Chapter 11

Parallel patterns: merge sort

An introduction to tiling with dynamic input data identification

Li-Wen Chang and Jie Lv


This chapter introduces the merge sort pattern whose parallelization requires each thread to dynamically identify its input position ranges. The fact that the input ranges are data dependent also creates extra challenges when we use the tiling technique to conserve memory bandwidth. As a result, we introduce the use of circular buffers to allow us to make full use of the memory data loaded. We show that introducing a more complex data structure such as a circular buffer can significantly increase the complexity of the code that uses these data structures. Thus, we introduce a simplified buffer access model for the code that manipulates and uses the indices to remain largely unchanged. The actual circular nature of the buffers is only exposed when these indices are used to access the elements in the buffer.


Sorting; ordered list; map-reduce; merge; dynamic input identification; divide-and-concur; rank; co-rank; tiling; buffering; coalescing

Our next parallel pattern is an ordered merge operation, which takes two ordered lists and generates a combined, ordered sort. Ordered merge operations can be used as a building block of sorting algorithms. Sorting is an important, classic problem in computer science with enormous number of applications. Ordered merge operations also form the basis of modern map-reduce frameworks. They are good examples for the divide-and-concur approach to parallelization. This chapter presents a parallel ordered merge algorithm where the input data for each thread are dynamically determined. The dynamic nature of the data accesses makes it challenging to exploit locality for improved memory access efficiency and performance. We present increasingly sophisticated buffer management schemes to achieving increasing levels of memory access efficiency.

11.1 Background

An ordered merge function takes two sorted lists A and B and merges them into a single sorted list C. For the purpose of this chapter, we assume that the sorted lists are stored in arrays. We further assume that each element in such an array has a key. An order relation denoted by ≤is defined on the keys. For example, the keys may be simply integer values and ≤may be defined as the conventional less than or equal to relation between these integer values. In the simplest case, the keys are the elements.

Suppose that we have two elements e1 and e2 whose keys are k1 and k2 respectively. In a sorted list based on the relation ≤, if e1 appears before e2, then k1≤k2. Fig. 11.1 shows a simple example of a sorted list vs. an unsorted list. In this example, the elements are integer values, the keys are the elements and the elements are sorted according to the conventional mathematical ≤ relation between integers.

Figure 11.1 Examples of sorted versus unsorted lists.

The upper array in Fig. 11.1 contains a sorted list because whenever an element appears before another element, the former always has a numerical value that is less than or equal to the latter. On the contrary, the lower list contains an unsorted list: element 0 (numerical value 12) appears before element 1 (numerical value 7) whereas the numerical value of element 0 is greater than (not less than or equal to) that of element 1.

We are now ready for a more detailed definition of the merge function. A merge function based on an ordering relation R takes two sorted input arrays A and B having m and n elements respectively, where m and n do not have be to equal. Both array A and array B are sorted based on the ordering relation R. The function produces an output sorted array C having m +n elements. Array C consists of all the input elements from arrays A and B, and is sorted by the ordering relation R.

Fig. 11.2 shows the operation of a simple merge function based on the conventional numerical ordering relation. A has five elements (m =5) and B has four elements (n =4). The merge function generates C with all its nine elements (m +n) from A and B. These elements must be sorted. The arrows in Fig. 11.2 show how elements of A and B should be placed into C in order to complete the merge operation. Here we assume that whenever the numerical values are equal between an element of A and an element of B, the element of A should appear first in the output list C.

Figure 11.2 Example of a merge operation.

The merge operation is the core of merge sort, an important parallelizable sort algorithm. A parallel merge sort function divides up the input list into multiple sections and distributes them to parallel threads. The threads sort the individual section(s) and then cooperatively merge the sorted sections. Such divide-and-concur approach allows efficient parallelization of sorting.

In modern map-reduce distributed computing frameworks such as Hadoop, the computation is distributed to a massive number of compute nodes. The reduce process assembles the result of these compute nodes into the final result. Many applications require that the results be sorted according to an ordering relation. These results are typically assembled using the merge operation in a reduction tree pattern. As a result, efficient merge operations are critical to the efficiency of these frameworks.

11.2 A Sequential Merge Algorithm

The merge operation can be implemented with a fairly straightforward sequential algorithm. Fig. 11.3 shows a sequential merge function.

Figure 11.3 A sequential merge function.

The sequential function in Fig. 11.3 consists of two main parts. The first part, on the left side, consists of a while-loop (line 5) that visits the A and B list elements in order. The loop starts with the first elements: A[0] and B[0]. Every iteration fills one position in the output array C; either one element of A or one element of B will be selected for the position (lines 6–10). The loop uses i and j to identify the A and B elements currently under consideration; i and j are both 0 when the execution first enters the loop. The loop further uses k to identify the current position to be filled in the output list array C. In each iteration, if element A[i] is less than or equal to B[j], the value of A[i] is assigned to C[k]. In this case, the execution increments both i and k before going to the next iteration. Otherwise, the value of B[j] is assigned to C[k]. In this case, the execution increments both j and k before going to the next iteration.

The execution exits the while-loop when it reaches either the end of array A or the end of array B. The execution moves on to the second part, which is on the right Fig. 11.3. If array A is the one that has been completely visited, as indicated by the fact that i is equal to m, then the code uses a for-loop to copy the remaining elements of array B to the remaining positions of array C (lines 13–15). Otherwise, array B is the one that was completely visited, as indicated by the fact that j is equal to n. In this case, a for-loop is used to copy the remaining elements of A to the remaining positions of C (lines 17-19).

We can illustrate the operation of the sequential merge function using the simple example from Fig. 11.2. During the first three (0 −2) iterations of the while-loop, A[0], A[1], and B[0] are assigned to C[0], C[1], and C[2]. The execution continues until the end of iteration 5. At this point, list A is completely visited and the execution exits the while- loop. A total of six C positions have been filled by A[0] through A[4] and B[0]. The for-loop in the else part of the if-construct is used to copy the remaining B elements—B[1]–B[3] into the remaining C positions.

The sequential merge function visits every input element from both A and B once and writes into each C position once. Its algorithm complexity is O(m +n) and its execution time is linearly proportional to the total number of elements to be merged. Any work-efficient parallel algorithm will need to maintain this level of work-efficiency.

11.3 A Parallelization Approach

Siebert et al. [ST 2012] proposed an approach to parallelizing the merge operation. In their approach, each thread first calculates the range of output positions (output range) that it is going to produce, and uses that range as the input to a co-rank function to identify the corresponding input ranges that will be merged to produce the output range. Once the input and output ranges are determined, each thread can independently access its two input subarrays and one output subarray. Such independence allows each thread to perform the sequential merge function on their subarrays to do the merge in parallel. It should be clear that the key to the proposed parallelization approach is the co-rank function. We will now formulate the co-rank function.

Let A and B be two input arrays with m and n elements respectively. We assume that both input arrays are sorted according to an ordering relation. The index of each array starts from 0. Let C be the sorted output array generated by merging A and B. Obviously, C has m+n elements. We can make the following observation:

Observation 1: For any k such that 0≤k<m+n, there is either (case 1) an i such that 0i<m and C[k] receives its value from A[i], or (case 2) a j such that 0≤j<n and C[k] receives its value from B[j] in the merge process.

Fig. 11.4 shows the two cases of observation (1). In the first case, the C element in question comes from array A. For example, in Fig. 11.4a, C[4] (value 9) receives its values from A[3]. In this case, k=4 and i=3. We can see that the prefix subarray C[0]-C[3] of C[4] (the subarray of 4 elements that precedes C[4]) is the result of merging the prefix subarray A[0]-A[2] of A[3] (the subarray of 3 elements that precedes A[3]) and the prefix subarray B[0] of B[1] (the subarray of 4 −3 =1 element that precedes B[1]). The general formula is that subarray C[0]-C[k-1] (k elements) is the result of merging A[0]-A[i-1] (of i elements) and B[0]-B[k-i-1] (k-i elements).

Figure 11.4 Examples of observation (1). (A) shows case 1 and (B) shows case 2.

In the second case, the C element in question comes from array B. For example, in Fig. 11.4b, C[6] receives its value from B[1]. In this case, k=6 and j=1. The prefix subarray C[0]-C[5] of C[6] (the subarray of 6 elements that precedes C[6]) is the result of merging the prefix subarray A[0]-A[4] (the subarray of 5 elements preceding A[5]) and B[0] (the subarray of 1 element that precedes B[1]). The general formula for this case is that subarray C[0]-C[k-1] (k elements) is the results of merging A[0]-A[k-j-1] (k-j elements) and B[0]-B[j-1] (j elements).

In the first case, we find i and derive j as k-i. In the second case, we find j and derive i as k-j. We can take advantage of the symmetry and summarize the two cases into one observation:

Observation 2: For any k such that 0≤k<m+n, we can find i and j such that k=i+j, 0≤i<m and 0≤j<n and the subarray C[0]-C[k-1] is the result of merging subarray A[0]-A[i-1] and subarray B[0]-B[j-1].

Siebert et al. also proved that i and j, which define the prefix subarrays of A and B needed to produce the prefix subarray of C of length k, are unique. For an element C[k], the index k is referred to as its rank. The unique indices i and j are referred to as its co-ranks. For example, in Fig. 11.4a, the rank and co-rank of C[4] are 4, 3, and 1. For another example, the rank and co-rank of C[6] is 6, 5, and 1.

The concept of co-rank gives us a path to parallelizing the merge function. We can divide the work among threads by dividing the output array into subarrays and assign the generation of one subarray to each thread. Once the assignment is done, the rank of output elements to be generated by each thread is known. Each thread then uses the co-rank function to determine the subarrays of the input arrays that it needs to merge into its output subarray.

Note that the main difference between the parallelization of the merge function versus the parallelization of our previous patterns such as histogram is that the range of input to be used by each thread cannot be determined with a simple rule. The range of input elements to be used by each thread is a function of the input values. This makes the parallelized merge operation an interesting and challenging parallel computation pattern.

11.4 Co-Rank Function Implementation

We define the co-rank function as a function that takes the rank (k) of a C array element and information about the two input arrays and returns the i co-rank value:

int co_rank(int k, int * A, int m, int * B, int n)

where k is the rank of the C element in question, A is a pointer to the input A array, m is the size of the A array, B is a pointer to the input B array, and n is the size of the input B array. The caller can then derive the j co-rank value as k-i.

Before we study the implementation details of the co-rank function, it is beneficial to first learn about the ways a parallel merge function will use it. Such use of the co-rank function is illustrated in Fig. 11.5, where we use two threads to perform the merge operation. We assume that thread 0 generates C[0]-C[3] and thread 1 generates C[4]-C[8].

Figure 11.5 Example of co-rank function execution.

Thread 0 calls the co-rank function with parameters (4, A, 5, B, 4). The goal of the co-rank function for thread 0 is to identify the co-rank values i0 =3 and j0 =1. That is, the prefix subarray of C[4] is to be generated by merging the prefix subarrays of A[3] (A[0]-A[2]) and B[1] (B[0]). Intuitively, we are looking for a total of 4 elements from A and B that will fill the first 4 elements of the output array. By visual inspection, we see that the choice of i0 =3 and j0 =1 meets our need. Thread 0 will take A[0]-A[2] and B[0] to We leave out A[3] (value 9) and B[1] (value 10), which is correct since they are both larger than the four elements we include (1, 7, 8 from A and 7 from B).

If we changed the value of i0 to 2, we need to set the j0 value to 2 so that we can still have a total of 4 elements. However, this means that we would include B[1] whose value is 10. This value is larger than A[2] (value 8) that would be left out for this choice. Such a change would make the resulting C array not properly sorted. On the other hand, if we changed the value of i0 to 4, we need to set the j0 value to 0 to keep the total number of elements at 4. However, this would mean that we include A[4] (value 10), which is larger than B[0] (value 7) that we would incorrectly leave out when generating the output subarray of thread 0. These two examples point to a search algorithm can quickly identify the value.

Thread 1 calls the co-rank function with parameters (9, A, 5, B, 4). From Fig. 11.4, we see that the co-rank function should produce co-rank values i1 =5 and j1 =4. Note that the input subarrays to be used by thread 1 are actually defined by the co-rank values of thread 0 and those of thread 1: A[3]-A[4] and B[1]-B[3]. That is, the starting index of the A subarray for thread 1 is actually thread 0’s co-rank i value. The starting index of the B subarray for thread 1 is thread 0’s co-rank j value. In general, the input subarrays to be used by thread t are defined by the co-rank values for thread (t −1) and thread t: A[i_(t-1)]-A[i_t-1] and B[j_(t-1)]-B[j_t-1].

One important point is that the amount of search work can vary dramatically among threads for large input arrays. The threads that generate the beginning sections of the output array may need to search through only a small number of A and B elements. On the other hand, the high-numbered threads may need to search through a large number of A or B elements. It is therefore very important to minimize the latency for searching through a large number of elements. Since both input arrays are sorted, we can use a binary search or even a higher radix search to reduce the computational complexity from O(N) to O(log(N)). Fig. 11.5 shows a co-rank function based on binary search.

The co-rank function uses two pairs of marker variables to delineate the range of A array indices and the range of B array indices being considered for the co-rank values. Variables i_low and j_low are the smallest possible co-rank values that could be generated by the function. Variables i and j are the candidate co-rank return values being considered in the current iteration. Line 2 initializes i to its largest possible value. If the k value is greater than m, line 2 initializes i to m, since the co-rank i value cannot be larger than the size of the A array. Otherwise, line 2 initializes i to k, since i cannot be larger than k. The co-rank j value is initialized as k-i (line 3). Throughout the execution, the co-rank function maintains this important invariant relation. The sum of the i and j variable is always equal to the value of the input variable k (the rank value).

The initialization of the i_low and j_low variables (lines 4 and 5) requires a little more explanation. These variables allow us to limit the scope of the search and make it faster. Functionally, we could set both values to zero and let the rest of the execution elevate them to more accurate values. This indeed makes sense when the k value is smaller than m and n. However, when k is larger than n, we know that the i value cannot be less than k-n. The reason is that the most number of C[k] prefix subarray elements that can come from the B array is n. Therefore, a minimal of k −n elements must come from A. Therefore, the i value can never be smaller than k −n; we may as well set i_low to k −n.

The same argument shows that the j_low value cannot be less than k-m, which is the least number of elements of B that must be used in the merge process and thus the lower bound of the final co-rank j value.

We will use the example in Fig. 11.7 to illustrate the operation of the co-rank function in Fig. 11.6. The example assumes that three threads are used to merge arrays A and B into C. Each thread is responsible for generating an output subarray of three elements. We will first trace through the binary search steps of the co-rank function for thread 0 which is responsible for generating C[0]-C[2]. The reader should be able to determine that thread 0 calls the co-rank function with parameters (3, A, 5, B, 4).

Figure 11.6 A co-rank function based on binary search.

As shown in Fig. 11.6, line 2 of the co-rank function initializes i to 3, which is the k value since k is smaller than m (value 5) in this example. Also, i_low is set 0. The i and i_low values define the section of A array that is currently being searched to determine the final co-rank i value. Thus, only 0, 1, 2, and 3 are being considered for the co-rank i value. Similarly, the j and j_low values are set to 0 and 0.

The main body of the co-rank function is a while-loop (line 8) that iteratively zooms into the final co-rank i and j values. The goal is to find a pair of i and j that result in A[i-1] ≤ B[j] and B[j-1] < A[i]. The intuition is that we choose the i and j values so none of the values in the A subarray used for generating a output subarray (referred to as the current A subarray) should be greater than any elements in the B subarray used for generating the next output subarray (referred to as the next B subarray). Note that the largest A element in the current subarray could be equal to the smallest element in the next B subarray since the A elements take precedence in placement into the output array whenever a tie occurs between an A element and a B element in our definition of the merge process.

In Fig. 11.6, the first if-construction in the while-loop (line 9) tests if the current i value is too high. If so, it will adjust the marker values so that it reduces the search range for i by about half toward the smaller end. This is done by reducing the i value by about half the difference between i and i_low. In Fig. 11.7, for iteration 0 of the while-loop, the if-construct finds that the i value (3) is too high since A[i −1], whose value is 8, is greater than B[j], whose value is 7. The next few statements proceed to reduce the search range for i by reducing its value by delta =(3-0+1)>>1 = 2 (lines 10 and 13) while keeping the i_low value unchanged. Therefore, the i_low and i values for the next iteration will be 0 and 1.

Figure 11.7 Iteration 0 of the co-rank function operation example for thread 0.

The code also makes the search range for j to be comparable to that of i and shifts it to above the current j location. This is done by assigning the current j value to j_low (line 11) and adding the delta value to j (line 12). In our example, the j_low and j values for the next iteration will be 0 and 2 (Fig. 11.8).

Figure 11.8 Iteration 1 of the co-rank function operation example for thread 0.

During iteration 1 of the while-loop, the i and j values are 1 and 2. The if -construct (line 9) finds the i value to be acceptable since A[i −1] is A[0], whose value is 1 while B[j] is B[2] whose value is 10, so A[i −1] is less than B[j]. Thus, the condition of the first if-construct fails and the body of the if-construct is skipped. However, the j value is found to be too high during this iteration since B[j −1] is B[1] (line 14), whose value is 10 while A[i] is A[1], whose value is 7. So the second if-construct will adjust the markers for the next iteration so that the search range for j will be reduced by about half toward the lower values. This is done by subtracting delta=(j-j_low+1)>>1=1 from j (lines 15 and 18). As a result, the j_low and j values for the next iteration will be 0 and 1. It also makes the next search range for i the same size as that for j but shifts it up by delta locations. This is done by assigning the current i value to i_low (line 16) and adding the delta value to i (line 17). Therefore, the i_low and i values for the next iteration will be 1 and 2.

During iteration 2, the i and j values are 2 and 1. Both if -constructs (lines 9 and 14) will find both i and j values acceptable. For the first if-construct, A[i −1] is A[1] (value 7) and B[j] is B[1] (value 10) so the condition A[i-1] ≤ B[j] is satisfied. For the second if-construct, B[j −1] is B[0] (value 7) and A[i] is A[2] (value 8) so the condition B[j-1] < A[i] is satisfied. The co-rank function exits the while-loop (lines 20 and 8) and returns the final i value 2 as the co-rank i value (line 23). The caller thread can derive the final co-rank j value as k-i=3 −2 =1. An inspection of Fig. 11.9 confirms that co-rank values of 2 and 1 indeed identify the correct A and B input subarrays for thread 0.

Figure 11.9 Iteration 2 of the co-rank function operation example for thread 0.

The reader should repeat the same process for thread 2 as an exercise. Also, note that if the input streams are much longer, the delta values will be reduced by half in each step so the algorithm is of log2(N) complexity where N is the maximal of the two input array sizes.

11.5 A Basic Parallel Merge Kernel

For the rest of this chapter, we assume that the input A and B arrays reside in the global memory. Further assume that a kernel is launched to merge the two input arrays to produce an output array C in the global memory. Fig. 11.10 shows a basic kernel that is a straightforward implementation of the parallel merge function described in Section 11.3.

Figure 11.10 A basic merge kernel.

As we can see, the kernel is fairly simple. It first divides the work among threads by calculating the starting point of the output subarray to be produced by the current thread (k_curr) and of the next thread (k_next). Keep in mind that the total number of output elements may not be a multiple of the number of threads. Each thread then makes two calls to the co-rank function. The first call uses k_curr as the rank parameter to get the co-rank values of the first (lowest-indexed) element of the output subarray that the current thread is to generate. These returned co-rank values give the lowest-indexed input A and B array elements that belong in the input subarray to be used by the thread. That is, the i_curr and j_curr values mark the beginning of the input subarrays for the thread. Therefore, &A[i_curr] and &B[j_curr] are the pointers to the beginning of the input subarrays to be used by the current thread.

The second call uses k_next as the rank parameter to get the co-rank values for the next thread. These co-rank values mark the positions of the lowest-indexed input array elements to be used by the next thread. Therefore, i_next-i_curr and j_next-j_curr give m and n, the sizes of the subarrays of A and B to be used by the current thread. The pointer to the beginning of the output subarray to be produced by the current thread is &C[k_curr]. The final step of the kernel is to call the merge_sequential function (Fig. 11.3) with these parameters.

The execution of the basic merge kernel can be illustrated with the example in Fig. 11.9. The k_curr values for the three threads (threads 0, 1, and 2) will be 0, 3, and 6. We will focus on the execution of thread 1 whose k_curr value will be 3. The i_curr and j_curr values returned from the two co-rank function calls are 2 and 1. The k_next value for thread 1 will be 6. The call to the co-rank function gives the i_next and j_next values of 5 and 1. Thread 1 then calls the merge function with parameters (&A[2], 3, &B[1], 0, &C[3]). Note that the 0 value for parameter n indicates that none of the three elements of the output subarray for thread 1 should come from array B. This is indeed the case in Fig. 11.9: output elements C[3]-C[5] come from A[2]-A[4].

While the basic merge kernel is quite simple and elegant, it falls short in memory access efficiency. First, it is clear that when executing the merge_sequential function, adjacent threads in a warp are not accessing adjacent memory locations when they read and write the input and output subarray elements. For the example in Fig. 11.9, during the first iteration of the merge_sequential function execution, the three adjacent threads would read A[0], A[2], and B[0]. They will then write to C[0], C[3], and C[6]. Thus, their memory accesses are not coalesced, resulting in poor utilization of memory bandwidth.

Second, the threads also need to access A and B elements from the global memory when they execute the co-rank function. Since we are doing a binary search, the access patterns are somewhat irregular and will unlikely be coalesced. As a result, these accesses can further reduce the efficiency of utilizing the memory bandwidth. It would be helpful if we can reduce the number accesses to the global memory by the co-rank function.

11.6 A Tiled Merge Kernel

As we have seen in Chapter 4, Memory and data locality, we can use shared memory to change the memory access patterns of the merge kernel into ones that can be coalesced. The key observation is that the input A and B subarrays to be used by the adjacent threads are adjacent to each other in memory. Essentially, all threads in a block will collectively use larger, block-level subarrays of A and B to generate a larger, block-level subarray of C. We can call the co-rank function for the entire block to get the starting and ending locations for the block-level A and B subarrays. Using these block-level co-rank values, all threads in the block can cooperatively load the elements of the block-level A and B subarrays into the shared memory in a coalesced pattern.

Fig. 11.11 shows the block-level design of a tiled merge kernel. In this example, we assume that three blocks will be used for the merge operation. At the bottom of the figure, we show that C is partitioned into three block-level subarrays. We delineate these partitions with gray vertical bars. Based on the partition, each block calls the co-rank functions to partition the input array into subarrays to be used for each block. We also delineate the input partitions with gray vertical bars. Note that the input partitions can vary significantly in size according to the actual data element values in the input arrays. For example, input A subarray is significantly larger than input B subarray for thread 0. On the other hand, input subarray A is significantly smaller than input B subarray for thread 1. Obviously, the combined size of the two input subarrays must always be equal to the size of the output subarray for each thread.

Figure 11.11 Design of a tiled merge kernel

We will declare two shared memory arrays A_S and B_S for each block. Due to the limited shared memory size, A_S and B_S may not be able to cover the entire input subarrays for the block. Therefore, we will take an iterative approach. Assume that the A_S and B_S arrays can each hold x elements while each output subarray contains y elements. Each thread block will perform its operation in y/x iterations. During iteration, all threads in a block will cooperatively load x elements from the block’s input A subarray and x elements from its input B subarray.

The first iteration of each thread is illustrated in Fig. 11.11. We show that for each block, a light gray section of input A subarray is loaded into A_S. A light gray section of the input B subarray is loaded into B_S. With x A elements and x B elements in the shared memory, the thread block has enough input elements to generate at least x output array elements. All threads are guaranteed to have all the input subarray elements they need for the iteration. One might ask why loading a total of 2x input elements can only guarantee the generation of x output elements. The reason is that in the worst case, all elements of the current output section may all come from one of the input sections. This uncertainty of input usage makes the tiling design for the merge kernel much more challenging than the previous patterns.

Fig. 11.11 also shows that threads in each block will use a portion of the A_S and a portion of the B_S in each iteration, shown as dark gray sections, to generate a section of x elements in their output C subarray. This process is illustrated with the dotted arrows going from the A_S and B_S dark gray sections to the C dark sections. Note that each thread block may well use a different portion of its A_S versus B_S sections. Some blocks may use more elements from A_S and others may use more from B_S. The actual portions used by each block depend on the input data element values.

Fig. 11.12 shows the first part of a tiled merge kernel. A comparison against Fig. 11.10 shows remarkable similarity. This part is essentially the block-level version of the setup code for the thread-level basic merge kernel. Only one thread in the block needs to calculate the co-rank values for the rank values of the beginning output index of current block and that of the beginning output index of the next block. The values are placed into the shared memory so that they can be visible to all threads in the block. Having only one thread to call the co-rank function reduces the number of global memory accesses by the co-rank function and should improve the efficiency of the global memory. A barrier synchronization is used to ensure all threads wait until the block-level co-rank values are available in the shared memory A_S[0] and A_S[1] locations before they proceed to use the values.

Figure 11.12 Part 1—identifying block-level output and input subarrays.

Recall that since the input subarrays may be too large to fit into the shared memory, the kernel takes an iterative approach. The kernel receives a tile_size argument that specifies the number of A elements and B elements to be accommodated in the shared memory. For example, tile_size value 1024 means that 1024 A array elements and 1024 B array elements are to be accommodated in the shared memory. This means that each block will dedicate (1024 +1024)*4 =8192 bytes of shared memory to hold the A and B array elements.

As a simple example, assume that we would like to merge an A array of 33,000 elements (m =33,000) with a B array of 31,000 elements (n =31,000). The total number of output C elements is 64,000. Further assume that we will use 16 blocks (gridDim.x =16) and 128 threads in each block (blockDim.x =128). Each block will generate 64,000/16 =4,000 output C array elements.

If we assume that the tile_size value is 1024, the while-loop in Fig. 11.13 will need to take four iterations for each block to complete the generation of its 4000 output elements.

Figure 11.13 Part 2—loading A and B elements into the shared memory.

During iteration 0 of the while-loop, the threads in each block will cooperatively load 1024 elements of A and 1024 elements of B into the shared memory. Since there are 128 threads in a block, they can collectively load 128 elements in each iteration. So, the first for-loop in Fig. 11.13 will iterate eight times for all threads in a block to complete the loading of the 1024 A elements. The second for-loop will also iterate eight times to complete the loading of the 1024 B elements. Note that threads use their threadIdx.x values to select the element to load, so consecutive threads load consecutive elements. The memory accesses are coalesced. We will come back later and explain the if-conditions and how the index expressions for loading the A and B elements are formulated.

Once the input tiles are in the shared memory, individual threads can divide up the input tiles and merge their portions in parallel. This is done by assigning a section of the output to each thread and running the co-rank function to determine the sections of shared memory data that should be used for generating that output section. The code in Fig. 11.14 completes this step. Keep in mind that this is a continuation of the while-loop that started in Fig. 11.13. During each iteration of the while-loop, threads in a block will generate a total of tile_size C elements using the data we loaded into shared memory. (The exception is the last iteration, which will be addressed later.) The co-rank function is run on the data in shared memory for individual threads. Each thread first calculates the starting position of its output range and that of the next thread, and then uses these starting positions as the inputs to the co-rank function to identify its input ranges.

Figure 11.14 Part 3—all threads merge their individual subarrays in parallel

Let us resume our running example. In each iteration of the while-loop, all threads in a block will be collectively generating 1024 output elements using the two input tiles of A and B elements in the shared memory. (Once again, we will deal with the last iteration of the while-loop later.) The work is divided among 128 threads so each thread will be generating 8 output elements. While we know that each thread will consume a total of 8 input elements in the shared memory, we need to call the co-rank function to find out the exact number of A elements versus B elements that each thread will consume. Some threads may use 3 A elements and 5 B elements. Others may use 6 A elements and 2 B elements, and so on.

Collectively, the total number of A elements and B elements used by all threads in a block for the iteration will add up to 1024 for our example. For example, if all threads in a block used 476 A elements, we know that they also used 1024 −476 =548 B elements. It may even be possible that all threads end up using 1024 A elements and 0 B elements. Keep in mind that a total of 2048 elements are loaded in the shared memory. Therefore, in each iteration of the while-loop, only half of the A and B elements that were loaded into the shared memory will be used by all the threads in the block.

Each thread will then call the sequential merge function to merge its portions of A and B elements (identified by the co-rank values) from the shared memory into its designated range of C elements.

We are now ready to examine more details of the kernel function. Recall that we skipped the explanation of the index expressions for loading the A and B elements from global memory into the shared memory. For each iteration of the while-loop, the starting point for loading the current tile in the A and B array depends on the total number of A and B elements that have been consumed by all threads of the block during the previous iterations of the while-loop. Assume that we keep track of the total number of A elements consumed by all the previous iterations of the while-loop in variable A_consumed. We initialize A_consumed to 0 before entering the while-loop. During iteration 0, all blocks start their tiles from A[A_curr] since A_consumed is 0 at the beginning of iteration 0. During each subsequent iteration of the while-loop, the tile of A elements will start at A[A_curr+A_consumed].

Figs. 11.11 and 11.15 illustrate the index calculation for iteration 1 of the while-loop. In our running example in Fig. 11.11, we show the A_S elements that are consumed by the block of threads during iteration 0 as the dark gray portion of the tile in A_S. During iteration 1, the tile to be loaded from the global memory for block 0 should start at the location right after the section that contains the A elements consumed in iteration 0. In Fig. 11.15, for each block, the section of A elements consumed in iteration 0 is shown as the small white section at the beginning of the A subarray assigned to the block. Since the length of the small section is given by the value of A_consumed, the tile to be loaded for iteration 1 of the while-loop starts at A[A_curr+A_consumed]. Similarly, the tile to be loaded for iteration 1 of the while-loop starts at B[B_curr+B_consumed].

Figure 11.15 Iteration 1 of the running example.

Note in Fig. 11.14 that A_consumed and B_consumed are accumulated through the while-loop iterations. Therefore, at the beginning of each iteration, the tiles to be loaded for the iteration always start with A[A_curr+A_consumed] and B[B_curr+B_consumed].

During the last iterations of the while-loop, there may not be enough input A or B elements to fill the input tiles in the shared memory for some of the thread blocks. For example, in Fig. 11.15, for thread block 2, the number of remaining A elements for iteration 1 is less than the tile size. An if-statement should be used to prevent the threads from attempting to load elements that are outside the input subarrays for the block. The first if-statement in Fig. 11.13 detects such attempts by checking if the index of the A_S element that a thread is trying to load exceeds the number of remaining A elements given by the value of the expression A_length-A_consumed. The if-statement ensures that the threads only load the elements that are within the remaining section of the A subarray. The same is done for the B elements.

With the if-statements and the index expressions, the tile loading process should work well as long as A_consumed and B_consumed give the total number of A and B elements consumed by the thread block in previous iterations of the while-loop. This brings us to the code at the end of the while-loop in Fig. 11.14. These statements update the total number of C elements generated by the while-loop iterations thus far. For all but the last iteration, each iteration generates additional tile_size C elements.

The next two statements update the total number of A and B elements consumed by the threads in the block. For all but the last iteration, the number of additional A elements consumed by the thread block is the returned value of

co_rank(tile_size, A_S, tile_size, B_S, tile_size)

As we mentioned before, the calculation of the number of elements consumed may not be correct at the end of the last iteration of the while-loop. There may not be a full tile of elements left for the final iteration. However, since the while-loop will not iterate any further, the A_consumed, B_consumed, and C_completed values will not be used so the incorrect results will not cause any harm. However, one should remember that if for any reason these values are needed after exiting the while-loop, the three variables will not have the correct values. The values of A_length, B_length, and C_length should be used instead since all the elements in the designated subarrays to the thread block will have been consumed at the exit of the while-loop.

The tiled kernel achieves substantial reduction in global memory accesses by the co-rank function and makes the global memory accesses coalesced. However, as is, the kernel has a significant deficiency. It only makes use of half of the data that is loaded into the shared memory. The unused data in the shared memory are simply reloaded in the next iteration. This wastes half of the memory bandwidth. In the next section, we will present a circular buffer scheme for managing the tiles of data elements in the shared memory, which allows the kernel to fully utilize all the A and B elements loaded into the shared memory. As we will see, this increased efficiency comes with a substantial increase in code complexity.

11.7 A Circular-Buffer Merge Kernel

The design of the circular-buffer merge kernel, which will be referred to as merge_circular_buffer_kernel, is largely the same as the merge_tiled_kernel kernel in the previous section. The main difference lies in the management of A and B elements in the shared memory to enable full utilization of all the elements loaded from the global memory. The overall structure of the merge_tiled_kernel is the same as that shown in Figs. 11.1211.14, which assumes that the tiles of A and B elements always start at A_S[0] and B_S[0]. After each while-loop iteration, the kernel loads the next tile starting from A_S[0] and B_S[0]. The inefficiency of merge_tiled_kernel comes from the fact that part of the next tiles of elements are in the shared memory but we reload the entire tile from the global memory and write over these remaining elements from the previous iteration.

Fig. 11.16 shows the main idea of the circular-buffer merge kernel, called merge_circular_buffer_kernel. We will continue to use the example from Figs. 11.11 and 11.15. Two additional variables A_S_start and B_S_start are added to allow each iteration of the while-loop in Fig. 11.13 to start its A and B tiles at dynamically determined positions inside A_S[0] and B_S[0]. This added tracking allows each iteration of the while-loop to start the tiles with the remaining A and B elements from the previous iteration. Since there is no previous iteration when we first enter the while-loop, these two variables are initialized to 0 before entering the while-loop.

Figure 11.16 A circular buffer scheme for managing the shared memory tiles.

During iteration 0, since the values of A_S_start and B_S_start are both 0, the tiles will start with A_S[0] and B_S[0]. This is illustrated in Fig. 11.16A, where we show the tiles that will be loaded from the global memory (A and B) into the shared memory (A_S and B_S) as light gray sections. Once these tiles are loaded into the shared memory, merge_circular_buffer_kernel will proceed with the merge operation in the same way as the merge_tile kernel.

We also need to update the A_S_start and B_S_start variables for use in the next iteration by advancing the value of these variables by the number of A and B elements consumed from the shared memory during the current iteration. Keep in mind that the size each buffer is limited to tile_size. At some point, we will need to reuse the buffer locations at the beginning part of the A_S and B_S arrays. This is done by checking if the new A_S_start and B_S_start values exceed the tile_size. If so, we subtract tile_size from them as shown in the if-statement below:

     A_S_start = A_S_start + A_S_consumed;     if (A_S_start >= tile_size) A_S_start = A_S_start - tile_size;     B_S_start = B_S_start + B_S_consumed;     if (B_S_start >= tile_size) B_S_start = B_S_start - tile_size;

Fig. 11.16B illustrates the update of the A_S_start and B_S_start variables. At the end of iteration 0, a portion of the A tile and a portion of the B tile have been consumed. The consumed portions are shown as white sections in A_S and B_S in Fig. 11.16B. We update the A_S_start and B_S_start values to the position immediately after the consumed sections in the shared memory.

Fig. 11.16C illustrates the operations for filling the A and B tiles at the beginning of iteration 1 of the while-loop. A_S_consumed is a variable added to track the number of A elements used in the current iteration for use in filling the tile in the next iteration. At the beginning of each iteration, we need to load a section of up to A_S_consumed elements to fill up the A tile in the shared memory. Similarly, we need to load a section of up to B_S_consumed elements to fill up the B tile in the shared memory. The two sections loaded are shown as dark gray sections in Fig. 11.16C. Note that the tiles effectively “wrap around” in the A_S and B_S arrays since we are reusing the space of the A and B elements that were consumed during iteration 0.

Fig. 11.16D illustrates the updates to A_S_start and B_S_start at the end of iteration 1. The sections of elements consumed during iteration 1 are shown as the white sections. Note that in A_S, the consumed section wraps around to beginning part of A_S. The value of the A_S_start variable is also wrapped around in the if-statement. It should be clear that we will need to adjust the code for loading and using the tiled elements to support this circular usage of the A_S and B_S arrays.

Part 1 of merge_circular_buffer_kernel is identical to that of merge_tiled_kernel in Fig. 11.12 so we will not present it. Fig. 11.17 shows Part 2 of the circular buffer kernel. Refer to Fig. 11.13 for variable declarations that remain the same. New variables A_S_start, B_S_start, A_S_consumed, and B_S_consumed are initialized to 0 before we enter the while-loop.

Figure 11.17 Part 2 of a circular-buffer merge kernel.

Note that the exit conditions of the two for-loops have been adjusted. Instead of always loading a full tile, as was the case in the merge kernel in Fig. 11.13, each for-loop in Fig. 11.13 is set up to only load the number of elements needed to refill the tiles, given by A_S_consumed. The section of the A elements to be loaded by a thread block in the ith for-loop iteration starts at global memory location A[A_curr +A_consumed +i]. Thus, the A element to be loaded by a thread in the ith for-loop iteration is A[A_curr +A_consumed +i+threadIdx.x]. The index for each thread to place its A element into the A_S array is A_S_start+(tile_size-A_S_consumed)+ i+threadIdx since the tile starts at A_S[A_S_start] and there are (tile_size-A_S_consumed) elements remaining in the buffer from the previous iteration of the while-loop. The if-statement checks if the index value is greater than or equal to tile_size. If so, it is wrapped back into the beginning part of the array by subtracting tile_size from the index value. The same analysis applies to the for-loop for loading the B tile and is left as an exercise.

Using the A_S and B_S arrays as circular buffers also incurs additional complexity in the implementation of the co-rank and merge functions. Part of the additional complexity could be reflected in the thread-level code that calls these functions. However, in general, it is better if one can efficiently handle the complexities inside the library functions to minimize the increased level of complexity in the user code. We show such an approach in Fig. 11.18. Fig. 11.18A shows the implementation of the circular buffer. A_S_start and B_S_start mark the beginning of the tile in the circular buffer. The tiles wrap around in the A_S and B_S arrays, shown as the light gray section to the left of A_S_start and B_S_start.

Figure 11.18 A simplified model for the co-rank values when using a circular buffer.

Keep in mind that the co-rank values are used for threads to identify the starting position, ending position, and length of the input subarrays that they are to use. When we employ circular buffers, we could provide the co-rank values as the actual indices in the circular buffer. However, this would incur quite a bit of complexity in the merge_circular_buffer_kernel code. For example, the a_next value could be smaller than the a_curr value since the tile is wrapped around in the A_S array. Thus, one would need to test for the case and calculate the length of the section as a_next-a_curr+tile_size. However, in other cases when a_next is larger than a_curr, the length of the section is simply a_next-a_curr.

Fig. 11.18B shows a simplified model for defining, deriving, and using the co-rank values with the circular buffer. In this model, the tiles appear to be in continuous sections starting at A_S_start and B_S_start. In the case of the B_S tile in Fig. 11.18A, b_next is wrapped around and would be smaller than b_curr in the circular buffer. However, as shown in Fig. 11.18B, the simplified model provides the illusion that all elements are in a continuous section of up to tile_size elements and thus a_next is always larger than or equal to a_curr and b_next is always larger than or equal to b_curr. It is up to the implementation of the co_rank_circular and merge_sequential_circular functions to map this simplified view of the co-rank values into the actual circular buffer indices so that they can carry out their functionalities correctly and efficiently.

The co_rank_circular and merge_sequential_circular functions have the same set of parameters as the original co_rank and merge functions except for three additional ones: A_S_start, B_S_start, and tile_size. These three additional parameters inform the functions where the current starting points of the buffers are and how big the buffers are. Fig. 11.19 shows the revised thread-level code based on the simplified model for the co-rank value using circular buffers. The only change to the code is that co_rank_circular and merge_sequential_circular functions are called instead of the co_rank and merge functions. This demonstrates that a well-designed library interface can reduce the impact on the user code when employing sophisticated data structures.

Figure 11.19 Part 3 of a circular-buffer merge kernel.

Fig. 11.20 shows an implementation of the co-rank function that provides the simplified model for the co-rank values while correctly operated on circular buffers. It treats i, j, i_low, and j_low values in exactly the same way as the co-rank function in Fig. 11.6. The only change is that i, i-1, j, and j-1 are no longer used directly as indices when accessing the A_S and B_S arrays. They are used as offsets that are to be added to the values of A_S_start and B_S_start to form the index values i_cir, i_m_1_cir, j_cir, and j_m_1_cir. In each case, we need to test if the actual index values need to be wrapped around to the beginning part of the buffer. Note that we cannot simply use i_cir-1 to replace i-1, we need to form the final index value and check for the need to wrap it around. It should be clear that the simplified model also helps to keep the co-rank function code simple: all the manipulations of the i, j, i_low, j_low values remain the same; they do not need to deal with the circular nature of the buffers.

Figure 11.20 A co_rank_circular function that operates on circular buffers.

Fig. 11.21 shows an implementation of the merge_sequential_circular function. Similar to the co_rank_circular function, the logic of the code remains essentially unchanged from the original merge function. The only change is in the way i and j are used to access the A and B elements. Since the merge_sequential_circular function will only be called by the thread-level code of merge_circular_buffer_kernel, the A and B elements accessed will be in the A_S and B_S arrays. In all four places where i or j is used to access the A or B elements, we need to form the i_cir or j_cir and test if the index value needs to be wrapped around to the beginning part of the array. Otherwise, the code is the same as the merge function in Fig. 11.3.

Figure 11.21 Implementation of the merge_sequential_circular function.

Although we did not list all parts of merge_circular_buffer_kernel, the reader should be able to put it all together based on the parts that we discussed. The use of tiling and circular buffers adds quite a bit of complexity. In particular, each thread uses quite a few more registers to keep track of the starting point and remaining number of elements in the buffers. All these additional usages can potentially reduce the occupancy, or the number of thread-blocks that can be assigned to each of the streaming multiprocessors when the kernel is executed. However, since the merge operation is memory bandwidth bound, the computational and register resources are likely underutilized. Thus, increasing the number of registers used and address calculations to conserve memory bandwidth are a reasonable tradeoff.

11.8 Summary

In this chapter, we introduced the merge sort pattern whose parallelization requires each thread to dynamically identify its input ranges. The fact that the input ranges are data dependent also creates extra challenges when we use tiling technique to conserve memory bandwidth. As a result, we introduce the use of circular buffers to allow us to make full use of the memory data loaded. We showed that introducing a more complex data structure such as circular buffers can significantly increase the complexity of the code that uses these data structures. Thus, we introduce a simplified buffer access model for the code that manipulates and uses the indices to remain largely unchanged. The actual circular nature of the buffers is only exposed when these indices are used to access the elements in the buffer.



1. Assume that we need to merge lists A and B. A =(1, 7, 8, 9, 10) and B =(7, 10, 10, 12). What are the co-rank values for C[8]?

2. Complete the calculation of co-rank functions for Thread 1 and Thread 2 in the example shown in Fig. 11.7 through Fig. 11.9.


1. Siebert C, Traff JL. Efficient MPI implementation of a parallel, stable merge algorithm. Proceedings of the 19th European conference on recent advances in the Message Passing Interface (EuroMPI’12) Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin; 2012;204–213.

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