

1. There are CMMI models that focus on the development of products and services (CMMI for Development) and on the acquisition of products and services (CMMI for Acquisition). See the CMMI website for more information about these members of the CMMI Product Suite (

2. A constellation is a collection of CMMI components that are used to construct models, training materials, and appraisal related documents for an area of interest (e.g., development, acquisition, services).

3. A process area is a cluster of related practices in an area that, when implemented collectively, satisfies a set of goals considered important for making improvement in that area. This concept is covered in detail in Chapter 2.

Chapter 1

1. See the report “CMMI or Agile: Why Not Embrace Both!” for a discussion of how CMMI and Agile can work together effectively [Anderson 2008].

2. EIA 731 SECM is the Electronic Industries Alliance standard 731, or the Systems Engineering Capability Model. INCOSE SECAM is the International Council on Systems Engineering Systems Engineering Capability Assessment Model [EIA 2002a].

Chapter 2

1. The SSD process area is an “addition.”

Chapter 4

1. The SSD process area is an “addition,” which means that it is optional when selecting process areas to implement.

2. The Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) method is described in Chapter 5.

3. See Table 7.1 in the Generic Goals and Generic Practices section of Part Two for more information about the dependencies between generic practices and process areas.

4. This process area is an “SSD addition.”

Chapter 6

1. Behr, Kevin; Kim, Gene; and Spafford, George. Visible Ops Handbook: Starting ITIL in Four Practical Steps. IT Process Institute, 2004. Introductory and ordering information is available at Since its publication, more than 120,000 copies have been sold.

2. All titles for the specific goals and specific practices in this section are taken from the CMMI-SVC model.

3. CMMI Guidebook for Acquirers Team. Understanding and Leveraging a Supplier’s CMMI Efforts: A Guidebook for Acquirers (CMU/SEI-2007-TR-004). Pittsburgh: Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, March 2007;

4. CMMI Guidebook.

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