Chapter 14. GPU Accelerated RNA Folding Algorithm *
* Work performed while the first author was visiting Colorado State University and supported in part by NSF grant CCF-0917319, “Simplifying Reductions,” and in part by French ANR BioWIC: ANR-08-SEGI-005.
Guillaume Rizk, Dominique Lavenier and Sanjay Rajopadhye
In this chapter, we present an implementation of the main kernel in the widely used RNA folding package Unafold. Its key computation is a dynamic programming algorithm with complex dependency patterns, making it an a priori bad match for GPU computing. This study, however, shows that reordering computations in such a way to enable tiled computations and good data reuse can significantly improve GPU performance and yields good speedup compared with optimized CPU implementation that also uses the same approach to tile and vectorize the code.
14.1. Problem Statement
RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is a single-stranded chain of nucleotide units. There are four different nucleotides, also called bases : adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and uracil (U). Two nucleotides can form a bond, thus forming a base pair , according to the Watson-Crick complementarity: A with U, G with C; but also the less stable combination G with U, called wobble base pair. Because RNA is single stranded, it does not have the double-helix structure of DNA. Rather, all the base pairs of a sequence force the nucleotide chain to fold in “on itself” into a system of different recognizable domains like hairpin loops, bulges, interior loops, or stacked regions.
This 2-D space conformation of RNA sequences is called the secondary structure, and many bioinformatics studies require detailed knowledge of this.
Algorithms computing this 2-D folding runs in B9780123849885000140/si1.gif is missing complexity, which means computation time quickly becomes prohibitive when dealing with large datasets of long sequences. The first such algorithm was introduced in 1978 by Nussinov, which finds the structure with the largest number of base pairs [1] . In 1981 Zuker and Stiegler proposed an algorithm with a more realistic energy model than simply the count of the number of pairs [2] . It is still widely used today and is available in two packages, ViennaRNA [3] and Unafold [4] . Our goal is to write a GPU efficient algorithm with the same usage and results as the one in the Unafold implementation.
RNA folding algorithms compute the most stable structure of an RNA sequence; that is, the structure maximizing a given scoring system, or rather, minimizing the total free energy of the RNA molecule.
Although this may seem like a daunting task because there is an exponential number of different possible structures, a key observation makes it computationally feasible in reasonable time: the optimal score of the whole sequence can be defined in terms of optimal scores of smaller subsequences, leading to a simple dynamic programming formulation.
Let us look at the optimal score B9780123849885000140/si2.gif is missing of the whole sequence. As shown in recursion Figure 14.1(a) , there are two possible ways it can be constructed: the last base B9780123849885000140/si3.gif is missing is either paired or unpaired. If it is unpaired, the scoring system implies that B9780123849885000140/si4.gif is missing can be directly derived from the score of sequence B9780123849885000140/si5.gif is missing. In the second case, it is paired with some base B9780123849885000140/si6.gif is missing, thus breaking the sequence in two parts: subsequences B9780123849885000140/si7.gif is missing and B9780123849885000140/si8.gif is missing, with B9780123849885000140/si9.gif is missing, B9780123849885000140/si10.gif is missing forming a base pair. The scoring system implies that B9780123849885000140/si11.gif is missing is the sum of the score of these two constituent parts. Now, if determining optimal scores of both parts are self-contained subproblems, meaning they are independent of the rest of the sequence, then they need to be computed only once, and then stored and reused wherever the subsequence occurs again. This opens the path to dynamic programming; B9780123849885000140/si12.gif is missing is computed as the optimal way to construct it recursively with the equation:
B9780123849885000140/si13.gif is missing
with B9780123849885000140/si14.gif is missing the optimal score of subsequence B9780123849885000140/si15.gif is missing and B9780123849885000140/si16.gif is missing the optimal score of subsequence B9780123849885000140/si17.gif is missing when B9780123849885000140/si18.gif is missing form a base pair. The assumption that subproblems are self-contained implies that there cannot exist a base pair B9780123849885000140/si19.gif is missing with B9780123849885000140/si20.gif is missing and B9780123849885000140/si21.gif is missing, i.e., something that would make their scores dependent on exterior elements. Such forbidden base pairs are called pseudoknots.
B9780123849885000140/f14-01-9780123849885.jpg is missing
Figure 14.1
Recursion diagrams [5] represent the recursive equations of the dynamic programming algorithm. The flat line represents the backbone of an RNA sequence. A base pair is indicated by a solid curved line, and a dashed curved line represents a subsequence with terminal bases that may be paired or unpaired. Shaded regions are parts of the structure fixed by the recursion, while white regions denote substructures whose scores have already been computed and stored in previous steps of the recursion. (a) Recursion of subsequence B9780123849885000140/si29.gif is missing assuming no exterior dependence. Last base B9780123849885000140/si30.gif is missing is either paired or unpaired. (b) Recursion for subsequence B9780123849885000140/si31.gif is missing assuming B9780123849885000140/si32.gif is missing are paired. The subsequence either contains none, one, or several internal base pairs. This corresponds, respectively, to hairpin loops, interior loops, and multiloops. In the case of multiloops another quantity, B9780123849885000140/si33.gif is missing, is introduced and computed through another recursion.
Quantity B9780123849885000140/si22.gif is missing is also broken down in smaller subproblems, as shown in recursion Figure 14.1(b) . Either subsequence B9780123849885000140/si23.gif is missing contains no other base pairs — B9780123849885000140/si24.gif is missing, B9780123849885000140/si25.gif is missing is then called a hairpin loop — or there exists one internal base pair B9780123849885000140/si26.gif is missing forming the interior loop B9780123849885000140/si27.gif is missing, or there are at least two interior base pairs, forming a multiloop . The recursion can then be conceptually written in the simplified form:
B9780123849885000140/si28.gif is missing
14.2. Core Method
The main computation is a dynamic programming algorithm, the majority of whose time is spent in a triply nested loop with complex, affine dependency patterns. Despite the complexity, dependency patterns nevertheless allow a parallelization scheme with one of the triply nested loops parallelized, and another expressing a reduction operation. However, with this parallelization, the threads work on different data, preventing us from using shared memory. This lack of a good memory access scheme leads to a low ratio between computation and memory loads and thus mediocre performance. It is illegal to tile the loops as written in this direct implementation.
Our main idea is to exploit associativity to change the algorithm. We reorder the accumulations in such a way to make it legal to tile the code. This new tiled approach exhibits a lot of data reuse between threads. This technique therefore allows us to move from a memory-bound algorithm to a compute-bound kernel, thus fully unleashing raw GPU power. We note that our algorithmic modification also enables tiling and subsequent vectorization of the standard CPU implementation. This will allow us to a do a fair apples-to-apples comparison of the CPU and GPU implementations in Section 14.4.2 and avoid the hype surrounding GPGPU.
14.3. Algorithms, Implementations, and Evaluations
14.3.1. Recurrence Equations
We first describe with more details the principles of the folding algorithm as implemented in the Unafold package in the function hybrid-ss-min [4] . Recurrence equations of the RNA folding algorithm are well known in the bioinformatic community [2] and [3] ; we describe them here to make our paper self-contained. Recurrence Eq. 14.1 shows that finding the most stable structure of an RNA sequence involves computing table B9780123849885000140/si34.gif is missing, itself constructed in three possible ways, as shown in Eq. 14.2 . The first possibility is a hairpin loop, whose score is given by a function B9780123849885000140/si35.gif is missing mainly depending on loop length. The second possibility is interior loops, containing the special case where B9780123849885000140/si36.gif is missing and B9780123849885000140/si37.gif is missing corresponding to a stacked base pair. Functions B9780123849885000140/si38.gif is missing and B9780123849885000140/si39.gif is missing give, respectively, the scores of stacked pairs and interior loops. The last possibility is when subsequence B9780123849885000140/si40.gif is missing contains at least two internal base pairs, forming a multiloop. Another quantity, B9780123849885000140/si41.gif is missing, is introduced, representing the score of a subsequence assuming it is forming a multiloop. Recursive Eq. 14.2 can then be detailed as:
B9780123849885000140/si42.gif is missing
The value B9780123849885000140/si43.gif is missing represents the score of a subsequence with at least two internal base pairs. It is simply broken down as two subsequences B9780123849885000140/si44.gif is missing and B9780123849885000140/si45.gif is missing containing both at least one internal base pair. A third value, B9780123849885000140/si46.gif is missing, is introduced to represent the score of such subsequences. B9780123849885000140/si47.gif is missing decomposition is then straightforward: either a pair is on B9780123849885000140/si48.gif is missing giving B9780123849885000140/si49.gif is missing, or there are several pairs giving B9780123849885000140/si50.gif is missing, or B9780123849885000140/si51.gif is missing or B9780123849885000140/si52.gif is missing are unpaired, giving B9780123849885000140/si53.gif is missing or B9780123849885000140/si54.gif is missing.
Recursion Figures 14.2(a) and (b) show their decomposition patterns. Their recurrence equations are written as:
B9780123849885000140/si55.gif is missing
B9780123849885000140/si56.gif is missing
B9780123849885000140/f14-02-9780123849885.jpg is missing
Figure 14.2
(a) Recursion of subsequence B9780123849885000140/si57.gif is missing containing at least two internal base pairs. Both subsequences B9780123849885000140/si58.gif is missing and B9780123849885000140/si59.gif is missing each contain at least one base pair. (b) Recursion for subsequence B9780123849885000140/si60.gif is missing containing at least one internal base pair. It contains either several or one base pair on B9780123849885000140/si61.gif is missing, or on B9780123849885000140/si62.gif is missing or B9780123849885000140/si63.gif is missing, B9780123849885000140/si64.gif is missing if B9780123849885000140/si65.gif is missing or B9780123849885000140/si66.gif is missing are unpaired.
The third term of Eq. 14.3 is computed over the four variables B9780123849885000140/si67.gif is missing, B9780123849885000140/si68.gif is missing, B9780123849885000140/si69.gif is missing, B9780123849885000140/si70.gif is missing, hence implying a complexity of B9780123849885000140/si71.gif is missing. However, a common approximation is to limit internal loop sizes to B9780123849885000140/si72.gif is missing, thus reducing complexity to B9780123849885000140/si73.gif is missing. Equation 14.4 is in B9780123849885000140/si74.gif is missing, leading to an overall B9780123849885000140/si75.gif is missing complexity. The corresponding secondary structure is then obtained by a traceback procedure, which will not be parallelized on the GPU since its computing time is negligible for large sequences.
14.3.2. Related Work
GTfold is a multicore implementation conducted with OpenMP and reports a B9780123849885000140/si76.gif is missing x speedup on a 16 dual-core 1.9 GHz server over the sequential CPU code for a sequence of 9781 nucleotides [6] . Jacob et al. report a B9780123849885000140/si77.gif is missing x speedup with an FPGA implementation over a single core of a 3.0GHz Core 2 duo, but their implementation is limited to 273-nucleotide-long sequences [7] . Other previous efforts were aimed toward parallelization over multiple computers via MPI [8] and [9] .
14.3.3. General Parallelization Scheme
Figure 14.3 shows the data dependencies coming from the recursion Eqs. 14.3 to 14.5 . They imply that, once all previous diagonals are available, all cells of a diagonal can be processed independently. Three kernels are designed for the computation of B9780123849885000140/si78.gif is missing, and B9780123849885000140/si79.gif is missing, corresponding to Eqs. 14.3 to 14.5 . Each one computes one full diagonal. The whole matrix is then processed sequentially through a loop over the diagonals. The next step corresponding to Eq. 14.1 is a combination of reductions (search of the minimum of an array) which is parallelized in another kernel. The pseudo code for the host side of this parallelization scheme is given in Algorithm 1 .
B9780123849885000140/f14-03-9780123849885.jpg is missing
Figure 14.3
Left: Data dependency relationship. Each cell of the matrix contains the three values: B9780123849885000140/si87.gif is missing, and B9780123849885000140/si88.gif is missing. As subsequence B9780123849885000140/si89.gif is missing is the same as subsequence B9780123849885000140/si90.gif is missing only the upper half of the matrix is needed. The computation of cell B9780123849885000140/si91.gif is missing needs the lower left dashed triangle and the two vertical and horizontal dotted lines. Right: Parallelization. According to the data dependencies, all cells along a diagonal can be computed in parallel from all previous diagonals.
14.3.4. B9780123849885000140/si92.gif is missing Part: Internal Loops
The third term of Eq. 14.3 corresponds to the computation of internal loops. Their size is usually limited to B9780123849885000140/si93.gif is missing, which means the minimization is conducted over the domain defined by B9780123849885000140/si94.gif is missing with B9780123849885000140/si95.gif is missing and B9780123849885000140/si96.gif is missing. This domain is represented by the dashed triangle in Figure 14.3 . This term is therefore responsible in total for B9780123849885000140/si97.gif is missing computations. The kernel B9780123849885000140/si98.gif is missing is designed to compute all cells B9780123849885000140/si99.gif is missing over a diagonal B9780123849885000140/si100.gif is missing.
One major issue with this kernel is the divergence caused by the two branches in Eq. 14.3 : if pair B9780123849885000140/si101.gif is missing is not allowed, then B9780123849885000140/si102.gif is missing is assigned the score B9780123849885000140/si103.gif is missing and no computations are required. Different cells of the diagonal are following different code paths, causing a huge loss in performance. To tackle this problem we compute on the CPU an index of all diagonal cells B9780123849885000140/si104.gif is missing where the base pair B9780123849885000140/si105.gif is missing is allowed. The kernel computation domain is then the set of cells pointed by this index.
14.3.5. B9780123849885000140/si106.gif is missing Part: Multiloops
Equation 14.4 computes the most stable multiloop formed by subsequence B9780123849885000140/si107.gif is missing, and requires B9780123849885000140/si108.gif is missing computations per cell, thus B9780123849885000140/si109.gif is missing overall for the B9780123849885000140/si110.gif is missing cells of the matrix. It requires the knowledge of the line and column represented by dotted lines in Figure 14.3 and is simply computed by finding the minimum of B9780123849885000140/si111.gif is missing over B9780123849885000140/si112.gif is missing. Although it is a simple computation, it is the only B9780123849885000140/si113.gif is missing part of the algorithm and as such the most important one for large sequences.
Algorithm 1. Host code, first implementation.
1: Input : sequence of length B9780123849885000140/si80.gif is missing
2: Output : minimal energy of the sequence
3: for diagonal B9780123849885000140/si81.gif is missing in B9780123849885000140/si82.gif is missingdo
4: launch kernel B9780123849885000140/si83.gif is missing
5: launch kernel B9780123849885000140/si84.gif is missing
6: launch kernel B9780123849885000140/si85.gif is missing
7: end for
8: launch kernel GPU_reduction B9780123849885000140/si86.gif is missing
First Implementation
The obvious way to implement the multiloop computation is to compute cells of a diagonal in parallel, with the reduction computation of each cell being itself parallelized over several threads. This way is implemented in kernel B9780123849885000140/si114.gif is missing, shown in Algorithm 2 and used in our first implementation. The scheme is simple: B9780123849885000140/si115.gif is missing threads cooperate to compute the reduction, with each thread sequentially accessing memory locations B9780123849885000140/si116.gif is missing cells apart so that the memory accesses to B9780123849885000140/si117.gif is missing are coalesced among threads. The code shows that each thread does two operations for every two global memory elements accessed, on line 7. This is a very poor ratio, worsened by the fact that accesses B9780123849885000140/si119.gif is missing are not coalesced. Performance for this piece of code is measured at only 4.5 GOPS (giga operations per second) and a bandwidth usage of 17 GB/s for a 10 Kb sequence. It is obviously severely bandwidth limited. It may be possible to improve and coalesce the second reference in the loop body by storing QS and its transpose in global memory, but we did not pursue this approach because tiling leads to significantly higher performance as we shall see next.
Reduction Split and Reordering
The main issue with our first implementation is that it requires a lot of memory bandwidth, as each cell of the diagonal requires B9780123849885000140/si135.gif is missing data, and there is no reuse of data between the computation of different cells. Theoretically, there is a lot of data reuse, as a single value B9780123849885000140/si136.gif is missing will be used for the computation of all cells B9780123849885000140/si137.gif is missing with B9780123849885000140/si138.gif is missing. Unfortunately, the dependency pattern makes it a priori impossible to take advantage of this, as the set of cells B9780123849885000140/si139.gif is missingB9780123849885000140/si140.gif is missing are located on different diagonals and thus computed in separate kernel calls.
Algorithm 2. QM kernel, first implementation.
1: BlockSize : One B9780123849885000140/si124.gif is missing
2: Block Assignment : Computation of one cell B9780123849885000140/si125.gif is missing
3: B9780123849885000140/si126.gif is missing
4: B9780123849885000140/si127.gif is missing
5: Shared_data[tx] B9780123849885000140/si128.gif is missing
6: while B9780123849885000140/si129.gif is missing
7: Shared_data[tx] B9780123849885000140/si130.gif is missing min (Shared_data[tx], QS(i,k) B9780123849885000140/si131.gif is missing QS(k+1,j))
8: B9780123849885000140/si132.gif is missing
9: end while
10: Syncthreads
11: B9780123849885000140/si133.gif is missingB9780123849885000140/si134.gif is missing Minimum of array Shared_data
In our “tiled implementation,” we designed a way to exploit this data reuse. The key observation is that the computation of a single cell is a minimization over B9780123849885000140/si141.gif is missing, which can be split into several parts. Our approach is inspired by the systolic array implementation of the optimum string parenthesization problem by Guibas-Kung-Thompson [10] and [11] , which completely splits reductions in order to have a parallelization scheme working for an array of B9780123849885000140/si142.gif is missing processors. Although our approach does not go this far, it exploits the same idea: we split and reorder the reductions, in order to obtain a parallelization scheme better suited for a GPU.
Let's say we have already computed all cells up to a given diagonal B9780123849885000140/si143.gif is missing, meaning that all cells B9780123849885000140/si144.gif is missing such that B9780123849885000140/si145.gif is missing are known. For a given B9780123849885000140/si146.gif is missing outside of the known area (marked with an x in Figure 14.4 ) with B9780123849885000140/si147.gif is missing, the whole computation B9780123849885000140/si148.gif is missing is not possible as many B9780123849885000140/si149.gif is missing values are still unknown.
B9780123849885000140/f14-04-9780123849885.jpg is missing
Figure 14.4
Left: Reduction split. All shaded cells in the upper part of the matrix are already available. For a point B9780123849885000140/si154.gif is missing located outside of the known area, the middle part of the reduction represented by the thin line between B9780123849885000140/si155.gif is missing and B9780123849885000140/si156.gif is missing can be computed. Right: Tiling scheme. The middle part of the reduction is done “in advance” in the square tiles. The remaining part is done on the dashed cells, diagonal after diagonal.
Nevertheless, we can compute a part of the minimization for which B9780123849885000140/si150.gif is missing values are already known: for B9780123849885000140/si151.gif is missing with B9780123849885000140/si152.gif is missing and B9780123849885000140/si153.gif is missing. Similar “portions” of the accumulations of all the points in the tile can be computed in parallel. This means that by taking apart the range that violates the dependency pattern, we can compute in parallel a tile of cells and thus benefit from a good memory reuse scheme. Figure 14.4 shows such a tile and how the minimization is split.
Tiling Scheme
We still move sequentially diagonal after diagonal, but we compute “in advance” the middle part of the minimization of Eq. 14.4 in tiles. This tiled computation is implemented in the kernel B9780123849885000140/si157.gif is missing, and called every B9780123849885000140/si158.gif is missing diagonal. The remaining part of the minimization is done in kernel B9780123849885000140/si159.gif is missing and called every diagonal, as shown in Algorithm 3 and depicted in the right part of Figure 14.4 .
GPU Implementation
The tiled implementation allows for a very efficient GPU program: each tile is computed by a thread block, which can sequentially load into shared memory blocks of lines and columns, similar to a standard tiled matrix-matrix multiplication. Kernel code of B9780123849885000140/si170.gif is missing is shown in Algorithm 4 . B9780123849885000140/si171.gif is missing values are stored in shared memory lines 9,10 and reused B9780123849885000140/si173.gif is missing times each, on line 13. Bandwidth requirement is therefore reduced by a factor of B9780123849885000140/si175.gif is missing compared with the first implementation. Performance of this kernel is now 90 GOPS with a bandwidth usage of 23 GB/s.
Algorithm 3. Host code, tiled implementation.
1: Input : sequence of length B9780123849885000140/si160.gif is missing
2: Output : minimal energy of the sequence
3: for diagonal B9780123849885000140/si161.gif is missing in B9780123849885000140/si162.gif is missing
4: launch kernel B9780123849885000140/si163.gif is missing
5: if (B9780123849885000140/si164.gif is missing modulo Tile_Size B9780123849885000140/si165.gif is missing 0)
6: launch kernel B9780123849885000140/si166.gif is missing
7: end if
8: launch kernel B9780123849885000140/si167.gif is missing
9: launch kernel B9780123849885000140/si168.gif is missing
10: end for
11: launch kernel B9780123849885000140/si169.gif is missing
14.3.6. Related Algorithms
We also applied the technique presented here to the computation of suboptimal foldings and the partition function of a sequence, whose algorithms are similar to the one presented here. Suboptimal foldings and partition function are very useful to give a more accurate view of a sequence ensemble of possible foldings, because the unique “optimal” folding is not necessarily always representative of biological reality.
Algorithm 4. QM kernel, tiled implementation.
1: BlockSize : Two dimension B9780123849885000140/si178.gif is missing
2: Block Assignment : Computation of “middle part” of B9780123849885000140/si179.gif is missing for a tile of B9780123849885000140/si180.gif is missing cells, with upper left corner B9780123849885000140/si181.gif is missing
3: B9780123849885000140/si182.gif is missing, B9780123849885000140/si183.gif is missing
4: B9780123849885000140/si184.gif is missing beginning of “middle part”
5: B9780123849885000140/si185.gif is missing end of “middle part”
6: B9780123849885000140/si186.gif is missing
7: while B9780123849885000140/si187.gif is missingdo
8: Load blocks in shared memory:
9: Shared_L [tx][ty] B9780123849885000140/si188.gif is missing
10: Shared_C [tx][ty] B9780123849885000140/si189.gif is missing
11: Syncthreads
12: for B9780123849885000140/si190.gif is missing, B9780123849885000140/si191.gif is missing, B9780123849885000140/si192.gif is missingdo
13: temp B9780123849885000140/si193.gif is missing min(temp,Shared_L [ty][k] B9780123849885000140/si194.gif is missing Shared_C [k][tx])
14: end for
15: B9780123849885000140/si195.gif is missing
16: end while
17: B9780123849885000140/si196.gif is missingB9780123849885000140/si197.gif is missing temp
14.4. Final Evaluation
14.4.1. Results
Our GPU implementation uses exactly the same thermodynamic rules as Unafold, thus the results and accuracy obtained on a GPU are exactly the same as for the standard CPU Unafold function. We therefore compare only the execution time between programs, including the host-to-device transfer for the GPU implementation. Our tests are run on a Xeon E5450 @ 3.0GHz and a Tesla C1060. CPU code is running on Fedora 9, compiled with the GCC 4.3.0 compiler with -O3 optimization level.
14.4.2. Tiled Implementation
Figure 14.5(a) shows the speedup obtained by the tiled implementation on a Tesla C1060 over the standard Unafold algorithm running on one core of a Xeon E5450 for randomly generated sequences of different lengths. Tests are run with a large enough number of sequences, ensuring that GPU starting costs are amortized. The speedup starts at around B9780123849885000140/si198.gif is missing x for short sequences and goes up to B9780123849885000140/si199.gif is missing x for large sequences. For small sequences, the B9780123849885000140/si200.gif is missing part of the algorithm is preponderant, so the overall speedup is roughly that of the kernel computing internal loops, called B9780123849885000140/si201.gif is missing and explained in Section 14.3.4 . As sequence size increases, the B9780123849885000140/si202.gif is missing multiloop computation becomes more important, so the speedup approaches that of kernel B9780123849885000140/si203.gif is missing, which is very efficient thanks to our tiled code.
B9780123849885000140/f14-05-9780123849885.jpg is missing
Figure 14.5
Tesla C1060 speedup against one core of Xeon E5450 @ 3.0GHz for various sequence lengths. (a) Speedup against standard Unafold code. (b) Speedup against tiled and vectorized CPU code.
In order to do a fair, “apples-to-apples” comparison, we applied our tiling technique on the CPU and used SSE vectorized instructions to get the full potential of CPU performance. Execution speed of the vectorized part of the code is 5.4 GOPS for a 10 Kb sequence, which is quite high considering first GPU implementation speed was only 4.5 GOPS. Speedup obtained by the second GPU implementation against this optimized code is presented Figure 14.5(b) . Here speedup is more stable across sequence lengths because like the GPU, CPU tiled code is very efficient. GPU speedup of the B9780123849885000140/si207.gif is missing part of the code compared with CPU code using the same tiling technique and vectorized code is 90 GOPS / 5.4 GOPS = 16.6 x. This is therefore the theoretical maximum speedup that can be achieved when running on very large sequences when the B9780123849885000140/si211.gif is missing part — exhibiting different speedup — becomes negligible.
14.4.3. Overall Comparison
Figure 14.6 compares performance on a 9781-nucleotide-long virus sequence on a larger set of programs: on the first untiled GPU implementation, the tiled one, the standard Unafold CPU code [4] , the GTfold algorithm [6] running on eight CPU cores, and the new SSE-optimized CPU code running on one or eight threads.
B9780123849885000140/f14-06-9780123849885.jpg is missing
Figure 14.6
Execution time on a 9781-nucleotide-long virus sequence.
We can see that our new CPU code is running B9780123849885000140/si212.gif is missing times faster than the regular Unafold code, thanks to both SSE and better memory locality of the tiled code. Even against this fast CPU code, the Tesla C1060 is still more than B9780123849885000140/si213.gif is missing times faster than the Xeon. It is also worth noting the B9780123849885000140/si214.gif is missing x speedup obtained between the GPU tiled and untiled code. For the CPU tiled and vectorized, however, going from one to eight threads yielded a B9780123849885000140/si215.gif is missing x speedup. We measured memory bandwidth usage of the tiled part of the code at B9780123849885000140/si216.gif is missing GB/s when running on one CPU core; therefore, running eight cores at full potential would require B9780123849885000140/si217.gif is missing GB/s, exceeding the memory bandwidth limit of the Xeon E5450. As a result, the single GPU tested is approximately two times faster than this eight-CPU system. This may seem a low speedup, especially to those used to seeing hyped-up GPU performance gains. However, this is a more reasonable expectation — for example, the commercially released CULA package for linear algebra is “only” about three to five times faster than a vectorized and optimized linear algebra library on a four-core CPU. Also, note that GPU computing provides significant advantages for dealing with huge numbers of sequences; a single system fitted with several GPUs rivals with a small cluster at a fraction of the cost.
14.5. Future Directions
For the B9780123849885000140/si218.gif is missing part of the code, it seems difficult to get much better performance than our tiled approach. Some work could in theory be done to get a little closer to the peak 312 GOPS of the Tesla. However, code profiling shows that now that this part is well optimized, it has become a non-preponderant part of total time even for large 10 Kb sequences. Therefore, future optimizations should focus on the B9780123849885000140/si219.gif is missing part computing interior loops, which is bandwidth limited with a complex memory access pattern.
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