digital approximation of an analog signal. All these circuits are perfectly fine to use as DACs only.

One last thought: These days a built-in A/D converter is an increasingly common feature on a microcontroller. However, they nearly all work on the principle of using a DAC to make an ADC. Studying this section can help you to get an idea of what is really going on in there. The more you know about how it works on the inside, the better engineer you will be!

Digital Signal Processing

DSP, or digital signal processing, refers to manipulating data that is digitized from an analog signal. In many cases, such as audio and video, the signal is converted back to analog after DSP occurs. Many books are available on DSP that are far better texts on the subject than this one. Here I only hope to create a bit of understanding on this topic.

One of the advantages of a DSP is the ability to change parameters of the filters on the fly. This allows engineers to create all sorts of new solutions to processing signals that are very difficult to achieve with comparable analog designs.

Typically a DSP solution is also more expensive than an analog one, so be sure you really need it. Don’t slap a five-dollar DSP chip in the circuit when a 25-cent op-amp will do the job. That is not to say DSP doesn’t have its place. Without DSP, we wouldn’t have MP3, WMA, AC3, AAC, MP4, WiFi, and a whole other slew of acronyms to spout about! Come to think of it, DSP technology might be responsible for more acronyms than any other …

Thumb Rules

• Analog is a continuously variable signal.

• Digital is a predetermined definition of a specific analog level.

• Digital signals have discrete steps.

• Resolution is the distance between the discrete steps.

• DAC is often used for ADC.

Making Stuff Move: The Electromechanical World

One thing that happens in the real world is moving stuff. Eliminating moving parts is a commonly sought-after goal in the world of electronics. However, I suspect that sometime in your career you will need to make things move and you will be thrust into the world of electromechanical devices. Considering that what I knew about motors when I left school could be written on the thin edge of a postage stamp,9 I felt a need to cover some of the basics behind motors and a few other electromechanical devices here.

DC Motors

My eldest son was elated when he got a Lego Mindstorms kit for Christmas a few years back. For those who don’t know, this is a ready-made robot kit based on—you guessed it—Legos. My wife claims I was much more excited than our son was. I beg to differ, but we won’t go into that now. The whole point of a robot is that it moves. The Lego kit uses little DC permanent magnet motors with gears and such to get along. Since this type of motor is so popular, a little discussion about DC permanent magnet motors and how to control them seems prudent.

The DC permanent magnet (PM) brush motor is probably the easiest motor to understand. It consists of just a few parts: an armature, some magnets, a case, wires, and brushes. I remember as a kid making a motor out of a couple of nails, a dowel, and some wire. It looked something like what’s in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7 A home-built motor.

You can make a motor by winding the wire onto the armature in a loop. The ends of the wire terminate on segments that the brushes rub on, as shown in Figure 4.8.

Figure 4.8 A motor taken apart.

Permanent magnets are attached to the case in such a way as to surround the armature. The armature is supported in the case by bearings or bushings so that it can rotate freely. At its most basic, the coil of wire on the armature is nothing more than an inductor. As we learned earlier, an inductor develops a magnetic field when you pass current through it. This magnetic field is just like the one present around the permanent magnet. By controlling when the magnetic field is present around the armature, you cause the field around the wires to push or pull against the field around the magnet. The current to the armature is switched on and off (which turns the magnetic field on and off) in a sequence that causes the armature to turn. This is called commutation. In the DC PM brush motor, the brushes are the method of commutation. They switch the current through various sections of the armature as it turns.

A DC PM motor has two inputs and two outputs. You put voltage and current in and get speed and torque out. One nice thing is that the speed is proportional to the voltage and the torque is proportional to the current. Motors are devices in which the physical equivalents of electric components are not only similar in nature but are actually linked in performance. Think of it this way: Voltage and current together equal power. Speed and torque together also equal power. So in a motor you put electrical power in and get mechanical power out. That actually makes sense, doesn’t it? The equivalent circuit looks like the one shown in Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.9 Inside a DC PM motor.

What do you think the resistor is doing in this circuit? Have you ever noticed a motor getting warm when it operates? This heating comes from the resistive component in the motor. Any wire short of a superconductor has resistance. The armature, being made out of wire, also has resistance. Current flowing through a resistor will create a voltage drop across said resistor, and power across that resistor turns into heat. Ohm’s Law still works.

The inductor creates the magnetic field that turns the armature. The battery represents what is called the back EMF, or electromotive force. If you were to spin the shaft of the motor with nothing but a voltmeter hooked up to it, you would see a voltage appear on this meter that is proportional to the speed at which you spin the shaft. When you apply a voltage to the motor, the shaft will spin at a speed in the same proportion. However, not all the voltage you apply to the leads makes it to this point in the motor. Some of it is lost across the resistor. All this leads to some characteristic equations of this type of motor.

The relationship between voltage and speed is known as the voltage constant, with units of volts per Krpm. It is referred to as Ke or Kv:

Kν=V-IRKrpm Eq. 4.1

image Eq. 4.1

V=the amount of voltage applied at the leads

I=the current flowing through the motor

R=the equivalent resistance of the motor10

Krpm=the speed of the shaft in thousands of revolutions per minute

The IR term in this equation accounts for the loss of heat in the motor. As current approaches zero, this effect disappears. This is what happened earlier when we hooked it up to a voltmeter and spun the shaft, reading the voltage generated. Do you see how that minimizes the error, giving you an accurate idea of the voltage constant?

The relationship between current and torque is known as the torque constant, usually referred to as Ki, which has the units inch-ounces per amp (in-oz/amp):

Kν=V-IRKrpm Eq. 4.2

image Eq. 4.2

T=torque in inch-ounces

I=the current in amps

These two constants are linked; changing one changes the other. In fact, if you know one, you can calculate the other with this equation:

Kt=TI Eq. 4.3

image Eq. 4.3

Kt=Kv   [Nm/A; V/rad/s]

Kt=9.5493×10−3×Kv   [Nm/A; V/Krpm]

Kt=1.3524×Kv   [oz-in/A; V/Krpm]

As you can see, it turns out that we are really only dealing with one constant in the motor. This constant is controlled by the number of windings on the armature and the strength of the magnets. More windings increase the voltage/torque constant, fewer decrease it. The size of the armature and the strength of the magnets also affect this constant.

We now know that the main electrical components of a motor are resistance, inductance, and a voltage source. Can you extrapolate the mechanical properties? They are friction and inertia.11 The first thing you should note is that the load, or whatever is hooked to the motor shaft, will likely be the largest contributor to these two characteristic factors, masking the effects of the armature inertia and brush or bearing friction.

Inertia will tend to make the motor take time spinning up to speed, increasing the load and current draw as you accelerate. Once at speed, inertia will tend to keep the motor spinning, so during deceleration you will notice a lessening of the current the motor needs.

Friction will create a constant load on the motor that will appear as an increase in current in our “sparky” universe. To gain further light and knowledge on all things motor, I refer the reader to the “pink book.”12

“But what about the Lego Mindstorms?” you ask. Well, my boys and I have built quite a few projects, but my oldest son lost interest since we couldn’t seem to build a robot that would clean his room. I told him that I sincerely hope he can someday solve that particular problem, but till then it is up to him to get the job done.

DC Motor Control

Given what we just learned about this type of motor, I hope it is apparent that if we want to control the speed of a DC permanent magnet motor, we should control the voltage to it. If we want to control the torque, we should control the current. If this doesn’t make sense, take a look at the DC motor equations once more.

Speed Control

Let’s start with a simple application. Say you want to spin a motor at 500 rpm. This motor has a Kv of 10 V/Krpm. Plug that into the equations we just learned and you find out you need about 5 V to get this motor going at the speed you want (neglecting load for a moment). But how do you go about getting 5 V to the motor? There are two different ways to approach this problem: You can use a linear methodology or a switching methodology. In both cases, you will start with a higher voltage than you want at the motor and then lower it and apply it to the motor leads. We should go over both types of systems to understand the pros and cons of each.

Linear Control

The simplest way to make a linear control is based on the voltage divider rule. Put a resistor between the power supply and the motor, and adjust the resistor’s value until you have the amount of voltage you want across the motor—see Figure 4.10.

Figure 4.10 A motor with a resistor in series.

The biggest drawback about this design is that the motor can be a dynamic load. As the load on the motor changes, the amount of current through the motor changes, which, following Ohm’s Law, changes the voltage drop across the resistor, which changes the voltage across the motor and hence the speed of the motor is destined to change.

However, if the load is consistent or if variability is okay, you can dial this design in and make it work fine. You should note that the resistor will heat up based on the current through it and the voltage across it. For example, if Vcc is 10 V and you set the resistor value such that 5 V is across the motor, this means that there is 5 V across the resistor. If the current drawn by the motor in this case is 1 A, you will need a 5 W resistor to handle the power. (Actually, any engineer worth his salt will not run the power resistor at its maximum wattage but will overate it liberally.)

In this linear control design, the resistor can be replaced by a FET or transistor or some other type of amplifier operating in linear mode, allowing the voltage to the motor to be adjusted as desired. By using feedback methods as previously learned, the variation in load can also be compensated for so that you can maintain the desired voltage to the output. Look at Figure 4.11.

Figure 4.11 Op-amp-controlled motor.

This design has the significant advantage over the previous one of maintaining the voltage to the motor at a desired level, regardless of the changes in load. This will maintain a more constant speed than the previous design, but there is still room for improvement, as we will see later.

The biggest drawback to this type of design is the same as the resistor. Excess power is turned into heat. One benefit, though, is that as far as EMI is concerned, it is a quiet design.

Switching Control

In contrast to linear control, a motor can also be controlled by switching power on and off to the motor. The similarities of switching motor control to switching power supplies are many. In many switching supply designs you will find an inductor that stores the energy when the switch is on and discharges it to the load when the switch is off. The same thing can happen in a switching motor control. The inductor, however, is inside the motor. In the switching supply you will find a diode that directs the current from this inductor to the load. In a correctly designed switching motor control, you will find a diode that performs exactly this function, as shown in Figure 4.12.

Figure 4.12 Transistor with motor and diode.

When the switch is closed, current flows through the motor. When the switch opens, the current from the inductor goes through the freewheel diode back around through the motor. Since this current is recaptured and applied to the load, switching motor controls are more efficient than their linear counterparts.

Some important things to note: The switching frequency of this type of control needs to be fast enough for the inductor in the motor to act this way. If the switch doesn’t turn back on before all the current has discharged from the inductor, you will feel the torque change in the motor (it will manifest itself as a vibration).

In a way, the inductor filters the high frequency of the switching power, reducing torque ripple and thus vibration. The most common form of control in this case is called PWM for pulse width modulation. By varying the duty cycle of the PWM, the amount of power to the motor is varied.

Switching motor controls are very prevalent these days. This is primarily due to their efficiency and the proliferation of high-power, high-frequency switching devices.

Maintaining Speed

Often some sort of voltage feedback is used to maintain the output voltage of the control to a desired level. Remember that in the DC PM motor the speed of the output shaft is proportional to the voltage applied. That makes it nice for maintaining speed. However, if you flip back a few pages you will notice the IR component of that equation represents what are known as losses. These losses are burned up as heat across the resistance of the wire in the motor armature (plus a little in the brushes). The loss is proportional to the current (I) through the motor, and the current is proportional to the load on the motor shaft.

This means that as load varies on the motor, the amount of loss varies. This results in a change of speed. Think of it like this: The voltage that gets burned up as heat never makes it to spinning the motor shaft—see Figure 4.13.

Figure 4.13 What happens inside the motor?

There are two ways to compensate for this. One way is to use speed feedback to adjust the voltage output to the motor to maintain a constant speed. The other is to compensate for the losses themselves.

In most DC motor control designs, you will find a voltage feedback loop that does 90% of the speed control work. Then, external to that, you will find a speed feedback control loop that will compensate for the rest of the variation— see Figure 4.14.

Figure 4.14 Block diagram of speed feedback.

Though it is generally a good idea to feed back the signal you want to control, there could be times you do not have that luxury, or maybe there are reasons you do not want to use speed feedback. If this is the case, you can use another speed control approximation called IR compensation—see Figure 4.15 on next page. This is a method in which you monitor the load on the motor by sensing the current through the motor. The loss due to heat is proportional to this current. If you know the resistance of the motor, you can calculate how much voltage turns into heat, never making it to the output shaft. Add this much voltage to the input to the motor and you have a fairly good approximate speed control and you didn’t need a tachometer!

Figure 4.15 Block diagram of IR comp feedback.

All in all, controlling a DC PM motor speed is one of the simplest motion control problems to tackle, but it is simple only relative to the other options out there. It is still a significant “chunk o’ learnin’” to swallow. For this reason I suggest starting here if you want to learn motion control before moving on to some of the other available motors.

Torque Control

One thing that happens when you take a motor and stop the rotor is a huge increase in current. Depending on the motor and your design, this could be more current than your control can handle. In this case you might need a current-limiting circuit.

This is a circuit that monitors the current used by the motor and, at a preset level, scales back the output, limiting the current available to the motor.

In a DC PM motor, when you control the current, you control the torque. Don’t believe me? Flip back a few pages and look at the torque constant equations. The units are in oz per amp. This is a linear relationship—the more current through the motor, the more torque at the output shaft.

What all this means is that a constant current supply will create a constant torque when hooked up to a motor. This is essentially what happens when a control hits its current limit. The control goes from being a constant voltage supply to a constant current supply. This protects the motor and the control from damage.


Imagine careening down a hill on your electric scooter. “Gosh,” you think to yourself, “it would be nice to use some of the energy I’m wasting to slow this vehicle down. There ought to be a way to make it recharge the batteries. Hey, I’m an engineer,” you say to yourself, “Why don’t I design a regenerative brake?” Just such a thought has come into my head and I have been able to ignore13 it quite effectively until now.

Some time ago I was asked to design a motor control with a regenerative braking circuit. Having done several controls, but none with regenerative braking, I started by perusing the Internet. I don’t follow Star Trek’s creed to boldly go where no man has gone before on a whim. That is to say, if someone has been there already, I would sure like to know the path he or she took. Once the end of that path has been found, I will then venture into the unknown.

Anyway, in this case, several hours of searching were somewhat futile. A simple and concise explanation and possibly a schematic (particularly for a PM DC motor) were all I needed. There were reams14 of information explaining what it does but not much was there showing exactly how it was done. Alas, my effort to find the simple explanation was to no avail. Maybe it was out there somewhere, but I got sick of all the pop-ups.

As you might have guessed by now, I take such a lack as a personal affront that I must correct. The following is what I have pieced together in my own mind, distilled down to my level of intelligence (the longer I spend in management, the lower this level seems to be), then ousted to my readers in a form I hope is easy to understand. After I looked at the best idea since raw toast and the nice read about the Honda Insight’s regenerative brake, the following is what came out.

No More Secrets!

One place I found said that regenerative braking is the well-kept secret of motor control. However, when I learned the truth, I think it is just poorly explained. Let’s start with Figure 4.16 (see next page), a diagram of a simple PWM controller for a DC PM motor.

Figure 4.16 PWM motor control.

A PWM is fed into a switch, such as a MOSFET, at a frequency that is high enough to keep current flowing in the inductor inside the motor, not at all unlike a switching power supply. When the PWM shuts off, the current flows through the diode (sometimes referred to as a freewheeler diode). That part I could understand, but the question that I kept asking myself was how do you get a motor, which is spinning at a lower voltage than the output of the battery, to push current back into the battery?

Let’s start with a small change to our earlier circuit, as shown in Figure 4.17. We will replace the diode with a synchronous switch that goes off when the primary goes on, and vice versa. For the purpose of this discussion we will ignore the fact that the FETs need particular driving methodologies for the high side and the low side of a motor.

Figure 4.17 PWM motor control with FET in place of diode.

I had read about this topology many times. It is usually brought up as a way to make your controller more efficient in terms of heat loss. This is because the FET has a significantly lower voltage drop across it than the diode does. I had no idea that it also functions as a regenerative brake, until I figured it out for myself. Here is how it works.

A Little Elaboration

Keep in mind that in the original version of this controller there is a voltage across the motor that depends on the duty cycle of the PWM, but it is referenced to the positive output of the battery, not the negative side. That helped me to keep it in perspective.

Assume that we have a 12 V DC battery and there is 6 V DC across the motor. That means you would see an average of 6 V DC from the bottom of the motor to ground. Now let’s say that you spin the motor faster than 6 V—for example, 7 V. If you keep the same average voltage at the bottom of the motor, you will have 1 V extra to dump into the battery. This explanation doesn’t entirely jive, but I think it will get you in the right frame of thinking. If you follow it to its conclusion, you will think that the previous version with the diode should also regenerate, but it does not.

Let me elaborate. With the diode version, there is no braking force generated. That comes into play when the diode is replaced by the FET. When the freewheel FET turns on, the voltage generated by the motor is shorted back into itself. This provides the braking force and a current flow in the opposite direction through the motor. Remember the rule of inductors (since there is a decent-sized inductor in the motor). Once a current is flowing, it doesn’t like to stop. So when the high side opens and the low side closes, current is pushed into the battery. Wave of the wand and voilà, you have regeneration!

Regeneration Ain’t So Bad

It turns out that regeneration isn’t so tough at all. In fact, it is almost a side benefit of making your controller more efficient, if you want to look at it that way. Now if there were just some way of making it more than 100% efficient, hmm …

Changing Directions

In a DC PM motor, it is fairly easy to change the direction of spin of the armature. You simply need to reverse the voltage to the motor leads. A common way to do this is known as an H bridge, for the way it looks when drawn on a piece of paper, as shown in Figure 4.18.

Figure 4.18 H bridge motor control.

As previously discussed, the H bridge can be a linear or switch mode design. The same theory is applicable, but it does become more complex. For example, you don’t want to turn on both legs on one side of the bridge because you will create a short across your power supply. This is known as shoot through and will usually cause copious emissions of magic smoke.15

Synchronous switching of the opposing high and low legs with the appropriate devices (like FETs) will create the braking/regenerative effect that we have already mentioned. Voltage and current feedback become more complex due to the fact that one leg of the motor is no longer tied to one spot all the time. You will need some differential amplifiers that can handle some large voltage swings to get things working right.

Making Stuff Move Conclusion

Controlling motors is one of the most complex and rewarding things you will do in electrical engineering. Setback and frustration will be rewarded with the pride of seeing something move! There is no way I can possibly cover all aspects of motor control in this text. I do hope, however, that I have given you enough basic understanding that when you tackle motors and do more research on the topic, you will be able to understand what you find out there.

Some Other Types of Motors

You will run into many types of motors. People have been goofing around with different ways to make a motor nearly as long as they have been messing with electricity. Here is a bit of overview on some various types of DC motors.

Brushless DC Motors

The brushless DC motors shown in Figure 4.19 are cousins to the DC PM motor we discussed earlier, but instead of using brushes for commutation, they usually use some type of electronic control. To accomplish this, usually the inside of the motor has the permanent magnets (where the armature is in the DC PM motor). This is known as the rotor. The windings are on the outside and are usually referred to as the stator, or field windings.16 There is no requirement for the magnets to be on the inside and the windings on the outside, but the windings are stationary and the magnets rotate. The rotor is turned by switching the stator windings on and off in a sequence that creates torque on the rotor. This is known as electronic commutation, as opposed to brush commutation, which we already learned about.

Figure 4.19 Cool little brushless DC motor out of my RC airplane.

Often you will be told how a DC brushless motor is so much more efficient than a DC PM brush motor. There is some hype to dig through here. Though this claim can be true, it is not entirely due to the fact that it is a brushless motor, as the brushless motor guys would have you believe. You will see numbers showing improved efficiency, but that is generally due to the choice of magnets. Most brushless motors are using rare earth magnets that have a much higher flux density than the more common ceramic kind. What this results in is fewer turns of wire for the same torque and speed. Fewer turns of wire means shorter wire, which means lower resistance. Since the resistance of the windings is the largest loss in the motor, this makes the motor more efficient.

DC PM motors commonly use the ceramic magnets, resulting in more turns of wire. To make them more efficient, you need to increase the wire diameter to lower its resistance. It is possible to use the stronger magnets in a DC brush motor. The most common place I have seen this is in hobby stores. There are some pretty cool motors like this for RC airplanes. When built with these “super” magnets, the DC PM motor is pretty close to the same efficiency as the DC brushless motor.

Assuming good bearings, the next point of loss in a motor is in commutation. In the DC PM motor the brushes and brush contacts are the method of commutation. This interface is not perfect and creates a resistive loss. In the DC brushless motor, commutation is done with some type of silicon switch such as an FET, for example. Typically it takes at least six of these parts to commutate a DC brushless motor. These FETs have a resistive component (RDS on) that causes loss in the form of heat.

The biggest advantage to a brushless motor is right there in its name. It has no brushes. The brush in the DC PM motor will nearly always be the first thing to wear out. Brushes by their nature are designed to wear out, but don’t let that stop you. There are many types of brush motors available, and often they will be just fine for the application.

One thing to note about brushless motors is that the controllers are more complex, requiring three to six times the power devices that brush motors use. But once you have them under control, you have already spent most of the money needed to make them go in both directions. So if that is a feature needed, it could make a brushless motor more of a candidate.

Stepper Motors

Stepper motors are a type of DC motor in which the output moves a specific distance each time you energize a winding. They are a cousin to the brushless motor and a weird animal called the switched reluctance motor.17 The ability to move a specific step makes these devices commonly used in positioning mechanisms. Printers use them by the bucket load.

Positioning is relatively easy since you can energize the windings and count the number of steps you have made to determine where the motor shaft is.

Stepper motors are characterized by their moving torque and holding torque. This is important to know because if you exceed either, your motor could slip, and that would cause your count to be off.

Thumb Rules

• In a motor, you put electrical power in and get mechanical power out.

• Voltage * current=power; speed * torque=power.

• Linear controls cause less EMI.

• Linear controls are simple and cheap.

• Linear controls are less efficient due to heat loss.

• Switching controls are more efficient.

• Switching controls cause more EMI.

• Switching controls are generally more complex and expensive.

• Constant voltage makes for constant speed with a DC PM motor.

• Constant current makes for constant torque with a DC PM motor.

• Don’t forget the freewheel diode in a switcher.

• Replace the freewheel diode with an FET and you have a brake.

• Use an H bridge to change directions.

• Brushless motor controls are inherently bidirectional.

• Stepper motors move in small steps or increments.

AC and Universal Motors

As we mentioned earlier, long ago a smart guy by the name of Tesla helped us all by convincing the powers that be that we should have an AC means of power distribution (vs. the local DC generators that Edison wanted). One key factor that helped with this debate was Tesla’s invention of the AC motor.

There are many types of AC motors. One of the most common and the one we are going to review here is the AC induction motor.

An AC induction motor induces a current in the armature by varying the magnetic field in the stator. This induced current in turn creates a magnetic field that causes the rotor to turn, pushing against the first magnetic field. When I first learned this, it seemed to me that an AC motor can pick itself up by its bootstraps, so to speak. One result is that the motor tends to have a “sweet spot” where the rotational speed is just right, generating maximum speed and torque. At lower speeds the torque drops off pretty fast. This leads to the fact that AC motors are not known for low-speed torque (unlike the DC versions we just discussed). For this reason and the fact that AC motors run off a sinusoidal alternating signal, a huge percentage of AC motors are fixed-speed outputs where the speed depends on the frequency of the AC signal. There are variable frequency drives or controls, similar in architecture to DC brushless drives. They can vary the frequency into an AC motor, creating a variable speed AC drive. Since AC motors do not have such a simple torque speed curve, these controls can be fairly complex, often using DSP chips to handle all the math needed to get what you want out of one of them.

AC motors have been around for years, making them relatively inexpensive, and their lack of brushes makes them last a long time. They can be built synchronously, like a stepper motor, so that you know they have moved a set distance every cycle of the AC wave. You will see them in all sorts of places: running compressors in a refrigerator to timing the icemaker circuit in the same fridge. Back before the “day of the diode,” they were used in millions of clocks.

Universal motors are like PM motors without the permanent magnet. They use windings with current flowing through them in the outer field instead of said magnets. What makes them universal is the ability to wire them to work with an AC or DC source. I shocked myself more than once rewiring the motor down in the old milking barn trying to figure this out.

Motors of all shapes, sizes, types, and voltage preferences are out there. Hopefully I have provided enough background so you at least sound smart when you’re asked about this topic.


The solenoid is an electromagnetic device that typically moves to only two positions. Akin to the stepper motor, solenoids are rated by holding force and moving force.

Take a coil of wire and an iron rod that just fits inside the coil, as shown in Figure 4.20.

Figure 4.20 Iron rod in coil of wire.

Energize the coil. The rod will center itself in the coil due to the magnetic flux running through it. It is in fact reluctant to leave the warm home of its cozy little coil. This tendency for ferrous material to align itself with magnetic fields is known as reluctance.

Shut the magnetic field down and the rod moves easily. Usually a spring is used to push the rod out of its cozy coil shell until power is switched back on and the rod returns to showing its reluctance yet again.

Solenoids are great if you need a short linear motion that is controlled by something electronic. Also, this concept is the basis for an electromagnetic cannon. We don’t have time to cover that topic in this book, though. Too bad; cannons are fun.


Relays don’t actually make anything move except the part inside them that closes a switch, so they might seem a little out of place in this discussion. However, they are definitely electromechanical in nature and I couldn’t think of a better place to talk about them. Relays are very tough; they predate the transistor by a long time and are still in use. That should say something. They are basically the combination of a solenoid and a switch. A magnetic force pulls the switch shut or open, depending on the particular device. Markings on a relay usually indicate the coil that operates the relay and the labels NO, NC, and C. These abbreviations, also sometimes seen on switches, mean normally open, normally closed, and common, respectively. NO and NC refer to the state of the switch when the coil isn’t energized. C is a connection to both these switches.

There are two important specs on a relay: the coil voltage and the contact ratings. If you under-drive the coil, you might get the switch to close, but there are no guarantees. Contacts are often rated at a minimum as well as a maximum current. Most engineers are diligent about paying attention to the max current, but they often ignore the minimum current. Many relays used in a power setting (which is very common these days) rely on a certain amount of current to be present when the switch opens. This current creates an arc that cleans the contacts and keeps them from corroding. Do you have a relay that simply stops working after a while? Chances are you are not meeting this spec. Use a relay in your design and you get to hear that satisfying click, letting you know that something is really working in that magic box.

Catching Flies

One thing all these motors, solenoids, and relays have in common is a coil of wire that is switching current at some point. A coil of wire is an inductor, and an inductor doesn’t like current changes.18 So what happens when you shut off the current in an inductor? As the magnetic field collapses when you cut off the current, a large voltage spike is generated (because it wants to keep current flowing). This spike is sometimes called the flyback. To keep this spike from damaging components and to use the energy in it, most applications employ a flyback or, as it is also called, a freewheel diode that shunts this spike back to its source, as shown in Figure 4.21.

Figure 4.21 An example of a flyback diode around a motor.

If the response of the LR in this circuit is slower than the switching frequency, the diode acts as part of a filter keeping current moving through the motor. It smoothes out current changes, which in turn smoothes the torque changes. (Remember how torque is proportional to current?)

In other cases, this diode might simply be capturing a transient signal to prevent circuit damage. Figure 4.22 shows an example using a diode to protect a relay circuit.

Figure 4.22 Flyback diode on a relay coil.

You can see that the voltage spike, inductive kick, or back EMF, as it is called, never gets over –0.7 V because once it does, it forward-biases the diode and current flows back into the other end of the inductor. Now you know how to make a fly catcher out of a diode.

More Thumb Rules

• When the thumb rules go on and on, break them into smaller, more digestible pieces.

• AC induction motors induce a current in the core, which in turncreates a magnetic field that turns the shaft.

• Universal motors can be wired for AC or DC.

• Solenoids are reluctant to leave the cozy coil cave when current is on.

• Pay attention to the minimum switching current on relays.

• Catch your flies with diodes to keep voltage spikes out of your circuits unless you are trying to make a shock box to surprise your buddy.

Power Supplies

Whatever you do with electronics, you are going to need power to accomplish it. It will be useful to understand the basics of power supplies, since you are nearly guaranteed to deal with them at some point in your career.

It’s All About the Voltage, Baby!

Most devices today want to keep the voltage constant. This means that current can vary as needed. In the world of power, particularly as it relates to the ubiquitous IC, it often seems that you never have the exact voltage you want.

A huge number of products run off 120V AC out of a wall socket. Another huge group runs off batteries that are charged from those wall sockets, and another significant number runs off batteries that you can buy by the caseload at any super-duper-mart. Just ask yourself, how many batteries did you buy last Christmas?

The problem is that most ICs these days want 5, 3.3, or even 1.5V DC. This is nowhere near 120 V, and definitely not AC! Enter the power supply. They come in two flavors, linear and switcher.

Linear Power Supplies

AC rules! It is everywhere. It might seem like the world runs on batteries these days, but AC still has the majority foothold. Back when Edison and Tesla argued over what type of electrical power distribution we should have, I’ll bet they had no idea of the type of integration that would occur in the world of electricity over the next 100 years.19

One thing they did know about was the transformer. The basis of the transformer is AC current. Put AC into one side of the transformer and, depending on the ratio of windings, you get AC out the other side. So, put 120V AC into a 10-to-1 ratio transformer and you will get 12V AC out (minus heat losses due to the resistance of the windings).

The basic transformer is a very simple design. It is coils of wire on hunks of metal. That makes it robust. A transformer is a perfectly acceptable way to change the voltage of an AC signal. Transformers are used to jack the voltage way up to minimize losses over long wires, and then they are used again to bring the voltage back down to something safer to bring into your house.

They further knock the voltage down again in millions of products, but at that point they still output an AC signal. However, most of our chips want a DC signal, so what happens next? It goes through a rectifier. There are two commonly used options: a bridge rectifier, shown in Figure 4.23, and a center tap rectifier, shown in Figure 4.24 on the next page. Note how this uses two fewer diodes and another wire to the transformer, yet the rectified output is the same. Notice the “bumpy” DC output?

Figure 4.23 Bridge rectifier.
Figure 4.24 Center tap bridge rectifier.

The output at this point of either rectifier is still too “bumpy” to be of much use to our sensitive DC circuits. The next step is to add a large filter capacitor to smooth out the bumps, as shown in Figure 4.25.

Figure 4.25 Center tap bridge rectifier with cap filter.

It’s time to learn the principle of output impedance. Every power supply has it. The more current you pull out of the circuit, the bigger issue the output impedance is. Remember that Ohm’s Law says that as current increases through an impedance, the voltage drop across it increases. This means that the voltage at the output will drop as load increases. To further complicate things, the rectifier in this circuit will contribute to an increased ripple voltage on the output as load increases.

So, two important things affect the voltage on the output of this circuit: the voltage going into it (which on most AC circuits can vary 10% or more) and the amount of current being drawn, increasing voltage drop and voltage ripple.

This is important to know as we feed this into the next part of the circuit, called a regulator. The regulator is a part that adjusts its output to maintain a constant voltage in the face of a changing load and a changing input voltage.

A linear regulator typically has a voltage reference (like a zener20 diode) inside it running on a small current that isn’t disrupted by the load. It uses this reference and a negative feedback loop to control a transistor or other part inside to maintain a constant voltage at the output. This gets you to the nice DC voltage that your IC wants. The whole circuit from the wall looks something like Figure 4.26.

Figure 4.26 Typical linear regulated power supply.

There are a couple of important things to know about linear regulators. They have a minimum input voltage. If the input voltage falls below this rating due to circumstances described before, the output will fall out of regulation. If this happens you can get ripple on the power supply to your chip. If it is small enough, you might never notice it, but if you have some high-gain circuits picking up AC noise, check out the power supply for problems first.

The other often-overlooked important spec is the power rating of the regulator. A regulator can only handle so much power, even with a heat sink. The power being dissipated by the regulator is the current times the voltage drop across the regulator, not the voltage at the output! There are many other specs you should review in the datasheet, but these are the most important and often overlooked. Check them first. You can use linear regulators in any DC-in, DC-out situation. They will do very well in most cases and, to top that, they are very simple and robust circuits. Use them whenever you can. There is nothing wrong with this technology in certain applications, but if you need more efficiency or maybe less heat, you should consider a switcher.


A type of regulator and power supply rapidly gaining footholds over the older, linear designs is called a switcher. As implied by the name, the switcher regulates power to a load by switching current (or voltage) on and off. In this book we will focus on the current method. (Don’t forget, however, that current and voltage are invariably linked, as Ohm proved so well.) The secret to these supplies is the inductor, and the secret to understanding an inductor for me is to think in terms of current. In the same way a capacitor wants to keep voltage across it constant, an inductor wants to keep the current flowing through it constant as well.

DC is what we start with

Switching power supplies are DC-to-DC converters. Even those that have an AC input create a DC bus, using a rectifier circuit before implementing a switcher. You will see switchers replacing just the regulator in our earlier circuit working off a DC bus voltage that has already been stepped down by a transformer. You will also see switchers that use rectified voltage right off the AC line and drop and regulate all in one step from 120 V down to 5 V.

The most basic current-switching supply I know of is the buck converter. A buck converter will knock a DC voltage from a higher level to a lower level. Figure 4.27 shows the heart of a buck circuit.

Figure 4.27 Basic switching buck converter.

First, let’s identify the four main parts: the inductor, the switch, the diode, and the load.

Flip the switch

Let’s start with the load and work our way backward. To begin with, switching supplies like to have a load. Without a load funny things can happen, but more on that later. What the load wants (in most cases) is a constant voltage. If I remember Ohm’s Law correctly, one can control the voltage across a resistor (i.e., load) by controlling the current through it, so let’s consider the flow of current in this circuit. We will begin with the switch closed. With the switch closed, current will flow through the inductor into the load. The current will rise based on the time constant of the inductor and the impedance of the load. Since the current rises, so does the voltage across the load. Assume now that we have a circuit that is monitoring the voltage across the load, and as soon as it gets too high it opens the switch.

Now what happens? First, remember this fact. Just as a capacitor resists a change in voltage, an inductor resists a change in current. When the switch opens, the inductor tries to keep the current flowing. If there is nowhere for it to go, you will see a large voltage develop across the inductor as the magnetic field collapses. In fact, at time=0 the value of this voltage is infinite or undefined, whichever suits you. That doesn’t happen in this case due to the diode and the load.

The current flows into the load, and the reason it does so is because of the diode. Consider it this way: Current wants to keep flowing out of the inductor and into the other side of the inductor. Without the diode there would not be a path for this current to follow. However, with the diode, this current is pushed through the load. So now the switch is open, and current is still flowing into the load. This current starts out at the same level it was when the switch opened (an inductor wants to keep current the same, remember!) and it decays from there. As the current falls, so does the voltage. Of course we still have a circuit monitoring the voltage across the load, and as soon as it gets too low, it closes the switch again.

Voilà, the process starts all over. There are two important things I noticed once the pieces fell into place in my head. The first is that this control circuit I just described can be implemented with a simple comparator and a little hysteresis. Of course, that would lead to the frequency of the switcher being determined by the value of the inductor and the impedance of the load. That might or might not be a desirable trait. The other thing I realized was that when you first turned it on, the circuit would want to slam the switch shut and keep it there for a long time while current builds up in the circuit. Are you beginning to see why switchers need a load?

Luckily, others much smarter than I have dealt with these problems already. That is why you hear terms like soft start and built-in PWM when you start studying switching supplies.

Some Final Thoughts

Since designing switching supplies, getting them stable, and dealing with the inductor specs can be a bit demanding, technical, and tedious, all sorts of industry help has sprung up in the effort of various companies trying to get you to use their parts. You will find design guides and even Web design platforms out there to help you build a switcher for your design, and I highly suggest you take advantage of them.

These days you will often find all the brains, switching components, and feedback parts in one cute little package,21 making the design nicely compact and small. You can make switchers that boost voltage as well as the buck versions, and some that even go both ways, but ultimately they rely on the fact that the inductor wants to keep current flow the same. We will save the more in-depth review for another book on another day.

The best thing about switching supplies is the fact you can get by with relatively little copper and attain very high efficiency (meaning less heat). The reason for this is that the decay rate of the current in the inductor depends on the size of it, but if you switch it faster, the average current and thus the average voltage is still maintained. So you can get by with much less copper, especially for larger current draws at low voltages. The efficiency is good because much less power is spent heating the copper in the small inductor than in an equivalent transformer design. However, all this comes at a price. Switchers are known for their high-frequency noise that has disrupted many a sensitive analog design. But who cares about analog anymore, right?

Thumb Rules

• Make sure the lowest dip on the ripple voltage doesn’t go below the minimum input of the regulator.

• Check your supply at±15% of the AC input signal.

• Linear regulators dissipate heat/power based on the current times the voltage from input to output (i.e., across it).

• Switchers exploit the fact that inductors want to keep current flowing even when the switch is open.

• Switchers are more efficient and create less heat but generally are more finicky to set up.

• Linear supplies are very quiet when it comes to EMI.

• Switchers tend to be very noisy when it comes to EMI.

• Switchers need a minimum load to work correctly.

When parts aren’t perfect

Before we get into the problems that parts can have, we need to introduce the concept of an equivalent circuit. It is pretty simple: to create an equivalent circuit, you represent all its idiosyncrasies with combinations of perfect components. This is good for two reasons: First and most obvious, it makes it possible to model the effects of the imperfections. Second, and most important in the World of Darren, is that seeing the combinations of the parts that make up a real component makes it easier for you to apply the basic understanding of the perfect parts to grasp what the real part is doing.

Everything Is Everywhere

The basic three electrical components are like sand at the beach. They get into everything. In a way they are more prolific than sand in your sandals since the effect of one basic component can be found in another. This fact is one of the most common causes of error you will have between the way the equation predicts a circuit will work and the way it actually operates. Chalk this up as one of the reasons datasheets are so important, even the ones that describe the most basic components. Datasheets will characterize the components, describing these error sources.

Most texts call these effects error sources since they are what makes the difference between a perfect or ideal component and what you actually have to work with. There are other types of error sources in every component, and we will discuss a few of them later on, but those pesky R, L, and C in some combination or another are pretty much everywhere. (I hope the reason for drilling the basics of these components is becoming more and more clear. It is appropriate to experience an “Aha!” moment right now and say to yourself, “Now I see why I need to know those basic parts by heart!”)

The most general guideline to follow when you are looking for error sources is to ask yourself the following: Is this error source enough to account for the effect I am seeing?” Let’s consider a diode as an example for a moment. A diode has a bit of capacitance when it is reverse-biased, typically in the picofarad range.

Consider the circuit shown in Figure 4.28 on the next page. If you hook your scope lead to the output, and flip the switch, you see what’s shown in Figure 4.29. Since there is capacitance in this diode, an RC curve is what you would expect to see in a situation like this, but is it really due to the error source in this diode or is it caused by something else?

Figure 4.28 Circuit to examine.
Figure 4.29 RC curve seen on your scope.

Here is where the datasheet comes in; looking at the specs on the diode you are using, you find out that this capacitance is typically 100 pf. Plug that into the equation for the response time of an RC circuit:

τ=RC Eq. 4.4

image Eq. 4.4

The number that pops out is 10 μS. Taking a look at the scope again, you now pay attention to the time it takes for this curve to get to about 63%, remembering that is about how far this curve gets in one time constant, or tau. Being such an astute scope operator, you use the cursors on your tool and you measure a time of about 1 second for the signal to get a little over halfway to its final value. “That doesn’t make sense,” you should be saying to yourself, “If the diode is responsible, it would have to be much faster.”

The moral of the story is to expect every component to have some amount of the basic three, but understand the magnitude so you can decide if it is causing the effect you are seeing.

Error Sources, Ideal vs. Real

In any circuit you design, there will be sources of error—things that simply aren’t perfect, sensors that are off a little, parts that aren’t quite to spec, or any myriad of problems.

What do you do about it? Nothing, if the error source isn’t causing you any problems. For example, a leaky cap might not really matter if you have plenty of power available. However, if the circuit is running on batteries you could have a problem on your hands. First and most important, determine whether the source of error is an issue or not before you go about trying to solve it.

Once you figure you have a problem on your hands with a particular source of error, there are three ways to deal with it:

1. Get a better component. It’s tough to plug the hole in a leaky cap;22 it isn’t like the boy at the dike—you can’t put your finger in the hole and stop the leak. Sometimes your only choice is another component. In this case you might specify a tantalum cap instead of an electrolytic. Consider, however, that often the better component costs more, so spend wisely, not indiscriminately. Do note, however, that this is usually the quickest way to solve the problem since the design doesn’t have to change.

2. Shore up the weak component with another component. For example, the frequency response problems with electrolytic caps can be dealt with by adding another cap in parallel, a smaller one that has no problems with higher frequencies. (You might have noticed regulator reference designs do just that to assure a stable output. Now you know why.)

3. Design the error out. This approach will take the most engineering effort, since the goal is to change the design so that the error is no longer significant. The proverbial op-amp is an example of this type of effort.23

Now that we know how to deal with the problem, let’s look at some common parts and typical sources of error. This will be an overview based on personal experience. It is no substitute for curing insomnia with a good datasheet.


I would have to say that resistors are the most stable and predictable of the three basic components. Carbon film resistors have very little inductance or capacitance. It is rare that you will have a problem with this unless you are dealing with radio frequencies and high clock speeds. In most cases the effect of the PCB design will be worse than the resistor itself.

The biggest issue with these common resistors will likely be heat. Exceeding or coming close to the wattage rating of these parts will make them vary significantly from their nominal value, so it is a good idea to give yourself plenty of headroom with these resistors.

Another common resistor typically used in higher-power applications is a wire-wound coil with a ceramic block molded around it. In this case inductance can be a significant effect since there is a coil of wire and, as we know, coils of wire make inductors. There is a whole industry of low-inductance power resistors that you can get to work around this problem.


In my personal experience, I have never seen a cap that even comes close to being perfect. A perfect cap would not heat up, but in fact they do. The natural conclusion you should come to is that capacitors have some type of resistive component. In fact they do, and it is called ESR, or equivalent series resistance.

According to the equations, a 10-μf cap should have nearly the same impedance at 100 K Hz as a 0.1 μf cap does, but alas this is not the case. That is why you often see a large cap with a small cap next to it on a power-supply circuit. Nearly all caps vary capacitance over a frequency range.

Big electrolytic caps often “leak” like a sieve. There is no particularly easy way to deal with that. You have to live with it or get a better part. Believe me, if you are trying to make a really low-power circuit, the last thing you want is a cap spilling electrons all over the place.

One other thing I had to learn the hard way is that a cap only meets the rated capacitance when at the rated voltage. Sometimes overrating the voltage on the cap too much can leave you with a different capacitance than you expect.

Polarized capacitors will act like a diode if you don’t bias them according to their markings. Many caps will vary 20% over their temperature range; you might not want them next to a power resistor on your PCB.

The moral of the cap story: You need to peruse capacitor datasheets carefully when you are picking them for a particular application.


Since these are most often coils of wire, you might imagine that resistance is one of the most common sources of error in an inductor, and you’d be right. Resistance is a major source of error in inductors. This usually causes heat and power usage that you might or may not want. Minimizing the current flow through the inductor makes the resistance less of an effect and is something you might be able to do at the design stage.

Many inductors are warped around some type of ferrous core. An effect called core saturation occurs when the magnetic field exceeds the amount the core can handle.

There are some capacitive effects between the coils of wire, but they are so small that we will ignore them in this text. If you are cranking out the gigahertz needed to make this important, you are probably reading a book about this stuff written by someone much smarter than I am.


One of the things that every diode, and every semiconductor based on the diode, has in it is a voltage drop. For example, if your transistor amplifier doesn’t see a base voltage over 0.7 V, you won’t get it to work.

Rail-to-rail op-amps are more expensive than their predecessors because they employ circuitry that eliminates these voltage drops so that outputs and inputs can get to their power rails.

In the datasheet of these parts, you should look for output impedances and capacitive effects. Inductive effects are generally small and insignificant in semiconductors.

Heat can also cause error in semiconductors. It generally affects the internal resistance and can cause avalanche24 failures. It also seems to me that the most often overlooked part of the design is heat dissipation. The same engineers that can easily calculate the wattage needed for that specific resistor value will overlook the amount of heat dissipation in a semiconductor. Take the current though the part times the voltage drop across it and you will see how much power is being dissipated.

The world of semiconductors is so widely varied that there is no way this overview can be anywhere near comprehensive. I have to sound like a broken record (or should I say scratched CD?) and tell you to refer to the datasheet.

Voltage Sources

What would cause a voltage source not to maintain the voltage output? Let me give you a hint: When put under load, a voltage source will heat up. So what creates heat? You got it: resistance. A voltage source has an internal resistance. A battery is a good example—see Figure 4.30.

Figure 4.30 The Dura-gizer; now that is one tough battery!

As current is applied to the load, the voltage drop occurs across this internal resistance, just like the voltage divider rule says it will. This resistor inside heats up just like one on the outside does, making the voltage source warm. If the source doesn’t compensate for it, you will see less voltage at the output.

When Parts Aren’t Perfect Conclusion

Parts simply aren’t perfect. I have seen motor bearings wear out prematurely due to capacitive effects and have seen caps overheat and pop their tops. Truly the best thing to do is keep looking at the datasheet. Parts engineers do their best to characterize the deficiencies of the part and put it in the datasheet for you.

Thumb Rules

• Always ask, is the error source in this component enough to cause the effect I am seeing?

• If the source of error isn’t large enough to be an issue, forget about it and move on.

• When fixing errors, get a better part, shore it up, or design it out.

• Caps vary with frequency.

• Inductors have internal resistance.

• Semiconductors have voltage drops and heat issues.

• Voltage sources have internal impedance.

• You can’t study the datasheet too much.

Robust design

Most engineers want to over-design, give themselves plenty of headroom, and use parts that are double or triple the spec they need. Usually the manager is there, saying, “It needs to cost less or it won’t sell” or “Do you really, really need that part?” To be honest, the answer lies somewhere between these extremes.

Can You Tolerate It?

Let’s start with a completely general off-the-wall statement that you might hear from someone with a sharpened, somewhat devilish hairdo. “A robust design handles two things well: the inside world and the outside world.” A look of consternation scrambles across your forehead. “What in the world does that mean?” you ask yourself. Let me proceed to enlighten you on this bit of pointy-speak.

The inside world is all the parts that make up the design. In any production process, these parts will vary in specification. The question to ask is, will the circuit operate correctly over the tolerance ranges of the parts? If the answer is yes, the design is robust internally. The inside world is good to go. Don’t assume, however, that only electronic components have tolerances. This point is best taught by example. In a design I worked on some time ago, we were using an optic sensor to detect the motion of a belt. We correctly analyzed the tolerance of the opto, but as we began testing on a pilot run we discovered that the belt we were using varied in opacity. If the optic sensor was at the high end of its tolerance and the belt was at its most transparent, the signal from the sensor wouldn’t get high enough to guarantee that the logic input would read it correctly.

In a production run, a problem like this would appear as a random failure. This type of failure is known as a tolerance stack-up. It occurs when the stack-up (the additive effect of the variations) of two or more components combine to create a failure. It is more difficult to analyze than a single component tolerance issue. Probably the best way to preempt this type of failure is with the help of simulators. Take caution, though: Make sure that your simulation accurately represents the design with nominal perfect components before you start running tolerance analysis on it. (See the section on simulators for more suggestions.) The great thing about a simulator, though, is the ability to vary all the components over their tolerances and see the effects without building a whole bunch of parts. You can then adjust your design and component specs to increase the robustness of the product as far as the inside world is concerned.

Now the outside world is a different animal. A good design can handle the things the outside world throws at it. In the electronic realm all sorts of interference can disrupt your design. I once read an article that described something called a rusty file test. After the engineer was done with the part, he would plug it into the wall and plug in a home-built test fixture next to it. It consisted of a wire from neutral connected to a file. The hot wire had a bare end that he would proceed to rub up and down the rusty old file, sparks flying everywhere.25 If the circuit passed this test without a hitch, he figured it was good to go. This is known as EMI, or electromagnetic interference. It really is a whole topic unto itself, so I have dedicated a chapter to it. Skip ahead to it if you can’t handle the suspense!

Don’t limit your focus on the outside world to electrical interference. There are many cases where other things can cause a problem. Vibration, for example, can cause traces on a PCB to crack and solder joints to become faulty. Increased humidity can swell a cheap PCB, causing mechanical deformation and cracked connections. It can also combine with debris to create electrical shorts on circuits that you don’t want shorted. Temperature can be particularly tough on electrical components. You should review the temperature range your circuit will be subject to and compare that to the specs in the datasheet. Don’t forget to include the operating temps of the device you are using in this analysis. For example, power components usually get pretty warm just operating. Toss them into a 70-degree ambient and you could easily push them over the max temperature spec.

How do you go about making your design robust externally? There are several approaches to take:

• The most important, in my opinion, is doing everything you can in the fundamental design to get it to handle the environment it is in. Often a few changes to the PCB layout itself can make a circuit handle EMI better than putting all the shielding around you can fit. Larger traces can combat mechanical deformation, and a few well-placed holes can help manage temperatures.

• Reading, reading, and rereading the datasheet for the component you are using is probably the next most important thing you can do. The more you know about the parts you are using, the better you will recognize things that might upset your design.

• The third and most extensive effort that will help you is to test, check, test, and retest the design. You need to recreate the environments that it will be subject to and see what happens.

Now, to top it off, you can have a situation where the problem is a combination of the tolerance of the internal design and the environmental effects it is subject to. These situations are nearly impossible to predict and are often simply discovered in the course of business. There is only one thing you can do about that: Figure out what is needed to prevent it, make the change, and document it for future use on similar designs.

I recommend that every engineer and engineering group keep a document of design guidelines26 where you write down those rules of thumb that you discover along the way. Don’t just write it down, but read it regularly to keep those things you have learned fresh as you do each new design. This alone can be a powerful tool. Some years back I took over an engineering group. When I first started managing it, it seemed like we were always being called to the production line for some weird problem or another. We spent more time chasing problems than engineering new products.

We began a focus on robust design principles, and one of the first things I implemented was the design guideline documents. Every time we found a new design rule to follow, we wrote it down and referred to it regularly so that it would be implemented with each new design.

Over about a three-year period, those urgent calls to production began to drop off. We went from spending over 50% of our time in production support to spending less than 10%. A couple years after that, we were spending less than 1% of our time dealing with production problems. Considering that we were moving tens of thousands of products out per day, it was a great achievement. Months would go by without a call, where before we got calls every day. When problems did occur you could nearly always trace back to a guideline that we had written down and simply neglected to follow. The hard part became referring back to those documents each time we created a new design. That being the case, I suggest you try not to let your guidelines get too large. The bigger these documents, the less likely you are to read through them. So try to keep them to a few pages, since they will have a tendency to grow a lot.

In an effort to quantify what the outside world can do, many standards have been written. They are some great yawners (meaning they will knock you out in about 5 minutes of reading); however, they can give you some real insight into what your design will be subject to from the outside in. I’m referring to documents like IEEE 62.41, which describes the world of EMI, or UL 991, which describes how to make a control safe. The list goes on and on. Do a little research into what you are working on and see if someone has written something about it. If your boss doesn’t understand the need for time to do this, show him this paragraph:

Boss, it might seem like nothing is getting done when the engineer is sitting there reading, but trust me, this effort can save you millions in production downtime, so give your engineer a chance to succeed and you will not regret it. Engineer, this doesn’t mean that you should just read and never design anything; I would limit this research to about a 10 to 20% ratio of design vs. research; double it if you are doing something you have never done before.

Reading these documents works particularly well if you are tossing and turning all night as you try to figure out what is wrong with your design. I would keep them by the side of my bed. That way I could learn some more for a few minutes and also get some sleep. They not only help with the design, they are a great cure for insomnia!

Learn to Adapt

Have you ever finished a product design after which some change was required that you desperately wished you had been told about at the beginning? Have you ever said, “If you had just told me sooner, this feature would have cost half as much to add on now”? You might even have had your boss say, “Why didn’t you do what I told you to do?” (when you did exactly what he or she wanted). I’ll let you in on a secret: Most of your pointy-haired bosses don’t want you to fail. They just want to ship a killer product so their bonus will be bigger.

They don’t tell you sooner because they don’t know sooner. They try to guess what the customers want and give it to them. In his mind your boss didn’t say, “Do such and such a product; he said, “Make this product successful.” As companies chase the market around, new products are developed, changed, and changed again. I call this Management Always chasing the Market Around, or MAMA for short. (There is nothing like an acronym if you want a point to be remembered. I predict that some day in the far future acronyms will be the prime method of communication due to their efficiency!) Now, because of MAMA, many engineers experience consternation when their product definition changes.

In the world of consumer products, this is bound to happen often. When I took over the engineering group in the first company I worked for, this particular frustration was often felt. As I worked with the various designers in the company, I found that it was possible to anticipate these changes and prepare for them. When you get good at this, you can respond to changes easily and quickly, and you can also develop a number of derivative products quickly and inexpensively.

Modular Design

One of the most important things that you need to do to anticipate change is to modularize your designs. Here, hardware designers can take note from their counterparts in software design. Good software engineers build blocks of code that can be used and reused again and again. However, I often see hardware designers start with a clean sheet for every new design.

To make your modular design work for you, you must evaluate the products you are designing. Are there any components that are commonly removed and installed on various designs? What parts are common to all or most of your products? Sit down and draw lots of block diagrams and ask yourself, “Is this a part that needs to be easy to take on and off?” If it is, it might be a candidate for a separate PCB or a section of the PCB all to itself. In a line of stereo products, for example, you keep the tuner section separate from the pre-amp and so on. (On a side note, this often improves the robustness of a design as well.)

A great advantage of this modular approach is the way it can accelerate the development process by using separate engineers on the various modules. It also allows you to upgrade or improve parts of the design without redoing the whole thing. Most important in my world and best of all, it makes it easy to change a feature when your boss decides he really didn’t want that there on this particular model.

One word of warning, however: You need to be careful what parts you choose to modularize. Too many modules can add up to extra cost in every product you ship. Make sure your choices make sense.

Anticipate Changes

Try to get involved in the creation process so that you can see various phases of evolution the product design has gone through. Often, changes that are made will be back or forth on this evolutionary path. Keep asking yourself, “Where else could this be used? How would I change it to work there?”

Look for places where a part seems to be missing. For example, say that you are asked to make a PCB with a row of LEDs that look like Figure 4.31. Say “Great, no problem,” and then create a PCB with this row of LEDs, as shown in Figure 4.32, and simply do not install the missing one for now.

Figure 4.31 Row of LEDs management wants.
Figure 4.32 Row of LEDs you actually put in.

Don’t hesitate to tell your coworkers or boss what you are doing. They can be a great asset in anticipating changes they might come up with later. The bottom line is that it takes a tremendous amount of work to redesign every product every time, but if you can develop effective modules and anticipate changes when you are engineering the product, you can bring things to market faster and cheaper than anyone else. A nice benefit of this type of anticipative design is that when you are asked to develop a similar product, you have all the pieces in place. You simply add or subtract the required feature and are done with it. Finally, best of all, MAMA will not drive you berserk!

One Last Word of Caution

It is possible to go too far with this philosophy. Don’t try to make your design so universal that it comes at the expense of getting the product to market or adds so much cost for all the options that it is no longer viable. Remember, there is also a chance you will never use the option you built in, so choose wisely, young Jedi.27

Thumb Rules

• Read the datasheet.

• Consider tolerances.

• Know the environment.

• Test, check, and retest.

• Make your own list of Thumb Rules or design guidelines.

• Do research on standards or guidelines that exist for your product.

• MAMA can be frustrating.

• Modularize the design.

• Anticipate changes.

• Don’t go too far.

Some of My Favorite Circuits

Every engineer has their favorite batch of circuits, and I’m no exception. There are tons of circuit cookbooks out there that show how to implement no end of cool features. There are so many that you could spend all your time searching them and never getting anything done. I suggest you develop your own favorite basic circuits that you know well and intuitively understand. This is simply an extension of the Lego philosophy that we discussed way back at the beginning of the book. Here are a few of my favorites. These are in addition to all the circuits I have used as examples up to this point. One reason they make such good examples is that they are so useful.

Hybrid Darlington Pair

Cool application note: using two transistors to switch a signal level Vcc PNP switched by NPN.

Figure 4.33 shows a handy circuit that switches a higher-level voltage with a lower-level one. Say, for example, you have a micro with a 5 V output and you need to drive a 12 V load. For a reason you can’t change, you have to switch the Vcc leg. In this circuit you turn on one transistor with a 5 V signal, which in turn activates the other transistor, switching the higher voltage to the load.

Figure 4.33 Vcc PNP switched by NPN.

This works because the transistors are current driven; when you shut off the current flow to the PNP transistor, it shuts off regardless of the voltage. Another plus is that this circuit has Darlington-like properties without one of the downsides. You won’t need a lot of current to the input to switch the output and, unlike a traditional Darlington pair, the voltage drop across the output is much smaller. You don’t have two series base junctions to contend with at the output. If you still don’t follow, try a little ISA28 on it.

DC Level Shifter

This is really the high-pass filter that we have already studied but with a slight twist, as shown in Figure 4.34. Instead of ground, we hook the resistor to a reference voltage. Since DC has a frequency of zero, only the AC component will pass and in the process a DC bias will be applied to the signal. Make sure that you don’t size the cap and resistor so that the signal you want is attenuated.

Figure 4.34 Change the DC bias on an AC signal.

Virtual Ground

Using the voltage divider as a reference, the op-amp becomes a voltage source with the output matching the voltage at the divider—see Figure 4.35. This can be very useful when you are trying to handle AC signals with only a single-ended supply circuit.

Figure 4.35 Create a “ground” at any level you want.

Voltage Follower

As Figure 4.36 shows, this one is mighty useful when you’re trying to measure a signal that is easily affected by load. Vi=Vo, but, best of all, Vi isn’t loaded at all, thanks to the buffering effect of the op-amp.

Figure 4.36 Voltage follower.

AC-Only Amplifier

Figure 4.37 shows another great circuit that works nicely in amplifying AC signals with a single-ended supply. It also has the benefit of not amplifying any DC signal components, keeping things like DC offsets from making your signal rail. This happens because of the cap in the feedback circuit. Since the cap only passes AC current, DC signals see that point as disconnected. When the resistor to ground is disconnected, the op-amp acts like the voltage follower in the previous circuit.

Figure 4.37 AC-only amplifier.

Inverter Oscillator

I saw this in the back of a data book years ago; I think it was a Motorola logic data book. This was way back before the Internet. You used to have to turn actual pages to find this stuff! The way it works is based on the fact that the Schmidt trigger inverter has hysteresis built into the input (Figure 4.38). This makes the output stick at a high or low level till the cap on the input charges to the threshold voltage that trips the inverter. Output flips and everything goes in the other direction, repeating indefinitely. Adding some diodes to the charge and discharge path can affect the duty cycle of the output.

Figure 4.38 Schmidt trigger oscillator.

Constant Current Source

Using negative feedback, the op-amp tries to maintain the voltage drop across R input. Even if the resistance of the load changes, the drop across R input stays the same. According to Ohm’s Law, keeping R and V the same will keep current the same, too—see Figure 4.39 on next page. Remember, though, this current control has operational limits; it can only swing the output voltage so far to compensate for load variance. Once these limits are reached, the current regulation can no longer exist.

Figure 4.39 Voltage-controlled constant current source.

Get Your Own—here are a Few

I have just a few favorite circuit concepts. Get your own and know them well. You will be better served knowing a few circuit concepts inside-out than knowing thousands superficially.

Following this advice, several readers of the first edition sent in some of their favorite circuits. Without further ado, they are presented next.

Steve Petersen sent in the circuit shown in Figure 4.40, saying something about being fun for parties and the potential to add a delay circuit to really surprise someone29 when they picked up whatever interesting device the circuit was embedded in.

Figure 4.40 toy shocker circuit.

Travis Hayes sent in the diagram of a slick little circuit, as shown in Figure 4.41, that uses the inverter oscillator from my list to drive a voltage doubler circuit. He said it was a pretty slick and inexpensive way to get a higher voltage for an LCD he was using. I’d have to agree!

Figure 4.41 Inverter-driven voltage doubler.

Alan Tyger just might be as big a fan of op-amps as I am; he sent in the circuit diagram shown in Figure 4.42 on the next page; it uses just such a device to store a piece of information.

Figure 4.42 Flip-flop memory op-amp.

Michael Covington30 sent in the cool circuit shown in Figure 4.43 on the next page; it combines the fun of remote controls with a laser pointer. The 555 acts as a memory cell (not unlike Alan’s circuit), but this one has the added bonus that you use a laser to control it. How cool is that! I don’t know any engineer who doesn’t like lasers, and I’m pretty sure they all have to control the remote when they are home watching TV.

Figure 4.43 Laser light switch.

Mike Angeli sent in this cool circuit in Figure 4.44. He said he used it to position a load using a potentiometer feedback (thus the high impedance requirement).

Figure 4.44 High-impedance window comparator.

Sam Nay sent in the circuit shown in Figure 4.45, saying he was always fascinated by the ability to transmit data without wires. I’ll bet he hooks up the laser-controlled switch that we saw just moment ago. Also, I happen to know of a secret circuit that I am not at liberty to disclose that uses a variation of optical circuits not that different from this one to take biometric readings. Bet you wish I could show you that one, don’t you!?

Figure 4.45 Optical signal transmission.

Finally, Mourly Thov sent in the circuit shown in Figure 4.46. He said he just thought it was a slick way to change the DC voltage (and have some power capacity, which could be an issue with the one Travis sent in), so if you find yourself in need of a different voltage that can move some current, try an idea like this one.

Figure 4.46 Isolated DC-DC converter.

On a final note, I have to say that from my communication with these engineers, I think they all fall in the RSP31 category. Then again, maybe that is just because they emailed me and really liked the first edition of this book. Either way, I thank them for their submissions and completely absolve myself from any responsibility for these circuits actually working. I hope they bring you luck and help you to fill up a notebook with your favorite circuits.

Thumb Rules

• Keep your own cookbook of cool circuits.

• Learn them well.

1Okay, so depending on the finger you pick for your personal example, you will either laugh or be offended. Either way, you don’t want to let anyone see you give yourself the “digit” as you read this book in your cubicle. So I suggest the use of your index finger in this example.

2I haven’t met an engineer yet who doesn’t like the idea of more power. Problem is, the need to meet the design specs (i.e., cost, design spec, weird management ideas, and so on) typically limits us in terms of the power that’s available.

3If you like to immerse yourself in fascinating historical Internet research, I suggest you wiki or Google the name Claude Shannon. Shannon was considered the father of making circuits handle digital Boolean logic; his is an interesting story. Make sure you dig into his exploits in Vegas using information theory to take the house for a mint.

4That makes me think a bit. Is it human nature to prefer instantaneous signal references to be displayed in analog format whereas cumulative information is preferred in a digital format? Maybe some bright student out there will make this a thesis project so I don’t have to think so hard about it. If you do, make sure you send me a copy; I’d love to know the results!

5This quote is from a good friend of mine by the name of Michael Angeli. I’ve always liked his writing style; maybe someday I can get him to collaborate on something with me.

6Remember that the specific voltage output of the comparator isn’t important. At this point in the circuit you only care about the “state” of the signal. Is it high or low, 1 or 0, true or false? You get only those two options in a digital signal.

7It is important to note that you do not know to which value the actual signal is closer. You simply need to pick one. It really is an arbitrary decision and is fundamental to digital proc-essing. This is the reason that resolution is so important. It narrows the gap and thus the lack of exact knowledge of the signal.

8More and more often these different types of DAC and ADC circuits are built into whatever part you are using. You might process a command that says, “Get me a sample of that signal.” However, it is important to have an idea of what is going on in these parts if you want to be able to figure out why it isn’t working the way you expected it to.

9My father was fond of this saying, so as a boy I spent more than a little bit of time looking at a stamp on edge and wondering just what you could fit there…

10Note that you can get a fairly close idea of this with a simple ohmmeter turning the armature very, very slowly. (Too fast and the voltage generated will mess up the reading.) To be more precise, you need to take the resistance of the brushes and the way they contact the armature into account, a discussion that we will save for another book.

11You could also have a spring-type component, as we discussed way back in the beginning of the book, but it is pretty rare to find that in a DC PM motor.

12DC Motors Speed Controls and Servo Systems. I like to call it the “pink motor book” due to an interesting choice of color for the cover. I highly recommend it for anyone who is working with DC motors.

13I find it very easy to ignore such thoughts when I am playing Nintendo (or Xbox 360). In fact, back in my college days, I had to redo an entire quarter of school due to a severe Nintendo addiction (except for one class that I passed due to a very persuasive paper on said topic). But we’ll save that story for some other time.

14Can you use the word reams when referring to the Internet? After all, it isn’t really on paper, is it?

15I have found that letting the magic smoke out of a component can be very entertaining. But once the magic smoke is gone, those parts just aren’t the same anymore.

16You can flip-flop the magnets and the windings. You might see a motor with the magnets on the outside and the windings in the center. The windings are still stationary and the magnets still move. The RC world calls them outrunners.

17Somewhere between an AC motor and a brushless DC PM motor lies the switched reluctance design. It is rare enough that the reader is left to his or her own resources to find out how this unique design works.

18By now this phrase should feel natural and intuitive. If it doesn’t, go back and study an inductor and how it relates to current till this concept makes sense.

19Man, did their argument get heated! To the point of electrocuting cats, that is. I won’t get into details but point the reader to a great biography of Tesla, called Man Out of Time.

20Zener, zener, zener, man that is a fun word to say! Way more fun to say than a word like coulomb or Schottky.

21I know, only real nerdy engineers would think an IC could have cute packaging, but I have never denied my nerdhood.

22A very common source of error in a capacitor is a DC current flow. Remember, the ideal cap will block all DC signals. You can think of it as a large resistor in parallel with a perfect cap. It is common enough to have acquired its own slang term: If this leaky, because DC current seems to leak through it.

23The whole point of the op-amp was to eliminate error sources in designing transistor amplifiers. It was a pretty cool idea, but it did take some real work!

24Like an avalanche, when it starts to fail all hell breaks loose, usually resulting in an interesting smell.

25It was written by Ron Mancini in EDN, but I have to say: Do not try this test at home. There are much safer ways than the procedure described; I mention this test because it creates a vivid picture of the junk out there that is trying to mess up your circuit

26I like to call them gauntlets. If the design can run the gauntlet of passing guidelines and tests, that is when I deem it good enough.

27Do Jedi mind tricks work in the cooperate world? I think so. Now, that is a cool idea for a book. Email and let me know if you would buy it. If I get enough responses I definitely will explore that idea!

28Intuitive signal analysis (ISA). I still hope to someday cement my legacy in an acronym.

29I hereby claim no responsibility whatsoever for anyone out there hurting themselves using a design they found in this book when I took the effort in this footnote to say Don’t try this at home. We book writers are professionals and know how to do a practical joke without really hurting anyone, at least not too badly!

30This circuit was published in the “Q&A” column of Electronics Now some time in the late 1990s when I was writing that column for the magazine. The publisher has given permission to republish it elsewhere.

31Look it up in the index at the back of this book. I’ll bet you know some RSPs too!

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