Chapter 6

Constructing Design-Informing Models


After reading this chapter, you will:

1. Know how to construct design-informing models as the second span to bridge the gap between analysis and design

2. Understand user models such as work roles, user classes, social models, and user personas

3. Understand usage models such as flow model, task models, and the information object model

4. Understand work environment models such as the artifact model and physical model

5. Understand the role of barriers (to work practice) within models

6.1 Introduction

6.1.1 You Are Here

We begin each process chapter in the book with a “you are here” picture of the chapter topic in the context of the overall Wheel lifecycle template; see Figure 6-1. We have now made it across the first of two spans of the bridge between contextual analysis and design. We have extracted requirements and are now on our way to constructing some design-informing models.


Figure 6-1 You are here; the chapter on constructing design-informing models, within understanding user work and needs in the context of the overall Wheel lifecycle template.

6.2 Design-informing models: second span of the bridge

In crossing the second span of our bridge on the way to design (Figure 5-2), we take what we learned in contextual analysis and build “design-informing models,” evolving work products that we can use to bridge the rest of the gap toward design. Just as we did in the previous chapter for requirements extraction, in this chapter we introduce another kind of deductive data extraction: from the work activity affinity diagram (WAAD) or your bins of sorted work activity notes and other contextual data to these design-informing models.

We wish to acknowledge upfront the ample influence of Holtzblatt and colleagues (Beyer & Holtzblatt, 1998; Holtzblatt, Wendell, & Wood, 2005), who have led the way in bringing ethnographic studies of work practice into the human–computer interaction context, in this chapter. In their book, Contextual Design (Beyer & Holtzblatt, 1998), Beyer and Holtzblatt use five models: flow, physical, artifact, sequence, and cultural.

In the book Rapid Contextual Design (Holtzblatt, Wendell, & Wood, 2005), the authors use mainly the physical, sequential, and artifact models. We have built on their work here, adapting and modifying it for our own needs. We also feature flow, artifact, and physical models. Their cultural model has been adapted to form our social model, and we have expanded their sequence model into a number of different task models.

We also acknowledge the influence of Constantine and Lockwood (1999). Much of our model-driven approach is based loosely on their “use what you know” technique.

6.2.1 What Are Design-Informing Models and How Are They Used?

Design-informing models are not building blocks that appear directly in a design but are artifacts that embody, drive, inform, and inspire the design. They are design-oriented constructs, such as task descriptions or user personas, that turn raw data into actionable items as design ideas, as elements to consider or take into account in the design.


A persona, as used in contextual data representation and interaction design, is a hypothetical but specific “character” in a specific work role, with specific user class characteristics. As a technique for making users real to designers, a persona is a story and description of a realistic individual who has a name, a life, and a personality, allowing designers to limit design focus to something very specific.

Like WAADs and requirements, design-informing models:

ent help integrate and summarize the contextual data

ent point back to the data, to maintain the “chain of custody” to ensure that the design is based on real contextual data

ent provide a shared focus for analysis now and, later, design

ent provide intermediate deliverables, which can be important to your working relationship with the customer

6.2.2 Envisioned Design-Informing Models

Even though this chapter is about modeling existing work practice, the purpose of the models is to inform design. So, as we get closer to design in Chapters 7, 8, and 9, we need to make a transition with our models from existing to envisioned work practice. To this end, after we construct each kind of model, we also look at the envisioned version of that model for the new design.


A barrier, in contextual modeling, is a problem that interferes with normal operations of user work practice. Anything that impedes user activities, interrupts work flow or communications, or interferes with the performance of work responsibilities is a barrier to the work practice.

Use these models as springboards to your design scenarios, sketches, and storyboarding. Using the flow model and physical model as guides, look for ways to make flows more efficient and to avoid redundant data entry and unnecessary physical motions. From the task interaction models, try to reduce and automate steps.

Using the social model as a guide, find ways to increase communication, reinforce positive values, address concerns of people in work roles, and accommodate influences. One important way to use each kind of model to inform design is to look at all the barriers identified in the models and solve the problems they represent.


A scenario is a design input in the form of a story about specific people performing work activities in a specific work situation within a specific work context, told in a concrete narrative style, as if it were a transcript of a real usage occurrence. Scenarios are deliberately informal, open-ended, and fragmentary narrative depictions of key usage situations happening over time.

When the new work practice and supporting system are quite different from the existing ones, the transition from modeling to design begins with a transition from the models of existing work practice by envisioning how each model will make the transition to the new work practice and supporting design.

Each model directly informs its envisioned counterpart. Envisioned design-informing models are a step closer toward design from analysis. Most of the envisioned design-informing models can be very brief, addressing only the differences from the existing models.

In cases where the new work practice and new system are only incrementally improved versions of the old work practice and system, envisioned design-informing models are probably of little value and usually can be skipped.


A storyboard is a visual scenario in the form of a series of sketches or graphical clips, often annotated, in cartoon-like frames depicting the actions, states, and sequences of interaction flow between user and system.

6.3 Some general “how to” suggestions

6.3.1 Maintain Connections to Your Data

It is important to label everything you put in a model with an identifier tag that points directly back to the place in the raw data that was the source of this item in the model. This tag can be the line number in the raw data transcript, a time code in a recording, or a note number in your manually recorded notes. It can also be a node-ID in your WAAD, which indirectly takes you to raw data source tags. This tagging allows your analysis team to get back to the raw data immediately to resolve questions, disagreements, or interpretations of the data. If any element of a model has no pointer back to the data, it must then be considered an unsupported assumption and is subject to additional scrutiny.

Social Model

A social model is a diagrammatic description that captures the social aspects of the users’ organizational workplace, including the overall flavor, philosophy, ambiance, and environmental factors as well as thought processes, mind-sets, policies, feelings, attitudes, concerns and influences, norms of behavior, attitudes, and pressures that affect users.

6.3.2 Extract Inputs to Design-Informing Models

The business of extracting inputs for design-informing models is not the “next step” after requirements extraction, but you do this in conjunction with requirements extraction. We discuss it separately here for clarity, but usually you would not want to take the time and energy to make another pass through the contextual data at this point. As you “walk the wall” and traverse the WAAD for extracting requirements, take notes on design-informing models, too.

References to design-informing models just come out naturally; you’ll see references to task descriptions, references to user types, references to social concerns, and so on. In WAAD notes and other contextual data, references to design-informing models will often be indirect or implied and sometimes oblique. These work activity notes will seldom be complete descriptions of any component of a design-informing model, but will be hints and clues and pieces of the puzzle that you, the detective, will assemble as you compile each model deductively.

6.3.3 Use Your “Bins” of Sorted Work Activity Notes from Contextual Inquiry and Contextual Analysis

It is hoped, as a result of anticipating in contextual analysis your current needs for modeling, that you will have separate work activity note bins sorted out for each kind of model. For example, you might have bins of user-related notes for user class definitions and personas. Separate your task-related work activity notes into sub-bins for hierarchical task inventory (HTI), task sequences, scenarios, and so on.

User Class

A user class is a description of the relevant characteristics of the user population who can take on a particular work role. User class descriptions can include such characteristics as demographics, skills, knowledge, experience, and special needs—for example, because of physical limitations.

These ordered and structured bins of notes for each resulting model type provide the inputs to drive your synthesis of the corresponding design-informing models. The user models bin will contain notes revealing major work roles. The social models bin might contain notes (perhaps through a user concern) about how people in those roles relate. Similarly, the flow model bin may contain notes about and inputs to workflow-related descriptions. Task-related work activity notes in your task model bin are obvious sources of inputs to task descriptions for task modeling, storyboarding, and scenarios.

Example: Bins of Inputs to Design-Informing Models from MUTTS

Here are a few examples of items found in the personas bin and the task descriptions bin, as inputs to corresponding design-informing models. References in square brackets at the end of each input item are tags, tracing the input item back to the data. In this case, the combination of letters and numbers reflects a node within the hierarchical structure of a WAAD.

ent Personas

ent I usually work long hours in the lab, on the other side of campus [from BA1-4]

ent I like classical music concerts, especially from local artists [from CE3-4]

ent I love the sense of community in Middleburg [from BC2-1]

ent Task descriptions

ent Sometimes I need to buy a set of tickets with adjacent seating [from EB5-6]

ent After the lottery results for an MU football game are out, students who won try to exchange tickets with others so that they and their friends can sit together [from EA3-14]

6.3.4 Represent Barriers to Work Practice

In most of the models you will want to represent problems that interfere with normal operations of the users. These barriers to usage are of special interest because they point out where users have difficulties in the work practice. These barriers also represent key opportunities for improvement in the design.

Barriers include what Beyer and Holtzblatt call “breakdowns,” but are a bit more general. Anything that impedes user activities, interrupts workflow or communications, or interferes with the performance of work responsibilities is a barrier to the work practice. Any time you observe users having difficulties at various steps in their work or experiencing confusion or awkwardness in the work role or task performance, even if it does not cause a full breakdown, is a candidate for being labeled as a barrier.

Especially in the flow model, barriers can include problems with coordination, slips of communication, forgetting to do things, getting the timing of steps wrong, failure to pass along needed information, and so on. We will use the Beyer and Holtzblatt symbology of a graphical red lightning bolt (image) in various ways to indicate barriers in our design-informing models.

6.4 A New example domain: slideshow presentations

In addition to our running MUTTS and Ticket Kiosk System example, in this chapter we will use examples from a contextual inquiry study of slideshow presentations performed at Carnegie Mellon University (Cross, Warmack, & Myers, 1999) to illustrate some of the models in this chapter. Many thanks to Brad Myers for permission to use it here.

These examples about slideshow presentations were chosen because the domain is easy to understand, the models are relatively straightforward, and the models are supported with real contextual data. A small group of user researchers analyzed a set of pre-existing videotapes of nine academic presentations representing a variety of subject matter, audience sizes, audience location (some local and remote, some local only), presentation styles, and audience reaction styles (listen-only, questions, criticism). The objective of the study was to find design improvements to the slide presentation process, possibly through a technology solution.

This example illustrates a creative adaptation of contextual inquiry to make use of available video data, unbiased data because it was not taken with contextual inquiry in mind but just to create a record of the presentations. Although the existing videotapes allowed observation of work as it occurs in its own context, they did not permit interaction with users and questioning of users during the observations. Nonetheless, their adaptation of the contextual inquiry method did yield observational data, which did lead to some design-informing models; we use them here as real-world examples.

6.5 User models

User models are a set of models that define who the users are, including everything about work roles, sub-roles, user class definitions, and personas. Perhaps the most important of the design-informing models are the user models of this section and the usage models of the next.

6.5.1 Work Roles

A work role corresponds to the duties, functions, and work activities of a person with a certain job title or job responsibility. For Constantine and Lockwood (1999), a role is a set of responsibilities assumed by a human within an activity in relation to a focal system. In other words, work roles are “hats” that people wear when they take on the corresponding job responsibilities and perform the associated activities.

As an integral part of contextual analysis, we got an early start at identifying work roles (Chapter 4). Now, in this section, we follow up on this step as part of the modeling.

A work role can involve:

ent System usage or not (meaning the person in the role may or may not be a direct user)

ent Internal or external to the organization, as long as the job entails participation in the work practice of the organization


For some work roles, there are obvious sub-roles distinguished by different subsets of the tasks the work role does. See the MUTTS example after the next section.

Mediated work roles

For many systems, your contextual data will show you that there are “users” in roles that do not use the system, at least not directly, but still play a major part in the usage context. These mediated users, whom Cooper (2004) calls “served users,” have true work roles in the enterprise and are true stakeholders in the system requirements and design and definitely play roles in contextual analysis, scenarios, user class definitions, and even personas.

The ticket-buyer role for MUTTS is a prime example of a user role whose interaction with the computer system is mediated; that is, someone else acts as an agent (the ticket seller) or intermediary between this kind of user and the computer system. It turns out, of course, that ticket buyers will become direct user roles in the envisioned Ticket Kiosk System. The ticket buyer is still a very important role and indirect user of MUTTS and is, therefore, important to interview in contextual inquiry.

The ticket buyer will be the main role considered in subsequent examples. These mediated roles are often customers and clients of the enterprise on whose behalf direct users such as clerks and agents conduct transactions with the computer system. They might be point-of-sale customers or clients needing services from a retail outlet, a government agency, a bank, or an insurance agency. They have needs that reflect on user tasks directly and that are mapped into the interaction design. The working relationship between the mediated users and the agent is critical.

Example: Work Roles and Sub-roles for MUTTS

MUTTS work roles include:

ent ticket buyer, with further sub-roles as described later, who interacts with the ticket seller to learn about event information and buy event tickets [from AA-3-6]

ent ticket seller, who serves ticket buyers and uses the system to find and buy tickets on behalf of ticket buyers [from AL-11-16]

ent event manager, who negotiates with event promoters about event information and tickets to be sold by the MUTTS ticket office [from AF-7-13]

ent advertising manager, who negotiates advertising to be featured via MUTTS [from AB-5-18]

ent maintenance technician, who maintains the MUTTS ticket office computers, Website, ticket printers, and network connections [from AC-3-10]

ent database administrator, who tends the reliability and data integrity of the database [from AG-2-17]

ent financial administrator, who is responsible for financial and accounting-related affairs [from AH-1-6]

ent administrative supervisor, who oversees the entire MU services department [from AE-6-6]

ent office manager, who is in charge of the daily MUTTS operation [from AF-2-15]

ent assistant office manager, who assists the office manager [from AC-1-8]

We also identified sub-roles for the ticket-buyer role: student, general public, faculty/staff, alumni, seniors, and children. People in the ticket-buyer role for MUTTS are associated with the main goal of ticket buying. However, a student of Middleburg University, in what we might call the MU-student sub-role, is associated predominantly with the goal of picking up athletic tickets reserved for students.

In contrast, nonstudent sports fans want to buy more publicly available sporting tickets. Similarly, town residents and Middleburg visitors, who may be more interested in buying concert and other event tickets, can comprise two other sub-roles. Finally, ticket buyers in the MU-alumni sub-role are buyers of tickets for university-hosted alumni events.

The administrative supervisor has overall responsibility for daily operations, success of the program, and planning for the future. Because she is charged with responsibility for more than one such program, she is definitely not involved in the daily operation.

There are also some work roles external to MUTTS, but who interact with people in MUTTS work roles, including:

ent event promoters, who interact with the event manager to book events

ent venue managers, who interact with the event manager to establish seat selection charts

ent advertisers, who interact with the advertising manager to book advertising


See Exercise 6-1, Identifying Work Roles for Your System

Envisioned work roles

The basic work itself, what has to be done, usually does not change much from the old system to the new system. For example, for MUTTS, even with the introduction of kiosks, the goals of most work roles are still the same. Much of the change from old to new shows up in envisioned work roles and an envisioned flow model. For example, the responsibilities and tasks of some roles may change.

As we move from the existing system and existing work practice to the design of the new work process, work roles can be expanded and changed. Some old work roles are no longer necessary; for example, the ticket seller may no longer exist as a role. Some new roles are introduced and we now spotlight some roles that were previously only in the murky background. Along with new roles, we get new issues and concerns in the envisioned social model, new work activities and constraints. The new roles come alive in the new workflow of the envisioned flow model.

Because you might have some new roles in the new design, you may not have contextual data from them. If you have not already interviewed people who might serve in these roles, now is the time to do just a little bit more contextual inquiry to see if there are any new considerations for design arising from the new roles.

Example: Envisioned New Work Roles for Ticket Kiosk System

The major difference between the new Ticket Kiosk System and the old MUTTS is that public kiosks are being used instead of a computer in the ticket office to find and sell tickets. With ticket kiosks come changes in work roles.

In the most significant role transformation, the ticket-seller role disappears and the ticket-buyer role becomes a direct user through the kiosk, now becoming what is perhaps the central role in the design. The ticket-buyer role includes all people who use the kiosk in a public manner, for example, for buying tickets and/or looking for information. The same sub-roles and user classes generally still apply.

User Class

A user class is a description of the relevant characteristics of the user population who can take on a particular work role. User class descriptions can include such characteristics as demographics, skills, knowledge, experience, and special needs—for example, because of physical limitations.

Relationship of work roles to other concepts

Work roles are distinguished by the kinds of work they use the system to accomplish. For example, the MUTTS ticket seller who helps customers buy tickets does entirely different tasks with the system than, say, the event manager who, behind the scenes, enters entertainment event information into the system so that tickets can be offered, printed, and purchased.

Work Role

A work role is defined and distinguished by a corresponding job title or work assignment representing a set of work responsibilities. A work role usually involves system usage, but some work roles can be external to the organization being studied.

In Figure 6-2, we show the relationship of work roles to other key concepts. Work roles are central to flow models.

Flow Model

A flow model is a diagram giving the big picture or overview of work, emphasizing communication and information flow among work roles and between work roles and system components within the work practice of an organization.


Figure 6-2 Concepts defining and related to work roles.

6.5.2 User Classes

A user class is defined by a description of the relevant characteristics of people who might take on a particular work role. Every work role will have at least one accompanying description of potential user community who can perform that role. Sometimes a work role can have such a broad user population that it requires more than one user class definition to describe all the different kinds of people who can assume that role.

User class definitions document the general characteristics of these groups of people who can take on a given role in terms of such characteristics as demographics, skills, knowledge, and special needs. Some specialized user classes, such as “soccer mom,” “yuppie,” “metrosexual,” or “elderly citizen,” may be dictated by marketing (Frank, 2006).

Knowledge- and skills-based characteristics

User class definitions can include background, experience, training, education, and/or skills expected in a user performing a work role. For example, a given class of users must be trained in X and must have Y years experience in Z.

User class characteristics can include user knowledge of computers—both in general and with respect to specific systems. Some knowledge- and skills-based characteristics of user class definitions can be mandated by organizational policies or even legal requirements, especially for work roles that affect the public.

For example, organizational policy might require a specific kind of training for anyone to take on a given role or no one is allowed to take on the role of an air traffic controller until they have met rather strict requirements for levels of experience and background training mandated by federal law.

In Figure 6-3 we show relationships among work roles, sub-roles, and user class characteristics.


Figure 6-3 Relationships among work roles, sub-roles, and user class characteristics.

User class characteristics can include user knowledge of the work domain—knowledge of and experience with the operations, procedures, and semantics of the various aspects of the application area the system being designed is trying to address.

For example, a medical doctor might be an expert in domain knowledge for an MRI system, but may have novice-to-intermittent knowledge in the area of related computer applications. In contrast, a secretary in the hospital may be a novice in the domain of MRI but may have more complete knowledge regarding the use of related computer applications.

Physiological characteristics

Physiological factors include impairments and limitations. Age can imply physiological factors in user class characteristics. If older adults are expected to take on a given work role, they may have known characteristics to be accommodated in design. Beyond the popular but often inaccurate characterization of having cognitive rigor mortis, older adults can be susceptible to sensory and motor limitations that come naturally with age.

The older adult population in our country is growing rapidly, mainly due to aging baby boomers. A study of potential usability barriers for older adults in 50 state and 50 federal e-government Websites (Becker, 2005) revealed a huge amount of easily correctable flaws in the form of distractions, poor use of color, nonstandard use of links, nonstandard search boxes and mechanisms, requirements for precise motor movements with the mouse, font size, and Web page lengths. Also, electronic voting machines, although not online, are certainly part of the concept of e-government.

Physiological characteristics are certainly one place where accessibility issues can be found. Within usage roles you may also find subclasses of users based on special characteristics such as special needs and disabilities, such as the woman voter mentioned in Chapter 3.

Web Accessability

Dr. Jonathan Lazar

Department of Computer and Information Sciences and Universal Usability Laboratory, Towson University

Why are not more Websites accessible for people with disabilities when there are guidelines and tools available to help developers make their Websites accessible? This is a question that fascinates me. I am a professor of computer and information sciences at Towson University, founder and director of the Universal Usability Laboratory, and author of the book Web Usability: A User-Centered Design Approach, editor of the book Universal Usability: Designing Computer Interfaces for Diverse User Populations, and coauthor of the book Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction.

I first became fascinated with this research question when the World Wide Web Consortium, and their Web Accessibility Initiative, came out with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 1.0 in May 1999, which provide guidance to developers on how to design Web pages that are accessible to people with motor and perceptual impairments. People with impairments often use alternative input or output devices, for instance, people with motor impairments (such as limited use of hands) may not use a pointing device or may use an alternative keyboard or speech recognition for input. People with visual impairment may use a screen reader (such as JAWS, Window-Eyes, or VoiceOver), which provides computer-synthesized speech output of what appears on the screen, as well as back-end textual equivalents and labels in the code. To make a Website accessible does not mean changing the visual appearance. Web accessibility means to make sure that the Web page uses appropriate coding standards, such as making sure that all graphics and forms have meaningful text labels (such as name, address, rather than form1, form2), making sure that links make sense when heard out of context (“information about the history of Wal-Mart” rather than “click here”), making sure that any scripts, applets, or plug-ins have accessible equivalent content, and captioning and/or transcripts for any multimedia. And, of course, a Website is a living, breathing entity that changes on a daily basis. A Website that was accessible last week may be inaccessible this week, and accessible again next week. Accessibility must be maintained and monitored through organizational processes. A very common approach for this is for companies and government agencies to run a monthly report using automated accessibility tools (such as Deque WorldSpace or SSB Bart InFocus). While usability testing, involving users with disabilities, is the best way to evaluate Websites, automated accessibility testing (using some of the tools described previously) is used commonly for ongoing evaluation.

The WCAG 1.0 guidelines influenced laws around the world that were created that require that government information on the Web be accessible. Most laws are based on WCAG 1.0 or are strongly influenced by it. For instance, the Section 508 regulations in the United States, in subsection 1194.22 (the section addressing Websites), specifically notes that paragraphs a–k were based on WCAG 1.0. The Section 508 guidelines (which apply to both Websites and many other forms of technology) have been legally, in effect, since June 2001. However, there has been a gap between existing law and actual compliance. Most U.S. federal Websites are not currently accessible, and the Justice Department, which is in charge of reporting on Section 508 compliance to the U.S. Congress and the president every 2 years, has not done so since 2003. A July 2010 memo from the CIO of the U.S. federal government states that compliance activities will begin again soon. The Canadian national government has not fared any better. In November 2010, a Canadian federal court ruled that the Canadian national government has not followed their own laws related to Web accessibility and has set a 15-month deadline for the Canadian federal government to bring their Websites into compliance with the accessibility law.

Not only is accessibility policy changing, but the accessibility guidelines themselves are changing as well. In December 2008, version 2.0 of the WCAG was approved. Governments around the world are working on updating their regulations to match more closely with the new WCAG 2.0. In the United States, the Section 508 regulations have already been under review, and a new draft of Section 508 regulations (which is still waiting final approval) was released in March 2010.

Accessibility is not just important for government Websites, but also for Websites of companies, transportation providers, education, and nonprofit organizations. When Websites are inaccessible, it can lead to unemployment, discriminatory pricing, and lack of access to education. For instance, in one study from my research group, we determined that when Websites of airlines are not accessible, the airfares quoted to people who are calling the airlines on the phone are often higher, despite the callers noting that they have a disability and the law requires that they receive the same fares (and that they cannot be charged the call center fee). In November 2010, Pennsylvania State University was sued by the National Federation of the Blind, who claimed that the course management software, the department Websites, and even the online library catalog were inaccessible, prohibiting access to education. eBay has recently made their Website accessible, providing more employment and revenue opportunities for people with impairment. Currently, the U.S. Justice Department is working toward clarifying the Americans with Disabilities Act so that Websites of public accommodations (such as state government, education, and stores) would be addressed more clearly in the law.

I urge everyone to learn more about Web accessibility. Some great suggestions: start by trying to navigate a Website using only a keyboard, without using a pointing device. Then either download a free demo version of the screen reader JAWS ( or use a free Web-based screen reader such as WebAnywhere ( Read up on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines ( and check in to see what is currently happening in the public policy area related to Web accessibility. Web accessibility is a goal that can be achieved. As usability engineers, we play an important role in making this happen.

Suggested reading

1. Ebay. EBay for users with special needs access. Downloaded from; 2010.

2. Lazar J, Jaeger P, Adams A, et al. Up in the air: Are airlines following the new DOT rules on equal pricing for people with disabilities when websites are inaccessible?. Government Information Quarterly. 2010;27(4):329–336.

3. Loriggio P. Court Orders Ottawa to Make Websites Accessible to the Blind. Downloaded from 2010;; 2010.

4. Parry M. Penn State Accused of Discriminating Against Blind Students. 2010; Downloaded from; 2010.

5. Downloaded from Web Accessibility Initiative. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.; 2010.

Experience-based characteristics

Experience-based characteristics can also contribute to user class or subclass definitions. Also, you should remember that experienced users for some systems are novices for others. Considerations include:

ent novice or first-time user: may know application domain but not specifics of the application

ent intermittent user: uses several systems from time to time; knows application domain but not details of different applications

ent experienced user: “power” user, uses application frequently and knows both application and task domain very well

Example: User Class Definitions for MUTTS

Even though the ticket-seller role will be eliminated in the Ticket Kiosk System, it is instructive to look at user classes for the ticket seller work role for MUTTS. What characteristics are needed for this role? What training, background, or experience is required? Minimum requirements include point-and-click computer skills with typical Windows-based applications. Probably some simple training is called for. They had a manual explaining the job responsibilities, but over time it has become lost [from CJ2-17].

Because ticket sellers are often hired as part-time student employees, there can be considerable turnover with time. So, as a practical matter, much of the ticket seller training is picked up as on-the-job training or while “apprenticing” with someone more experienced in the role, with some mistakes occurring along the way [from DF1-9]. This variability of competence in the work role, which is the main interface with the public, is not always the best for customer satisfaction, but there does not seem to be a way around that [from HA2-12].

Other roles, such as the event manager or advertising manager, require some specific training because the work involves some complexity and must be done consistently from one client to another. The event manager must have knowledge and experience with the general domain of entertainment, events, and ticket selling. The advertising manager must have a certain level of knowledge and experience with promotions, sales, and the advertising aspects of business.

As we move from MUTTS to the Ticket Kiosk System, we will see user class definitions that relate more directly to kiosk usage. For example, you might be expected to include inexperienced (first-time) users from the general public, as well as senior citizens with limited motor skills and some visual impairment. Because the database administrator role includes tasks that involve technical issues, such as database structures and data integrity, a user class appropriate for the database administrator role would include requirements for professional training in database management functions. Finally, an additional work role, maintenance technician, is also introduced to maintain the kiosks. More new work roles will arise as they are encountered during the creation of the envisioned flow model and the envisioned social models.


See Exercise 6-2, User Class Definitions for Your System

6.5.3 Social Models

Work does not happen in a vacuum; it occurs within a social setting, in the broadest sense. The social model is a design-informing model that captures the communal aspects of the users’ organizational workplace, including the overall flavor, philosophy, ambiance, and environmental factors.

The social model highlights what is important to the organization. It characterizes the norms of behavior, influences, attitudes, and pressures that affect users within the work and usage context. Social models are about thought processes, mind-sets, policies, feelings, attitudes, and terminology that occur in the work environment. They include the concerns and influences of Beyer and Holtzblatt’s cultural model. They include social ambiance and the social milieu, which define explicit or implicit social interaction in the workplace.

We call it a social model because it is mainly about the feelings, issues, and concerns of people in the workplace and the forces that influence those feelings and concerns, which often have a significant influence on how people approach and do their work.

Other factors involved include position or influence within the political structure of the organization, user goals, job-related factors, for example, job description, location, and level of responsibility, motivational factors, and attitudes toward the system such as “I hate this system because it will add to my work.”

The social model contains nodes connected with arcs. Nodes represent active roles and arcs represent social relationships, such as influence by role on another. We describe how to create a social model diagram in the following sections.

Identify active entities and represent as nodes

In the social model, different entities—especially work roles— with concerns or influences within the work practice are represented as nodes. The active entities can also include any non-individual agent or force that participates in, influences, or is impacted by the work practice, internal to or external to the immediate work environment.

Examples of external roles that interact with work roles include outside vendors, customers, “the government,” “the market,” or “the competition.” Perhaps the project team depends on an external vendor to supply a certain part in order to build a design prototype. Or an external regulatory agency may have put a rule in effect that limits the way a product can be marketed.

Alternatively, the enterprise may be limited by union policy regarding the number of people who can take on a given work role. Some workers in a large government agency may feel bound up by government rules and policies, by federal and state legislation, and by working in a union shop. Finally, generic roles in the broader business process model, such as “management,” “the government,” “the market,” and “the competition,” can be roles in a social model.

Groups and subgroups of roles. Work roles and other roles can be grouped into generalized roles that represent common concerns or influences. Group roles can be very informal with respect to the official organization chart. For example, you can refer to “those people in shipping” or “management” as groups.

System-related roles. There can be a number of different kinds of nonhuman roles in a social model, including databases, systems, external signals, and devices.

Workplace ambiance. The workplace ambiance is another nonhuman social model entity, one that represents the prevailing organizational identity and organizational attitudes, and any pervasive organizational personality. Ambiance includes the milieu, the atmosphere of the workplace, and the general “air” or “way of life” in the workplace.

Ambiance is part of the social model rather than a working environment model because of the psychological impact on users. Sometimes the ambiance of a workplace reflects stress and pressure.

Work Environment Model

A work environment model is a model that defines the milieu in which work gets done, including constraints and artifact and physical models.

As an example, consider a typical doctor’s office. The general mood or work climate is rushed, chronically overbooked, and behind schedule. Emergencies and walk-ins add to the already high workload. The receptionist is under pressure to make appointments correctly, efficiently, and without errors. Everyone feels the constant background fear of mistakes and the potential of resulting lawsuits.

Work domain. The work domain itself can be an entity in a social model, possibly containing constraints and influences on the work practice. Examples include conventions and traditions in the work domain and legal and business policy constraints.

Create nodes to represent social model entities. Each node in a social model diagram represents an entity in the work practice of the enterprise. Start with sketching a node, as a circle for example, for each of the entities, of the kinds described in previous sections, in your broadly viewed existing working environment. Label each node with the name of the entity. Use circles within circles, in a Venn diagram approach, to represent groups and subgroups.

Example: Entities in the Slideshow Presentation Social Model

In Figure 6-4 we show the beginnings of a social model. We start by identifying the entities. In the social models for the cases studied in contextual inquiry for the Slideshow Commander, there were two main roles: one or more people in the presenter role and a group called the audience. In turn, the audience was sometimes composed of subgroups, local audience and remote audience(s).


Figure 6-4 Depiction of entities in the slideshow presentation social model. Thanks to Brad Myers, Carnegie Mellon University, and his colleagues for their case study (Cross, Warmack, & Myers, 1999) on which this example is based.

To represent these entities as nodes in our diagram of Figure 6-4, we have drawn a circle labeled “Presenter” on the left and a large circle for “Audience” on the right. Two smaller circles inside the main audience circle are labeled for the subgroups “Local Audience” and “Remote Audience.” We also added “Ambiance” as a nonhuman entity.

Each presentation potentially included one or more other subsidiary roles in the social model (not shown in Figure 6-4 for the sake of readability), including technical support, the host (to welcome the audience and introduce the speaker), advisory committees (in the case of student presentations), and members of the presenter’s immediate research team. All of the people filling these roles worked toward making the communication between presenter and audience as smooth and as informative as possible.

Identify concerns and perspectives and represent as attributes of nodes

Often managers treat concerns of their employees as “intangibles,” yet they can have a very tangible effect on how people work. Workers often have concerns about other workers, issues connected to their work roles, work goals, and how things get done in the work domain. The concerns show what people care about in the work place and how they think about their work, the tools they use, the people they work with, and the organization they work for.

They may (and are likely to) share overall work goals with other work roles, but each work role has a different perspective on the work and the workplace and on the other work roles. Groups and subgroups can have their own set of common concerns, just as any other entity. Many concerns are hidden and must be teased out in contextual inquiry.

For example, while the primary intents of people in work roles are to get the job done, people also have secondary intents driven by their own personal and possibly tacit agenda or concerns. Those concerns in turn motivate user behavior in doing the work and, if a system is used to do the work, in using the system.

For example, a manager might be concerned with capturing very complete documentation of each business transaction, whereas the person in the work role that has to compile the documentation may have as a goal to minimize the work involved. If our analysis does not capture this secondary user goal, in design we may miss an opportunity to streamline that task and the two goals may remain in conflict.

Finally, there is another kind of concern, personal concerns that relate to the user as a person rather than to the work. For example, most workers want to do almost anything to avoid being embarrassed or being made to look stupid. It is natural not to want to lose face publicly. Designs that emphasize worker production can be broadened to take these more personal concerns into account. Satisfied workers are more productive.

The point here is that information about this kind of personal concerns cannot be obtained from any requirements document, task analysis, or other engineering method. You must do the contextual inquiry and analysis and social modeling.

Label nodes with associated concerns. Summaries of user concerns are represented as text in “thought bubbles” connected to human roles and expressed in the perspective of users. We are showing what goes on inside the head of the person in the role in the style of a cartoon.

Example: Concerns in the Slideshow Presentation Social Model

In Figure 6-5 we have added the concerns of several roles of Figure 6-4. Because a member of the local audience was selected to set up the software and equipment for the presentation, we added “Selected Member” as a subgroup of “Local Audience.” Note the feelings and concerns of the presenter and those of the audiences.


Figure 6-5 Depiction of concerns in the slideshow presentation social model.

Identify influences and represent as relationships among entities

Each entity type can exert different kinds of influences on other entities.

Personal and professional inter-role influences. Individuals in work roles have different kinds of influence on individuals in other work roles that affect behavior within the work practice. There are personal feelings about the work and about co-workers that influence how well people work together. The model may also reflect plain old interpersonal or inter-role frictions and animosities.

In an enterprise that counts on teamwork, there will be dependencies of people in certain roles on others in other roles—the ability to do one’s job well can depend on others doing theirs equally well. As an example, consider a case in which one person gathers data from machines in the field and someone else analyzes these data. The analyst depends on getting accurate and timely data from the data gatherer.

Power influences. There are many kinds of power within most organizations. Power relationships between roles can stem from having different official ranks. As an example of influence built into the professional hierarchy, in our consulting with the U.S. Navy we often encountered a strong professional imperative that sometimes put rank above reason. It often meant to those of lower rank that it is better (for your career, if not for the task at hand) to follow orders and keep your opinions to yourself, for example, opinions about what might be a better way to do things.

Alternatively, nonmilitary employees can “pull rank” based on official job titles. Influence stemming from this kind of power relationship can be exerted in many ways. However, in a social model, power influence is not always based on power that comes with a given job title in an organization chart; it can be leverage or clout that exists as a practical matter and often comes from people who proactively take on leadership roles.

Influence comes from the strength or authority a person exerts in a work role. In meetings, to whom does everyone listen the most? When the chips are down, who gets the job done, even it if means working outside the box?

For systems with complex work domains, territorial boundaries are important to some people and can have a profound effect on how work is done. Interaction designers must take all these influences into account if they are to come up with a design that works in the target environment.

System-related influences. People in various roles can feel influences, including pressure or stress, from system-related entities, including the computer system. For example, a slow server can frustrate a data entry clerk and cause job stress.

Influences from ambiance. The general atmosphere of the workplace can exert powerful influences on work practice and behavior, including the values on which daily work practice is based, and the implied expectations that underlie the “way of life” in an organization.

Influences from work domain constraints. Constraints imposed by legal requirements and regulations, as well as organizational policies and politics, can frustratingly tie your hands as barriers to accomplishing your work goals.

Another source of influence on enterprise work practice has to do with whether system usage is discretionary or captive. This parameter, dictated by work domain constraints, indicates whether users in a particular work role have a choice in deciding to adopt or use the system being designed or whether political or organizational policies or business needs mandate the use of the system.

Discretionary users can walk away from the system if they do not like it. If a discretionary user does choose to use the system, that user is usually a receptive user, one who is favorably inclined toward adopting the system being designed. In contrast, captive users may feel trapped and may see the new system merely as adding to their work.

Barriers as influences. Barriers to successful work practice are a type of influence in the social model. One of the most common kinds of barrier to consider when redesigning work practice within a complex-domain system is rooted in people’s attitude toward change.

Just because new ways of getting work done, new technology, and new systems may have obvious advantages to you, the designer, does not mean that they will not be upsetting to, and resisted by, the people whose jobs are affected. The attitude toward change can vary across an organization, from top management all the way down to the worker bees.

We have labored in organizations in which legacy systems thrive long beyond their useful lives because old-timers are bound up in a struggle to hang on to the old ways within an ancient “stove pipe” management structure. It is all but impossible to sell new ideas in these bastions of tradition.

It may sound like a trite observation, but the “we have never done it that way” mentality can be a huge and real barrier to creativity in a social work environment. Dissatisfied workers can also present real barriers within a work environment. In your contextual inquiry and analysis be sensitive to indicators of job dissatisfaction and do your best to glean insight on the underlying causes.

Be sure to include in your social model how people think and act negatively in response to dissatisfaction. Is the watercooler or the break room the center of subversive coordination? Is subversion or passive-aggressive behavior a common answer to power and authority? How strong is the “whistle-blower” mentality? Does the organization thrive on a culture of guerilla activity?

As in the other models, barriers, or potential barriers, in relationships between entities are represented as a red bolt of lightning (image), in this case on influence arcs. See examples of these barriers in Figure 6-6.


Figure 6-6 Depiction of influences in the slideshow presentation social model.

Consequences of and reactions to influence. People react to pressures and influences. Backlash reactions to influences are what Beyer and Holtzblatt call “push-back.” For example, a person in a particular work role feels pressure to deliver but barriers to performing on the job have combined to produce frustration.

Users can react to this kind of job frustration by “pulling in their wings” and hunkering down to “endure” the job or they can react by causing further stress for everyone. This kind of situation needs a solution that will restore everyone’s ability to contribute to the success of the enterprise while enjoying satisfaction on the job.

Create arcs to represent influences. Influences by one entity upon another are represented by an arrow, or directed arc, from the influencer to the influencee in the style of “influence: consequence/reaction”. An arc can be bidirectional, shown as a two-headed arrow, if, for example, the two entities depend on each other in the same way. Arcs are labeled to denote the specific influence being represented.

Example: Arcs Representing Influences in the Slideshow Presentation Social Model

In Figure 6-6, we have added arcs representing some selected influences in the slideshow presentation social model. Note that arrows to and from the outer “Audience” circle correspond to influences common to both kinds of audience. Arrows to or from an inner circle, such as the “Local Audience” circle, represent influences pertinent to that type of audience only.

In their studies, the team noted the mostly obvious observation that some stress due to speaking before a group in public is common to most people. So, we represent this influence of the general stress of public speaking on the presenter from the situational ambiance.

The team noted that some presenters not used to public speaking, in reaction to this influence, will display a nervous demeanor to the local audience, talking too fast and sometimes mumbling. You can see this presenter behavior represented as an influence on the local audience in the lower left-hand portion of the diagram in Figure 6-6, with the added reaction by the audience in the form of reminders to slow down, speak up, and enunciate.

Other barriers represented as influences include communication barriers between the presenter and remote audiences, as noted in the studies. In Figure 6-6, for example, we show the fact that the remote audience often cannot hear the presenter as a barrier, with a red lightning bolt, to the “influence” labeled “Tell me what you’re doing.”

Similarly, another red lightning bolt shows that the presenter cannot always hear questions from remote audiences. As an example of another barrier, when source material references were given verbally, they could not be remembered by audience members; this caused a barrier to pursuing the topic further after the talk.

Limited space in this one small figure precludes completeness, but you can imagine other influences. For example, the presenter desires feedback, support, and interesting questions from the audience. The audience desires clear and organized information. The presenter wants to impress everyone and wants to stimulate interesting discussion and help the audience understand the material. The audience wants clear and complete information.

An additional influence related to work domain constraints might arise with hierarchical audiences, as opposed to peers only. Their studies found a strong element of influence (again, not shown in Figure 6-6, for simplicity) due to the presence of faculty and thesis supervisors at a student presentation.

Because it is their job to do so, this kind of audience often exhibited a more critical tone and a more “demanding” (of explanations and rationale) and stressful ambiance for the presenter as compared to the more collaborative, sharing, and supportive ambiance of peer audiences that usually offered suggestions in a two-way exchange.

Example: A Social Model for MUTTS

In the example social model for MUTTS shown in Figure 6-7, we present selected parts of what is an even larger model. Starting with the roles, we identify the ticket seller and ticket buyer as the main ones, represented as two nearby circles near the top. Almost always you will want to include the ambiance and work domain as nonhuman entities.


Figure 6-7 Example social model for MUTTS.

The administrative supervisor, database administrator, and office manager are shown, and a full representation of the model would also show all other roles that appear in the upcoming flow model, such as the event manager, the advertising manager, and the financial administrator.

The diagram shows a few examples of concerns, including mutual concerns between the ticket buyer and the ticket seller about possible negative consequences of going to a kiosk-based system. The administrative supervisor is also shown as concerned about insufficient revenues from tickets alone. Note for clarity of narrative reading that we have omitted tags to the data sources.

The bulk of the diagram is devoted to influences. For example, the ticket seller wants to please ticket buyers and especially wants to avoid complaints from ticket buyers, complaints that could have a negative effect on the ticket seller’s job reviews. You can also see pressure, when the ticket window is busy, from other ticket buyers in line for the current ticket buyer to hurry up and not delay the rest of them.

The ambiance exerts certain pressures on ticket buyers, too, because the environment is public and can be noisy, distracting the ticket buyer and impeding the ability to make event choices, seating choices, and other decisions needed to buy tickets.

The database administrator works in a relatively quiet office but could be faced with daily pressure to maintain data integrity and to keep the systems up and running continuously. Because of sharing a fairly small office with the event manager, whose phone is ringing constantly, the database administrator can, at times, find it hard to concentrate. When faced with the pressure of things going wrong with the computer, the ringing phone and constant chatter on the phone can become enormously irritating.

Problems with are a negative influence on all internal work roles. There is concern that the poor quality usage experience users get on will cast a shadow on MUTTS’s reputation for reliability and service. Because ticket buyers do not necessarily make the distinction between and MUTTS, they can all be painted with the same brush. For big concerts, a large online demand can sometimes overwhelm the server and it goes down. If a transaction fails for any reason and the order does not go through and the ticket buyer starts over, he or she can sometimes get charged twice. If he or she does not start over, sometimes the order does not go through and the ticket buyer fails to get the expected tickets.

The administrative supervisor has influence on all the internal work roles, out of proportion to her real role in the work practice. Because she is not involved directly in the day-to-day operations, employees perceive her as unfamiliar with the work practice and therefore unrealistic in her expectations for performance. The staff then feels obligated to explain when the expectations are not met. And, when the workers have questions, it is hard for them to get answers from her.

To make things worse, the administrative supervisor tends to show up occasionally, causing stress for everyone. So she has an impact on people in other work roles and makes all their jobs harder, producing more on-the-job stress.

As another example of her influence, because the administrative supervisor’s concerns that the enterprise is not generating enough revenue on contracts, ticket sales, and advertising, she has aspirations to increase total revenues by selling many items in addition to tickets, including over-the-counter commodities such as candy, gum, and aspirin, plus merchandise souvenirs, T-shirts, hats, and banners. But the people currently in other work roles are resisting this kind of change, saying that these merchandising activities will distract their focus on actual ticket operations. Plus their main sales software, Event Pro, is not set up for event-independent merchandise sales.

An example of work domain influence on both ticket buyers and ticket sellers is seen in the organizational policy not to give refunds for tickets. Tickets can be exchanged, but for a $3 fee. This policy causes a public relations problem because the staff has to deal with and console disappointed ticket buyers.

Another influence from the work domain, this one on the office manager, stems from the fact that MUTTS uses up to three ticket sellers to operate their three ticket stations. They often have just one ticket seller but in periods of high demand they need to hire additional ticket sellers quickly, which they later lay off. However, university hiring policies make it difficult to hire and fire temporary ticket sellers on a timely basis to match workload demands.

Ticket buyers exert various influences on the ticket seller. For example, many repeat customers want a “small-town” relationship with the ticket seller. They want them to remember the ticket buyer by name and, in some cases, provide recommendations based on what the ticket buyer likes.

Among the influences from the work domain is pressure on the ticket buyer to buy tickets for popular events before all the good seats are gone. For season tickets, it is especially important to get good seats because you will have the same seats for the whole season.

As an example of influence of the work domain on all roles, when the workload is high, over-the-counter sales get hectic and there is pressure on everyone to get things right. Errors and problems will upset ticket buyers.

Finally, through contextual inquiry interviews, we discovered an influence on all work roles that can be traced indirectly to the administrative supervisor. In some cases there is a lack of a clear division of roles and responsibilities, making it uncertain who is authorized to do what and who is not. This influence can lead to hand tying and, because of it, sometimes things do not get done.


See Exercise 6-3, A Social Model for Your System

Social models in the commercial product perspective

Social Model for a SmartphoneSocial models about usage of a commercial product can be very illuminating to designers. What is the context of usage? When do people use it? Are other people around? What does the product look like—is the impression cool or is it dorky? What are the users’ feelings about having and using the product? Are they proud or embarrassed to own it? What does it say about them as individuals? What influenced them to buy it as opposed to a competing product?


See Exercise 6-4, A Social Model for a Smartphone

The envisioned social model

As new work roles arise, so do concerns and influences experienced by people in those roles.

Example: An Envisioned Social Model for the Ticket Kiosk System

As we introduce the concept of ticket kiosks all around town, new roles, concerns, and influences arise in the social model. Venue managers may see the potential for greatly increased ticket sales but may wonder if they can handle the additional logistics. Advertisers might be thinking about how they can monitor the effects of the additional advertising. How can they determine if their kiosk ads are cost-effective?

The working environment for the ticket buyer now will be quite different. Instead of standing at the ticket office window, the ticket buyer will be at a kiosk in a public place that could be noisy and distracting. Also, now that the ticket seller is replaced with a kiosk, the ticket buyer interacts with a machine instead of a human; the issue of trust may become more important.

The ticket buyer will still need to communicate with friends and other individuals to discuss event information—only now the ticket buyer is at the kiosk. A cellphone would still work, but also maybe this need to communicate might inspire designers to consider a possible future feature requirement for including a way to send event information from the kiosk, via the Internet, to email addresses. This need for outside communication could also show up in the flow model.

Another example of a concern is that of a customer who uses the kiosk located at a bus stop: “If my bus arrives when I am only partway through a transaction to buy tickets, will I be able to get out quickly and safely and resume later, for example, after work tomorrow, without losing too much progress in my search for entertainment events?”

Because many of the kiosks will be placed near bus stops, the Middleburg Bus Authority, although not a direct user of the Ticket Kiosk System, becomes a stakeholder. And this new stakeholder has concerns about whether crowds at the kiosks will interfere with Middleburg Bus operations or introduce a safety hazard to bus riders.

Also, if the kiosks are actually on Middleburg Bus property, how much income can be expected from leasing the space for the kiosk? Middleburg Bus may also be worried about the added exposure to public liability, whether bus stop lighting is adequate, and will there be any added public safety issues? By the same token, the local police may be concerned about the potential for vandalism and whether a kiosk poses an “attractive nuisance.”

6.5.4 User Personas

Technically, personas are a type of user models, but they are tied so closely to design that we discuss them in Chapter 7.

6.6 Usage models

Usage models are a set of models that define how work gets done, including flow models, task structure models, and task interaction models.

6.6.1 Flow Model

Different authors place different relative values on different kinds of models, but we believe that if you had to pick the single most valuable design-informing model, the flow model is it. The flow model is a picture of existing work processes in the work domain being analyzed for a new design.1

The flow model is like a plan view in architecture—it shows a bird’s-eye view of the entire workflow of the enterprise humming along below. It should show territorial boundaries, especially the separation between enterprise and non-enterprise work roles.

Initial sketches of the enterprise flow model are begun from customer and user data early in contextual inquiry. Now we follow up on the flow model sketches and complete the flow model.

The focus of a flow model is on the issue of with whom and with what do the users in each work role interact. Specify whether the system supports inter-role communication or users must do it on their own, for example, via a shared database or through a telephone conversation. What information is exchanged when entities communicate? Describe the different types of information that are exchanged among work roles and other entities.

For example, in a financial institution, a loan officer may need to speak with customers over the phone as part of a home loan application. Such details provide valuable insights to designing for their work activities. For instance, in this case, the user interface of the loan officer user class could have an option to dial the customer’s primary phone number as and when required at the touch of a button.

Creating a flow model diagram

Since early contextual analysis, you will have already been creating a flow model, representing workflow and other flow within the enterprise. We introduced this with a quick sketch in Chapter 4. Structurally, a flow model is a graph of nodes and directed arcs (arrows).

Nodes for entities. Labeled nodes represent entities in the enterprise workflow. Be sure you have represented as nodes all the work roles, including individuals or groups, direct or mediated users, potential users of all kinds, and all other entities that interact to get work done within the work practice.

“Other entities” include people outside the enterprise and entities such as systems, software, and devices. Most work domains in a domain-complex system context have a central database that users in all kinds of roles use to store, update, and retrieve work data. Draw entity nodes for information systems and databases that, like the work roles, are usually central in the workflow. Label each node with the corresponding entity name. Instead of using labeled circles for work role nodes, you can make your flow model more expressive by representing work roles as icons or stick figures depicting one or more people in those roles. You can make your flow model even more compelling by representing entity nodes with pictures of the corresponding personas labeled with their persona names, where they exist.

Having the user work roles visually in the center of a flow model also will help maintain user-centered thinking. Also, focusing on their workflow will help maintain usage-centered thinking.

Arcs for flow. Add labeled arcs or arrows to connect the entity nodes, showing who talks with whom and who gives what to whom, both internal to the enterprise and externally in the rest of the world. The arcs represent communication and coordination necessary to do the work of the enterprise—via email, phone calls, letters, memos, and meetings. Arrows show the flow of information, goods, services, workflow, work products, and artifacts during the execution of work practice.

If flow from one work role or piece of equipment in the system branches to more than one place, it can be helpful to know about how often it goes each way. Sellers (1994, p. 62, Figure 67) suggests labeling flow lines with percentages representing frequency of flow, if you have data to support it. Along with the label naming each arc, as much as possible, add a tag or identifier back to the relevant associated part of the raw data, using the tagging we did in Chapter 3.

If physical equipment contributes to flow, for example, information is communicated via telephones or email, label arcs accordingly. Flow model components should reveal how people get help in their work and make it clear where each artifact comes from and where it goes in the work process. Flow models also include non-UI software functionality, too, when it is part of the flow; for example, the payroll program must be run before printing and then issuing paychecks.

If you make a flow model of how a Website is used in work practice, do not use it as a flowchart of pages visited, but it should represent how information and command flow among the sites, pages, and users.

Example: A Flow Model for Slideshow Presentations

Separate flow models for slideshow presentation cases showed that the flow of information was often interrupted, either briefly or significantly, for almost 10 minutes during one presentation. The flow in some presentations, particularly ones with remote audiences, was overwhelmed with the need for the speaker and technicians to manipulate multiple electronic devices.

Barriers to flow were revealed most frequently when information flow to the presenter or the audience was interrupted, such as when extraneous application windows blocked part of the presentation screen or when sound controls were not adjusted properly. In Figure 6-8 we show an example flow model for slideshow presentations. Note the red lightning bolts representing barriers to flow.


Figure 6-8 Example flow model from the slideshow presentation contextual inquiry. Thanks to Brad Myers, Carnegie Mellon University, and his colleagues for their case study (Cross, Warmack, & Myers, 1999) on which this is based.


A barrier, in contextual modeling, is a problem that interferes with normal operations of user work practice. Anything that impedes user activities, interrupts work flow or communications, or interferes with the performance of work responsibilities is a barrier to the work practice.

Example: A Flow Model for MUTTS

The early sketch of the ticket-buying flow model for MUTTS shown in Figure 4-3 evolved into the diagram shown in Figure 6-9.


Figure 6-9 Flow model of our version of MUTTS.

This flow model shows flow of goods, services, and significant internal flow of information, for example, tickets and event information for customer, for running the business of MUTTS. The flow model is also a model of the enterprise organization business process, as it includes information transformations that occur as part of the flow as a component of the work process.

You may note that some of the important roles in the work process are within the MUTTS enterprise boundary (shown as an oval outline in Figure 6-9) and some are external. Some of the internal roles are, in fact, paired with external (to the MUTTS enterprise) roles in order to accomplish the flow of work.

For example, the internal role of event manager pairs up with the external role of the event promoter to carry out the work of booking and entering information for particular events. Note also interactions among roles not involved directly in ticket buying or selling, such as friends and/or family of ticket buyer in the upper right-hand corner of the diagram, standing there with the ticket buyer or on the cell phone, communicating about choices of events, dates, seats, and prices.


See Exercise 6-5, Creating a Flow Model for Your System

Flow models in the product perspective

In the perspective of a system with a complex work domain, the flow model is a complex enterprise representation. In the product perspective, the flow model can still be useful but is usually much simpler because there is usually no “organization” involved.

Flow models in the product perspective usually have fewer work roles than their domain-complex counterparts. The nature of work in the product perspective is different because of the fact that it does not happen in a fixed place. In an organization the workflow is somewhat fixed, although usually complex.

For a product, the workflow and context have much more variation from somewhat defined usage to connections with other users and devices for a large number of purposes. For example, in the case of a camera, most people just use it to take pictures, but if we expand the scope of consideration of workflow we get into how the pictures are downloaded, stored, and further processed and exchanged. Those parts of the photographic process could have implications for camera design.

For example, the need for easy physical access to the flash card, tethered-use picture transfer by cable, remote transfer by WiFi or infrared connections, sharing with friends and family, and streaming directly to printers or the Internet. The flow models of work in the product perspective tend to be much less connected than the typically established work patterns in an organization.

As another example, if the product being designed is a midrange laser printer, you need to model work activities in different types of homes, offices, and businesses, including all the activities for finding the right cartridge when one runs out and where to buy one.

Similarly, the amount of information exchanged among different work roles associated with a commercial product tends to be less structured and more opportunistic in nature. Also, given that the adoption of most end user products tends to be discretionary, it is much more important to capture and model a broad range of subjective and emotional impact factors than in domain-complex system contexts.

The envisioned flow model

Holtzblatt and colleagues (Beyer & Holtzblatt, 1998, pp. 275–285; Holtzblatt, Wendell, & Wood, 2005, Chapter 11) use the term “visioning” to describe their creation of an envisioned flow model. Through structured and focused brainstorming, the team creates a new design for work practice. The resulting vision is a story about the future, a new flow model of what the new work practice will be like and how the new system will support it.

To sketch out your envisioned flow model, you can start by reviewing, if necessary, relevant parts of your WAAD (Chapter 4) and any relevant design-informing models including, of course, your existing flow model. Brainstorm the flow of information and physical work artifacts among work roles and other parts of the system, such as external data sources and any central databases, as needed to carry out the high-level tasks in your HTI. Look for where work is handed off between roles, as these are places where things can fall through the cracks.

Hierarchical Task Inventory (HTI)

Hierarchical task inventory (HTI) is the process of cataloguing and representing the hierarchical relationships among the tasks and sub-tasks that must be supported in the system design.

Example: Envisioned Flow Model for the Ticket Kiosk System

The early sketch of the ticket-buying flow model in Figure 4-3 evolved into the diagram shown in Figure 6-9, which captured the viewpoints of the ticket-buying customer of MUTTS and the internal and external work roles required to run the business.

This flow model evolved into the envisioned flow model of Figure 6-10, which captures the viewpoints of the ticket-buying customer of the kiosk and some of the roles internal to the kiosk enterprise organization required to run the business, including the marketing manager, the event information manager, the database administrator, the financial administrator, and kiosk maintenance. This envisioned flow model shows several additional new work roles not identified previously for the Ticket Kiosk System.


Figure 6-10 Envisioned flow model for the Ticket Kiosk System.

6.6.2 Task Models

Task models represent what users do or need to do in the work practice and work environment, using system or not. Task models include both task structure and task interaction models. The primary task structure model is the hierarchical task inventory, similar to the idea of hierarchical task analysis. There are several different task interaction models, each with its own way to represent the interaction.

Tasks vs. functions

In order to understand task modeling, one must appreciate the distinction between a task and a function. Informally, we may use the terms more or less interchangeably when talking about the features of a system, but when we wish to avoid confusion, we use the term “task” to refer to things a user does and the term “function” to things the system does.

When the point of view is uncertain, we sometimes see a reference to both. For example, if we talk about a situation where information is “displayed/viewed,” the two terms represent two views of the same phenomenon. It is clear that “display” is something the system does and “view” is something the user does, as the user and system collaborate to perform the task/function. Within contextual analysis, of course, the user, or task, view is paramount.

6.6.3 Task Structure Models—Hierarchical Task Inventory

Task structure modeling, such as hierarchical task inventory modeling, is the process of cataloguing the tasks and subtasks that must be supported in the system design. Like functional decompositions, hierarchical task inventories capture relationships among tasks that need to be supported in a new system design.

Task inventories

A hierarchical task inventory, in which tasks are broken down into a series of subtasks and steps, is used:

ent to show what user tasks and actions are possible

ent to guide overall design

ent as a checklist for keeping track of task coverage in your design (Constantine & Lockwood, 1999, p. 99)

ent for matching that coverage to your inventory of scenarios and other task representations

Also, the accounting of the scope of tasks in hierarchical task inventory can serve as feedback about completeness in the contextual inquiry data, highlighting task-related areas of missing or inadequate contextual data to pursue in subsequent data-gathering activities. A hierarchical inventory of tasks is also a good source from which to select tasks for usage and design scenarios.

Task naming in hierarchical task inventories

In hierarchical task decomposition, each task is named and task names are usually of the form “action object,” such as “add appointment” or “configure parameters.” Task names require usage-centered wording rather than system-centered wording. For example, “view appointment” is a task name, but “display appointment” would be a system function name.

Hierarchical relationships are represented graphically by the usual tree-like structure, as in Figure 6-11. If task A is drawn above task B, it means A is a super-task of B, or B is a subtask of A. Exactly the same relationship exists between A and C. B and C are “sibling” tasks.


Figure 6-11 Hierarchical relationship of task A, the super-task, and tasks B and C, subtasks.

The litmus test characteristic for the meaning of this hierarchical relationship is that doing B is part of doing A. Another way to put it is: if the user is doing task B, then that user is also doing task A. As an example, if the user is filling out the name field in a form (task B), then that user is also filling out a form (task A).

Avoid temporal implications in hierarchical task inventories

The hierarchical relationship does not show temporal sequencing. So, in Figure 6-12 we depict an incorrect attempt at a hierarchical relationship because selecting a gear is not part of starting the engine.


Figure 6-12 An incorrect hierarchical relationship attempting to show temporal sequencing.

Example: Hierarchical Task Inventory for MUTTS

Starting at the very highest level of tasks for MUTTS, you have the major task sets performed by each of the work roles, such as the financial administrator, the database administrator, the event manager, the advertising manager, and the ticker buyer. Using an “action-object” approach to task naming, these major task sets might be called “manage finances,” “manage database,” and so on, as shown in Figure 6-13.


Figure 6-13 Sketch of the top levels of a possible hierarchical task inventory diagram for MUTTS.

Work Role

A work role is defined and distinguished by a corresponding job title or work assignment representing a set of work responsibilities. A work role usually involves system usage, but some work roles can be external to the organization being studied.

The full HTI diagram for MUTTS is enormous. Because the work roles often represent mutually exclusive task sets, often leading to separate interaction designs, it is convenient to treat them in separate HTI diagrams. In this example, we focus on the ticket-seller role and the corresponding most obvious task: “sell tickets.”

How does this break down into subtasks? This is where our design-informing model notes about tasks come in. If we organize them in a hierarchical structure, we will see notes about big tasks at the top, subtasks in the middle, and individual user actions (if any) at the bottom. Looking at the top-level notes, we see that “sell tickets” involves a number of potential user activities to find and decide on an appropriate event before the actual ticket purchase is made.

We intend the “sell tickets” task to encompass all event searching and other subtasks that necessarily go into making a final ticket sale. In Figure 6-14, we show a few more details for under the “sell tickets.”


Figure 6-14 Partial HTI for MUTTS “sell tickets” task.

As we work with tasks we try to organize by adding logical structure. For example, there may not be task-related work activity notes explicitly about “finding information” in the contextual data, but there are references to work activities that imply the need for searching, browsing, and filtering event information. So we have pulled these together and synthesized the general heading of “find information.”


See Exercise 6-6, Hierarchical Task Inventory for Your System

Envisioned task structure model

If the task structure changes in your new vision of work practice, then it is important to update the HTI representation to reflect your envisioned task structure. The HTI also shows the new vision of how all the subtasks fit together under the tasks.

Example: Envisioned Hierarchical Task Inventory for the Ticket Kiosk System

The envisioned HTI diagram for the Ticket Kiosk System is very similar to the HTI diagram of MUTTS. The essential difference is that finding and ticket buying tasks are now done by the ticket buyer instead of the ticket seller, and they are done on a kiosk instead of a computer. New work roles and corresponding tasks will be added for kiosk monitoring and maintenance.

6.6.4 Task Interaction Models

In addition to modeling task structure, and much more important for understanding user work, we must model the interaction part of tasks, steps, and user actions required to perform tasks.

Usage scenarios as narrative task interaction models

Scenarios are a task description technique that offers powerful tools for gaining insight about user needs and activities, supporting almost every phase of the interaction design lifecycle. In this chapter the term “scenario” refers to a “usage scenario” because these scenarios are extracted from contextual data that reflect actual usage that stems from real work practice in the existing work domain. When we get to design, we will talk about “design scenarios” because those scenarios are stories of what usage will look like using the new design.

Like other design-informing models, scenarios are threads that link various interaction design process activities. Scenarios begin in contextual inquiry and requirements analysis and later will play an obviously important role in design. Real contextual data provide the necessary richness to avoid superficiality (Nardi, 1995). Even after transitioning to a product, scenarios can be updated and used for usability evaluation and in training to show users examples of how to do various tasks.

What are scenarios, how do they work? Usage scenarios are stories about specific people performing work activities in a specific existing work situation within a specific work context, told in a concrete narrative style, as if it were a transcript of a real usage occurrence. However, as Go and Carroll (2004) point out, scenarios are many things to many people. In addition to their obvious value in requirements and design, Go and Carroll (2004) demonstrate their use as a brainstorming tool for planning, a decision-making tool for stakeholders, requirements engineering support, and a tool for object-oriented analysis and design.

Scenarios describe key usage situations happening over time, being deliberately informal, open-ended, and fragmentary. Interaction designers use these scenarios to gain a better understanding of the system usage in the context of the user’s actual experience. Tasks defined in task modeling become the heart of each scenario, which attempts to capture a representative description of the actual task performance.

Because scenarios are work oriented, they focus on needs, goals, and concerns of users. Scenarios reveal and facilitate agreement on requirements and evoke thought and discussion about requirements, design, user experience goals, and testing strategy.

Elements of scenarios. Scenarios typically capture these kinds of elements:

ent Agents (users, people in work roles, often in personas, system, sensors)

ent User goals and intentions

ent User background, training, needs, etc.

ent Reflections on work practice, including user planning, thoughts, feelings, and reactions to system

ent User actions and user interface artifacts

ent System responses, feedback

ent User tasks, task threads, workflows, including common, representative, mission critical, and error and recovery situations

ent Environmental and work context (e.g., phone ringing)

ent Barriers, difficulties encountered in usage

ent And, of course, a narrative, a story that plays out over time

Usage scenarios should be annotated, as meta-data, with comments about what you have observed that works and what does not, what the problems are with the way things are done currently. We represent a barrier or difficulty in a usage scenario with the usual red lightning bolt (image) added at a strategic place in the text.

Scenarios are not for everyone. The efficacy of scenarios as models to inform design is not universally lauded. In a CHI 2003 tutorial, Constantine and Lockwood (2003) claim that scenarios suffer from a few drawbacks, which we quote verbatim here:

ent coarse-grained model muddles distinct tasks

ent rarely feasible to model entire task domain

ent superfluous details distract from essentials

ent exceptional, uncommon, or unimportant actions can assume undue prominence in story line

ent concreteness does not facilitate innovative thinking

Example: Usage Scenario for MUTTS

Here is a fairly detailed usage scenario about a group of students using MUTTS.

On cellphone and email over a day or two, Priya and a group of her friends plan an evening out together on the coming weekend. They agree to meet at the MUTTS ticket window on Friday afternoon. Some walk to MUTTS, while others take the bus.

With the work week behind them, the group is in a festive mood, looking for entertainment over the weekend. They decide to check out events for Saturday night. After waiting in line, Priya asks the ticket seller what kinds of events have tickets available for Saturday night. The agent looks through her computer listings of movies, concerts, plays, fairs, carnivals, and special events and tells the group about their options. After talking among themselves, they decide they want to go to a concert. The agent asks, “Which kind, classical or pop?” They choose to go with a pop concert. Again, she tells them their options. They finally decide on a concert playing at The Presidium.

There is some unease within the group, though, because they feel that the agent did not give them enough information to make the best choice (image) and they felt some pressure to decide in a hurry (image), as the agent was standing there and waiting.

They ask about what seats are available and the agent goes back to her computer and brings up a graphical seating map of the hall. However, the tickets the agent has on hand are for only a subset of the seats actually available, forcing the group to pick from these, knowing they had not seen all the real options (image). They choose their seats based on price and seat location and the agent requests an option to buy the tickets, locking out others until the transaction is either completed or given up. The group agrees on the purchase and then discusses the matter of paying. They decide to give Priya cash and she will pay on her credit card, so Priya swipes her credit card through the slot on the counter. The transaction is authorized by the credit card company, the sale is committed, and the agent gives them the tickets. The group is happy, but they leave with a nagging feeling that there must be a better way to buy tickets.


See Exercise 6-7, Usage Scenarios for Your System

Envisioned usage scenarios or design scenarios

One of the most effective kinds of design-informing model for facilitating connections between requirements and design is the design scenario. In the envisioned transition to design, these scenarios are stories of what usage will look like in the new design, stories that inform design in a detailed and concrete way.

Design scenarios are the best way to visualize early the consequences of design choices and to share and communicate design ideas at the task level. Scenarios are an excellent medium for discussion of design alternatives and are easy to change as the design evolves. Much of your early design can be informed by design scenarios, starting with the key task set you have chosen to lead the design effort.

In creating a design informed by a scenario, you do not want your design to be too specialized for just that one scenario, but you want to be general enough to cover the scenario. However, do not overgeneralize the design to cover every user’s needs in a big potpourri of functions, either. As your personas evolve (next section), you can feature them in design scenarios. This will help show clearly how your designs are aimed at particular personas. Soon you will also be extending your scenarios by interspersing the narrative with graphic presentations of storyboards.

Example: Design Scenario for the Ticket Kiosk System

A local movie theater, The Bijou, has a standing contract with the Ticket Kiosk System Company, and every time a new movie comes up, all of the information about showings, trailers, and advertising blurbs get sent automatically to the kiosk event manager in the right format so that most of it can be posted automatically.

Many different local and other advertisers have contacted the marketing manager and sent graphics and text advertising for their products and companies. For example, the Back Country Provisions has a beautiful advertisement about tents, backpacks, hiking boots, and so on. Plus, they have an agreement to associate their advertisement with any event, for example, a movie about Alaska, that has to do with hiking, camping, or traveling into any kind of wilderness or camping situation.

On a Friday night, Joe drives his pickup into the parking lot next to a bus stop with a Ticket Kiosk System kiosk. Joe is looking for some entertainment for the evening, something to take his mind off the busy past week. He is thinking about a fun sporting event on this Friday night, maybe basketball game or a hockey game.

At the “Welcome” screen Joe, touches the button labeled “Sports” from the main menu and looks under the current date. But the ones that are available that night really do not appeal to him, so he starts browsing for other events. He touches the “Main menu” button and returns to the “Welcome” screen.

Joe is tired after a hard week of work, and he does not think he has the energy to go to a concert, so he thinks he might like to just sit back and see a movie. He touches the “Movies” button and browses casually through some of the movies that are currently showing and sees Into the Wild and gets excited. He has never been to Alaska and he has always wanted to go. In fact, this would be a great movie for him to take a date.

Joe has been secretly dating a woman named Jane, who lived in Alaska before moving to this area. Joe calls Jane on his cellphone and, although she too would prefer to attend a hockey game, she agrees to meet him at The Bijou.

While Joe is standing there on the phone in front of the kiosk, he sees an advertisement for Back Country Provisions, which is showing on the far right-hand side of the screen, as it is automatically associated with this movie. As he looks at it, he imagines himself off in the wilderness, escaping his busy work life. He dreams of himself on this nice trip to Alaska. He makes a note to stop by at Back Country Provisions and see what kinds of hiking boots they have.

Joe then pays for the tickets with a credit card, and the transaction goes by wire to the financial company. The transaction is approved and the tickets are printed. The printer ink is getting a little low, which triggers a sensor, and a warning is sent to the kiosk maintenance person. Joe is so excited about pulling this all off (the transaction and the date) that he almost forgets to take the tickets from the slot, but he sees the reminder message on the screen that says “Thank you. Do not forget to take your credit card and your tickets.”


See Exercise 6-8, Design Scenarios for Your System

Step-by-step task interaction models

A more direct and less story-oriented way to describe task interaction is by a step-by-step task interaction model. Beyer and Holtzblatt (1998) call this kind of model a “sequence” or a “sequence model.”

A step-by-step task interaction model contains a detailed description of task performance observed in users or as told by users. Remember that task interaction modeling is all about current work practice, not (yet) an envisioned way to do things with a new system. So, any references to specific systems or technology necessary in describing the task steps will always be to existing technology and existing task-supporting systems.

The task interaction model of work also shows the detailed steps of task performance, including temporal ordering of actions and activities. Like usage scenarios, task interaction models capture instances of possibilities (“go paths” or representative paths), not complete task specifications. At the beginning, individual task interaction models will be mostly linear paths without branching. Later you can add the most important branching or looping.

So, for example, an initial task interaction model for an online purchase might not show a decision point where the user can pay with either a credit card or PayPal. It would just be a linear set of steps for the task of buying a ticket with a credit card. Later, as task interaction models are consolidated, a separate linear path for the alternative of paying with PayPal is merged, introducing a decision-making point and branching (see sub-section later).

Task and step goals. A task or step goal is the purpose, reason, or rationale for doing the task or taking the step. Called the user “intent” by Beyer and Holtzblatt (1998), the goal is a user intention, in the sense of being “what the user wants to accomplish” by doing the task. Each task interaction model will include a goal statement at the top. Goals and subgoals, as well as multiple goals, are possible for the same task and for each step in a task.

The goal of a task, being the “what” of a task interaction model, is often more important to understanding work than the way a task is performed or the steps of the “how.” If the work stays the same in the transition to a new system, the task goal usually stays the same, regardless of the operational steps in the way of doing the task. In fact, a list of the goals can stand alone without the task steps, as a “to-do” list for the user.

Task triggers. A task trigger (Beyer & Holtzblatt, 1998) is an event or activation condition that leads that user to initiate a given task. For example, when a user makes a phone call, it might be because something came up that presented an information need that can be resolved by the call. If the user logs into a system, it is because a need arose, maybe from an incoming call, to access that system.

If a user sends a “heads-up” message to a user in another role, it is because of a desire or need to inform that user of something important to the work process. Triggers are easy to identify in your contextual inquiry observations. New work arrives in the user’s in-box, a new aircraft appears on the air traffic controller’s screen, an email request arrives, or the calendar says a report is due soon.

Information and other needs in tasks. One of the most important components of a task description is the identification of user information and other needs at any step. Unmet information needs constitute one of the largest sources of barriers in task performance. The contextual inquiry and analysis processes and modeling can help you identify these needs and eventually design to meet them.

Information and other needs of people in work roles at certain points within task performance are represented by specific annotations to the graphical diagram of a step-by-step task interaction model. Just before the step in which the need occurs, we add an indented line beginning with a red block “N,” like this, N, followed by a description of the need.

Barriers within task interaction models. These are things that happen or difficulties encountered that present impediments to task performance, including things that slow the user down and make a task more difficult than necessary. The symbol for a barrier in a task interaction model is, you guessed it, a red lightning bolt (image), which you should put at the beginning of an indented line explaining the barrier.

Something that requires the user’s attention to be divided might be a task barrier or an intervening manual step that interrupts the flow of using the system. Task barriers also include interruptions and having to “stack” one task in the middle to go off and do something else before coming back and trying to remember where things were in the original task. For example, suppose a key input to a task is unavailable, delayed, or difficult to dig out. Perhaps the user has to stop in the middle of the task and go to a different system to get the needed information. That kind of task detour is a barrier.

If the user’s reaction or response to a barrier is known through the contextual data, add a brief description of that right after the barrier description among the task steps.

Creating a step-by-step task interaction model. Step-by-step task interaction models are mostly textual. Write the initial task interaction model as a linear task thread, as a model of one instance of how a task happened with a user, not a general model of how all users perform the task. Sequential steps can be written as an ordered list without the need for flowchart-style arrows to show the flow. Linear lines of text are less cluttered and easier to read.

Start with some structural components, a label for the task name and a contextual data identifier, a tag identifying the source of the specific data used for this instance of the model.

The task description is labeled at the top with one or more task goals and the task trigger, followed by the steps at whatever granularity of detail is needed to help everyone understand it. Lines describing breakdowns and information needs are indented to set them off, interspersed with the steps, and labeled, respectively with a image or an N. Include responses or reactions to barriers, if known, and label as such. In addition, each task step can be labeled with its own step goal(s) and step trigger.

It can help analysis and discussion to number the steps so that you can refer to, for example, step 5 of the send email task interaction model. Note cases of multitasking, where the user is juggling more than one task thread at once. The increased cognitive load to keep track of multiple tasks can be a barrier to ease of use.

Example: Step-by-Step Task Interaction Model for MUTTS

This is an example of a step-by-step task interaction model for the task of ticket buying by the ticket seller work role. People often have something specific in mind when they go to buy tickets but, to illustrate a rich step-by-step interaction model, we are using an example in which the ticket buyer starts by wanting to know what is available.

 Task name: Finding entertainment for a given date (performed by ticket seller on behalf of ticket buyer)

 Task goal: Helping a ticket buyer choose and buy a ticket for entertainment for this coming Friday night

 Task trigger: Ticket buyer arrives at the MUTTS ticket window on the way home from work on a Thursday evening, thinking ahead to the weekend

Ticket Buyer Ticket Seller
1. Tells ticket seller about general goal of wanting to find an entertainment event for the next night (Friday night)
2. Asks agent about available types of entertainment 3. “There are plays, concerts, movies, and sports”
4. Not enough information yet to decide on the category. Asks to see examples of different types.

   Step goal: Consider examples of entertainment events

5. Asks what events are available for Friday night

 Barrierimage: Agent sees that the number of results is too large to sort through or tell the customer about

  Response to barrier:

6. Ask customer how to filter results or narrow it down (e.g., “Tell me more about what you like”)
7. “How about something within reasonable walking distance downtown or near a Middleburg bus stop? 8. Tells about some possibilities

   Task continues:

9. Thinks about the list of possibilities

   image: It is difficult to think about specific events while remembering all the others given orally on the list

  Response to barrier:

10. Makes a few sketchy notes by hand

   Trigger: Movies seem attractive to ticket buyer

  Goal: Find a movie to see

11. Tells agent about switching focus to just movies
12. Tells agent to use the same criterion about being within reasonable walking distance downtown or near a Middleburg bus stop 13. Tells about possibilities
14. Considers possibilities and finds a few he likes
15. Writes choices down on paper

   Trigger for interrupt to embedded task: Thinks a friend might also like these movies

  N: Needs to know friend’s opinion of the selections

  Goal: Contact a friend to help narrow these last few choices down and pick something together

16. Asks agent to please wait
17. Calls friend on cellphone
18. Makes choice with friend

   Trigger: Choice made, ready to buy two tickets

  Goal: To buy tickets

19. Tells agent to buy two tickets to selected movie 20. Sets up transaction in computer
21. Cash or credit card?
22. Gives agent credit card 23. Swipes card
24. Signs credit transaction 25. Prints tickets and receipt
26. Gives printed tickets and returns credit card and receipt

Branching and looping. Although step-by-step task interaction models are primarily for capturing linear sequences of representative task steps, sometimes you encounter a point in the work practice where there is a choice. You observe some doing A and other users B. You can generalize the task sequence representation by showing this choice in both observed paths using branching, as shown with arrows on the left-hand side of Figure 6-15. Note the conditions for branching on the diagram.


Figure 6-15 Branching and looping structures within step-by-step task interaction models.

Similarly, if you observe iteration of a set of tasks or task steps, you can represent that as shown on the right-hand side of Figure 6-15. For sets of steps that are repeated or iterated, note the number of iterations or the condition for termination.

Example: Task Interaction Branching and Looping for MUTTS

In Figure 6-16 we show a sketch of task interaction representation for selling tickets with MUTTS. Note several instances of looping to iterate parts of the task and, in the bottom box, branching to accommodate two different cases.


Figure 6-16 Task interaction branching and looping for MUTTS.

Essential use case task interaction models

By combining the best characteristics of step-by-step task descriptions and software use cases, Constantine and Lockwood (1999, p. 100 ff) created essential use cases as an alternative task interaction modeling technique. An essential use case is a structured narrative, in the language of users in the work domain, that describes a single user intention or goal, a complete, well-defined task description that is meaningful to a user in a role (Constantine & Lockwood, 2003).

An essential use case is a kind of step-by-step task description but, being more abstract and less specific than step-by-step task interaction models of the previous section, it is not a complete story, nor is it a scenario, but rather a task skeleton on which a scenario story could be woven. An essential use case is a simple, general, and abstract task description, independent of technology or implementation. Just as it does in task interaction models, the importance of the task goals underlying an interaction greatly overshadows that of specific steps or user actions to carry them out.

In the classic style of using columns, or “swim lanes,” to represent collaborative task performance between user and system, an essential use case has two columns: one for user interactions and one for corresponding system responsibilities. The inclusion of system responsibilities clearly connects user actions to requirements for what the system must do in response.

Each essential use case is named with a “continuing verb” to indicate an ongoing intention, plus a fully qualified object, for example, “buying a movie ticket.” Essential use cases capture what users intend to do and why, but not how, for example, searching for a particular entertainment event, but nothing about user actions, such as clicking on a button.

Because only the essence of the transaction is represented and nothing is said about how the transaction looks in the user interface, it is an easy description for users and customers to understand and confirm. Essential use cases help structure the interaction design around core tasks. These are efficient representations, getting at the essence of what the user wants to do and the corresponding part played by the system.

The term “essential” refers to abstraction. An essential use case contains only steps essential to the user and the task. The representation is a further abstraction in that it represents only one possible task thread, usually the simplest thread without all the alternatives or special cases. Each description is expressed as a pure work-domain representation, not a system domain or design-oriented expression.

To illustrate, in Constantine and Lockwood’s ATM example, the user’s first step is expressed as an abstract purpose, the “what” of the interaction: “identify self.” They do not express it in terms of a “how”; for example, they do not say the first step is to “insert bank card.” This is a deceptively simple example of a very important distinction.

The abstraction of essential use cases is the opposite of the concreteness of usage scenarios. Usage scenarios read like real stories because they contain specific names of people and specific details about the context. These concrete details make the story easy to read and easy to understand, but when they are generalized as essential use cases, they serve better as inputs to interaction design.

Many of the details, although they add interest, are not essential to the general understanding of a task and how users perceive and perform it. In usage scenarios, those names and details are placeholders for more general attributes and information. The user’s name is a stand-in for all such users. A specific usage scenario describes an instance of the task, an instance of an essential use case.

Task cases are simplified and technology and implementation independent, traits that bring them close to the essence of work activities. Essential use cases are descriptions of what users do, not about design.

Example: Essential Use Case for MUTTS

Table 6-1 contains an example, cast in the same fashion as Constantine and Lockwood (2003). This is a task that the ticket seller does with the computer using the ticket buyer’s credit card.

Table 6-1 Example essential use case: Paying for a ticket purchase transaction (with a credit or debit card)

User Intention System Responsibility
1. Ticket seller to computer: Express intention to pay 2. Request to insert card
3. Ticket seller or ticket buyer: Insert card 4. Request to remove card quickly
5. Withdraw card 6. Read card information
7. Summarize transaction and cost
8. Request signature (on touch pad)
9. Ticket buyer: Write signature 10. Conclude transaction

11. Issue receipt
12. Take receipt

Your contextual data can indicate focal points for expanding and elaborating task details. As an example, there are some possible alternative cases following step 6, when the system reads the credit card. Perhaps the system could not read the card successfully or maybe there is a problem with the credit or debit account associated with the card—the card has been reported stolen, the account has been cancelled, or payment is overdue.

While these detailed alternative task paths are important to capture, they are not usually put directly in the task description, as they would interfere with its abstract simplicity. You can create new essential use cases for these ancillary task threads or you can put the alternate cases and exceptions in a list that goes with the basic task description to remind designers that these special cases have to be dealt with in the design.

Envisioned task interaction models

Individual task descriptions in your envisioned task interaction models are exactly what you need as inputs to scenario and storyboard content. Begin your envisioned task descriptions by selecting a set of key tasks that will serve to focus the initial design effort and help you control complexity. Remember that task triggers are pivotal and must be represented in the envisioned models, too; otherwise the same task will not get done when using the new design.

Also, do not forget to design for task threads. It is relatively easy to design for single user tasks isolated from the workflow. In fact, HTI can lead you to think that tasks can be boxed up and addressed separately.

But, of course, tasks are woven into a fabric of user workflow. Real work occurs as task threads, and you have to design for the continuity of likely next tasks within the workflow. Your contextual data are key for understanding where you find these “go paths” or “happy paths” that users like to slide through.

6.6.5 Information Object Model

Information objects are work domain objects shared by users and the system. As internally stored application objects, information objects are hugely important in the operation and design of a system. These are mainly the entities that move through the workflow in the flow model. These are the entities within an application that are operated on by users; they are searched and browsed for, accessed and displayed, modified and manipulated, and stored back again.

In action-object task names, such as “add appointment,” the object (appointment) is often an information object. They are connected directly to the design ontology that drives the bread and butter of most domain-complex system designs. They show up as objects of user actions in usage scenarios and other task descriptions and drive design questions such as how will users access the objects and how will we represent them to users in displays, as well as how will users do the operations to manipulate these application objects?

Design Ontology

Design ontology is a description of all the objects and their relationships, users, user actions, tasks, everything surrounding the existence of a given aspect of a design.

In a calendar application, for example, appointments will be objects that are created and manipulated by users. As another simple example, suppose a user draws a circle with a graphics-drawing package. Data representing the circle are stored by the system, the user can call it up and the system will display it, and the user can manipulate and modify it and save it back in the system.

Most information objects have defining attributes. A calendar appointment has date, time, subject, and so on; a graphical circle has a radius, location, color, and so on. Start the information object model by compiling information objects identified in the contextual data. Sketch an outline or list of information objects, their attributes, and the relationships among them.

Example: Identifying Information Objects and Attributes in MUTTS

The two-word goal of the main task of the ticket seller work roles is “sell tickets.” Within this goal, the term “tickets” identifies a principal information object in the system. We know that a ticket is associated with an event, another information object, which in turn is linked to attributes, such as event date, time, venue, and so on. We also know that each event object is associated with descriptive attributes, such as genre, to support customer user searching and browsing.

Analyzing scenarios to identify ontology

As usage stories, scenarios tie together many kinds of design-informing models. They help you identify information objects and how they are manipulated and by which work roles. To see links with other design-informing models, you can tag or highlight words and phrases occurring in scenarios with the type of design element they represent. You can identify and label the components of design scenarios, such as tasks, actions, user interface objects, user roles, user experience goals, user classes, user characteristics, application information objects, system data objects, and work context.

Example: Scenario Analysis to Help Identify Ontological Elements of the Ticket Kiosk System

We have highlighted (with italics and color) some of the ontological elements of the example scenario for the Ticket Kiosk System given earlier.

On cellphone and email over a day or two, Priya and a group of her friends agree to take in some entertainment together on the coming weekend. They agree to meet at the Ticket Kiosk System kiosk at the library bus stop at 5:30 PM on Friday. Some walk to the kiosk from nearby, while others avail themselves of the convenience of the bus. The group is in a festive mood, looking forward to sharing some fun over the weekend.

Priya steps up to the kiosk and sees a “Welcome” screen with an advertisement for a movie scrolling at the top and text that says “What kind of even information would you like to see?,” followed by several touchscreen buttons with labels on the left-hand side such as “Browse by event type,” “Browse by venue/location,” and “Event calendar: Browse by date.” On the right-hand side there are buttons for specific types of events, such as “Sports,” “Concerts,” “Movies,” “Special features,” etc.

Because they are looking for something specifically for the next night, she touches the “Event calendar” button, looking for events such as movies, concerts, plays, fairs, or even a carnival for Saturday night. After browsing for a while and talking among themselves, they want to go to a concert. Priya touches the “Concerts” button, and they are presented with the subcategories Rock, Classical, Folk, and Pop. They choose to go with pop concerts and Priya touches that button. From among several choices, they finally decide on a concert called “Saturday Night at the Pops” playing at The Presidium.

ent Cellphone and email refer to methods of communicating with family and friends outside the system

ent Priya is the name of a person in the customer/user role

ent a group of her friends refers to other roles, customers who are probably not direct users

ent library bus stop refers to a location of use (of a kiosk), part of the work context

ent 5:30 PM on Friday refers to a time of use (a time when the kiosk is open but the old MUTTS would not have been open), also part of the work context

ent festive mood, looking forward to sharing some fun over the weekend refers to an emotional state of mind of the users, expressing an expectation to be met by the product, a subtle part of the work context

ent “Welcome” screen with an advertisement for a movie scrolling at the top is a design idea for user interface objects

ent touchscreen buttons are possible user interface objects

ent “Browse by venue/location” is a suggested button label, which also indicates a user task

ent looking for something specifically for the next night is a user task

ent looking for events such as movies, concerts, plays, fairs, or even a carnival for Saturday night is a combination of user tasks

ent “Concerts,” Rock, Classical, Folk, and Pop are names of categories of information/application objects

And so on. Can you identify others? The idea of identifying these different entities within scenarios is that they help pick out types and instances of design-informing models and help identify ontological objects and tie them together in the threads of design scenarios in ways that directly inform designing.


See Exercise 6-9, Identifying Information Objects for Your System

6.7 Work environment models

Working environment models are a set of models that define the milieu in which work gets done, including constraints, artifact models, and physical models.

These models capture how the related work environment factors affect tasks in real usage. Of the work environment models, the physical model is probably the most important. Factors such as the layout of work space, proximity of printers or scanners, and the inability to hold a device with a keyboard while standing up will have a direct impact on UX and work practice.

In the slideshow presentation example presented earlier, the physical model indicates where people in the different roles will be standing or seated, the presentation room layout, and the ability to control light from windows and to control selectively the artificial lighting in the room. Sound and other attributes of the space will contribute to the physical model, as do the availability and locations of electrical outlets and Internet connections.

6.7.1 Artifact Model

An artifact model shows how tangible elements (physical or electronic) are used and structured in the business process flow of doing the work. Work artifacts are one of the most important entities that get passed from one work role to another within the flow model. Examples include paper memos, email messages, correspondence templates, product change orders, and other things people create and use while working. Sometimes artifacts are work products, information objects used in daily operation of the enterprise, for example, an order form being filled out, that reveal traces of people’s work practices. The contextual inquiry team must pay close attention to how these artifacts are created, communicated, and used. What are those notes scribbled on those forms? Why are some fields in this form left blank? Why is there a sticky note on this form? Perhaps a signature is required for approval on other kinds of documents. This model is one reason why observers and interviewers must collect as many artifacts as possible during their contextual inquiry field visits to users.

Example: Artifact Model from a Restaurant

It is easy to think of artifacts associated with a restaurant. In Chapter 3 we mentioned collecting artifacts from a restaurant, examples of which are shown in Figure 3-3. The first artifact encountered by a person in the customer work role, delivered by the person in the wait-staff work role, is a menu, used by the customer work role to decide on something to order.

Other usual restaurant work artifacts include the order form on which the wait-staff person writes the original order and the guest check, which can be the same artifact or a printed check if the order is entered into a system. Finally, there might be a regular receipt and, if a credit card is used, a credit card signature form and a credit card receipt. Artifacts in restaurants, as they do in most enterprises, are the basis for at least part of the flow model. In Figure 6-17 you can see how restaurant artifacts help show the workflow from order to serving to concluding payment.


Figure 6-17 Part of a restaurant flow model with focus on work artifacts derived from the artifact model.

The artifacts, especially when arranged as part of a flow model, can help make a connection from contextual data to thinking ahead about design. For example, the waiting and boredom shown in Figure 6-17 pose a “barrier” to the customer.

This leads us to ask questions such as: How can we make that experience for the customer placing the order more fun, engaging, and informed? This kind of question posed now will later provide a great starting point for design brainstorming later: Would not it be cool if each dining table contained an embedded interactive touch tablet. Users could pass time by playing games, doing email, or surfing the Web.

Another barrier shown in Figure 6-17 is the difficulty of ordering food from a textual description in a paper menu. Interviewing restaurant customers about their experiences, you find that many people, when they order a dish and then see something else someone has ordered, wish to get that dish instead.

Paper menus do not leverage this rich human sensual connection to the food! However, this discussion of restaurant artifacts does help us ask questions that will later inspire design: If the table contained an interactive display, then why not let the customer use it to interact with the kitchen, ask questions about ingredients, and see images of the dish being served? In fact, why not let the customers place their orders themselves?

Constructing the artifact model

How do you make the model? Well, the artifact model is mainly a collection of artifacts, but you can organize it for analysis and use. In contextual inquiry you will have collected the artifacts, usually visual, by making a drawing, a copy, or a photograph or by having collected a real example of the artifact. An example of a tangible work artifact is a guest check from a restaurant. If an artifact is more aural than visual, a recording of the sound could be an artifact.

Next, the team should make “artifact posters.” Attach samples of each artifact to a separate flip chart page. Add annotation to your “exhibits” to provide more information about your observations of them in the work practice. Add explanations of how each artifact is used in the work practice and workflow.

Annotate artifacts with stick-on notes associating them with tasks, user goals, and task barriers. Each poster drives discussion to explain the artifact’s use while trying to tease out associated issues and user needs. As usual, the process can generate additional user work activity notes from what is learned about the artifacts and how they are used.

Example: Artifact Model for Slideshow Presentations

The artifact model for slideshow presentations did not turn up anything unexpected, but it is informative. It includes physical devices such as laser pointers for pointing to the screen and a timer or watch for keeping track of time, bottled water for the speaker and/or the audience members, possible paper handouts with copies of the slides, and a PC and mouse. Because the artifacts, especially the various pieces of equipment, are physical, there is some overlap with the physical model.

6.7.2 Physical Model

The physical model gives the roles, activities, and artifacts of other models a physical setting, showing the physical environment as it supports (or not) the work. The physical model shows physical dimensions of the work spaces, buildings, walls, rooms, workstations, all physical equipment, and collaboration spaces, but does not have to be an exact to-scale floor plan. The physical model includes computing and communications and other work devices, for example, copy machines, telephones, FAX machines, printers, and network connections.

Because a physical model shows the placement and paths of movement of people and objects within this work space layout diagram, it can be used to assess the proximities of task-related equipment and artifacts and task barriers due to distances, awkward layouts, and physical interference among roles in a shared work space.

The latter is helped by showing movement lines of each user role within the space, including multiple lines for multiuser movement in doing a collaborative task. If the physical locations or devices associated closely with the same tasks or related tasks are located at a distance from each other, it can result in wasted time and effort for workers.

For example, in the design for her house, a friend did this kind of physical model and workflow analysis and found that the traditional American proclivity for putting the clothes washer and dryer in the basement gave a very poor proximity-to-task-association ratio for the task of doing laundry. Enlarging the dressing room and putting the washer and dryer in there improved this ratio enormously.

Similarly, the flow of fresh vegetables from the car to the kitchen led to moving the garage from the basement level to the living floor level (aided by a steep grade). In both cases, the changes brought the physical model elements much closer to their location of use in the design.

Looking further at the veggie flow in the physical model led to an efficient design of a kitchen island as a shared food preparation and cooking area—cleaning at the veggie sink, flowing over to slicing and dicing, and then flowing to sautéing under a bright light and a vent hood.

When creating physical models, also think of all the physical characteristics of a workplace that can affect work activities and add them as annotations. For example, a steel mill floor is about noise, dust, hot temperatures, and safety concerns, making it more difficult to think. A system with a terminal on a factory floor means dirty conditions and no place to hold manuals or blueprints. This may result in designs where the use of audio could be a problem, needing more prominent visual design elements, such as blinking lights.

Other concerns by people in the physical working environment might include room lighting, air quality and ventilation, room temperature, and how to set all these parameters to suit everyone. Note the red lightning bolts representing barriers to work practice in the physical model.

Example: Physical Model for Slideshow Presentations

The physical model of the presentation room described the arrangement of physical structures that limit or define the work space and usage and movement within the space. These physical models showed the room, equipment and other artifacts used, positioning of the presenter and audience within the environment, and barriers that arose due to limitations of these physical layouts.

The physical models fell into two cases: presentations that included remote audience members required a different physical arrangement than for local-only presentations. In particular, remote presentations used more devices, including cameras, screens, and sound control boards.

All presentations, however, used a seated local audience, a standing presenter, and at least one screen that showed the slides to the audience and served as a display for some of the interaction used to control the slideshow.

Most physical barriers in the social models occurred when the desires of the presenter to give information, and the audience to receive information, were obstructed. For example, the behavior of several presenters indicated a desire to be near the audience physically, but their movement toward and among the audience often blocked the audience’s view of the slides on the screen. Also, presentations with multiple presenters had difficulty with transitions between presenters because of physical barriers to handing off the presentation.

Other barriers to smooth task performance included cords over which presenters sometimes tripped and difficult-to-reach controls for videos and slide advancement. In Figure 6-18 we show a physical model for one of the presentation cases.


Figure 6-18 Physical model for one slideshow presentation case. Thanks to Brad Myers, Carnegie Mellon University, and his colleagues for their example (Cross, Warmack, & Myers, 1999) on which this is based.

As an aside, you might think that this physical model would not be very useful since it is very specific to one presentation room and one work space in one presentation case. Surely other presentation rooms will be quite different in size and layout.

But it is exactly the point of contextual inquiry: that you can take work practice data from a very specific existing working environment and learn things that apply to the more general case. This team was able to do just that in discovering the problem of presenters having to stay near the computer during the presentation, needing to lean awkwardly across tables to use the PC mouse to change slides. This is a barrier to quality presentations and could be true in most settings, regardless of room layout details.

Example: Physical Model for MUTTS

In Figure 6-19 we show the physical model for MUTTS. The center of workflow is the ticket counter, containing up to three active ticket seller terminals. On the back wall, relative to ticket sellers, are the credit card and MU Passport swiping stations. This central ticket-selling area is flanked with the manager’s and assistant manager’s administrative offices.


Figure 6-19 A physical model for MUTTS.

Barriers not shown in Figure 6-19 include a barrier to the ticket buyer lines: At peak times, customers may have to wait in long lines outside the ticket window. The scanner in the manager’s office, used to digitize graphical material such as posters or advertisements for Website content, presents barriers to usage: It is very slow and is not in a convenient location for all to share.

The ticket printers can also introduce barriers to workflow. Because they are specialized printers for ticket stock, when one goes down or runs out of paper or ink, the employees cannot just substitute another printer. They have to wait until the technician can get it serviced or, worse, until it can be sent out for service.

Envisioned physical model

As much as possible, try to describe the physical model of the new work practice and new system. In many cases, the physical model will not change that much in the transition. Our Ticket Kiosk System is an exception; the physical model will change completely.

6.8 Barrier summaries

Many of the models tell partial stories from different perspectives, but no one model highlights all the barriers discovered in contextual inquiry and analysis. Yet it is the barriers to work practice and user performance that most directly inform design ideas for the new system. So it can be helpful and informative to extract barrier-related information from the models and summarize the barriers in one place.

Example: Barrier Summaries for the Slideshow Presentation System

The team that did the slideshow presentation contextual inquiry summarized some selected barriers found in their step-by-step task interaction model as follows, in Table 6-2.

Table 6-2 Summary of selected barriers discovered within the step-by-step task interaction models for slideshow presentationsa


Further, in Table 6-3 the team summarized the most frequently encountered barriers. The “% of talks” column is the percentage of presentations in which the barrier occurred at least once. “Count” is the total number of instances of the barrier observed across all presentation cases. “Severity” is the average severity rating across all instances of the barriers. “Average duration” is the average length of time of a single instance of the interruption due to the barrier.

Table 6-3 Summary of most frequent barriers observed in presentation casesa


The single most frequent barrier to slide presentation was the physical awkwardness of changing slides. Six out of nine presenters walked to one spot to talk, but then had to turn and walk to a location typically 3 feet away, position themselves, advance the slides using the mouse on their PC, and then return to their original location to talk.

Often, the PC was on a low table, or otherwise difficult to reach, further compounding the problem. This behavior wasted a significant amount of time during presentations. One presenter found a solution that wasted less time: stay next to the slide control throughout the lecture part of the presentation, but move to a spot away from behind the podium and closer to the audience for the duration of the discussion period.

The second-most frequent barrier to a smooth presentation was an inability of presenters to keep track of time or be aware of how much time they had remaining. Six of the presenters asked an audience member for a time check at some point during their lectures.

None of the barriers reached the highest severity rating used by the study group—causing a permanent and premature end to the presentation. However, three different presentations did encounter barriers with major severity, requiring significant portions of the talk to be skipped. One had a demo that could not be shown because the PC lacked Shockwave software. Two of the presentations with remote audiences contained significant periods of time when the remote audience could not read the presentation slides because of an unfocused camera and problems with the settings of the NetMeeting software.

6.9 Model consolidation

If you constructed your models with multiple subteams working in parallel, you will get multiple models of the same type. Now is the time to consolidate the model versions by merging, uniting, and combining them into one model. The key idea is to induce generalizations, that is, a bottom-up process to build a general model from pieces of specific data.

It is a little like eliminating the unimportant details and taking the union of the important ones over all the versions of the model.

As an example, start with representations of single user stories of task steps in the existing work practice. Merge the description of essentially the same task created with data from several users, and factor out the differences in details. The result is a more abstract or more general representation of the interaction, representing how most or all users do the task.

Example: Flow Model Consolidation for MUTTS

When flow modeling that was begun in contextual inquiry is continued during contextual analysis by different subteams, each may model things differently; for example, the same work role might get modeled in different ways, yielding different work role descriptions and work role names. Because these various versions of the flow model are about the same workflow, they can be consolidated essentially by merging them.

For example, Figures 6-20, 6-21, and 6-22 are partial flow models constructed by groups who observed and interviewed different parts of the overall organization and work practice.


Figure 6-20 Flow model from a group who observed and interviewed the event manager, event sponsors, the financial manager, and the database administrator.


Figure 6-21 Flow model from a group who mainly observed and interviewed ticket buyers and ticket sellers.


Figure 6-22 Flow model from a group who observed and interviewed the office manager, the advertising manager, and external advertisers.

See, in Figure 6-9, how the three parts of the overall flow model came together in model consolidation.

6.10 Protecting your sources

One of the things to watch out for throughout the process, especially when dealing with design-informing models, is confidentiality. This is important in all cases where you have observed, synthesized, deduced, or were given insights that were about problems and breakdowns arising due to social and political issues in the work practice.

Situations involving breakdowns due to bad management or flawed work practices (modeled in social models) are especially dangerous if there is a chance the sources will be revealed. Make this your unbreakable rule: When you take data and models back to anyone, users or management, everything must be anonymous.

6.11 Abridged methods for design-informing models extraction

6.11.1 Be Selective about the Modeling You Need to Do

Do not be bound by the exact models we discuss in this chapter. Depending on the work domain and your design goals, some kinds of models will not be important, while others will take on much more importance.

6.11.2 Designer-Ability-Driven Modeling

In the real world, designers use design-informing modeling to understand and control the complexity of the work domain in the context of designing the next generation of system support. To be efficient, each designer chooses the amount of modeling necessary to meet his or her own needs, which in turn depend on the designer’s individual skills, knowledge, and experience.

Less experienced designers will need to work out models in more detail to manage complexity and be sure that all the complexity of the work domain is accounted for. Expert designers, who perhaps have experience in a similar kind of system or a similar work domain, already know things that will propel their process forward more rapidly. Often it is not necessary to develop all the models fully and formally along the way. Experienced analysts or designers do not build models that will tell them something they already know.

The models are a way of cognitively off-loading details so that there is room in the analyst’s head for other analysis. Experienced designers have abstractions for some of the models mentally built in, leaving room for further analysis. Of course such ability-driven approaches run the risk of missed details and issues falling through the cracks, but the practical bottom line is that, in most real-world projects, designers rarely develop a complete set of full models, but just the key aspects of the models they feel they need the most.

So, students entering the professional workforce and novice practitioners should make all the complete models but should also be aware of this reality and not come across as impractical to the more experienced analysts by insisting on constructing every model in full before moving on to design.

6.11.3 Use a Hybrid of WAAD and Relevant Models

Mix and match the modeling best suited for your needs. Add different models of your own creation. Combine simple models into a hybrid model, for example, combine workflow superimposed upon a physical model.

Another effective way of abridging the process for creating design-informing models is by creating a hybrid of a WAAD and relevant models on the same wall. We recommended using large strips of butcher paper to create your WAAD; you can capture the essence of the different models right next to the clusters of work activity notes on the WAAD. This canvas affords a fluid medium to represent relationships among the different themes in the work domain; you can draw on the WAAD and annotate it with ideas that you would otherwise capture in different formal models while using a full rigorous process.

For example, any interpersonal concerns that you would usually capture in a social model will now just become annotations on the cluster of notes organized under the corresponding work roles. In our experience we found a hybrid of a WAAD and flow model to be the most useful.

6.11.4 Create Design-Informing Models on the Fly during Interviews

Another abridged technique we have used in the field with great success is on-the-fly modeling during the actual contextual inquiry process. Experienced practitioners can create or add to models as they are interviewing and observing users during contextual inquiry.

Any information that can be captured as a model is done so as rough sketches, and the remaining information is captured as regular work activity notes. For example, during our interview with a MUTTS ticket seller, she mentioned the need for all ticket sellers to enter the amount of money taken from the safe into a ledger at the start of a shift, a need for recording the total deposit at the end of the shift, and to attach a printout of all sales in that shift generated by the ticketing software system. Instead of capturing this information as a series of work activity notes, we can capture this in a flow model diagram on the fly.

6.12 Roots of essential use cases in software use cases

A use case is not a user experience lifecycle artifact, but a software engineering and systems engineering artifact for documenting functional requirements, especially for object-oriented development, of a system. “Use-cases, stated simply, allow description of sequences of events that, taken together, lead to a system doing something useful” (Bittner & Spence, 2003). They include outside roles—end users and external entities such as database servers or bank authorization modules—and internal system responses to outside actions.

Although a use case can represent the user view, the bottom-line focus is on functional, not interaction, requirements. Sometimes use cases are thought of as an object-oriented approach to user modeling, but in practice they are usually created by developers and systems analysts without any contextual data from users.

Use cases are formalized usage scenarios, narratives of “black box” functionality in the context of user–system interaction (Constantine & Lockwood, 1999, p. 101). Use cases are often used as a component of software requirements. Their strong software orientation means that use cases lean in the direction of software implementation and away from user interaction design. As Meads says (2010), in use cases, the user is an external object, not a person with human needs and limitations. This view leads to system requirements, but not to usage or UX requirements.

Use cases describe the major business requirements, features, and functions that the envisioned system must support. A use case “describes a sequence of actions that are performed by a human in work roles or other entities such as a machine or another system as they interact with the software” (Pressman, 2009); “use cases help to identify the scope of the project and provide a basis for project planning” (Pressman, 2009).

In answer to the need for something more effective than use cases in identifying interaction design requirements, Constantine (1994a, 1995) created a variation he calls “essential use cases.”

1 Our approach to the flow model was influenced by Monk and Howard’s (1998) rich picture model, which in turn has its roots in the Checkland’s Soft Systems Methodology (Checkland & Scholes, 1990), which itself connects to roots common to those of work activity theory, contextual design, and other ethnographic and sociotechnical techniques in system design (Bjerknes, Ehn, & Kyng, 1987).

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