

Abbot, Gilbert, 78

actinomycetes, 156

active immunity, 131

acute paranoid schizophrenia, 194–196, 218

adenine, 182

albinism, 178

alkaptonuria, 177

alprazolam (Xanax), 215

alternative medicine

AMA battle against quackery, 240–242

Ayurvedic medicine, 228

chiropractic medicine, 238–240

explained, 4–5

homeopathy, 236–238

increasing popularity of, 226

integrative medicine, 246–249

meditation, 223–224

NCCAM (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine), 243

rediscovery of, 242–243

top 15 CAM practitioner visits, 244–246

traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), 227

treatment failures, 223–224

American Medical Association (AMA), 241

American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), 197

The Anatomy of Melancholy (Burton), 199

Anaxagoras, 10, 13

Anderson, W. French, 190


action on nervous system, 87–88


initial observation of anesthetic properties, 79–80

research into administration, dosing, and effects, 81–83

use in obstetrics, 80

early methods, 68

effect on mind, 84–86


demonstration of Letheon by William Morton, 77–79

dismissal by medical establishment, 77

first recorded medical uses, 75–77

observation of anesthetic properties, 75

recreational use, 75

future of, 88

modern advances in, 86–88

nitrous oxide

euphoric effects, 73

initial observations of anesthetic properties, 70–74

recreational use, 75

operations performed without anesthesia, 69–70

religious and social factors inhibiting development of, 70–72

stages of anesthesia, 82

anthrax, 59, 127

anti-anxiety drugs, 214–216

anti-manic drugs, 206–208

anti-vaccination movement, 136–137

antibiotic-resistant bacteria, 160–161


antibiotic contamination of food in ancient Rome, 140–142

antibiotic contamination of food of ancient Nubians, 162

categories of antibiotics, 159

initial observations of bacteria-inhibiting properties of mold, 143–145

mis-use of antibiotics, 159–162


Alexander Fleming’s discovery of, 145–148

first patient saved by, 154–155

first successful (but forgotten) cures, 148–149

production of, 151–154

rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, 160–162

streptomycin, 156–158

sulphonamide drugs, 149–151

therapeutic use of mold in folk medicine, 143

antidepressants, 210–213

antipsychotic drugs, 208–210

antiseptic techniques, 57–59

antitoxin vaccines, 130–131

antitoxins, 130


early attempts to understand, 200

treating with anti-anxiety drugs, 214–216

Aristotle, 167, 198

Artaxerxes, 12

aseptic surgery, 57–59

Asklepieion of Kos, 8

Asklepieios, 11

Austen, Jane, 69

Avery, Oswald, 181

Ayurvedic medicine, 228–229


Bacillus anthracis, 59–60

barbiturates, 215

Barnes, John, 28

Baron, John, 123

barriers to understanding and treating mental illness, 196–198

Barry, Martin, 168

Bateson, William, 177

Beadle, George, 182

Beddoes, Thomas, 72–74

Behring, Emil von, 130

benzodiazepines, 216

Berger, Frank, 214

Beston, Emma de, 199

Bethlem hospital, 202

Bigelow, Henry, 78, 85

Bini, Lucio, 205

BMJ (British Medical Journal)

choices for top 15 medical breakthroughs, 3

on discovery of X-rays, 98

on integrated medicine, 248

Boorstin, Daniel J., 251

Boveri, Theodor, 177

Breaths (Hippocrates), 23

Brown, Robert, 168, 174

Brünn Natural Historical Society, 172

Buchan, William, 167

Bumstead, John, 154

Burney, Fanny, 69–70

Burton, Robert, 199


Cade, John, 207–208, 217, 253

Candotti, Fabio, 190

cardiazol, 204

cathode rays, 95

Cattell, Henry, 104

cell biology, 173–174

The Cell in Inheritance and Development (Wilson), 175

Cerletti, Ugo, 205

Chadwick, Edwin, 30–31

invention of modern sanitation, 40–42

On the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain, 40–41

passage of Public Health Act of 1848, 41–42

passage of Public Health Act of 1875, 42

role in creating 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act, 38–39

Chain, Ernst, 151–153

Chargaff, Erwin, 182

Cheselden, William, 68

chicken cholera, 127

childbed fever, 46–51


childbed fever, 46–51

use of anesthetics for, 80

chiropractic medicine, 238–240


initial observation of anesthetic properties, 79–80

research into administration, dosing, and effects, 81–83

use in obstetrics, 80

chlorpromazine, 208–210


chicken cholera, 127

discovery of contagious nature of, 33–35

discovery of relationship with poor sanitation, 32–33

family of V. cholerae bacteria, 44

hog cholera, 129

modern sanitation failures and spread of cholera, 43–44

prevalence during Industrial Revolution, 28–30

research into cholera vaccine, 129


discovery, 173–174, 185

Thomas Hunt Morgan’s research into relationship of genes/chromosomes, 179–180

Clarke, William, 75

clinical medicine, creation of, 15–16

Coates, M. M., 73

code of ethics (Hippocratic Oath), 16–17

codons, 186

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 73

Colton, Gardner, 76

computed tomography (CT), 112–113

Conner, Lewis A., 235

consumption. See tuberculosis

Coolidge tube, 109–110

Coolidge, William, 109–110

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 231

Cormack, Alan, 113

Corpus Hippocraticum, 11, 19–22

Correns, Carl, 176

cortex, 87

Corynebacterium diptheriae (diphtheria), 130

cowpox, use in development of smallpox vaccine, 119–126

Cox, Joseph Mason, 202

Crick, Francis, 183–184, 253

Crookes tube, 95, 109

CT (computed tomography), 112–113

Cunning, Tolson, 102

Curie, Marie, 103

cystic fibrosis, 188

cytosine, 182


Dally, Clarence, 107

Davy, Humphry, 70–74, 89

De Humani Corporis Fabrica (Vesalius), 231

De Motu Cordis (Harvey), 232

Delay, Jean, 209

Delbrück, Max, 183

Deniker, Pierre, 209

deoxyribonucleic acid. See DNA


early attempts to understand, 199

treating with antidepressants, 210–213

Despeignes, Victor, 106

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), 197

diazepam (Valium), 215

Die Presse, 97

diphtheria vaccine, 130–131

DNA. See also genetics

discovery by Friedrich Miescher, 174–176

discovery of codons by Marshall Nirenberg and J. Heinrich Matthaei, 185–187

discovery of double helix model by James Watson and Francis Crick, 183–184

gene therapy, 190–191

genetic testing, 188–190

modern milestones and discoveries, 187–188

rediscovery by Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty, 180–183

Domagk, Gerhard, 150–151

dominant traits, discovery by Gregor Mendel, 171

doshas, 229

double helix model (DNA), 183–184

drug treatments for mental illness

anti-anxiety drugs, 214–216

antidepressants, 210–213

chlorpromazine and other antipsychotic drugs, 208–210

lithium, 206–208

need for supporting services, 217–219

transformative effect on prejudice and misconceptions about mental illness, 216–217

DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), 197


ECT (electroconvulsive therapy), 205

Edison, Thomas, 99–100, 107, 110

Egan, Robert, 112

Ehrlich, Paul, 132–134, 150

1834 Poor Law Amendment Act, 38–39

1848 Public Health Act, 41–42

1875 Public Health Act, 42

Eisenberg, David M., 242

Electrical Engineer, on discovery of X-rays, 98, 101–102

Electrical World, on discovery of X-rays, 98, 101

The Electrician, on discovery of X-rays, 102

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 205

electrons, 95

Enders, John, 134

Epidemics 3, 15

Epidemics 1, 230

epidemiology, 35–38

Esquirol, Jean Etienne Dominique, 200


demonstration of Letheon by William Morton, 77–79

dismissal by medical establishment, 77

first recorded medical uses, 75–77

initial observation of anesthetic properties, 75

recreational use, 75

ethics, code of (Hippocratic Oath), 16–17

Exhaustion theory of vaccines, 131

extrapyramidal side effects of antipsychotics, 210


Faraday, Michael, 75

Faughey, Kathryn, 194, 218

fermentation, 53–55

fertilization process, 167–168

Fleming, Alexander, 2, 145–148, 253

Flemming, Walther, 174

Florey, Howard, 151–153

fluoroscope, 96

fluoxetine, 212

Flynn, J. E., 158

folate antagonists, 159

fractional vaccines, 135

Frankfurter Zeitung, on discovery of X-rays, 98

Franklin, Rosalind, 183, 253

Freud, Sigmund, 200

Freund, Leopold, 105

Fuller, Ray, 212

Fulton, John, 154


G-22355, 212


Galen, 230, 232, 253

Garrod, Archibald, 177–179

Gaudoin, M., 106

Gelsinger, Jesse, 190

gene maps, 180

gene therapy, 190–191

General Electric Research Laboratory, 109

genetically engineered vaccines, 135


Archibald Garrod’s research into the function of genes, 177–179

beliefs of ancient Greeks, 164

discovery of fertilization process, 167–168

discovery of number of human chromosomes, 185


doctrine of maternal impression, 164–167, 191

dominant/recessive traits, 171

early belief in pangenesis, 166

explained, 164–166

gene therapy, 190–191

genetic testing, 188–190

Gregor Mendel’s research into laws of genetics, 169–173

Law of Independent Assortment, 172

Law of Segregation, 172

modern milestones and discoveries, 187–188

rediscovery of Mendel’s laws, 176–177

research into cell biology and discovery of chromosomes, 173–174

Thomas Hunt Morgan’s research into relationship of genes/chromosomes, 179–180

germ theory

definition of, 48

invention of antiseptic techniques, 57–59

invention of pasteurization, 55

Koch’s Postulates, 61–62

modern battle against germs, 63–64

modern negligence of hand-washing hygiene, 64–65

pioneering researchers

Antony van Leeuwenhoek, 48

Ignaz Semmelweis, 49–52

Joseph Lister, 57–59

Louis Pasteur, 52–57

Robert Koch, 59–62

theory of spontaneous generation, 55–56

transformation of medical practice, 62–63

“Giovanni” (patient undergoing chlorpromazine treatment), 208–209

Goldmann, Donald, 64–65

Goldstein, David B., 189

Goodpasture, Ernest William, 134

Griffith, Frederick, 180

guanine, 182


H1N1 (swine) flu virus, 254–255

Haeckel, Ernst, 174–175

Haffkine, Waldemar, 130

Hahnemann, Samuel, 236

hand-washing protocols, 51–52

HapMap project, 189

Hare, Ronald, 147

Harvey, William, 5, 231–232, 253

Haslam, John, 199

Heatley, Norman, 152

Helmont, Jean-Baptiste van, 53

Herculaneum (Rome), bacterial contamination in diet, 140–142

heredity. See genetics

Hinshaw, Corwin, 157

Hippocrates, 5, 230, 253

belief in pangenesis, 166

birthplace, 8–9

creation of clinical medicine, 15–16

discovery of natural causes of disease, 13–14

doctrine of maternal impression, 164, 167

early view of medicine, 11

Hippocratic Oath, 16–17

holistic approach to medicine, 22–24

humoral theory, 198

legends about, 12

list of achievements, 9–10

meeting with Anaxagoras, 10, 13

professionalization of practice of medicine, 17–19

on role of patient, 71

value of philosophy to modern medical practice, 25–26

writings of (Hippocratic Corpus), 11, 19–22

Hippocratic Corpus, 11, 19–22

Hippocratic medicine, 229–230

Hippocratic Oath, 16–17

hog cholera, 129

holistic approach of Hippocrates, 22, 24

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 240

homeopathy, 236–238

Hooke, Robert, 173

Hounsfield, Godfrey, 112

Huang Di Nei Jing (Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor), 227

Huang-Di, 227

Human Genome Project, 187

humoral theory (Hippocrates), 198

Hunter, David J., 190

hypothalamus, 87


Imhotep, 143

imipramine, 212

immunology, birth of, 131–134. See also vaccines

Indian Ayurvedic medicine, 228–229

inhibitors of cell wall synthesis (antibiotics), 159

Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di Nei Jing), 227

An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of Variolae Vaccinae, or Cowpox (Jenner), 124

insane asylums, history of, 202–203

insulin overdose in treatment of mental illness, 204–205

integrative medicine, 4, 246–249

iproniazid, 211–212


Jackson, Charles, 78

Janssen, Hans, 168

Janssen, Zacharias, 168

Jefferson, Thomas, 125

Jenner, Edward, 5, 119–126, 251–252

Jesty, Benjamin, 5, 120–122

Jesty, Benjamin Jr., 122

Jesty, Elizabeth, 122

Jesty, Robert, 122

Johannsen, Wilhelm, 177

killed vaccines, development of, 129–130

Killiker, Albert von, 175

Kitasato, Shibasaburo, 130

Kline, Nathan, 211

Koch’s Postulates, 61–62

Koch, Robert, 38, 59–60, 129, 132

Koch’s Postulates, 61–62

research into tuberculosis, 60–61

Kohn, Donald B., 190

Kolle, Wilhelm, 129

Kolletschka, Jakob, 50

Kolliker, Rudolph von, 99

Kos, 8–9

Kraepelin, Emil, 200

Kraft, Peter, 190

Kuhn, Roland, 212


La Touche, C. J., 147

Laborit, Henri-Marie, 209

lactic acid, 54

Laennec, René, 5, 233–234, 251

Lambeth Waterworks, 35

The Lancet, on discovery of X-rays, 98

Larrey, Dominique-Jean, 68

Laue, Max von, 110–111

laughing gas. See nitrous oxide

Law of Independent Assortment (Mendel), 172

Law of Segregation (Mendel), 172

Leeuwenhoek, Antony van, 48


1848 Public Health Act, 41–42

1875 Public Health Act, 42

Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834, 38–39

Lenard, Philipp, 95

Letheon, 77–79

Levy, William, 106

Librium (chlordiazepoxide), 215

Lillard, Harvey, 238

Lister, Joseph, 57–59, 143

lithium, 206–208

lobotomy, 205

London Standard, on discovery of X-rays, 98

Long, Crawford, 76

Longfellow, Fanny, 80

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 80, 85

luck, making most of, 253

lysozyme, 151


Macalyane, Euphanie, 80

MacLeod, Colin, 181

macrophages, 132

malaria, as treatment for syphilis, 203

MAOIs, 212

maternal impression, 164–167, 191

Matthaei, J. Heinrich, 185

Matthews, James Tilly, 199

McCarty, Maclyn, 181

Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity (Morgan), 180

Medical News, on discovery of X-rays, 99

meditation, 223–224

Meduna, Ladislaus von, 204

Meister, Joseph, 128

Memoir on Madness (Pinel), 203

Menard, Maxime, 108

Mendel, Gregor, 2, 169–173, 252

mental illness

barriers to understanding and treating mental illness, 196–198

case study: David Tarloff, 194–196, 218

case study: Emma de Beston, 199

definition of mental illness, 197


anti-anxiety drugs, 214–216

antidepressants, 210–213

chlorpromazine and other antipsychotic drugs, 208–210

lithium, 206–208

need for supporting services, 217–219

transformative effect on prejudice and misconceptions about mental illness, 216–217

early attempts to understand mental illness, 198–201

first medical treatments

ECT (electroconvulsive therapy), 205

lobotomy, 205

seizures, 204–205

syphilis treatment via malaria, 203

rise of insane asylums, 201–203

meprobamate, 214–215

mercurochrome, 150

Metchnikoff, Elie, 132

methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 160–161

metrazol (cardiazol), 204

miasma, 29

Michelson, Albert A., 110

microscope, invention of, 168

Miescher, Friedrich, 2, 174–175

Miller, Anne, 154–155

MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), “Ten Great Public Health Achievements,” 3

mold. See also antibiotics

initial observations of bacteria-inhibiting properties of mold, 143–145

therapeutic use in folk medicine, 143

Moniz, Egas, 205

Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 179–180, 252

Morton, William, 77–79, 88, 103

MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), 160–161


Nägeli, Carl, 172

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), 197

natural causes of disease, discovery of, 13–14

NCCAM (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine), 243

Nelmes, Sarah, 124

NHIS (National Health Interview Survey), 243

Nirenberg, Marshall, 185–186

nitrous oxide

euphoric effects of, 73

initial observations of anesthetic properties, 70–74

recreational use of, 75

Noxious Retention theory of vaccines, 131

Nubia, bacterial contamination of diet in, 162

nuclein (DNA), discovery by Friedrich Miescher, 174–176

nucleotides, 188

nucleus of cells, discovery of, 174

Nutt, A. B., 149



childbed fever, 46–51

use of anesthetics for, 80

“On a New Kind of Rays” (Roentgen), 97

On Injuries of the Head (Hippocrates), 21

On Joints (Hippocrates), 21

On Mediate Auscultation or Treatise on the Diagnosis of the Diseases of the Lungs and Heart (Laennec), 234

“On the Mode of Communication of Cholera” (Snow), 34

On the Sacred Disease (Hippocrates), 14

On the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain (Chadwick), 40–41

ophthalmia neonatorum, treatment with penicillin, 149

Orfanos, Constantin, 25

Orser, Beverley A., 88


Pacini, Filippo, 38

pain relief. See anesthesia

Paine, Cecil George, 148–149

Painter, Thomas, 185

Palerm, Daniel David, 238–239

Pall Mall Gazette, on discovery of X-rays, 99

pangenesis, 166

Paracelsus, 75

Paré, Ambroise, 233–234

passive immunity, 131

Pasteur, Louis, 53–56

development of rabies vaccine, 128

invention of pasteurization, 55

research debunking spontaneous generation, 55–56

research into chicken cholera, 126

research into fermentation, 52–55

research into vaccine development, 128

work in infectious diseases, 56–57

Pasteurella pestis (plague), 130

pasteurization, 55


discovery of, 145–148

first patient saved by, 154–155

first successful (but forgotten) cures, 148–149

production of, 151–154

Penicillium glaucum, 143

Perdiccas of Macedonia, 12

phagocytosis, 132

Phipps, James, 119, 124

Pinel, Philippe, 202

plague vaccine, 130

Platter, Felix, 199

Pneumatic Institution for Inhalation Gas Therapy, 72

polysaccharide vaccines, 135

Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834, 38–39

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 249

Pouchet, Felix, 53–55

practice of medicine, professionalization of, 17–19

prakriti, 228

prefrontal leucotomy, 205

Priestly, Joseph, 72

priorities, shift from patient to disease, 224–226, 233–235

production of penicillin, 151–154

professionalization of practice of medicine, 17–19

Program in Integrative Medicine (University of Arizona), 247

protein synthesis inhibitors (antibiotics), 159

Prozac, 213

psychopharmacology. See drug treatments for mental illness

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), 249

Public Health Act of 1848, 41–42

Public Health Act of 1875, 42


qi gong, 228

quackery, AMA battles against, 240–242

quinolone antibiotics, 159

rabies vaccine, 57, 128

receptors, 87

recessive traits, discovery by Gregor Mendel, 171

recombinant vaccines, 135

Regimen (Hippocrates), 23

Rhazes (Al-Rhazi), 118

Roberts, William, 144

Roentgen, Wilhelm, 94–98, 183

Royal Research Institute, 105


Sakel, Manfred, 204

Salmon, Daniel, 129

Salmonella Typhi (typhoid), 129

Salomon, Albert, 112

Salvarsan, 150


definition of, 31

discovery of relationship between poor sanitation and cholera outbreaks, 32–33

importance of, 31

invention of modern sanitation, 40–42

modern sanitation failures, 43–44

On the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain (Chadwick), 40–41

Public Health Act of 1848, 41–42

Public Health Act of 1875, 42


case study: David Tarloff, 194–196, 218

early attempts to understand schizophrenia, 199

early treatment by induced seizures, 204

treatment with antipsychotic drugs, 208–210

treatment with lobotomy, 205

Schleiden, Matthias, 173

Schwann, Theodor, 174

scientific medicine, shift in focus from patient to disease, 224–226, 233–235

seizures, as treatment for mental illness, 204–205

Semmelweis, Ignaz, 5, 47–52, 252

Semmelweis, Jacob, 2

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 47

Shinbach, Kent, 194

shock, as treatment for mental illness, 205

sickle cell anemia, 188

single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), 188–189

smallpox (variola virus)

antibodies against, 118

development of smallpox vaccine, 116–126

eradication of, 137

symptoms and disease progression, 117

transmission of, 116

Smith, Theobald, 129

Snow, John, 2, 30–31, 81–84, 89, 252

discovery of contagious nature of cholera, 33–35

discovery of relationship between poor sanitation and cholera, 32–33

invention of epidemiology, 35–38

SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism), 188–189

Soranus of Ephedrus, 198

Southey, Robert, 73

Southwark and Vauxhall Company, 35

spontaneous generation, early belief in, 53

SSRIs, 212

stages of anesthesia, 82

Sternbach, Leo, 215

stethoscope, invention of, 234, 251

Stevens, Nettie, 179

Stevenson, Ian, 191

Streptomyces bacteria, 140–142, 157, 162

streptomycin, 156–158

Sturtevant, Alfred, 180

subunit vaccines, 135

Sudanese Nubia, bacterial contamination of diet in, 162

sulphonamide drugs, 149–151

Sutton, Walter, 177–178

swine flu (H1N1) virus, 254–255

syphilis, 203


tai chi, 228

Tarloff, David, 194–196, 218

Tatum, Edward, 182

TB. See tuberculosis

TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), 227–228

“Ten Great Public Health Achievements” (MMWR), 3

tetanus vaccine, 130–131

thalamus, 87

Thomas, Lewis, 222

Thomas, Patricia, 157

Thorazine (chlorpromazine), 208–210

Thoreau, Henry David, 85

thymine, 182

Tjio, Joe-Him, 185

Tobin, J. W., 73

Tofranil, 212

Tomes, Nancy J., 62

toxoid vaccines, 135

tradition, facing down, 253–254

traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), 227–228

treatment failures, 222–223

Tschermak, Erich, 176

tuberculin, 62

tuberculosis, 60

and discovery of streptomycin, 156–158

use of X-rays to diagnose, 103

Tyndall, John, 144

typhoid vaccine, 129


unexpected events, making most of, 253

Unhammad, Najabuddin, 198, 201

Union Medical, on discovery of X-rays, 104

V. cholerae. See cholera


active versus passive immunity, 131

advances in twentieth and twenty-first centuries, 134–135

anthrax vaccine, 127

anti-vaccination movements, 136–137

antitoxin vaccines, 130–131

birth of immunology, 131–134

cholera vaccine, 129

concept of killed vaccines, 129–130

diphtheria vaccine, 130–131

plague vaccine, 130

rabies vaccine, 57, 128

research by Louis Pasteur, 126–128

smallpox vaccine, 116–126, 138

tetanus vaccine, 130–131

typhoid vaccine, 129

Valium (diazepam), 215

variola virus. See smallpox

variolation, 118, 123

Venable, James, 76

Vesalius, Andreas, 231–232, 253

Vibrio Cholerae Pacini. See cholera

Victoria (Queen of England), 83

Virchow, Rudolf, 174


cowpox, 119–126

H1N1 (swine) flu virus, 254–255

variola virus (smallpox)

antibodies against, 118

development of smallpox vaccine, 116–126

eradication of, 137

symptoms and disease progression, 117

transmission of, 116

Vries, Hugo de, 176

Vuillemin, Paul, 144


Wagner-Jauregg, Julius, 203

Waksman, Selman, 156–158, 211

Waldeyer, Wilhelm, 174

Wallace Laboratories, 215

Warren, John, 77–78

Warren, Stafford, 112

Watson, James, 183–184, 253

“WB” (patient with chronic mania), 206–208, 217–218

Weil, Andrew, 247

Wells, Horace, 76

Whitehead, Henry, 37

Wilkins, Maurice, 183

Williams, Francis, 103, 108

Willis, Thomas, 202

Wilson, E. B., 175, 179

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 46–47

Wollstonecraft, William, 46

Wong, David, 212

Wright, Almroth, 129


X chromosomes, 179


applications in modern medicine, 111–114

computed tomography (CT), 112–113

mammography, 112

Coolidge tube, 109–110

dangers of X-rays, 106–108

impact on diagnostic medicine, 101–104

impact on scientific community, 98–99

initial misconceptions and fears by general public, 99–101

research by Max von Laue into nature of X-rays, 110–111

research by Wilhelm Roentgen, 95–97

therapeutic potential of X-rays, 105–106

value of, 92–94

Xanax (alprazolam), 215

Y chromosomes, 179

Yersinia pestis (plague), 130

The Youngest Science (Thomas), 223

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