Automotive Applications of Power Electronics

David J. Perreault

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, 10-039, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA

Khurram Afridi

Techlogix, 800 West Cummings Park, 1925, Woburn, Massachusetts, USA

Iftikhar A. Khan

Delphi Automotive Systems, 2705 South Goyer Road, MS D35 Kokomo, Indiana, USA

25.1 Introduction

The modern automobile has an extensive electrical system consisting of a large number of electrical, electromechanical, and electronic loads that are central to vehicle operation, passenger safety, and comfort. Power electronics is playing an increasingly important role in automotive electrical systems –conditioning the power generated by the alternator, processing it appropriately for the vehicle electrical loads, and controlling the operation of these loads. Furthermore, power electronics is an enabling technology for a wide range of future loads with new features and functions. Such loads include electromagnetic engine valves, active suspension, controlled lighting, and electric propulsion.

This chapter discusses the application and design of power electronics in automobiles. Section 25.2 provides an overview of the architecture of the present automotive electrical power system. The next section, Section 25.3, describes the environmental factors, such as voltage ranges, EMI/EMC requirements, and temperature, which strongly influence the design of automotive power electronics. Section 25.4 discusses a number of electrical functions that are enabled by power electronics, while Section 25.5 addresses load control via multiplexed remote switching architectures that can be implemented with power electronic switching. Section 25.6 considers the application of power electronics in automotive electromechanical energy conversion, including power generation. Section 25.7 describes the potential evolution of automotive electrical systems towards high- and dual-voltage systems, and provides an overview of the likely requirements of power electronics in such systems. Finally, the application of power electronics in electric and hybrid electric vehicles is addressed in Section 25.8.

25.2 The Present Automotive Electrical Power System

Present-day automobiles can have over 200 individual electrical loads, with average power requirements in excess of 800 W. These include such functions as the headlamps, tail lamps, cabin lamps, starter, fuel pump, wiper, blower fan, fuel injector, transmission shift solenoids, horn, cigar lighter, seat heaters, engine control unit, cruise control, radio, and spark ignition. To power these loads, present day internal combustion engine (ICE) automobiles use an electrical power system similar to the one shown in Fig. 25.1. Power is generated by an engine-driven three-phase wound-field synchronous machine –a Lundell (claw-pole) alternator [1, 2]. The ac voltage of this machine is rectified and the dc output regulated to about 14 V by an electronic regulator that controls the field current of the machine. The alternator provides power to the loads and charges a 12 V lead-acid battery. The battery provides the high power needed by such loads as the starter, and supplies power when the engine is not running or when the demand for electrical power exceeds the output power of the alternator. The battery also acts as a large capacitor and smoothes out the system voltage.


FIGURE 25.1 The 12-V point-to-point automotive electrical power system.

Power is distributed to the loads via fuses and point-to-point wiring. The fuses, located in one or more fuseboxes, protect the wires against overheating and fire in the case of a short. Most of the loads are controlled directly by manually actuated mechanical switches. These primary switches are located in areas in easy reach of either the driver or the passengers, such as the dashboard, door panels, and the ceiling. Some of the heavy loads, such as the starter, are switched indirectly via electromechanical relays.

25.3 System Environment

The challenging electrical and environmental conditions found in the modern automobile have a strong impact on the design of automotive power electronic equipment. Important factors affecting the design of electronics for this application include static and transient voltage ranges, electromagnetic interference and compatibility requirements (EMI/EMC), mechanical vibration and shock, and temperature and other environmental conditions. This section briefly describes some of the factors that most strongly affect the design of power electronics for automotive applications. For more detailed guidelines on the design of electronics for automotive applications, the reader is referred to [1, 316] and the documents cited therein, from which much of the information presented here is drawn.

25.3.1 Static Voltage Ranges

In most present-day automobiles, a Lundell-type alternator provides dc electrical power with a lead-acid battery for energy storage and buffering. The nominal battery voltage is 12.6 V, which the alternator regulates to 14.2 V when the engine is on in order to maintain a high state of charge on the battery. In practice, the regulation voltage is adjusted for temperature to match the battery characteristics. For example, in [1], a 25°C regulation voltage of 14.5V is specified with a − 10 mV/°C adjustment. Under normal operating conditions, the bus voltage will be maintained in the range of 11–16V [3]. Safety-critical equipment is typically expected to be operable even under battery discharge down to 9 V, and equipment operating during starting may see a bus voltage as low as 4.5–6 V under certain conditions.

In addition to the normal operating voltage range, a wider range of conditions is sometimes considered in the design of automotive electronics [3]. One possible condition is reverse-polarity battery installation, resulting in a bus voltage of approximately –12 V Another static overvoltage condition can occur during jump starting from a 24-V system such as on a tow truck. Other static overvoltage conditions can occur due to failure of the alternator voltage regulator. This can result in a bus voltage as high as 18 V, followed by battery electrolyte boil-off and a subsequent unregulated bus voltage as high as 130 V Typically, it is not practical to design the electronics for operation under such an extreme fault condition, but it should be noted that such conditions can occur. Table 25.1 summarizes the range of static voltages that can be expected in the automotive electrical system.

TABLE 25.1 Static voltage range for the automotive electrical system [3]

Static voltage condition Voltage
Nominal voltage with engine on 14.2V
Nominal voltage with engine off 12.6V
Maximum normal operating voltage 16V
Minimum normal operating voltage 9V
Minimum voltage during starting 4.5 V
Jump start voltage 24 V
Reverse battery voltage − 12V
Maximum voltage with alternator regulator failure followed by battery failure 130V

25.3.2 Transients and Electromagnetic Immunity

Power electronic circuits designed for automotive applications must exhibit electromagnetic compatibility, i.e. the conducted and radiated emissions generated by the circuit must not interfere with other equipment on board the vehicle, and the circuit must exhibit immunity to radiated and conducted disturbances. The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has laid out standards and recommended practices for the electromagnetic compatibility of automotive electronics in a set of technical reports [4]. These reports are listed in Table 25.2. Here we will focus on two of the basic requirements of automotive power electronics: immunity to power lead transients and limitation of conducted emissions.

TABLE 25.2 SAE J1113 electromagnetic compatibility technical reports

SAE specification Type Description
SAE J1113/1 Standard Electromagnetic compatability measurement procedures and limits, 60 Hz–18 GHz
SAE J1113/2 Standard Conducted immunity, 30 Hz–250 kHz
SAE J1113/3 Standard Conducted immunity, direct injection of RF power, 250 kHz-500 MHz
SAE J1113/4 Standard Conducted immunity, bulk current injection method
SAE J1113/11 Standard Conducted immunity to power lead transients
SAE J1113/12 Recommended practice Electrical interference by conduction and coupling –coupling clamp
SAE J1113/13 Recommended practice Immunity to electrostatic discharge
SAE J1113/21 Information report Electrical disturbances by narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy –component test methods
SAE J1113/22 Standard Immunity to radiated magnetic fields from power lines
SAE J1113/23 Recommended practice Immunity to radiated electromagnetic fields, 10 kHz–200 MHz, strip line method
SAE J1113/24 Immunity to radiated electromagnetic fields, 10 kHz–200 MHz, TEM cell method
SAE J1113/25 Standard Immunity to radiated electromagnetic fields, 10 kHz–500 MHz, tri-plate line method
SAE J1113/26 Recommended practice Immunity to ac power line electric fields
SAE J1113/27 Recommended practice Immunity to radiated electromagnetic fields, reverberation method
SAE J1113/41 Standard Radiated and conducted emissions, 150 kHz-1000 MHz
SAE J1113/42 Standard Conducted transient emissions

A major consideration in the design of an automotive power electronic system is its immunity to the transients that can appear on its power leads. A number of transient sources exist in the vehicle [5] and procedures for validating immunity to these transients have been established in documents such as SAE J1113/11 [4, 6] and DIN 40389 [1]. Table 25.3 illustrates the transient test pulses specified in SAE J1113/11. Each test pulse corresponds to a different type of transient. The vehicle manufacturer determines which test pulses apply to a specific device.

TABLE 25.3 Transient pulse waveforms specified in SAE J1113/11


Transients occur when inductive loads such as solenoids, motors, and clutches are turned on and off. The transients can be especially severe when the bus is disconnected from the battery, as is the case for the accessory loads when the ignition is switched off. Test pulse 1 in Table 25.3 simulates the transient generated when an inductive load is disconnected from the battery and the device under test remains in parallel with it. When the inductive load is a dc motor, it may briefly act as a generator after disconnection. This transient is simulated by test pulse 2b. Test pulse 2a models the transient when current in an inductive element in series with the device under test is interrupted. Test pulses 3a and 3b model switching spikes that appear on the bus during normal operation. Test pulse 4 models the voltage transient that occurs on starting.

Perhaps the best-known electrical disturbance is the so-called load dump transient that occurs when the alternator load current drops sharply and the battery is unable to properly buffer the change. This can occur when the battery becomes disconnected while drawing a large amount of current. To understand why a major transient can occur under this situation, consider that the Lundell-alternator has a very large leakage reactance. The high commutating reactance interacting with the diode rectifier results in a high degree of load regulation, necessitating the use of a large back emf to source rated current at high speed [7]. Back voltages as high as 120 V may be needed to generate rated current into a 14 V output at top speed. Analytical modeling of such systems is addressed in [8]. Two effects occur when the load on the alternator suddenly steps down. First, as the machine current drops, the energy in the alternator leakage reactances is immediately delivered to the alternator output, causing a voltage spike. The peak voltage reached depends on the electrical system impedance, and may be limited by suppression devices. Second, once the alternator current is reduced, the voltage drops across the leakage (com-mutating) reactances are reduced, and a much larger fraction of the machine back-emf is impressed across the dc output. The proper output voltage is only re-established as the voltage regulator reduces the field current appropriately. With conventional regulator circuits, this takes place on the time scale of the field winding time constant (typically 100 ms), and results in a major transient event. In systems without centralized protection, a load dump can generate a transient with a peak voltage in excess of 100 V lasting hundreds of milliseconds. Test pulse 5 in Table 25.3 (expressed as a current waveform in parallel with an output resistance) is designed to simulate such a load-dump transient; other load-dump tests are even more severe [1, 3].

25.3.3 Electromagnetic Interference

Strict limits also exist for the amount of electromagnetic interference (EMI) that an automotive electronic component can generate. Limits for both conducted and radiated emissions are specified in SAE standards J1113/41 and J1113/42 [4, 9, 10]. Here we will consider the conducted EMI specifications for power leads, since they directly impact the design of EMI filters for automotive power electronics. Meeting the conducted specifications is a major step towards achieving overall compliance.

The conducted EMI specifications in SAE J1113/41 limit the ripple that an electronic circuit can inject onto the voltage bus over the frequency range from 150 KHz to 108 MHz. The amount of ripple injected by a circuit usually depends on the bus impedance. To eliminate any variability due to this, EMI compliance testing is done using a line impedance stabilization network (LISN) between the bus and the device under test, as illustrated in Fig. 25.2. The LISN is also sometimes referred to as an artificial mains network (AN). Essentially, the LISN ensures that the equipment under test receives the proper dc voltage and current levels and also sees a controlled impedance for the ripple frequencies of interest. Figure 25.3 shows the magnitude of the LISN output impedance for a low-impedance input source; the effective impedance is 50 Ω over most of the frequency range of interest. The 50-Ω termination impedance of the LISN is typically provided by the measurement equipment. The EMI specifications are stated in terms of the allowable voltage ripple (in dB μV) appearing across the 50-Ω LISN resistance as a function of frequency.


FIGURE 25.2 Conducted EMI test set up with LISN. LLISN = 5 μH, CLISN = 0.1 μ-F, and RLISN = 50 Ω.


FIGURE 25.3 The LISN output impedance magnitude for a low impedance input source.

There are a wide range of other technical considerations for EMI testing, including the arrangement of the equipment over a ground plane and the types and settings of the measuring devices. One characteristic to consider is that the EMI measurements are done across frequency with a spectrum analyzer having a prespecified receiver bandwidth (RBW). For frequencies between 150 kHz and 30 MHz, the receiver bandwidth is 9 kHz, resulting in spectral components within 9 kHz of one another being lumped together for purposes of the test. A full test procedure is defined in the SAE specifications, beginning with narrowband measurements and moving to wideband measurements if necessary. Figure 25.4 illustrates the narrowband conducted EMI limits for power leads in SAE 11113/41. It is interesting to note that for the commonly used Class 5 limits, the allowable ripple current into the LISN at 150 kHz is less than 100 μA!


FIGURE 25.4 SAE J1113/41 narrowband conducted EMI limits for power leads. The specification covers the frequency range from 150 kHz to 108 MHz.

As seen in the previous section, the transient disturbances generated by electrical and electronic equipment are an important consideration in automotive applications. Because power electronic circuits typically contain switches and magnetic elements, they are potential sources for such transients, especially when powered from the switched ignition line. SAE J1113/42 specifies methods for testing and evaluating the transients generated by automotive electrical components, and proposes transient waveform limits for different severity levels. The equipment under test is set up in a configuration similar to that in Fig. 25.2, but with a switching device on one side or the other of the LISN, depending on the application. The equipment under test is then evaluated for transient behavior at turn on, turn off, and across its operating range. The voltage transients at the input of the equipment are measured and evaluated with respect to magnitude, duration, and rise and fall times. Specific limits for such transients are specified by the vehicle manufacturer, but SAE J1113/42 proposes a representative set of limits for four different transient severity levels.

Due to the tight conducted emissions limits, input EMI filter design is an important consideration in automotive power electronics. Single or multistage low-pass filters are typically used to attenuate converter ripple to acceptable levels [1113]. When designing such filters, the parasitic behavior of the filter components, such as capacitor equivalent series resistance and inductance, and suitable filter damping are important considerations [14]. One must also ensure that the filter design yields acceptable transients at switch on and off, and does not result in undesired dynamic interactions with the power circuit [13]. Attention to appropriate filter design, coupled with proper circuit layout, grounding, and shielding goes a long way towards meeting electromagnetic interference specifications [14].

25.3.4 Environmental Considerations

The automobile is a very challenging environment for electronics. Environmental factors influencing the design of automotive electronics include temperature, humidity, mechanical shock, vibration, immersion, salt spray, and exposure to sand, gravel, oil, and other chemicals. In 1978, the SAE developed a recommended practice for electronic equipment design to address these environmental considerations [3, 4]. This document, SAE J1211, provides quantitative information about the automotive environment to aid the designer in developing environmental design goals for electronic equipment. Here, we briefly summarize a few of the most important factors affecting the design of power electronics for automotive applications. For more detailed guidelines, the reader is referred to [3] and the documents cited therein.

Perhaps the most challenging environmental characteristic is the extreme range of temperatures that can occur in the automobile. Table 25.4 summarizes some of the temperature extremes listed in SAE J1211 for different locations in the automobile. Ambient temperatures as low as –40°C maybe found during operation, and storage temperatures as low as –50°C may be found for components shipped in unheated aircraft. Maximum ambient temperatures vary widely depending on vehicle location, even for small differences in position. Because ambient temperature has a strong impact on the design of a power electronic system it is important to work closely with the vehicle manufacturer to establish temperature specifications for a particular application. For equipment that is air-cooled, one must also consider that the equipment maybe operated at altitudes up to 12,000 feet above sea level. This results in low ambient pressure (down to 9 psia), which can reduce the heat transfer efficiency [3]. For equipment utilizing the radiator-cooling loop, maximum coolant temperatures in the range of 105–120°C at a pressure of 1.4 bar are possible [15].

TABLE 25.4 Automotive temperature extremes by location [3]

Vehicle location Min temp. (°C) Max temp. (°C)
Exterior − 40 85
entIsolated − 40 85
entNear heat source − 40 121
entDrive train high temperature location − 40 177
entFloor − 40 85
entRear deck − 40 104
entInstrument panel − 40 85
entInstrument panel top − 40 177
Trunk − 40 85
Under hood
entNear radiator support structure − 40 100
entIntake manifold − 40 121
entNear alternator − 40 131
entExhaust manifold − 40 649
entDash panel (normal) − 40 121
entDash panel (extreme) − 40 141

In addition to the temperature extremes in the automobile, thermal cycling and shock are also important considerations due to their effect on component reliability. Thermal cycling refers to the cumulative effects of many transitions between temperature extremes, while thermal shock refers to rapid transitions between temperature extremes, as may happen when a component operating at high temperature is suddenly cooled by water splash. The damaging effects of thermal cycling and shock include failures caused by thermal expansion mismatches between materials. Test methods have been developed which are designed to expose such weaknesses [3, 16]. The thermal environment in the automobile, including the temperature extremes, cycling, and shock, are challenging issues that must be addressed in the design of automotive power electronics.

A number of other important environmental factors exist in the automobile. Humidity levels as high as 98% at 38°C can exist in some areas of the automobile, and frost can occur in situations where the temperature drops rapidly. Salt atmosphere, spray, water splash, and immersion are also important factors for exterior, chassis, and underhood components. Failure mechanisms resulting from these factors include corrosion and circuit bridging. Dust, sand, and gravel bombardment can also be significant effects depending on equipment location. Mechanical vibration and shock are also important considerations in the design of automotive power electronic equipment. Details about the effects of these environmental factors, sample recorded data, and recommended test procedures can be found in [3].

25.4 Functions Enabled by Power Electronics

Over the past 20 years, power electronics has played a major role in the introduction of new functions such as the antilock breaking system (ABS), traction control, and active suspension, as well as the electrification of existing functions such as the engine-cooling fan, in the automobile. This trend is expected to continue, as a large number of new features being considered for introduction into automobiles require power electronics. This section discusses some of the new functions that have been enabled by power electronics, and some existing ones that benefit from it.

25.4.1 High Intensity Discharge Lamps

High intensity discharge (HID) lamps have started to appear in automobiles as low-beam headlights and fog lights. The HID lamps offer higher luminous efficacy, higher reliability, longer life, and greater styling flexibility than the traditional halogen lamps [17, 18]. The luminous efficacy of an HID lamp is over three times that of a halogen lamp and its life is about 2000 hours, compared to 300–700 hours for a halogen lamp. Therefore, HID lamps provide substantially higher road illumination while consuming the same amount of electrical power and, in most cases, should last the life of the automobile. The HID lamps also produce a whiter light than halogen lamps since their color spectrum is closer to that of the sun.

High intensity discharge lamps do not have a filament. Instead, light is generated by discharging an arc through a pressurized mixture of mercury, xenon, and vaporized metal halides –mercury produces most of the light, the metal halides determine the color spectrum, and xenon helps reduce the start-up time of the lamp [17, 19]. Unlike halogen lamps that can be powered directly from the 12-V electrical system, HID lamps require power electronic ballasts for their operation. Initially, a high voltage pulse of 10–30 kV is needed to ignite the arc between the electrodes and a voltage of about 85 V is needed to sustain the arc [43]. Figure 25.5 shows a simplified power electronic circuit that can be used to start and drive an HID lamp. A step-up dc–dc converter is used to boost the voltage from 12 V to the voltage needed for the steady-state operation of the HID lamp. Any dc–dc converter that can step up the voltage, such as the boost or flyback converter, can be used for this application. An H-bridge is then used to create the ac voltage that drives the lamp in steady state. The circuit to initiate the arc can be as simple as a circuit that provides an inductive voltage kick, as shown in Fig. 25.5.


FIGURE 25.5 Simplified power electronic circuit for an HID lamp ballast.

25.4.2 Pulse-width Modulated Incandescent Lighting

Future automobiles may utilize a 42 V electrical system in place of today's 14 V electrical system (see Section 25.7). Because HID lamps are driven through a power electronic ballast, HID lighting systems operable from a 42 V bus can be easily developed. However, the high cost of HID lighting –as much as an order of magnitude more expensive than incandescent lighting –largely limits its usefulness to headlight applications. Incandescent lamps compatible with 42 V systems can also be implemented. However, because a much longer, thinner filament must be employed at the higher voltage, lamp lifetime suffers greatly. An alternative to this approach is to use pulse-width modulation to operate 12 V incandescent lamps from a 42 V bus [20].

In a pulse-width modulated (PWM) lighting system, a semiconductor switch is modulated to apply a periodic pulsed voltage to the lamp filament. Because of its resistive nature, the power delivered to the filament depends on the rms of the applied voltage waveform. The thermal mass of the system filters the power pulsations so that the filament temperature and light production are similar to that generated by a dc voltage with the same rms value. The PWM frequency is selected low enough to avoid lamp mechanical resonances and the need for EMI filtering, while being high enough to limit visible flicker; PWM frequencies in the range of 90–250 Hz are typical [20].

Ideally, a 11.1% duty ratio is needed to generate 14 V rms across a lamp from a 42 V nominal voltage source. In practice, deviations from this duty ratio are needed to adjust for input voltage variations and device drops. In some proposed systems, multiple lamps are operated within a single lighting module with phase staggered (interleaved) PWM waveforms to reduce the input rms current of the module.

Another issue with PWM lighting relates to startup. Even with operation from a 12 V dc source, incandescent lamps have an inrush current that is 6–8 times higher than the steady-state value, because of how filament resistance changes with temperature; this inrush impacts lamp durability. The additional increase in peak inrush current due to operating from a 42 V source can be sufficient to cause destruction of the filament, even when using conventional PWM soft-start techniques (a ramping up of duty ratio). Means for limiting the peak inrush current –such as operating the controlling MOS–FET in current limiting mode during startup –are needed to make practical use of PWM lighting control.

While PWM incandescent lighting technology is still in the early stages of development, it offers a number of promising advantages in future 42 V vehicles. These include low-cost adaptation of incandescent lighting to high-voltage systems, control of lighting intensity independent of bus voltage, the ability to implement multiple intensities, flashing, dimming, etc. through PWM control, and the potential improvement of lamp durability through more precise inrush and operating control [20].

25.4.3 Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Actuators

Piezoelectric ultrasonic motors are being considered as actuators for window lifts, seat positioning, and head restraints in automobiles [21, 22]. These motors work on the principle of converting piezoelectrically induced ultrasonic vibrations in an elastic body into unidirectional motion of a moving part. Unidirectional motion is achieved by allowing the vibrating body to make contact with the moving part only during a half-cycle of its oscillation, and power is transferred from the vibrating body to the moving part through frictional contact. Ultrasonic motors have a number of attractive features, including high-torque density, large holding torque even without input power, low speed without gears, quiet operation, no magnetic fields, and high dynamics [21, 23]. These characteristics make ultrasonic motors an attractive alternative to electromagnetic motors for low-power high-torque applications.

Various types of ultrasonic motors have been developed. However, because of its compact design, the traveling wave type is the most popular ultrasonic motor [24]. Figure 25.6a shows the basic structure of such a motor. It consists of a metal stator and rotor, which are pushed against each other by a spring. The rotor is coated with a special lining material to increase friction and reduce wear at the contacting surfaces. A layer of piezoelectric material, such as lead zirconate titanate (PZT), is bonded to the underside of the stator. Silver electrodes are printed on both sides of the piezoceramic ring. The top electrode is segmented and the piezoceramic is polarized as shown in Fig. 25.6b. The number of segments is twice the order of the excited vibration mode.


FIGURE 25.6 (a) Basic structure of a traveling wave piezoelectric ultrasonic motor and (b) structure of the piezoceramic ring and electrode for a four-wavelength motor. Arrows indicate direction of polarization. Dashed lines indicate segments etched in the electrode for poling but electrically connected during motor operation.

When a positive voltage is applied between terminals A and C, the downwards poled segment elongates and the upwards poled segments contract. This causes the stator to undulate, waving down at the elongated section and up at the contracted one. When the polarity of the voltage is inverted, the undulations are also inverted. Hence, when an ac voltage is applied a flexural standing wave is created in the stator. To get a large wave amplitude, the stator is driven at the resonance frequency of the flexural mode. An ac voltage between terminals B and C similarly produces another standing wave. However, because of the spacer segments in the piezoceramic ring, the second standing wave is 90° spatially out of phase from the first one. If the two standing waves are excited by ac voltages that are out of phase in time by 90°, a traveling wave is generated. As the traveling wave passes through a point along the neutral plane, that points simply exhibits axial (z-axis) motion. However, off-neutral plane points also have an azimuthal (ϕ-axis) component of motion. This azimuthal motion of the surface points propels the rotor. Ultrasonic motors require a power electronic drive. A power electronic circuit suitable for driving an ultrasonic motor is shown in Fig. 25.7. The two H-bridges are controlled to generate waveforms that are 90° out of phase with each other.


FIGURE 25.7 Drive circuit for an ultrasonic motor.

25.4.4 Electromechanical Engine Valves

Electromagnetic actuators are finding increasing application in automotive systems. These actuators are more desirable than the other types of actuators, such as the hydraulic and pneumatic actuators, because they can be more easily controlled by a microprocessor to provide more precise control. An application of electromagnetic actuators that is of particular interest is the replacement of the camshaft and tappet valve assembly by electromechanically driven engine valves [25]. The opening and closing of the intake and exhaust valves can be controlled to achieve optimum engine performance and improved fuel economy over a wide range of conditions determined by variables such as the speed, load, altitude, and temperature. The present cam system provides a valve profile that can give optimum engine performance and improved fuel economy only under certain conditions.

Two power electronic circuits suitable for driving the solenoids for valve actuation are shown in Fig. 25.8. The circuit of Fig. 25.8a is suitable for solenoids that require unidirectional currents through their coils, while the circuit of Fig. 25.8b is suitable for solenoids that require bidirectional currents through their coils.


FIGURE 25.8 Power electronic circuits for driving solenoids.

25.4.5 Electric Air Conditioner

It is desirable to replace some of the engine-driven functions of a vehicle with electrically driven counterparts. The benefits of driving these functions electrically include the elimination of belts and pulleys, improved design and control due to independence from engine speed, and resulting increased efficiency and improved fuel economy. Furthermore, there is the opportunity for operation of the function in the engine-off condition.

The air conditioner is an example of an engine-driven function that could benefit from electrification. The engine drives the compressor of the air conditioner. Consequently, the speed of the compressor varies over a wide range and the compressor has to be over-sized to provide the desired performance at engine idle. Also, since the compressor speed is dependent on the engine speed, excessive cooling occurs at highway speeds requiring the cool air to be blended with the hot air to keep the temperature at the desired level. Furthermore, shaft seals and rubber hoses can lead to the loss of refrigerant (CFC) and pose an environmental challenge.

In an electric air conditioner, an electric motor is used to drive the compressor [26]. The motor is usually a three-phase brushless dc motor driven by a three-phase MOSFET bridge. The speed of the compressor in an electric air conditioner is independent of the engine speed. As a result, the compressor does not have to be over-sized and excessive cooling does not occur. Also, shaft seals and hoses can be replaced with a hermetically sealed system. Another benefit of an electric air conditioner is the flexibility in its location, since it does not have to be driven by the engine.

25.4.6 Electric and Electrohydraulic Power Steering Systems

The hydraulic power steering system of a vehicle is another example of an engine-driven accessory. This system can be replaced with an electric power steering (EPS) system in which a brushless dc motor is used to provide the steering power assist [27]. The electric power steering system is more efficient than the hydraulic power steering system because, unlike the engine-driven hydraulic steering pump, which is driven by the engine all the time, the motor operates only on demand. Another system that can replace the hydraulic power steering system is the electrohydraulic power steering (EHPS) system. In this case, a brushless dc motor and inverter can be employed to drive the hydraulic steering pump. The ability of the EPHS system to drive the pump only on demand leads to energy savings of as much as 80% as compared with the conventional hydraulic system. Challenges in implementing EPS and EPHS systems include meeting the required levels of cost and reliability for this critical vehicle subsystem.

25.4.7 Motor Speed Control

Some of the motors used in a vehicle require variable speed control. Consider, as an example, the blower motor used to provide air flow to the passenger compartment. This motor is typically a permanent magnet dc motor with a squirrel-cage fan. The speed of the motor is usually controlled by varying the resistance connected in series with the motor winding. This method of speed control leads to a significant power loss. A low-loss method of speed control employs semiconductor devices as shown in Fig. 25.9. In this case, the speed of the motor is controlled via PWM –that is, by switching the MOSFET on and off with different duty-ratios for different speed settings. An input filter is needed to reduce the EMI generated by the switching of the MOSFET. This method of speed control is equivalent to supplying power to the motor through a variable-output dc-to-dc converter. The converter is located close to the motor and no filter is required between the converter output and motor winding.


FIGURE 25.9 Low-loss circuit to control the speed of a motor.

Another low-loss method that can be used to control the speed of a motor employs a three-phase brushless dc motor. The speed in this case is controlled by controlling the MOS-FETs in the dc-to-three-phase-ac converter that drives the motor.

25.5 Multiplexed Load Control

Another emerging application of power electronics in automobiles is in the area of load control. In the conventional point-to-point wiring architecture, most of the loads are controlled directly by the primary mechanical switches, as shown in Fig. 25.1. In a point-to-point wiring architecture, each load has a dedicated wire connecting it to the fuse box via the primary switch. Consequently, fairly heavy wires have to be routed all over the vehicle, as illustrated in Fig. 25.10a. The situation is made worse when multiple switches control the same load, as is the case with power windows and power door locks. The complete harness of a 1994 C-class Mercedes-Benz that uses point-to-point wiring has about 1000 wires, with a total length of 2 km, over 300 connectors and weighs 36 kg. The process of assembling the wiring harness is difficult and time consuming, leading to high labor costs. Retrofitting, fault tracing, and repairing are time consuming and expensive. The bulky harness also places constraints on the vehicle body design, and the large number of connectors compromise system reliability.


FIGURE 25.10 Alternative control strategies illustrated for a simple automotive electrical system with six loads (L1-6) and six primary switches (S1-6): (a) conventional direct switching architecture with a single fusebox (F1); (b) multiplexed remote switching architecture, with remote switches and transceivers in three distribution boxes (D1-3); and (c) multiplexed point-of-load switching with electronics integrated into the loads and the primary switches.

An alternative wiring technique is to control the loads remotely and multiplex the control signals over a communication bus, as shown in Fig. 25.10b and c. A control message is sent on the communication bus to switch a particular load on or off. This allows more flexibility in the layout of the power cables and could allow the pre-assembly of the harness to be more automated. Furthermore, with communication between the remote switches, it is practical to have a power management system than can turn off non-essential loads when there is a power shortage. One possibility is to group the remote switches into strategically located distribution boxes, as shown in Fig. 25.10b. A power and a communication bus connect the distribution boxes. Another possibility is to integrate the remote switches with the load, i.e. point-of-load switching, as shown in Fig. 25.10c. In Fig. 25.10b the transceivers are also built into the distribution boxes, while in Fig. 25.10c each load and primary switch has an integrated transceiver. The point-of-load switching topology is attractive because of its simplicity, but raises cost and fusing challenges.

Multiplexed remote switching architectures have been under consideration since at least the early 1970s, when Ziomek investigated their application to various electrical subsystems [28]. The initial interest was dampened by cost and reliability concerns and the non-availability of appropriate remote switches. However, advances in semiconductor technology and rapid growth in the automotive electrical system revived interest in multiplexed architectures. The SAE Multiplexing Standards Committee has partitioned automotive communications into three classes: Class A for low data-rate (1–10 kbit/s) communication for the control of body functions, such as headlamps, windshield wipers, and power windows, Class B for medium data-rate (10–100 kbit/s) parametric data exchange, and Class C for high data-rate (1 Mbit/s) realtime communication between safety critical functions, such as between ABS sensors and brake actuators [29]. Although load control is categorized as Class A, lack of any widely accepted Class A communication protocols has lead to the application of Class B and Class C communication IC's to load control. Class B has received the most attention due to the California Air Resources Board mandated requirement for on-board diagnostics (OBD II) and a large number of competing protocols, including the French vehicle-area network (VAN), the ISO 9141 and the SAE 11850, have been developed [30]. Of these, the SAE 11850 is the most popular in the US. Another popular protocol is the controller area network (CAN) developed by Bosch [31]. Although designed for Class C with bit rates up to 1 Mbit/s, it is being applied for Class A and Class B applications due to the availability of inexpensive CAN ICs from a large number of semiconductor manufacturers.

Remote switching systems require remote power switches. An ideal remote switch must have a low on-state voltage, be easy to drive from a micro-controller, and incorporate current sensing. A low on-state voltage helps minimize the heatsinking requirements, while current sensing is needed for the circuit protection function to be incorporated into the switch. To withstand the harsh automotive environment the switch must also be rugged. Furthermore, if PWM control is required for the load, the switch must have short turn-on and turn-off times and a high cycle-life. The traditional means of remotely switching loads in an automobile is via electromechanical relays. Although relays offer the lowest voltage drop per unit cost, they require large drive current, are relatively large, are difficult to integrate with logic, and are not suitable for PWM applications [3234]. Therefore, their use will be limited to very high current, non-PWM applications. The power levels of the individual loads in the automobile are too low for IGBTs and MCTs to be competitive. Bipolar transistors are also not very attractive because they are harder to drive than a MOS-gated device. Because of its fast switching speed, low voltage drop, relative immunity to thermal runaway, low drive requirements, and ease of integration with logic, the power MOSFET is the most attractive candidate for remote switching. Smart-power MOSFET devices with integrated logic interface and circuit protection have recently become available. Use of these devices for power electronic control of individual loads has become economically competitive in some subsystems, and may be expected to become more so with the advent of higher voltage electrical systems.

The benefits of remote switching electrical distribution systems have been demonstrated by Furuichi et al. [35]. The multiplexed architecture they implemented had 10 remote units (two power units with fuses, power drivers and signal inputs, five load control units with power drivers and signal inputs but no fuses, and three signal input units with only signal inputs). To increase system reliability, each power unit was connected to the battery via independently fused power cables. Although wiring cost decreased, the authors report an increase in overall system cost due to the additional cost of the remote units. Intel's CAN ICs with data rates of 20 kbit/s were used for the transmission and reception of control signals over an unshielded twisted-pair ring bus. Intelligent power MOSFETs were used as the remote switches and fusing was done with mini-fuses. The results of their work are shown in Table 25.5. Although weight of the wiring harness was reduced by 30%, the total system weight decreased by only 12.5% due to the added weight of the remote units.

TABLE 25.5 Comparison of a multiplexed and the conventional system, as reported by Furuichi et al. for a compact vehicle [35]. In the multiplexed system, the function of nine electronic control units (ECUs) was integrated into the remote units


25.6 Electromechanical Power Conversion

Power is generated in the automobile by an electrical machine driven by the engine. In the early days of the automobile, the electrical load was small and a dc generator was used for this purpose. As the electrical loads grew, the dc generator could not meet the growing demand of electrical power and was displaced by a three-phase alternator and diode rectifier. Continuously increasing power and performance requirements are driving further evolution in automotive power generation and control, and are motivating the introduction of power electronics and improved electrical machines in automobiles. In addition to high-power alternators, future applications of electromechanical power conversion may include integrated starter/alternators and propulsion systems. This section describes some of the machine and power electronic technologies that are useful for meeting the increasing challenges in the automobile.

25.6.1 The Lundell Alternator

The Lundell, or claw-pole, alternator is a three-phase wound-field synchronous machine that is almost universally used for power generation in present-day vehicles [1]. As illustrated in Fig. 25.11, the rotor is made of a pair of stamped pole pieces (“claw poles”) fixed around a cylindrical field coil. The field winding is driven from the stator via a pair of slip rings and brushes, and causes the two pole pieces to become opposing magnetic poles. A full-bridge diode rectifier is traditionally used at the machine output, and a fan mounted on the rotor is typically used to cool the whole assembly.


FIGURE 25.11 Structure and circuitry of the conventional Lundell alternator.

The dc output voltage of the alternator system is regulated by controlling the field current. A switching field regulator applies a pulse width modulated voltage across the field. The steady-state field current is determined by the field-winding resistance and the average voltage applied by the regulator. Changes in the field current occur with an L/R field-winding time constant in the order of 100 ms or more. This long field-winding time constant and a large stator leakage reactance are characteristic of this type of alternator and tend to dominate its performance.

The alternator is driven by means of a belt, and is designed to operate over a wide speed ratio of about 10:1, though much of its operating lifetime is spent within a narrower 3:1 or 4:1 range. The gearing ratio provided by the belt is a design variable for the alternator; an alternator mechanical speed range from 1800 to 18,000 rpm for a 12-pole machine is typical.

A simple electrical model for the Lundell alternator is shown in Fig. 25.12. The armature of the alternator is modeled as a Y-connected set of leakage inductances Ls and back voltages vsa, vsb, and vsc. The fundamental electrical frequency ω of the back-emfs is one-half of the product of the number of machine poles p and the mechanical speed ωm. The magnitude of the back-emfs is proportional to the electrical frequency and the field current. For the sinusoidal case, the line-to-neutral voltage back-emf magnitude can be calculated as:

(25.1) image

where k is the machine constant and if is the field current. The diode bridge feeds a constant voltage Vo representing the battery and other loads. This simple model captures many of the important characteristics of the Lundell alternator, while remaining analytically tractable. Other effects, such as stator resistance, mutual coupling, magnetic saturation, and waveform harmonic content, can be incorporated into this model at the expense of simplicity. The constant-voltage battery load on the alternator makes the analysis of this system different from the classic case of a diode rectifier with a current-source load. Nevertheless, with reasonable approximations, the behavior of this system can be described analytically [8]. Using the results presented in [8], alternator output power vs operating point can be calculated as:

(25.2) image

where Vo is the output voltage, Vs is the back-emf magnitude, ω is the electrical frequency, and Ls is the armature leakage inductance. Extensions of Eq. (25.2) that also include the effect of the stator resistance are given in [8].


FIGURE 25.12 A simple Lundell alternator model.

As can be inferred from Eq. (25.2), alternator output power varies with speed, and is maximized when the back-emf magnitude of the machine is substantially larger than the output voltage. In a typical Lundell alternator, back voltages in excess of 80 V may be necessary to source-rated current into a 14 V output at high speed. Furthermore, as can be seen from Eq. (25.2), the armature leakage reactance limits the output power capability of the alternator. These characteristics are a result of the fact that significant voltage drops occur across the leakage reactances when current is drawn from the machine. These drops increase with speed and current, and cause the alternator to exhibit significant drop in output voltage with increasing current. Thus, an appropriate dc-side model for a Lundell alternator is a large open-circuit voltage (related to the back-emf magnitude) in series with a large current- and speed-dependent output impedance. This characteristic, coupled with the long field time constant, is the source of the undesirable load-dump transient characteristic of the Lundell alternator. In this transient, the large open-circuit voltage is transiently impressed across the alternator output when the load is suddenly reduced.

The efficiency of the conventional Lundell alternator is relatively poor. Typical efficiency values are in the order of 40–60%, depending on the operating point [1, 36, 37]. At low and medium speeds, losses tend to be dominated by stator copper losses. Iron losses become dominant only at very high speeds [1].

25.6.2 Advanced Lundell Alternator Design Techniques

The conventional diode-rectified Lundell alternator, though inefficient, has so far met vehicle electrical power requirements in a cost-effective manner. However, continuing increase in electrical power demand and growing interest in improved fuel economy is pushing the limits of conventional Lundell alternator technology. This section describes some established and emerging technologies that can be used to improve the performance of the Lundell alternator. Third-harmonic Booster Diodes

One widely used approach for improving the high-speed output power capability of Lundell alternators is the introduction of third-harmonic booster diodes [1]. In this technique, the neutral point of the Y-connected stator winding is coupled to the output via a fourth diode leg, as illustrated in Fig. 25.13. While the fundamental components of the line-to-neutral back voltages are displaced by 120° in phase, any third-harmonic components will be exactly in phase. As a result, third-harmonic energy can be drawn from the alternator and transferred to the output by inducing and rectifying common-mode third-harmonic currents through the three windings. The booster diodes provide a means for achieving this. At high speed, the combination of the third-harmonic voltages at the main rectifier bridge (at nodes a, b, and c in Fig. 25.13), combined with the third-harmonic of the back voltages are large enough to forward bias the booster diodes and deliver third-harmonic energy to the output. In systems with significant (e.g. 10%) third-harmonic voltage content, up to 10% additional output power can be delivered at high speed. Additional power is not achieved at low speed, or in cases where the third-harmonic of the back voltage is small.


FIGURE 25.13 Lundell alternator with booster diodes. Lundell Alternator with Permanent Magnets

The structure of the rotor of the claw-pole alternator is such that the leakage flux is high. This reduces the output current capability of the alternator. The leakage flux can be reduced by placing permanent magnets on the pole faces or in the spaces between the adjacent poles of the rotor. This modification allows the alternator to deliver more output current. Placing the magnets in the spaces between adjacent poles is a better approach because it is simpler to implement and leads to a higher output current at engine idle [38]. Twin-rotor Lundell Alternator

The maximum power capability of the Lundell alternator is limited in part by the limit on its length-to-diameter ratio imposed by mechanical stresses on the stamped pole pieces. This prevents the Lundell alternator from being arbitrarily scaled up in size. The power capability of conventional designs is probably limited to 3 kW, which is likely to be unacceptable in the foreseeable future [39]. One way to retain the cost-effectiveness of the claw-pole alternator while achieving higher output power is to place two claw-pole rotors back-to-back on a common shaft inside a common stator [40]. This effectively increases the length of the claw-pole alternator without changing its diameter. This design allows higher power alternators to be built while retaining most of the cost benefits of the claw-pole design. Power Electronic Control

Another approach for improving the output power and efficiency of the Lundell alternator is through the use of more sophisticated power electronics. Power electronics technology offers tremendous value in this application. For example, replacing the conventional diode rectifier with a switched-mode rectifier provides an additional degree of design and control freedom, and allows substantially higher levels of power and efficiency to be attained from a given machine. One such design is shown in Fig. 25.14. It employs a simple switched-mode rectifier along with a special load-matching control technique to achieve dramatic improvement in alternator output power, efficiency, and transient performance [37]. The switched-mode rectifier provides improved control without the cost and complexity of a full active converter bridge. By controlling the duty ratio of the switched-mode rectifier based on available signals such as alternator speed, the alternator output power characteristic Eq. (25.2) can be altered and improved, particularly for speeds above idle [37]. Improvements in average power capability of a factor of two and average efficiency improvements on the order of 20% are possible with this technology. Furthermore, the switched-mode rectifier can be employed to achieve greatly improved load-dump transient control.


FIGURE 25.14 Lundell alternator with a switched-mode rectifier.

25.6.3 Alternative Machines and Power Electronics

The demand for increased alternator power levels, efficiency and performance also motivates the consideration of alternative electrical machines, power electronics, and design approaches. While no alternative machine has yet displaced the Lundell alternator in production vehicles, primarily due to cost considerations, some potential candidates are reviewed in this section. These include machines that are mounted directly on the engine rather than driven from a belt. These direct-driven machines become important as power levels rise. This section also addresses the more general case of the combined starter/alternators. While the use of a single machine to do both starting and generation functions is clearly possible, a separate (transient-rated) dc machine is presently used for starting. This is because the large mismatch in starting and generating requirements has made the combined starter/alternator approach unattractive. However, as alternator power ratings increase, the mismatch is reduced, and a single starter/alternator system becomes more practical. A combined system has the potential to eliminate the need for a separate flywheel, starter, solenoid switch, and pinion engaging drive. It also has the potential to allow regenerative braking and “light hybrid” operation, and to provide idle-stop capability (i.e. the ability to turn off the engine when the vehicle is stopped and seamlessly restart when the vehicle needs to move) for reduced fuel consumption. A move to this more sophisticated approach relies upon advanced electrical machines and power electronics. Synchronous Machine with a Cylindrical Wound Rotor

The claw-pole rotor can be replaced with a cylindrical rotor to achieve better coupling between the stator and rotor. The cylindrical rotor is made from steel laminations and the field winding is placed in the rotor slots. The cylindrical rotor is similar to the armature of a dc machine except that the connection of the field winding to the external circuit is made through slip rings instead of a commutator. The cylindrical rotor structure leads to quiet operation and increased output power and efficiency. Unlike the claw-pole alternator, the length of the machine can be increased to get higher output power at a higher efficiency. The efficiency is higher since the effect of the end windings on the machine performance is less in a machine with a long length. It is also possible to build the machine with a salient-pole rotor instead of a cylindrical rotor. However, a machine with a salient-pole rotor is likely to produce more noise than a machine with a cylindrical rotor.

A machine with a cylindrical wound rotor has similar power electronics and control options as a claw-pole machine. If generation-only operation is required, a diode bridge and field current control is sufficient to regulate the output voltage. Better performance can be achieved by using a switched-mode rectifier in conjunction with field control [37]. If motoring operation is desired (e.g. for starting), or even better performance is desired, a full-bridge (active-switch) converter can be used, as shown in Fig. 25.15. Since this is a synchronous machine, some form of rotor position sensing or estimation is typically necessary. The full-bridge converter allows maximum performance and flexibility but carries a significant cost penalty.


FIGURE 25.15 Model of an alternator with fall-bridge converter. Induction Machine

The stator of a three-phase induction machine is similar to that of a three-phase synchronous machine. The rotor is either a squirrel-cage or wound rotor. The machine with the squirrel-cage rotor is simpler in construction and more robust than the machine with a wound rotor in which the three-phase rotor winding is brought outside the rotor through slip rings. The rotor is cylindrical and is constructed from steel laminations. It is also possible to use a solid rotor instead of a laminated rotor. However, a solid rotor leads to higher losses as compared with a laminated rotor. The losses in a solid rotor can be reduced by cutting slots in the rotor surface, filling the stator slot openings with magnetic wedges to reduce the field ripple, and placing a copper cage on the rotor.

An induction machine requires a source that can provide the leading reactive power to magnetize the airgap. This means that a three-phase induction generator cannot supply power to a load through a three-phase diode bridge. Capacitor supply of the reactive energy is impractical because of the wide operating speed range. In the most general case (in which both motoring and generating operation can be achieved) a three-phase active bridge can be used. If only generating operation is desired, the power to the load can be supplied through a three-phase diode bridge and the reactive power can be obtained from a small three-phase active bridge provided for this purpose. This design requires a large number of devices and complex control. Reluctance Machines

The switched reluctance machine is a doubly salient machine. Both the stator and rotor of the machine are made from steel laminations to reduce the iron losses. Only the stator carries windings; the rotor is constructed of steel laminations with a salient shape. The structure of a three-phase switched reluctance machine with six stator poles and four rotor poles is shown in Fig. 25.16a. A winding placed on diametrically opposite stator poles forms a phase winding. When a phase of the machine is excited, a pair of rotor poles tends to align with the excited stator poles to provide a path of minimum reluctance. If the rotor is moving towards alignment with the excited pair of stator poles, then the machine develops a positive torque and acts as a motor. If the rotor is moving away from the excited pair of stator poles, then the machine develops a negative torque and acts as a generator. The advantages of the switched reluctance machine include simple construction, fault-tolerant power electronic circuit, high reliability, unidirectional phase currents, and low cost. The drawbacks of the machine include high levels of torque ripple, vibration and acoustic noise, and a relatively high power electronics cost.


FIGURE 25.16 Structures of: (a) switched reluctance and (b) synchronous reluctance machines. AA′ represents phase A winding.

The synchronous reluctance machine is a singly salient machine. The stator of the machine is similar to that of a synchronous or induction machine. The rotor has a segmented structure with each segment consisting of a stack of axially laminated steel sheets sandwiched with a non-magnetic material. The structure of a four-pole synchronous reluctance machine is shown in Fig. 25.16b. A synchronous reluctance machine has less torque ripple, lower losses, and higher power density than a comparable switched reluctance machine. Inclusion of permanent magnets in the rotor structure allows both reluctance and magnet torque to be achieved. Such interior permanent magnet (IPM) machines can achieve very high performance and power density. When permanent magnets are included, however, careful attention must be paid to the effects of shutdown of the power electronics as an uncontrolled back-emf component will exist in this case [41].

The switched reluctance machine, like the induction machine, requires an external source to magnetize the airgap. Several circuits are available to excite the switched reluctance machine. A circuit that is suitable for the automotive application of this machine is shown in Fig. 25.17. A phase leg is needed for each stator phase of the machine. In this case, the switched reluctance machine obtains its excitation from the same bus that it generates into. Unlike the synchronous and induction machines in which the number of wires needed to connect the machines to the power converters is usually equal to the number of phases, the number of wires needed to connect the switched reluctance machine to a converter is equal to twice the number of phases. This is of no particular concern in a switched reluctance machine in which the power converter is integrated with the machine in the same housing. The synchronous reluctance machine also requires an external source to magnetize the airgap. The machine usually employs an active bridge similar to the one used with an induction machine for the desired power conversion. The machine can also employ the converters used with the switched reluctance machine. In this case, the currents through the stator windings are unidirectional. The relative complexity of the power electronics is a disadvantage of these machine types in the case where only generator operation is necessary.


FIGURE 25.17 Circuit for a switched reluctance machine. Permanent Magnet and Hybrid Synchronous Machines

The permanent magnet synchronous machine designed with high-energy rare-earth magnets operates with high efficiency, high power density, low rotor inertia, and low acoustic noise. The excitation from the permanent magnets is fixed and, therefore, the regulation of the output voltage of the machine is not as straightforward as in a synchronous machine with a wound rotor. For generator operation, machines of this type can use switched-mode rectifiers to regulate the output voltage [42, 43]. The boost rectifier of Fig. 25.14 is one possible implementation of this approach. Alternatively, a diode rectifier followed by a dc/dc converter can be used to regulate the generator system output [44]. Another method proposed for this type of system involves the use of tapped windings and two three-phase SCR bridges [45]. The taps on the phase windings are connected to one bridge, while full phase windings are connected to the other bridge. The bridge connected to the full phase windings is used to supply power to the dc bus at low engine speeds, while the converter connected to the taps is used at high speed. The use of a tapped winding and dual bridges helps the system cope with the wide speed range of the alternator and limit the losses associated with the pulsating output currents. In the case when both motoring and generating modes are desired, a full-bridge converter can be used. Again, as this is a synchronous machine, some form of position sensing or estimation is necessary. Also, in all of these systems the effects of failure of the power electronics must be carefully considered as there is no possibility of regulating the back voltages by field control.

Attempts to develop a simpler voltage regulation scheme for permanent magnet synchronous machines have led to a permanent magnet/wound-rotor hybrid synchronous machine in which the rotor consists of two parts: a part with permanent magnets and a part with a field winding [46]. The two parts are placed next to each other on a common shaft. The rotor with the field winding can employ claw-pole, salient-pole, or cylindrical structure. The field current generates a flux that is used to either aid or oppose the permanent magnet flux and regulate the output voltage of the machine. One possible failure mode of this approach that can lead to catastrophic failure is if the field winding breaks while the machine is operating at high speed. In this case, the generated output voltage will become large and uncontrolled. Some means of mechanically disconnecting the alternator at the input or electrically disconnecting it at the output may be necessary to limit the impact of this failure mode. Axial-airgap Machines

The principle of operation of an axial-airgap, or axial-flux, machine is the same as that of a radial-airgap machine. An axial-airgap machine is characterized by a short axial length and large diameter. The structure of an axial-airgap permanent magnet machine with surface magnets is shown in Fig. 25.18 [47]. The stator of the machine can be slotless or slotted. Two different magnetic circuit configurations are possible. In the NN configuration, the magnetic polarities in one pole pitch on both sides of stator are the same so that there are two main fluxes with symmetrical distribution through the stator. In this case, the conductors can be wound into two back-to-back stator slots to make one coil. The machine has a large stator yoke dimension because the flux passes through the yoke, but less copper loss because of short end windings. In the NS configuration, the magnetic polarities in one pole pitch on the opposite sides of stator are the opposite of each other so that there is only one main axial flux through the stator. In this case, the stator yoke dimension is small, but the end windings are long because the direction of current in the back-to-back stator slots is the same. The iron losses are small due to small yoke dimension and the copper losses are high because of long end windings. Heat removal is more challenging due to small stator dimensions. The structure shown in Fig. 25.18 is that of an axial-airgap permanent magnet machine with surface magnets. In an axial-airgap machine with interior permanent magnets, the magnets are embedded in the steel of the rotor.


FIGURE 25.18 Structure of an axial-airgap permanent magnet machine.

The axial airgap versions of other types of machines, such as the induction and switched reluctance machines, are also possible. The structure of an axial-airgap induction machine is similar to that of an axial-airgap permanent magnet machine except that windings are used instead of permanent magnets.

25.7 Dual/High Voltage Automotive Electrical Systems

The electrical system of a 1920s internal combustion engine (ICE) automobile had only a few loads: a starter, an ignition device, a horn, and some lamps [48]. The mean power consumption of these loads was less than 100 W. An engine-driven dc generator charged a 6 V lead-acid battery that provided electrical power. The power was distributed via point-to-point wiring, with most loads controlled directly by manually operated primary switches located within the reach of the driver. Only the starter was switched indirectly by an electromechanical relay. After the Second World War, the automotive electrical system started to grow rapidly in complexity and power consumption as additional features, including radios, multispeed windshield wipers, and power windows, were added. The introduction of higher compression engines stretched the 6-V system beyond its technological limits. The 8.5 to 1 compression ratio engines required 100–200% greater ignition voltages than the 6.4 to 1 engines. As a result, the primary side current of the ignition coil was doubled or tripled and the life of the distributor contacts was reduced to an unacceptable level. To overcome this problem, the battery voltage was increased to 12 V in the mid-1950s [49, 50].

Over the past four decades, the electrical power requirements of automobiles have increased even more rapidly. From a mere 400 W in 1955, the power rating of a luxury vehicle's generator has increased to over 1800 W [51, 52]. However, the electrical system of a modern automobile is architecturally identical to the 12-V point-to-point system of the 1950s. The only changes that have taken place have been at the component level, such as the replacement of the dc generator by a three-phase alternator-rectifier, the replacement of wound-field dc motors by permanent magnet ones, and an increased use of relays. The rapid growth in the electrical system is expected to continue due to environmental regulations, consumer demand for increased functionality, safety, security and comfort, and replacement of some mechanical actuators by electrical counterparts. The average electrical power requirement of a modern luxury vehicle is about 800 W. With the addition of such loads as electric power steering, engine-cooling fan, water pump, and electromechanical engine valves, the average power requirement could increase to 2.5 kW by 2005 [53]. The traditional solution of increasing the size of the alternator and the battery is not practical due to space limitations and fuel efficiency requirements. Furthermore, the peak power requirements of some of the anticipated loads –heated windshield (2.5 kW), heated catalyst (3 kW), electromechanical engine valves (2.4 kW at 3000 rpm), and active suspension (12 kW) –cannot be met economically using the present architecture. These factors have motivated the development of new dual/high voltage electrical architectures that incorporate a higher-voltage bus in addition to the standard 14 V bus [39, 5456]. A dual/high voltage approach allows an efficient supply of power to many loads which benefit from operating at a higher voltage, while retaining the 14 V bus for loads (such as lamps and electronics) which do not benefit from a higher voltage. High-voltage architectures that do not retain the 14 V bus are also possible, but will require a substantial investment in the design and production of new high-voltage components. This section describes some of the characteristics and preliminary specifications of the new dual/high voltage electrical system architectures. It also discusses some of the widely considered implementation approaches.

25.7.1 Trends Driving System Evolution

The conventional 12-V automotive electrical power system has many defects, including a widely varying steady-state system voltage and large transients, which force the electrical functions to be over-designed. However, these limitations alone have not been a strong enough driver for automotive companies to seriously evaluate advanced alternatives. Now a number of new factors are changing this situation. The most important of these are future load requirements that cannot be met by the present 12-V architecture. Future Load Requirements

Table 25.6 gives a list of electrical loads expected to be introduced into automobiles in the next ten years [53]. Some of these loads (electrohydraulic power steering, electric engine fan, electric water pump, and electromechanical valves) will replace existing mechanically or hydraulically driven loads. The remaining are new loads introduced to either meet government mandates or satisfy customer needs.

TABLE 25.6 Electrical loads expected to be introduced into automobiles in the next decade [53]

Load Peak power (W) Average power (W)
Exhaust air pump 300 10
Electrohydraulic power steering 1000 150
Electric engine fan 800 150
Heated catalytic converter 3000 90
Electric water pump 300 150
Heated windshield 2500 120
Electromechanical engine valves (6 cylinders at 6000 rpm) 2400 800
Active suspension 12,000 360
Total 1830

The average electrical power requirement of a present-day automobile is in the range of 500–900 W depending on whether it is an entry-level or a luxury vehicle. When the loads of Table 25.6 are introduced, the average electrical power requirement will increase by 1.8 kW. Furthermore, if the air-conditioning (A/C) pump were to ever become electrically driven, the peak and average power demands would increase by an additional 3.5 kW and 1.5 kW, respectively. Distributing such high power at a relatively low voltage will result in unacceptable bulky wiring harnesses and large distribution losses. Since the alternator has to generate both the power consumed by the loads and the power dissipated in the distribution network, its output rating (and hence size and power consumption) will be greater than in an architecture with lower distribution losses. With the large premium attached to the size of the alternator (due to space constraints in the engine compartment), an architectural change in the distribution and generation systems is essential before many of the future loads can be introduced.

There is also an increasing disparity in the voltage requirements of future electrical loads. High pulse-power loads, such as the heated windshield and electrically heated catalytic converter, become feasible only at voltages greater than the current 14V [57]. On the other hand, incandescent lamps and electronic control units (ECUs) will continue to require low voltages. For example, present day ECUs have linear regulators which convert the 14 V distribution voltage to the 5 V needed by the integrated circuits. The efficiency of these regulators is equal to the ratio of output to input voltage, i.e. 35%. Furthermore, the next generation of higher speed lower power consumption integrated circuits operate at 3.3 V, making the regulators more inefficient. This inefficiency also means that larger heat sinks are required to remove the heat from the ECUs. Higher Fuel Efficiency

A secondary motivating factor for the introduction of a higher system voltage is the challenge of achieving higher fuel economy. The average fuel economy of present-day automobiles in the United States is in the vicinity of 30 miles per gallon (mpg). There is little market incentive for automobile manufacturers to increase the fuel economy of vehicles for the US market where the price of fuel is relatively low. The price of gasoline in the US ($ 1.70 per gallon) is less than the price of bottled water ($ 4.00 per gallon when bought by the quart). Although market forces have not been a driver for the development of fuel-efficient vehicles, a number of new incentives have emerged over the past few years. One of these is the fine imposed on the automakers by the US government if the average fuel economy of their fleet falls below the mandated standard. The mandated standard for cars has increased from 24 mpg in 1982 to its 1997 level of 27.5 mpg, and will continue to increase. In Europe, the German Automotive Industry Association (VDA) plans to increase the average fleet fuel efficiency to 39.9 mpg by 2005 –compared to 31.4 mpg in 1990 [58].

Another driver behind the development of fuel-efficient vehicles is the partnership for a new generation of vehicles (PNGV). This ten-year research program, launched in September 1993, is a collaboration between the US Federal Government and the big three US automakers (General Motors, Ford, and DaimlerChrysler) that aims to strengthen national competitiveness in the automotive industry and reduce dependence on foreign oil. The PNGV has set a goal to develop an 80 mpg midsize vehicle by 2004 [59]. The German Automotive Industry Association is pursuing similar targets. The VDA has undertaken a pledge to introduce a 3 L/100 km (78 mpg) vehicle by the year 2000. This is complemented by the introduction of highly fuel-efficient vehicles (in excess of 50 mpg) in both the Japanese and American markets.

With the present alternator, 800 W of electrical power consumes 1.33 L of gasoline for every 100 km driven when the vehicle has an average speed of 33.7 km/h. This represents a 45% increase in fuel consumption for a 3 L/100 km vehicle. Hence, if future high fuel economy vehicles are going to have comfort, convenience, and safety features comparable to present-day vehicles, the efficiency of the electrical generation and distribution system will have to be substantially improved. Furthermore, as discussed in Section 25.8, one widely considered means of achieving high fuel economy is the use of a hybrid vehicle architecture. In practice, this approach necessitates the introduction of a higher voltage in the vehicle.

25.7.2 Voltage Specifications

A major issue when implementing a high or dual voltage system is the nominal voltage of the high-voltage bus, and the operating limits of both buses. While there are many possibilities, there is a growing consensus in the automotive industry for a nominal voltage of 42 V for the high-voltage bus (corresponding to a 36 V lead-acid storage battery) [39, 56, 60]. This voltage is gaining acceptance because it is as high as possible while remaining within acceptable safety limits for open wiring systems (once headroom is added for transients) and it provides substantial benefits in the power semiconductors and wiring harness [61]. Furthermore, this voltage is sufficient to implement starter/alternator systems and “light” hybrid vehicle designs [62, 63]. While no vehicles equipped at 42 V are in production at present, availability of 42 V components is rapidly increasing and 42 V equipped vehicles may be expected early in this decade.

The permissible static and transient voltage ranges in an electrical system are important design considerations for power electronic equipment. At present, no universally accepted specification exists for high or dual voltage automotive electrical systems. However, the preliminary specifications proposed by the European automotive working group, Forum Bordnetz, are under wide consideration by the automotive industry [56]. These specifications, summarized in Table 25.7, impose tight static and transient limits on both the 42 and 14 V buses. The upper voltage limit on the 14 V bus is far lower than in the conventional 12-V system. The allowed upper limit on the 42 V bus is also proportionally tight. These strict limits facilitate the use of power semiconductor devices such as power MOSFETs and lower the cost of the protection circuitry needed in individual functions. However, they also require much more sophisticated means for limiting transients (such as load dump) than is found in conventional systems, which imposes a significant cost. Appropriate voltage range specifications for dual/high voltage electrical systems are thus a subject of ongoing investigation by vehicle manufacturers, and will likely continue to evolve for some time.

TABLE 25.7 Voltage limits for 14 and 42 V buses proposed in [56]

Voltage Description Value
V42,OV-dyn Maximum dynamic overvoltage on 42V bus during fault conditions 55V
V42,OV–stat Maximum static overvoltage on 42V bus 52V
V42,E–max Maximum operating voltage of 42V bus while engine is running 43V
V42,E–nom Nominal operating voltage of 42 V bus while engine is running 41.4V
V42,E–min Minimum operating voltage of 42V bus while engine is running 33V
V42,OP–min Minimum operating, voltage on the 42V bus. Also, lower limit operating voltage for all non-critical loads (i.e. loads not required for starting and safety) 33V
V42,FS Failsafe minimum voltage: lower limit on operating voltage for all loads critical to starting and safety on the 42V bus 25V
V14,OV–dyn Maximum dynamic overvoltage on 14V bus during fault conditions 20V
V14,OV–stat Maximum static overvoltage on 14V bus 16V
V14,E–max Maximum operating voltage of 14V bus while engine is running 14.3V
V14,E–nom Nominal operating voltage of 14V bus while engine is running 13.8V
V14,E–min Minimum operating voltage of 14V bus while engine is running 12V
V14,E–min Minimum operating voltage of 14V bus. Also lower limit operating voltage for all non-critical loads 11V
V14,FS Failsafe minimum voltage: lower limit on operating voltage for all critical loads on the 14 V bus 9V

25.7.3 Dual-voltage Architectures

Conventional automotive electrical systems have a single alternator and battery. Dual-voltage electrical systems have two voltage buses and typically two batteries. Single-battery configurations are possible, but tend to be less cost effective [61]. A variety of different methods for generating and supplying energy to the two buses are under investigation in the automotive community. Many of these have power electronic circuits at their core. This section describes three dual-voltage electrical system architectures that have received broad attention. In all three cases the loads are assumed to be partitioned between the two buses with the starter and many of the other high-power loads on the 42 V bus and most of the lamps and electronics on the 14 V bus.

The dc/dc converter-based implementation of Fig. 25.19 is perhaps the most widely considered dual-voltage architecture. In this implementation, an alternator and associated battery provide energy to one bus (typically the 42 V bus), while the other bus is supplied via a dc/dc converter. If a battery is used at the dc/dc converter output, the converter needs to be rated for slightly above average power. Otherwise, the converter needs to be rated a factor of two to three higher to meet peak power requirements [61]. The architecture of Fig. 25.19 has a number of advantages. The dc/dc converter provides high-bandwidth control of energy flow between the two buses, thus enabling better transient control on the 14 V bus than is available in present-day systems or in most other dual-voltage architectures. Furthermore, in systems with batteries on both buses, the dc/dc converter can be used to implement an energy management system so that generated energy is always put to best use. If the converter is bidirectional it can even be used to recharge the high-voltage (starter) battery from the low-voltage battery, thus providing a self jump start capability. The major challenge presented by this architecture is the implementation of dc/dc converters having the proper functionality within the tight cost constraints dictated by the automotive industry. Some aspects of design and optimization of converters for this application are addressed in [64].


FIGURE 25.19 Dual-voltage architecture based on a dc/dc converter.

The dual-stator alternator architecture of Fig. 25.20 is also often considered for dual-voltage automotive electrical systems [65, 66]. In this case, an alternator with two armature windings is used along with two rectifiers to provide energy to the buses and their respective batteries. Control of the bus voltages is achieved via a combination of controlled rectification and field control. Typically, field control is used to regulate one output, while the other output is regulated using a controlled rectifier. Figure 25.21 shows one possible implementation of this architecture. It should be noted that to achieve sufficient output power and power steering from the dual-wound alternator, the winding ratio between the two outputs must be carefully selected. For 42/14V systems, a winding ratio of 2.5:1 is typical [66]. Advantages of this electrical architecture include low cost. However, it does not provide the bidirectional energy control that is possible in the dc/dc converter architecture. Furthermore, there are substantial issues of cross-regulation and transient control with this architecture that remain to be fully explored.


FIGURE 25.20 Dual-voltage architecture based on a dual-wound alternator.


FIGURE 25.21 Model for a dual-wound alternator system. The two output voltages are regulated through field control and phase control. For a 42/14V system, a winding ratio between the two stator windings of 2.5:1 is typical.

In a third architecture, a single-output alternator with a dual-output rectifier is employed. This approach is shown schematically in Fig. 25.22. As with the dual-stator alternator configuration, this architecture has the potential for low cost. One widely considered implementation of the dual-rectified alternator is shown in Fig. 25.23 [65, 6769]. Despite its simplicity, this implementation approach provides less functionality than the dc/dc converter-based architecture, generates substantial low-frequency ripple which must be filtered, and has serious output power and control limitations [66]. An alternative implementation, proposed in [37] and shown in Fig. 25.24, seems to overcome these limitations, and may potentially provide the same capabilities as the dc/dc converter-based architecture at lower cost. Clearly, this architecture has promise for dual-voltage electrical systems, but remains to be fully explored.


FIGURE 25.22 Dual-voltage architecture based on a dual-rectified alternator.


FIGURE 25.23 A dual-rectified alternator with a phase-controlled rectifier.


FIGURE 25.24 A dual-rectified alternator with a switched-mode rectifier.

25.8 Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Battery-powered electric vehicles were first introduced over one hundred years ago, and continue to incite great public interest because they do not generate tailpipe emissions. Nevertheless, the low energy storage density and the high cost of suitable batteries makes pure electric vehicles non-competitive with internal combustion engine vehicles in most applications. An alternative approach that is generating widespread attention is the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV). An HEV combines electrical propulsion with another energy source, such as an internal combustion engine, allowing the traditional range and performance limitations of pure electric vehicles to be overcome [70]. Alternative energy sources, such as fuel cells, are also possible in place of an internal combustion engine.

Hybrid electric vehicles can be classified as having either a parallel or series driveline configuration [71]. In a series HEV all of the propulsion force is produced from electricity; the engine is only used to drive a generator to produce electricity. In a parallel hybrid, propulsive force can come from either the engine or the electrical drive. In both cases, batteries or other electrical storage devices are used to buffer the instantaneous difference between the power needed for propulsion and that generated by the engine. The selection of a series or parallel driveline depends heavily on the performance requirements and mission of the vehicle.

In a series HEV, all power delivered to the wheels of the vehicle must be delivered through the electrical driveline. The electrical driveline components, including the batteries, power electronics, and machine(s), must all be rated for the peak traction power requirements, making these components relatively large and expensive if performance (e.g. acceleration) comparable to a conventional vehicle is to be achieved. To achieve the required power levels, the electrical driveline must operate at hundreds of volts, necessitating the electrical subsystem to be sealed from access by the user. The engine, on the other hand, need only be rated to deliver the average power required by the vehicle, which is much lower. In a system that does not require utility recharge of the batteries (i.e. can drive indefinitely on fuel alone), the engine size is set by the power requirements of the vehicle at maximum cruising speed. If utility recharge of the batteries and a battery-limited driving range is acceptable, engine power requirements can be reduced even further. Because the engine does not provide tractive power, it can be designed to run at a single optimized condition, thus maximizing engine efficiency and minimizing emissions. Furthermore, the need for a transmission is eliminated and there is a great deal of flexibility in the engine placement.

In a parallel HEV, traction power is split between the engine and the electrical driveline. One possible approach is to utilize a single machine mounted on the engine crankshaft to provide starting capability along with electrical traction power and regeneration [7275]. This approach can be replaced or complemented with other approaches, such as use of a power-splitting device such as a planetary gear set [70, 76], or using different propulsion and generation techniques on different sets of wheels [71, 77, 78]. In all parallel hybrid approaches, some form of transmission is needed to limit the required speed range of the engine. A wide range of divisions between engine size and electrical system size is possible in the parallel hybrid case, depending on structure. Depending on this split, the necessary electrical driveline system voltage may be as low as 42 V (which is safe for an open wiring system) or as high as 300 V. Also because the electrical subsystem, the internal combustion engine subsystem, or both may provide tractive power under different conditions, there exists a wide range of possible operating approaches for a parallel hybrid system. Consequently, the control strategy for a parallel hybrid tends to be substantially more complex than for a series hybrid.

One parallel hybrid approach that is receiving a lot of attention for near-term vehicles is a “light” or “mild” hybrid. In this case, a somewhat conventional vehicle driveline is complemented with a relatively small starter/alternator machine mounted on the crankshaft [62, 63, 7275, 79]. The electrical drive power is typically below 10 kW average and 20 kW peak. The starter/alternator can be used to provide rapid, clean restart of the vehicle so that the engine can be turned off at idling conditions and seamlessly restarted. This so-called “stop and go” operation of the engine is valuable for fuel economy and emissions. The starter/alternator can also be used to implement regenerative braking, to provide engine torque smoothing (replacing the flywheel and allowing different engine configurations to be used) and to provide boost power for short-term acceleration. At the low-power end, such systems can be integrated directly into the open wiring configuration of a 42 V electrical system, simplifying the vehicle electrical architecture. System-level control remains a major challenge in realizing the full benefits of such systems. Starter/alternator-based hybrids are expected to be a significant near-term application of power electronics and machines in automobiles.

25.9 Summary

Power electronics is playing an increasingly important role in automobiles. It is being used to enhance the output power capability and efficiency of the electrical power generation components. Power electronics is also an enabling technology for a wide range of new and improved functions that enhance vehicle performance, safety, and functionality.

The design of automotive power electronic systems is strongly influenced by the challenging electrical and environmental conditions found in automobiles. Important factors include the static and transient voltage ranges, electromagnetic interference and compatibility requirements, and temperature and other environmental conditions. Some of the most important design considerations for automotive power electronics were addressed in Section 25.3.

Section 25.4 described some of the vehicle functions that benefit from, or are enabled by, power electronics. These functions range from lighting to actuation and steering. Power electronic switches also play a central role in multiplexed electrical distribution systems. This role of power electronics was addressed in Section 25.5.

The rapid increase in electrical power demand in automobiles is motivating the introduction of new technologies for electrical power generation and control. Lundell alternators are presently used for power generation in automobiles, but are rapidly reaching their power limits. Section 25.6 reviewed the operating characteristics of the Lundell alternator. It also described several techniques for extending the power capabilities of this machine. To meet the growing demand for electrical power, alternative machine, and power electronic configurations may be necessary in the future. A number of candidate machine and power circuit configurations were reviewed in Section 25.6. Such configurations can also be applied towards the design of integrated starter/alternators and hybrid propulsion systems, as was discussed in Section 25.8.

The increasing electrical and electronic content of automobiles is beginning to stretch the capabilities of the conventional 12-V electrical system. Furthermore, there is a desire on the part of vehicle manufacturers to introduce new high-power loads, such as electromechanical engine valves, active suspension, and integrated starter/alternator. These are not likely to be practical within the present 12-V framework. These challenges are forcing the automotive industry to seriously consider high and dual voltage electrical systems. The ongoing developments in this area were reviewed in Section 25.7

The increasing electrical content of vehicles both underscores the need for power electronics and reflects the benefits of their introduction. It is safe to say that power electronics will continue to play an important role in the evolution of automobiles far into the future.


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