

With gratitude to all who helped me bring this book to you:

• Steve Krug for writing the Foreword
• Elaine Brofford for finding many of the wonderful examples in the book
• Carol Barnum, Tom Brinck, Caroline Jarrett, Jeff Johnson, Steve Krug, Gina Pearson, and Whitney Quesenbery for reviewing drafts and offering excellent suggestions
• Ronnie Lipton for reading a late draft and helping me to let go of some of my words
• Tom Brinck for the great quote in Chapter 13 and for sharing several other stories and examples
• Catherine Courage and her colleagues at Salesforce.com for intranet screens
• Caroline Jarrett, Whitney Quesenbery, and Ian Roddis for sharing stories and screens from work on The Open University’s web site
• Caroline Jarrett, again, for sharing the case study of CompareInterestRates.com
• Beth Mazur of AARP for arranging permission to use the personas of Matthew and Edith – and Amy Lee, formerly of AARP, for sharing the personas for a project we did together
• Jakob Nielsen for the eye-tracking pictures that you’ll find in Chapters 6 and 10
• Jared Spool for the graph from his research on ideal link length – and for other research
• Marie Tahir of Intuit for her picture of working with a persona
• Diane Cerra, Publishing Director at Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann, for believing in the book and encouraging me throughout the process
• Asma Palmeiro, Diane’s assistant, for helping in so many ways from acquiring pictures to keeping track of the files
• Suzanne Kastner and her team at Graphic World for careful copy editing and production
• Marilyn Rash and her team at Elsevier for design and production coordination
• All my clients, colleagues, and workshop participants for helping me hone my key messages so that I can share them with you clearly and concisely
• Edward (Joe) Redish for always being there for me
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