
What is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is a drafting and design software package developed and marketed by Autodesk®, Inc. As of 2013, it has been around for approximately 31 years—several lifetimes in the software industry. It has grown from modest beginnings to an industry standard, often imitated, sometimes exceeded, but never equaled. The basic premise of its design is simple and is the main reason for AutoCAD’s success. Anything you can think of, you can draw quickly and easily. For many years, AutoCAD remained a superb 2D electronic drafting board, replacing the pencil and paper for an entire generation of technical professionals. In recent releases, its 3D capabilities finally matured, and AutoCAD is now also considered an excellent 3D visualization tool, especially for architecture and interior design.

The software has a rather steep learning curve to become an expert but a surprisingly easy one to just get started. Most important, it is well worth learning. This is truly global software that has been adopted by millions of architects, designers, and engineers worldwide. Over the years, Autodesk expanded this reach by introducing add-on packages that customize AutoCAD for industry-specific tasks, such as electrical, civil, and mechanical engineering. However, underneath all these add-ons is still plain AutoCAD. This software remains hugely popular. Learn it well, as it is still one of the best skills you can add to your resume.

About this Book

This book is not like most on the market. While many authors certainly view their particular text as unique and novel in its approach, I rarely reviewed one that was clear to a beginner student and distilled AutoCAD concepts down to basic, easy to understand explanations. The problem may be that many of the available books are written by either industry technical experts or teachers but rarely by someone who is actively both. One really needs to interact with the industry and the students, in equal measure, to bridge the gap between reality and the classroom.

After years of AutoCAD design work in the daytime and teaching nights and weekends, I set out to create a set of classroom notes that outlined, in an easy to understand manner, exactly how AutoCAD is used and applied, not theoretical musings or clinical descriptions of the commands. These notes eventually were expanded into the book that you now hold. The rationale was simple: I need this person to be up and running as soon as possible to do a job. How do we make this happen?

Teaching Methods

My teaching approach has its roots in a certain philosophy I developed while attending engineering school many years ago. While there, I had sometimes been frustrated with the complex presentation of what in retrospect amounted to rather simple topics. My favorite quote was, “Most ideas in engineering are not that hard to understand but often become so upon explanation.” The moral of that quote was that concepts can usually be distilled to their essence and explained in an easy and straightforward manner. That is the job of a teacher: Not to blow away students with technical expertise but to use experience and top-level knowledge to sort out what is important and what is secondary and to explain the essentials in plain language.

Such is the approach to this AutoCAD book. I want everything here to be highly practical and easy to understand. There are few descriptions of procedures or commands that are rarely used in practice. If we talk about it, you will likely need it. The first thing you must learn is how to draw a line. You see this command on the first few pages of Chapter 1. It is essential to present the “core” of AutoCAD, essential knowledge common to just about any drafting situation, all of it meant to get you up and running quickly. This stripped down approach proved effective in the classroom and was carefully incorporated into this text.

Text Organization

This book comes in three parts: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3:

Level 1 (Chapters 110) is meant to give you a wide breadth of knowledge on many topics, a sort of “mile wide” approach. These ten chapters comprise, in my experience, the complete essential knowledge set of an intermediate user. You then can work on, if not necessarily set up and manage, moderate to complex drawings. If your CAD requirements are modest or if you are not required to draft full time, then this is where you stop.

Level 2 (Chapters 1120) is meant for advanced users who are CAD managers, full-time AutoCAD draftspersons, architects, or self-employed and must do everything themselves. The goal here is depth, as many features not deemed critically important in Level 1 are revisited to explore additional advanced options. Also introduced are advanced topics necessary to set up and manage complex drawings.

Level 3 (Chapters 2130) is all about 3D. Solid knowledge of the previous two levels is highly recommended before starting these chapters. The 3D material covers all aspects of AutoCAD solid modeling including lights and rendering.

Throughout the book, the following methods are used to present material:

ent Explain the new concept or command and why it is important.

ent Cover the command step by step (if needed), with your input and AutoCAD responses shown so you can follow and learn them.

ent Give you a chance to apply just-learned knowledge to a real-life exercise, drawing, or model.

ent Test yourself with end-of-chapter quizzes and drawing exercises that ask questions about the essential knowledge.

You will not see an extensive array of distracting “learning aids” in this text. You will, however, see some common features throughout, such as



What Your Goal Should Be

Just learning commands is not enough; you need to see the big picture and truly understand AutoCAD and how it functions for it to become effortless and transparent. The focus after all is on your design. AutoCAD is just one of the tools to realize it.

A good analogy is ice hockey. Professional players do not think about skating; to them it is second nature. They are focused on strategy, scoring a goal, and getting by the defenders. This mentality should be yours as well. You must become proficient through study and practice, to the point where you are working with AutoCAD, not struggling against it. It then becomes “transparent” and you focus only on the design, to truly perform the best architecture or engineering work of which you are capable.

If you are in an instructor-led class, take good notes. If you are self-studying from this text, pay very close attention to every topic; nothing here is unimportant. Do not skip or cut corners, and complete every drawing assignment. Most important, you have to practice, daily if possible, as there is no substitute for sitting down and using the software. Not everyone these days has the opportunity to learn while working and getting paid; companies want ready-made experts and do not want to wait. If that is the case, you have to practice on your own in the evening or on weekends. Just taking a class or reading this book alone is not enough.

It may seem like a big mountain to climb right now, but it is completely doable. Once on top, you will find that AutoCAD is not the frustrating program it may have seemed in the early days but an intuitive software package that, with proficiency of use, becomes a natural extension of your mind when working on a new design. That, in the end, is the mark of successful software; it helps you do your job easier and faster. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments at [email protected], or visit my website at Good luck!

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