Chapter 12

The Cost of Solar Power


The cost of solar power depends primarily on the cost involved in building a solar power plant because the energy source—sunlight—is free. For a solar thermal power plant, the solar collection field will be the single most important cost element, while in a solar photovoltaic plant, the cost of the solar cells usually accounts for around half of the total cost. For most projects the cost of loans taken out to finance the construction must be taken into account too. Calculating the cost of a proposed power plant is often carried out using an economic model called the levelized cost of energy.


Capital cost; levelized cost; solar collection field; cost of solar cells; commodity costs; maintenance costs; finance costs; solar production cost parity

The cost of electricity from a power plant of any type depends on a range of factors. First there is the cost of building the power station and buying all the components needed for its construction. In addition, most large power projects today are financed using loans, so there will also be a cost associated with paying back the loan, with interest. Then there is the cost of operating and maintaining the plant over its lifetime. Finally, the overall cost equation should include the cost of decommissioning the power station once it is removed from service. It would be possible to add up all these cost elements to provide a total cost of building and running the power station over its lifetime, including the cost of decommissioning, and then dividing this total by the total number of units of electricity that the power station produced over its lifetime. The result would be the real lifetime cost of electricity from the plant. Unfortunately, such a calculation could only be completed once the power station was no longer in service. From a practical point of view, this would not be of much use. The point in time at which the cost-of-electricity calculation of this type is most needed is before the power station is built. This is when a decision is made to build a particular type of power plant, typically based on the technology that will offer the lowest cost electricity over its lifetime.

Levelized Cost of Energy Model

In order to get around this problem, economists have devised a model that provides an estimate of the lifetime cost of electricity before the station is built. Of course, since the plant does not yet exist, the model requires a large number of assumptions and estimates. In order to make this model as useful as possible, all future costs are also converted to the equivalent cost today by using a parameter known as the discount rate. The discount rate is almost the same as the interest rate and relates to the way in which the value of one unit of currency falls (typically, but it could rise) in the future. This allows, for example, the maintenance cost of a solar thermal power plant 20 years into the future to be converted into an equivalent cost today. The discount rate can also be applied to the cost of electricity from the solar power plant in 20 years’ time.

The economic model is called the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) model. It contains a lot of assumptions and flaws, but it is the most commonly used method available for estimating the cost of electricity from a new power plant.

When calculating the economics of new power plants, the levelized cost is one factor to consider. Another is the overall capital cost of building the generating facility. This has a significant effect on the cost of electricity, but it is also important because it shows the financial investment that must be made before the power plant generates any electricity. The comparative size of the investment needed to build different types of power stations may determine the actual type of plant built, even before the cost of electricity is taken into account. Capital cost is usually expressed in terms of the cost per kilowatt of generating capacity in order to allow comparisons between technologies.

When comparing different types of power stations, there are other factors that need to be considered too. The type of fuel, if any, that it uses is one. A coal-fired power station costs much more to build than a gas-fired power station, but the fuel it burns is relatively cheap. Renewable power plants can also be relatively expensive to build. However, they normally have no fuel costs because the energy they exploit is from a river, from the wind, or from the Sun, and there is no economic cost for taking that energy. Once the renewable power plant has been paid for, the electricity it produces will have a low cost. All these factors may need to be balanced when making a decision to build a new power station.

The Capital Cost of Solar Power Plants

The capital cost of a solar power plant depends on a number of factors, the most important of which is the cost of the components needed to build the plant. For a solar power plant, these components include the collection field with its mirrors and tracking systems, heat exchangers, the steam generator and steam turbine, and ancillary equipment. In this type of plant the collector field can account for up to 50% of the total cost, depending upon the type of plant. For a solar photovoltaic (pV) plant the solar modules will probably account for close to half the cost, while the balance of the plant will account for the rest.

The cost of the components needed to construct the plant and the labor required to build it can be rolled up into a figure called the overnight capital cost, which excludes the cost of any loans needed to finance the building of the plant. The overnight capital costs of both solar thermal and solar pV plants in the United States are shown in Table 12.1. The figures in the table are from the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA’s) Annual Energy Outlook for each year in the table; the figure refers to the cost calculated for the year previous to the publication year.

Table 12.1

Capital Cost of Solar Power Plants in the United States, 2001–15

Report Year Capital Cost of Solar Thermal Power Plant ($/kW) Capital Cost of Solar pV Plant ($/kW)
2001 3681 2394
2003 2204 3389
2005 2515 3868
2007 2675 4114
2009 4693 5750
2011 4333 4474
2013 4653 3624
2015 3787 3123

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration Annual Energy Outlook 2001–15.

For solar thermal plants the estimated cost in the 2001 report was $3681/kW. At that time there were no major U.S. solar thermal plants in operation. The estimate fell dramatically in 2003 to $2204/kW, before rising to $2675/kW by 2007. There was a steep jump in 2009, coinciding with a sharp rise in commodity prices. After some variations during the financial crisis, the capital cost from the 2015 report was estimated to be $3787/kW.

The estimated capital cost of solar pV power plants has shown similar variations. From $2394/kW in the 2001 report, prices rose to $5750/kW in 2009, but fell back sharply to $3123/kW in the 2015 report. These U.S. EIA solar pV costs are significantly higher than figures from some other sources. Lazard,1 for example, put the cost in 2015 of utility solar pV at $1600–1750/kW. The cost of rooftop systems was higher.

Predicting the cost of solar pV power plants is difficult because a large part of the price depends on the cost of solar cells or solar modules, and the cost of these has been dropping dramatically, and continues to drop. This is illustrated in Fig. 12.1, which shows how the price of silicon solar cells has varied since 1977. Based on the data in the figure, the cost in 1977 was $76.00/W. In 2015 it was estimated to be $0.30/W. As manufacturing capacity continues to rise and technology improves, the price is likely to drop even further.

Figure 12.1 The price of silicon solar cells, 1977–2015. Source: Wikepedia.2

The Levelized Cost of Solar Power

For solar power plants the main contribution to the levelized cost of power comes from the capital cost. In addition, there are ongoing maintenance costs for both types, as well as the cost of financing any loans.

Table 12.2 shows the levelized cost of solar power in the United States for a number of different solar configurations, based on estimates from Lazard. The levelized cost of residential rooftop installations is $184–300/MWh, and for commercial and industrial rooftop installations it is between $193/MWh and $109/MWh. While these costs are relatively high compared to some of the others in the table, it is important to remember that these installations are competing with the retail cost of power to the residential or commercial consumer. This will be much higher than the average wholesale cost of power to the grid.

Table 12.2

Levelized Cost of Power from Solar Power Plants in the United States

 Levelized Cost of Electricity ($/MWh)
Residential rooftop solar pV 184–300
Commercial rooftop solar pV 109–193
Utility-scale solar pV (crystalline solar cells) 58–70
Utility-scale solar pV (Thin film solar cells) 50–60
Solar thermal power plant with energy storage 119–181

Source: Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis—Version 9.0, Lazard 2015.

For utility-scale solar power plants the levelized cost is much lower. For a plant that uses crystalline silicon solar cells the levelized cost is $58–70/MWh, while for a plant with thin film solar cells the levelized cost is $50–60/MWh. These cost ranges put solar pV in competition with wind power and gas turbine combined cycle plants as among the cheapest sources of power in the United States. Solar cells are traded globally, so costs will be broadly similar across the globe.

Solar thermal power is much more expensive. From Table 12.2 the typical range of levelized cost is $119–181/MWh for a solar thermal plant with energy storage. The cost for a plant without storage (not shown in the table) was estimated to be $251/MWh. Based on these figures solar thermal power is similar in cost to that produced by offshore wind farms.

One key question is when solar power will reach parity with other forms of power generation. On the basis of the figures in Table 12.2, solar pV power appears to be close to parity in the middle of the second decade of the 21st century. The cost of power from competitive forms of power generation will vary from region to region, so it is not possible to make any sweeping claims based on these figures. However, it seems clear that parity is not far away.

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