

about this book, 24

action shots

conveying motion in, 120121

freezing motion in, 8, 122, 195

photo recipe for, 195

See also sports photography

Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop

AE Lock button, 163

AE-L/AF-L button, 163

aperture priority mode, 74, 77, 80, 138, 140

aperture setting

background blur and, 60

changing when recording video, 167

See also f-stops

audio for DSLR video, 160

Auto FP setting, 28

Auto ISO feature, 111

Auto Rotate settings, 177

Auto White Balance setting, 100

Autofocus feature, 169


back focus button, 126


blurring for portraits, 5, 60

distance of studio subjects from, 43

flash setting for out-of-focus, 28

zooming for out-of-focus, 60

backlighting, natural, 74


DSLR video and, 158

powering strobes using, 56

tip on charging, 46

battery packs, 56

beam of light, 32

beauty style shot, 194

Black, Dave, 129

blown-out look, 14, 42, 195

blurring backgrounds, 5, 60

blurry travel photos, 111

bracketing images. See exposure bracketing

Brightness slider, 98

Brilliance/Warmth filter, 104

bulb setting, 91

burst mode

for HDR photography, 142

for sports photography, 120, 125


cable release, 84, 90, 128, 136, 196

camera bags

carrying lens bags vs., 112

options for disguising, 110

camera gear

author’s webpage on, 3

DSLR video, 155, 156, 157, 168

HDR photography, 136

ND filter gear finder, 90

sports photography, 123

star trail photography, 84

theft prevention for, 110

See also DSLR cameras

Camera Raw

cinematic cropping in, 185

duotone creation in, 96

noise reduction in, 178

opening TIFFs or JPEGs in, 98

sky darkening technique, 98

cameras. See DSLR cameras

Canon cameras, 4

AE Lock button, 163

Auto ISO feature, 111

Auto Rotate setting, 177

back focus button, 126

continuous shooting mode, 142

exposure bracketing on, 137, 138, 139

exposure compensation feature, 74, 80, 140

exposure meter in viewfinder, 81

filters and effects, 158

Focus Tracking settings, 132

frame rate setting, 166

Grid Display feature, 95

image size options, 172

Promote Control for, 139

sharpening feature, 166

white balance adjustments, 103

canvas, printing on, 183

catch lights, 16

charging batteries, 46

choppy water photos, 101

cinematic cropping, 185

cityscapes, 117

Cloudy white balance setting, 29, 103

Color Efex Pro plug-in, 104, 191, 195, 206

Commander mode setup, 30

composition tips

for landscape photography, 105, 199, 200, 205

for portrait photography, 19, 206

for the viewer’s eye, 179

compression, lens, 61

Concepcion, RC, 151

continuous shooting mode

for HDR photography, 142

for sports photography, 120, 125

couples, lighting, 50

Cowart, Jeremy, 41

cropping, cinematic, 185


darkening skies, 98, 193

dawn photos, 196, 200

daylight. See natural light

depth of field

preview button for, 62

studio portraits and, 5

video focusing and, 157

diffused light, 190

digital cameras. See DSLR cameras

digital photos

pro tips for improving, 171187

recipes for shooting, 189207

See also JPEG images; RAW images

directing your subjects, 15

Diussa, Scott, 111

Doorhof, Frank, 44 website, 127

dramatic portraits, 201

DSLR cameras

Auto ISO feature, 111

back focus button, 126

body and lens cap care, 66

depth-of-field preview feature, 62

exposure bracketing feature, 137, 138

exposure compensation feature, 74, 80, 140

exposure lock feature, 163

Focus Tracking settings, 132

frame rate setting, 166

Grid lines feature, 95

image size options, 172

interval timer feature, 11

manual mode on, 81

most common brands of, 4

multiple exposures created in, 67

protecting in rainy weather, 94

rotate image settings, 177

sharpening feature, 166

theft prevention for, 110

video features of, 155169

white balance tool for, 55

See also Canon cameras; Nikon cameras

DSLR Follow Focus accessory, 157

DSLR video. See video duotone effects, 96

dusk photos, 200


Elinchrom softboxes, 48

equipment. See camera gear

E-TTL metering, 24

Evaluative metering, 184

Exchange Messenger camera bag, 110

EXIF data, 180

ExpoDisc, 55


locking for video, 163

long-exposure technique, 9093

exposure bracketing

basics of, 137

camera setup for, 138

continuous shooting mode for, 142

exposure compensation for, 140

finding images from, 146

number of images for, 139

Promote Control for, 139

See also HDR photography

exposure compensation

backlit photos and, 74

blown-out look and, 14

exposure bracketing using, 140

manual mode and, 174

underexposed shots and, 80

Exposure slider, 98

external microphones, 159160

eyepiece, video, 156


catch lights in, 16

focusing on, 1213

posing tip for enlarging, 17

reducing whites of, 9

Ezybox Hotshoe softbox, 27


falloff creation, 40

fast memory cards, 125

file size settings, 172

Fill Light slider, 98

film-like look for video, 166


DSLR video, 158

neutral density, 5, 90, 92, 199

polarizing, 89, 155, 199

fisheye lenses, 63, 204

flash, 2337

beam of light from, 32

daylight use of, 33

distance from umbrellas, 36

freezing motion using, 8

ground lighting trick, 25, 207

manual mode for, 24

modeling light options, 34

mounting on a monopod, 27

Nikon’s Commander mode setup, 30

outdoor White Balance setting, 29

out-of-focus backgrounds using, 28

power limitations of, 37

preventing from powering off, 35

radio wireless remote for, 31

ring flash, 46

softbox adapters for, 26

tripod-free shooting with, 182

wide-angle diffuser for, 36

See also studio strobes

Flicker Reduction option, 165

focal lengths of lenses, 68

Focus Tracking settings, 132


autofocus for, 169

back focus button for, 126

to infinity, 67, 83

portrait photography, 1213

rack, for DSLR video, 157

sports photography, 126, 132

subject and object, 18

Fog Eliminator Cloths, 65

fogged lenses, 65

foggy landscapes, 196

football games

detail shots from, 131

focus settings for, 132

player-in-stadium portrait, 21

See also sports photography

frame rate for video, 166

freezing motion, 8, 122, 195


background blur and, 60

HDR photography and, 141

landscape photography and, 88, 91

lens cost consideration, 64

silky water effect and, 89

soft strobe lighting and, 49

sunset photos and, 77

video recording and, 164

See also aperture setting

full-length photos, 20


gear. See camera gear

ghosting problems, 152

glassy-water shots, 101, 205

GoBoda lens bags, 112

gold reflectors, 78

golf courses, 109

gray cards, 54

Greenberg, Ed, 19

Grid lines feature, 95

ground lighting trick, 25, 207

group portraits, 1011

interval timer for, 11

lighting small groups, 50

tips for shooting, 10


halo problems, 152

handheld shots

HDR photos as, 143, 204

steadying long lenses for, 69

HDR Book, The (Concepcion), 151

HDR Efex Pro, 147

HDR photography, 135152

basic idea of, 137

camera setup for, 138

continuous shooting mode for, 142

faking with Topaz Adjust, 150

finding bracketed images, 146

fixing halos and ghosting in, 152

f-stops used for, 141

gear for shooting, 136

handheld shots in, 143, 204

HDR Pro feature for, 147, 148

nighttime images using, 149

number of bracketed images for, 139

panorama creation using, 145

photo recipes for, 197, 204

post-processing for, 151, 152

Promote Control used for, 139

sharpening HDR images, 149

software recommended for, 147

types of scenes for, 144

Web resource on, 144

HDR Pro feature, 147, 148

High Pass sharpening, 149

Highlight Warning, 14

High-Speed Sync mode, 28, 32

Hobby, David, 25

Hoodman HoodLoupe, 156

horizon line, 95

hot shoe flash. See flash

hotel roof cityscape shots, 117

Hydrophobia rain covers, 94


image size settings, 172

Image Stabilization (IS) feature, 124

infinity focus setting, 67, 83

interval timers, 11

IS (Image Stabilization) feature, 124

ISO setting

Auto ISO feature, 111

long exposures and, 91

photo quality and, 85

silky water effect and, 89

walk-around shots and, 76

i-TTL metering, 24


JPEG images

noise reduction for, 178

opening in Camera Raw, 98

processing of RAW vs., 181

shooting sports as, 127


Kacey Enterprises, 26 website

camera gear page, 3

video tutorial, 2

Kelly Moore camera bags, 110

kit lenses, 68

Klix software, 187


landscape photography, 87105

amplifying size in, 97

aperture setting for, 88

Cloudy white balance for, 103

composition tips for, 105, 199, 200, 205

darkening skies in, 98

duotone effects, 96

horizon line in, 95

keeping gear dry for, 94

“lone tree” shots, 109

long-exposure technique, 9093

low-angle shots, 102

photo recipes for, 196, 199200, 205

post-processing secret for, 104

silky water effect, 89, 101, 199

storm-related photos, 99

time-lapse images, 100

water reflections, 101, 205

Lastolite gear

EzyBox Hotshoe softbox, 27

TriFlash Shoe Mount Bracket, 32

LCD screens

focusing video using, 161

swing-out for low-angle shots, 102

LED modeling light, 34

lens compression, 61

lens flare effect, 42

lens hood, 42

lenses, 5970

background blur and, 60

bags for carrying, 112

body and lens cap care, 66

close-up portraits and, 17

compression effect caused by, 61

depth-of-field preview option, 62

fisheye effect correction, 63

fogging problems/solutions, 65

f-stop cost consideration, 64

holding/steadying of long, 69

infinity focus setting, 67, 83

kit lens limitations, 68

outdoor portrait, 70

sports photography, 123

teleconverters for, 89

travel photography, 112

video photography, 164

VR or IS feature on, 124


beam of, 32

catch, 16

diffused, 190

reflected, 7879, 198

rim, 45

See also natural light

light trails

from cars, 82

from stars, 8384


falloff creation, 40

softbox placement, 5253

trick for studio, 51

See also flash; studio strobes


auto color correction, 54

cinematic cropping in, 185

duotone creation, 96

noise reduction in, 178

shooting tethered using, 54

sky darkening technique, 98

location portraits

photo recipes for, 202, 203, 207

studio strobes used for, 37, 56

locking your exposure, 163

“lone tree” shots, 109

long lenses

holding/steadying, 69

kit lenses vs., 68

portraits and, 17, 190

long-exposure technique, 9093

accessories, 90

camera settings, 91

shot setup, 92

taking the shot, 93

LongTime Exposure Calculator, 93

low-angle landscape shots, 102

Lowepro camera bags, 110

low-light situations

lenses for shooting in, 164

reducing noise from shooting in, 178

tripod and cable release for, 196, 205

See also nighttime photos


Magic Slipper, 26

Maisel, Jay, 76, 108, 175

Manfrotto Magic Arm and Super Clamp, 128, 173

manual mode

camera, 81, 91, 100, 174

flash, 24

Martin, Steve, 6

Matrix metering, 184

Mautner, Cliff, 13, 80

McNally, Joe, 6, 31

megapixel settings, 172

memory cards

advantage of fast, 125

fitting more photos on, 172

rescuing damaged, 187

switch for locking, 187

microphones, 159160

model releases, 19

modeling light, 34

monopods, 27


conveying, 120121

freezing, 8, 122, 195

See also action shots; sports photography

motorsport photography, 122

multiple exposures, 67, 18


natural light, 7385

backlit shots and, 74

exposure compensation and, 74, 80

flash used with, 33

ISO settings and, 76, 85

nighttime photos and, 8183

portraits shot in, 190, 193, 198, 202

reflectors used with, 7879

silhouettes shot in, 75

star trails and, 8384

sunset photos and, 77, 193

tripod-free shooting in, 182

underexposed image adjustments in, 80

walk-around photos in, 85

neutral density (ND) filter, 5, 90, 92, 199

nighttime photos

HDR images, 149

light trails, 82

star trails, 8384

tips for shooting, 81

See also low-light situations

Nik Software

Color Efex Pro, 104, 191, 195, 206

HDR Efex Pro, 147

Nikon cameras, 4

AE-L/AF-L button, 163

Auto ISO feature, 111

back focus button, 126

Commander mode setup, 30

continuous shooting mode, 142

exposure bracketing on, 137, 138

exposure compensation feature, 74, 80, 140

exposure meter in viewfinder, 81

filters and effects, 158

Flicker Reduction option, 165

Focus Tracking settings, 132

frame rate setting, 166

Grid Display feature, 95

image size options, 172

interval timer feature, 11

multiple exposure feature, 6

rotate image settings, 177

sharpening feature, 166

white balance adjustments, 103

Nikon Capture NX program, 176

NiMH batteries, 46

noise reduction, 178


one-light studio setup, 44

on-location portraits. See location portraits

OP/TECH Rainsleeves, 94

outdoor photography

backlit shots, 74

exposure compensation for, 80

flash used in, 29, 33

keeping gear dry for, 94

portrait lenses for, 70

reflectors used in, 7879

veils used in, 198

See also landscape photography

oversharpening images, 186



conveying motion through, 120121

finding the shutter speed for, 121

tip and secret about, 120

parabolic umbrellas, 48

Paul C. Buff battery pack, 56


capturing the real lives of, 113

remembering the names of, 15

walking by in travel photos, 108

See also portraits

Peterson, Moose, 89

photo recipes, 189207

Photo Recipes Live: Behind the Scenes (Kelby), 189

Photographer’s Survival Manual: A Legal Guide for Artists in the Digital Age (Greenberg and Reznicki), 19

Photomatix Pro, 147

Photomerge feature, 145


blending multiple images in, 6, 7, 18

cinematic cropping in, 185

fisheye effect correction in, 63

HDR Pro feature in, 147, 148

High Pass sharpening in, 149

noise reduction in, 178

panorama creation in, 145

post-processing HDR images in, 151

removing tourists from photos in, 114

sharpening images for print in, 186

sky darkening technique in, 98

Topaz Adjust plug-in for, 150

Photoshop Lightroom. See Lightroom

picture styles, 176

PocketWizard AC3 Zone Controller, 31

polarizing filters, 89, 155, 199

portraits, 521

blown-out look for, 14

blurring backgrounds in, 5, 60

characteristics of catch lights in, 16

composition tips for, 19, 206

directing your subjects for, 15

dramatic corporate, 201

enlarging the eyes in, 17

focusing the camera for, 1213

freezing motion in, 8

full-length shots as, 20

group shots as, 1011

lens focal length for, 17, 70

merging focus points for, 18

model releases for, 19

multiple-exposure, 67, 18

photo recipes for, 190, 192194, 198, 201203, 206207

posing subjects for, 15, 17

subject size effects in, 21

sunglass reflections in, 16

white-eye reduction in, 9

posing subjects, 15, 17

post-processing, 141


depth-of-field, 62

modeling light, 34, 45

picture style, 176


images on canvas, 183

sharpening images for, 186

professional tips/techniques, 171187

avoiding signs in photos, 175

cinematic cropping style, 185

composing for the viewer’s eye, 179

JPEG vs. RAW image processing, 181

manual mode exposure compensation, 174

noise reduction for low-light shots, 178

picture styles in RAW format, 176

printing images on canvas, 183

reducing camera file size, 172

removing image EXIF data, 180

rescuing damaged memory cards, 187

rotate image settings, 177

sharpening images for print, 186

Spot metering situations, 184

stabilizing cameras without tripods, 173

tripod-free shooting situations, 182

profile silhouettes, 45

Promote Control, 139


rack focus technique, 157

radio wireless remote, 31

rainy weather protection, 94

RAW images

HDR photography and, 146

image size options for, 172

noise reduction for, 178

picture styles and, 176

processing of JPEGs vs., 181

sports photography and, 127

recipes for photos, 189207


catch lights as, 16

softbox, in sunglasses, 16

still water, 101


controlling the light from, 79

outdoor use of, 7879, 198

remote camera, 128

Reznicki, Jack, 15, 19

rim-light profile silhouettes, 45

ring flash, 46

ring-light look, 206

Rode VideoMic shotgun mic, 160

Rogue 3-in-1 Honeycomb Grid, 32

Rotate Tall/Rotate Image settings, 177


SanDisk RescuePro software, 187

self timers, 11

sensor dust, 66

shade light, 78

Shade white balance setting, 103


HDR photos, 149

images for print, 186

in-camera, 166

shoot-through umbrellas, 36

shutter priority mode, 193, 202

shutter speed

action shots and, 122, 195

bulb mode for, 91

dark gradient issue and, 33

panning related to, 121, 122

setting the minimum, 111

silky water effect and, 89, 199

Sigma lenses, 68, 70

signs in photos, 175


front lighting, 193, 202

rim-light profile, 45

shooting backlit, 75

silky water effect, 89, 101, 199


darkening, 98, 193

shooting stormy, 99

small groups

studio lighting for, 50

See also group portraits


bigger is better for, 48

flash adapters for, 26

light falloff creation, 40

placement considerations, 5253

reflected in sunglasses, 16

strobe adapters for, 47

umbrellas vs., 48

sports photography, 119132

camera gear for, 123

conveying motion in, 120121

covering event details in, 131

fast memory cards for, 125

fisheye lenses used for, 63

focus tips for, 126, 132

freezing motion in, 122, 195

JPEG format used for, 127

panning moving subjects in, 120121, 122

problems with night or indoor, 123

remote camera used for, 128

shutter speeds used for, 121, 122

storytelling shots in, 131

teleconverters used for, 129

turning off VR or IS for, 124

warm-up shots in, 130

Spot metering mode, 74, 184

star trails, 8384

gear for shooting, 84

instructions on shooting, 83

still-water shots, 101, 205

storm photos, 99

storytelling shots, 131

strobes. See studio strobes

studio photography, 3956

big softboxes for, 48

blurring backgrounds in, 5

couple/small group lighting in, 50

freezing motion in, 8

lens flare effect in, 42

light falloff creation in, 40

Lightroom color fixes in, 54

mixing brands of gear in, 47

moving around the studio for, 41

one-light setup in, 44

rim-light profile silhouettes in, 45

ring flash used in, 46

shooting tethered in, 54

softbox placement in, 5253

softening the light in, 49

solving lighting problems in, 51

subject-to-background distance in, 43

white balance tool for, 55

studio strobes

battery packs for, 56

modeling light on, 34

on-location use of, 37, 56

powering down, 49

softbox adapters for, 47

See also flash

studio-quality softboxes, 26

sunglass reflections, 16

sunlight. See natural light sunset photos, 77, 193, 200

super-wide-angle lenses, 112

swing-out screens, 102

sync speed settings, 28


Tascam TM-ST1 mic, 159

Tejada, David, 30


silky water effect and, 89

sports photography and, 129

telephoto lenses. See long lenses

tethered shooting

extension cable for, 47

Lightroom used for, 54

theft, preventing, 110

Think Tank Photo, 110

TIFFs, opening in Camera Raw, 98

time-lapse photography, 100

tips and techniques. See professional tips/techniques

Topaz Adjust plug-in, 150

tourist removal techniques, 114

travel photography, 107117

avoiding blurry shots, 111

camera bags designed for, 110

capturing real lives in, 113

examining your best, 116

hotel roof cityscape shots, 117

lenses recommended for, 112

“lone tree” shot in, 109

people walking by in, 108

theft prevention tips, 110, 112

tourist removal techniques, 114

working the scene in, 115

TriFlash Shoe Mount Bracket, 32


dawn or dusk shots and, 200

HDR photography and, 136, 143

long exposure shots and, 90

silky water shots and, 199

situations for not using, 182

star trail photos and, 84

TTL metering, 24



flash distance from, 36

reflective, 48

shoot-through, 36, 48

underexposed daytime shots, 80

Unsharp Mask filter, 186

Urban Disguise camera bags, 110

USB extension cable, 47


vacation photography. See travel photography

Vagabond Mini Lithium battery pack, 56

veils for outdoor shots, 198

Vibration Reduction (VR) feature, 124

video (DSLR), 155169

aperture changes with, 167

autofocus used for, 169

battery usage by, 158

eyepiece and strap for, 156

film-like look for, 166

filters and effects for, 158

flicker reduction option for, 165

focusing with the LCD screen, 161

frame rate settings for, 166

f-stops for shooting, 164

importance of audio for, 160

locking the exposure for, 163

microphones used for, 159160

purchasing gear for, 155, 156

rack focus technique for, 157

time limit for shooting, 159

widescreen orientation for, 162

zooming smoothly for, 168

video tutorials

on black-and-white conversions, 93

on ground lighting trick, 25

on learning from this book, 2

on multiple exposure images, 7

on rack focusing effect, 157

on removing tourists from photos, 114

on time-lapse photography, 100

See also Web resources


covering, 92

exposure meter in, 81

VR (Vibration Reduction) feature, 124


walk-around shots, 76

water photos

silky water effect, 89, 101, 199

still water reflections, 101, 205

weather considerations

protecting camera gear, 94

shooting before/after storms, 99

Web resources

about this book, 2

gear recommendations, 3

HDR photography, 144

See also video tutorials

wedding portraits, 27, 80, 203

Westcott Magic Slipper, 26

white balance

Cloudy setting, 29, 103

ExpoDisc for setting, 55

gray card for setting, 54

outdoor flash and, 29

white-eye effect reduction, 9

wide-angle diffusers, 36

wide-angle lenses

landscape photography and, 97, 200

portrait photography and, 21

sports photography and, 63, 195

travel photography and, 112

wireless cable release, 90, 128

wireless remote, 31, 128

Wise, Alex, 93

working the scene, 115


zoom lenses, 112, 123


blurring backgrounds by, 60

video accessories for, 168

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