Chapter 8


This chapter describes the need for and differences in training team members, team scribe and, especially, the team leader/facilitator. Alternative approaches for team members are described, including the use of online courses. For team leaders, the importance of experience of HAZOP study, of team management skills, and relevant technical knowledge is emphasized. The benefits of critical reviews of performance and achievement.


Member training; online courses; scribe’s qualities; team leader’s skills; performance review

8.1 Team Members

It is good practice for team members to have been trained in the HAZOP study technique. This is usually done through a formal training course covering the principles and the methodology of the technique. Experience can be given by the use of simple examples which allow the key points to be illustrated, as well as showing important aspects of preparing, leading, and recording the study. It is best if the course is quickly followed by experience in an actual study so that the learning points are reinforced and developed. Where an organization regularly uses HAZOP and has many experienced and practiced team members, it is possible to introduce a new member to a team after a brief introduction to the method. Subsequent learning is then done by working within a group of experienced practitioners. A recent development has been the creation of online courses for training team members. While these lack the interactions of group training methods, they can be useful for individuals with an urgent need for training or for those unable to access a group course.

8.2 Scribe

Formal training is not required provided the scribe understands the categories and level of recording needed. However, it is helpful if the scribe has been trained as a member and had sufficient exposure to HAZOP studies so that issues requiring to be recorded can be recognized promptly without instruction. If a computer recording program is chosen, it is essential the scribe is trained in its use so that the recording process does not delay the progress of the team. In a long study, it is helpful to have a scribe who is also a trained leader; this can allow roles to be rotated periodically.

8.3 Team Leader

A team leader needs to develop and practice skills to:

• understand and use the HAZOP method and structure;

• manage the team effectively to optimize the contribution of all participants;

• use their own technical knowledge and experience lightly so as not to become the technical expert.

Thus, previous experience as a team member in a number of studies is important, preferably covering a range of different operations. Not all experienced HAZOP study members, however, can become successful leaders. It is also of value for the leader to have experience as a scribe in order to appreciate the particular problems with this task. Some formal training in leading, including practice undertaken alongside an established leader, is recommended. Initial experience should be gained on a low-risk process. As studies are led on higher risk processes, the degree of mentoring from a more experienced leader should be increased until the trainee becomes confident of how to address the nature of the hazards faced in such studies across a range of processes.

Obviously, the team leader must fully understand the HAZOP methodology and, during the meetings, must focus on applying this and making it effective. Equally important is man management—getting the best from the team members and the scribe. Having this skill is essential for good leadership; without it a leadership candidate should not be allowed to progress.

HAZOP study leaders should always critically review their performance after each study, if possible with the help of another experienced person from the team. It is important to maintain the skills of leading by regular usage, and this is helped if the company keeps a list of trained leaders with a record of the hazard study work done by each one.

More details20 are available of the range of training methods that have been used.

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