About the Author

Darren Coy Ashby is a self-described “techno geek with pointy hair.” He considers himself a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. He figures his common sense came from his dad and his book sense from his mother. Raised on a farm and graduated from Utah State University seemingly ages ago, Darren has nearly 20 years of experience in the real world as a technician, an engineer, and a manager. He has worked in diverse areas of compliance; production; testing; and, his personal favorite, R&D.

He jumped at a chance some years back to teach a couple of semesters at his alma mater. For about two years, he wrote regularly for the online magazine Chipcenter.com. Darren is currently the director of electronics R&D at a billion-dollar consumer products company. His passions are boats, snowmobiles, motorcycles, and pretty much anything with a motor. When not at his day job, he spends most of his time with his family and a promising R&D consulting/manufacturing firm he started a couple of years ago.

Darren lives with his beautiful wife, four strapping boys, and cute little daughter next to the mountains in Richmond, Utah. You can email him with comments, complaints, and general ruminations at [email protected].

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