
I want to thank my wife, Hope, for her encouragement, patience, and tolerance during all the time I spent working on both the first and second editions of this book as well as the personal time I devoted to OMG participation.

This second edition “stands on the shoulders” of the first edition, and, therefore, those who I acknowledged for the first edition have indirectly contributed to my efforts on this second edition. Tom Hill, lead EDS fellow, gave me time and encouragement to write the first edition. I owe many coworkers at EDS for insights I have gained over the years—in particular, at EDS, Jef Meerts, Wafa Khorsheed, Carleen Christner, Ivan Lomelli, and the EDS fellows community. At OMG, Cory Casanave, Antoine Lonjon, Conrad Bock, Donald Chapin, John Hall, Manfred Koethe, Karl Frank, Jim Amsden, Henk de Man, and many other industry experts from whom I gained the benefit of their insights and experiences in our collaborative activities.

For this second edition, I have gained from additional collaborations, working on OMG, industry standards, particularly the work on VDML and CMMN. Henk de Man worked closely with me on the development of the VDML RFP and through the finalization of the specification. In addition, Arne Berre brought the insights of the NEFFICS project of the EU and several industry experts from that effort including Verna Allee, Peter Lindgren, and Pavel Hruby. In addition, Pete Rivett, Larry Hines, and Alain Picard contributed directly to refinement of the details of the specification. For the development of CMMN, Henk de Man brought attention to the need and opportunity for a standard. We worked together to develop the RFP and an initial submission that established the core concepts of CMMN. The final specification was developed through the additional efforts of Henk de Man, Ralf Mueller, Mike Marin, Denis Gagne, Ivana Trickovic, and a number of others who developed the refined and robust specification.

I also want to thank Henk de Man for his thoughtful reviews of the manuscript for this edition, Steven Witkop for his feedback on Chapter 1, Willem Jan Gerritsen for his feedback on the security chapter, and Mark von Rosing for the perspective he brings from the Global University Alliance and LEADing Practice.

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