

$ (dollar sign), using with plugins, 200

) (parenthesis), using to close code, 4

// (double slash), using with comments, 8

/* (slash-asterisk), using with comments, 8

} (brace), using to close code, 4


Accordion widget

features of, 149

using, 226–229

account page, displaying, 107

actions, examining with Firebug, 11

addClass method, using with sprites, 223

addMovie form, binding to submit method, 124

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), 92. See also JavaScript

handling volume of content, 231–234

including jQuery UI widgets, 226–229

loading multiple items, 230–231

AJAX calls, triggering events for, 118–125

AJAX content updates

basing on request, 110–111

basing on user, 108–110

loading scripts, 112–116

AJAX extras

ajaxSetup low-level interface, 116

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 126–133

low-level interfaces, 116–117

triggering events, 118–126

ajax method, using, 117–118

AJAX methods

getScript, 112–116

HTTP request, 93

load, 110–111

post, 103

XMLHttpRequest, 93

AJAX requests

cleansing user-supplied data, 141–144

cookies for identifying users, 139–141

versus JSONP AJAX requests, 128

MD5 hash, 139–140

preventing form submission, 135–138

providing options for, 116

securing, 134

transmitting data securely, 144

AJAX validation

callback for post function, 101

check boxes, 94

connection for PHP function, 93

cookie setup, 98–100

data variable, 101

else statement, 96–97

error message, 101–102

inserting user’s information, 94

logging in users, 105–107

modal window, 104

mysql_query PHP function, 96

mysqlErrorNum variable, 103–104

newName variable, 101

password, 94

PHP for user login, 97–100

PHP registration, 92–100

PHP’s switch method, 93–94

registration form, 94–95

registration function, 102–105

SQL statement, 94–95

user name, 94

user name and blur method, 100

user-name availability, 96–97

validating post method, 100–102

validation file, 92–100

validation function, 100–102

ajaxSetup low-level interface, 116

ajaxStart method

calling waiting indicator, 125

using, 119–121, 123

ajaxStop method

binding, 123

using, 119–121

Alman, Ben, 241

anchor tag, creating, 4

animated graphics Web site, 125


adding to sprite-based navigation, 55–56

easing, 38

animation methods

invisible elements, 30

invoking for modal window, 30

visible elements, 30

application interface

adding sprites to, 224–225

Back button, 241

content area, 206

contextual help, 241–246

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 209–214

disabling right-click context menu, 235–240

footer, 206

HTML (HyperText Markup Language), 207–208

improving sprites, 217–221

layout, 206–207

loading content with AJAX, 226–234

navigation items, 206

primary navigation, 206

resize method, 214–216

secondary navigation, 206

sprite interaction, 221–224

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), 92. See also JavaScript

handling volume of content, 231–234

including jQuery UI widgets, 226–229

loading multiple items, 230–231

attribute selector, using with uploads, 70

Autocomplete widget

div tag, 167

features of, 149, 167

form input box, 167

script file, 168

selectedAttraction variable, 169


Bach, Christian, 172

Back Button

handling, 241

and Query (BBQ) Library, 241

background color, removing, 22

background image

gradient-filled, 194

resizing, 194–196

bar chart

creating, 183–188

displaying, 186–187

BBEdit, xii

BBQ (Back Button and Query) Library, 241

Blue-ray Disc example

::contains selector, 112

loading scripts, 112–116

modal window, 112–113

blur method

binding to email input, 62

using with user name, 100

brace (}), using to close code, 4

browsers, xiii


caching selectors, 10

calendars, adding to forms, 155–157

callback, using with modal window, 33

cameras.jpg image, using, 85

carousel. See image carousel

carousel file, creating, 37

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

applying for application interface, 209–214

border rules, 213

:focus pseudo selector, 211

footer section, 212

for image carousel, 35–37

important property, 209

inner container, 212

navigation areas, 212–213

outer container, 210–211

for Progressbar widget, 163

for sprites, 52–54

styling Web pages with, 18

Cecco, Raff, 191

chained methods, spreading, 8. See also methods

chaining, explained, 3

Champeon, Steve, 19

charting data, 183–188

Chrome browser, xiii

click event, using with modal windows, 27–28

click method

sprite interaction, 222

using in DVD catalog, 115

client-side validation, performing, 68–71

Closure Compiler

downloading, 11

packing and unpacking code, 11–14

Cloud Zoom plugin

centering photo, 192

downloading, 191

options, 193

photo container, 192

zoom effect, 193

code. See also jQuery code

closing, 4

packing up, 11–15

sharing, 16

colorText plugin, declaring, 200–202

comments and line breaks, 8

::contains selector, using, 112

content, handling volume of, 231–234

context menu

disabling, 235–240

id notesContext, 238

notes interface, 239

notes_add.php file, 238

notes.php file, 237

plugin, 236

unordered HTML list, 239

contextual help

class attribute, 246

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 242–243

delegate method, 243

div, 244

fadeIn method, 244

fadeOut method, 245

helpDisplay function, 244–245

mouseout event, 243

mouseout method, 245

mouseover event, 243

providing, 241–246

setTimeout method, 244–245

title information, 244–246

using, 245–246


assigning value of, 109

“remember me” value, 140

setting for user login, 98–100

time() function, 99

using MD5 hash with, 139–140

using to identify users, 139–141

cover art, creating for DVD, 120

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

applying for application interface, 209–214

border rules, 213

:focus pseudo selector, 211

footer section, 212

for image carousel, 35–37

and HTML, 19–22

important property, 209

inner container, 212

navigation areas, 212–213

outer container, 210–211

for Progressbar widget, 163

for sprites, 52–54

styling Web pages with, 18

CSS states, moving elements from, 30

Custom Context Menu widget, 240


dashboards, creating, 188


cleansing, 142

transmitting securely, 144

Datepicker function, using, 156–157

dates, adding to forms, 155–157

debugging with Firebug, xiii, 10

delegate method

using, 32

using with contextual help, 243

design, planning, 23

dialog boxes, setting widths of, 161

Dialog widget

autoOpen option, 160

buttons, 161

close method, 162

dialog function, 160, 162

features of, 149, 158–162

modal option, 161

NO button, 162

preventDefault method, 160

reserverequest table, 159

resizable option, 161

sleep function, 159

“Stay with us” tab, 162

Submit button, 160

YES button, 161

div tag, creating, 4

dollar sign ($), using with plugins, 200

DOM (Document Object Model)

API (Application Programming Interface), 7

examining, 5–6

inspector applications, 6

tree-like structure, 6–7

DOM tree, traversing, 7–10

double slash (//), using with comments, 8

DVD catalog

binding click method, 115

load method, 114

main page of, 113–115

Summary element, 115

DVD Collection Catalog, cover art, 120

DVD example. See also postdvd.php file

::contains selector, 112

loading scripts, 112–116

modal window, 112–113

dvdcount.js script

loading, 115

setting up, 112

dvdcover.php file, creating, 120


each method, using with forms, 61

easing methods

linear, 38

swing, 38

Easing Plugin, downloading, 38

Easy Background Resize plugin

adding to lodge Web site, 194–196

downloading, 194–196

features of, 194

image path, 195

Electronic Frontier Foundation Web site, 144

elements, selecting, 9

else statement in AJAX validation, 96–97

email addresses

binding blur method, 62

hidden error span, 62

inputEmail variable, 64

.next() method, 66

span element with error, 66

test method, 64–65

validating in forms, 62–66

email validation

performing, 141–142

updating, 137–138

error message, for AJAX validation, 101–102

errors, catching for uploads, 69–71

event handler, binding, 3

events. See also submit event

binding to elements, 32, 34

for form methods, 60

triggering for AJAX calls, 118–125

exif_imagetype function, using, 73

Extensible Markup Language (XML), versus JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 126


fadeIn() method, using with modal windows, 30

fields, completing automatically, 167–170

file extensions

regular expressions for, 120–121

testing for uploads, 70

file uploads. See uploads


downloading, xiii, 10

examining actions, 11

features of, 10

handler feature, 10

troubleshooting with, 10

Firefox browser, xiii

fn object, using with plugins, 200

focus function

tabindex attribute, 60

using with forms, 60–62

:focus pseudo selector, using with CSS, 211

form data, serializing, 103, 125

form elements, clearing, 124

form fields, avoiding blanks, 66–68

form input

for adding movies, 120

client-side validation, 68

completing, 66–68

cursor placement, 61–62

each method, 61

focus function, 60–62

looking for, 61

regular expressions, 63–65

form methods, events, 60

form submission

email validation, 137–138

errorCount function, 135–136

errors argument variable, 136

incrementing submitErrors, 138

password validation, 136–137

preventing, 135–138

$submitErrors variable, 135


adding calendars to, 155–157

adding dates to, 155–157

users_add.php, 232

users_search.php, 230

validating email addresses, 62–66

forums, participating in, 9

functions. See methods


get method

closing, 109

using, 108–110

getJSON request method, using with tweets, 131

getScript method, using, 112–116

Given, J.P., 194

gMap plugin

centering map, 182

downloading, 180

features of, 171, 180

loading page, 182

map type, 181

plotting points, 182

properties, 180

setting options, 181

style rules, 180

zoom level, 181

Google Closure Compiler

downloading, 11

packing and unpacking code, 11–14

Google Maps API, popularity of, 180

graceful degradation, 19

GSGD Web site, 38

Gustafson, Aaron, 19


“Hello World” example

anchor tag, 4

binding event handler, 3

chaining, 3

completing, 5

document ready function, 3

head section, 4

HTML div, 4

HTML markup, 2

jQuery source file, 2

script tag, 2

selector, 3

span element, 4

hello_world.html file, saving, 5

hover function

image carousel, 39–41

sprite interaction, 222

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

creating for application interface, 207–209

and CSS, 19–22

unordered list, 239

HTML div, creating, 4

HTML files, referencing jQuery UI files in, 150–152

HTML form, creating for notes_add.php, 238

HTML list, unordered, 27

HTML markup, defining for sprite-based navigation, 51

HTMLDOM elements, selecting, 18

htmlspecialchars() function, using, 142–143

HTTPS security protocol, considering, 144


iframe method

removing from DOM, 125

uploading images with, 124

using with uploads, 75

image carousel

animate method, 40

autoCarousel function, 37, 39

automatic scrolling, 37–39

bodyHeight variable for thumbnail, 48

building, 34

carThumb class, 45

centering modal window, 49

controlling manual scrolling, 41–44

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 35–37

easing animations, 38

enlarging thumbnails, 44–50

features of, 35

function keyword, 37

height of list items, 36

hover functions, 39–41

invisible portions, 37

left margin for CSS, 36

list items, 37

modal window for thumbnail, 48

mouse cursor, 40

moving, 38

moving list items, 38

moving to right, 42–44

naming items, 48

photoModal style rule, 45

photoPathArr array, 46

resetting left margin, 39

restarting automatic scrolling, 41

scrollRight element, 42

setInterval function, 39

splitting thumbnail path info, 46

stop method, 40

stopping scrolling animation, 41

visible portions, 37

width of list items, 36

zooming in on larger images, 44–50

! important CSS property, 209

images, uploading with iframe method, 124

inc/movieUp.js file. See also movies

ajaxStart method, 123

beginning form handler, 124

binding ajaxStop method, 123

clearing form elements, 124

form handler, 124

modal pop-up window, 123

post method, 125

removing modal indicator, 124

serializing form data, 125

starting, 123

uploading data, 125

uploading image, 124

interaction, planning, 23

interface.css file

contextual help, 242–243

creating, 209

interface.js file

contextual help, 243

creating, 214

opening, 228, 235

Internet Explorer browser, xiii


JavaScript. See also AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

object literal notation, 126

test method, 72

unobtrusive, 22

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

arrays, 126

name:value pairs, 126–127

person object, 127

requirements, 126

returning in functions, 128

versus XML, 126

JavaScript objects, setting up, 126

jqPlot plugin

$requestArray, 183–184

barMargin option, 187

CSS style sheet, 186

dashboards, 188

downloading, 183

features of, 171

$.jqplot.BarRenderer add-on, 187

JSON array string, 185

margin, 187

mysql_result, 185

renderer, 187

requestArray, 184

requestChart selector, 183

ticks option, 187–188

x-axis of chart, 188

jQuery code. See also code

closing, 4

combining with other code, 18

jsFiddle tool, 16

testing snippets, 17

jQuery Context Menu plugin, Images folder, 236

jQuery Custom Context Menu widget, 240

jQuery forums, participating in, 9

jQuery library

downloading, xii

including in progressive enhancement, 21

jQuery plugins

Back Button and Query (BBQ) Library, 241

Cloud Zoom, 191–193

colorText, 200–202

Context Menu, 236

creating, 200–202

Easy Background Resize, 194–196

fn object, 200

gMap, 171, 180–182

jqPlot, 171, 183–188

returning this object, 201

Sexy Curls, 197–199

structuring, 202

Tablesorter, 171–178

TinyTips, 171, 178–181

tool tips, 178–181

using $ (dollar sign) with, 200

versus widgets, 148

zWeatherFeedjQuery, 189–191

jQuery UI

customizing, 148–150

downloading, xii

referencing files in HTML, 150–152

Web site, 148

jQuery UI widgets

Accordion, 149, 226–229

Autocomplete, 149

calendars for forms, 155–157

Custom Context Menu, 240

Datepicker function, 156–157

“dialog” for visitors, 158–162

Dialog, 149

design of, 152

field completion, 167–170

onSelect option for dates, 156

versus plugins, 148

Progressbar, 163–167

tabbed interfaces, 152–155

Tabs, 149

ThemeRoller, 148

jquery.colorText.js file, creating, 200

jsFiddle tool, downloading, 16

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

arrays, 126

name:value pairs, 126–127

person object, 127

requirements, 126

returning in functions, 128

versus XML, 126

JSON example

DOCTYPE setup, 129

style info for Twitter widget, 129–130

JSON request, setting up, 127–133

JSONP format

cross-domain request, 128

using with tweet data, 127


Kastner, Cedric, 180

Kember, Elliott, 198


Leonello, Chris, 183

library, including in progressive enhancement, 21

line breaks and comments, 8

live method, using, 32

load method

invoking, 111

syntax, 110

using, 110–111

using with DVD catalog, 114

using with multiple items, 230–231

lodge Web site

Easy Background Resize plugin, 194–196

page-curl effect, 197–199

sorting table records, 189–190

zWeatherFeed plugin, 189–191

login, creating PHP for, 97–100

login function, creating, 105–107


mainNav.jpg sprite

categories of, 50

measurement for, 51

MD5 hash, using with cookies, 139–140

Merritt, Mike, 178

methods, applying to objects, 3. See also chained methods

modal windows

for AJAX validation, 104

animations, 30

callback, 33

calling, 27–30

centering, 31

centering for thumbnails, 49

click event, 27–28, 32–33

closing, 28, 32–33

creating, 27–30, 123

determining for closing, 33

fadeIn() method, 30

fadeOut function, 33

margins, 28–29

opening, 31

padding, 28–29

pop-up window, 123

rel attribute, 28

shaded backgrounds, 31–32

using with scripts, 112–113

movies. See also inc/movieUp.js file

form for, 120

including in discs, 112

mySQL, using, 18

mySQL database, connecting to, 80

mysql_query function

running, 122

for validation, 96

mysql_real_escape_string() function, using, 142–144

mysql_result, using with jqPlot plugin, 185

mysqlErrorNum variable, 103–104


name:value pair

creating for tweets, 131

parsing, 108

using with get method, 109

naming convention, 48


making graceful, 27–33

modal windows, 27–30

sprite-based, 50–56

newName variable, using with post method, 101

.next() method, using with forms, 66

notes_add.php file

creating, 238

HTML form, 238

notes.php file, creating for context menu, 237

Notepad, xii

Notepad++, xii


object literal notation, explained, 126

objects, applying methods to, 3

Opera browser, xiii


page redirections, avoiding, 92

page reloads, avoiding, 92

pages. See Web pages

parenthesis ()), using to close code, 4


checking for AJAX validation, 94

checking for user login, 97–98

prompting for, 246

password field, avoiding blanks, 67–68

password validation, updating, 136–137

pephoto.sql file, running, 109

pePhotoUp.js file, saving, 70

peRegister.php file, opening, 141

photo table, creating, 109–110

Photographer’s Exchange Web site. See also Web sites

account page, 107

client-side validation, 69–71

cookies for identifying users, 139–141

email validation, 137–138

errorCount function, 135–136

errors argument variable, 136

file types, 73

file upload form, 69

form inputs, 61

forms, 60

front page, 26

incrementing submitErrors, 138

password field, 67–68

password validation, 136–137

preventing form submission, 135–138

retrieving pictures, 108–110

saving image data, 82–83

server-side validation, 72–73

sprite, 50

$submitErrors variable, 135

upload function, 75–76


retrieving, 108–110

zooming in on, 191–193

photoUpload.php file, locating, 72

photoUservariable, contents of, 109–110


createThumbnail() function, 85

explode method, 85

imagecopyresampledto function, 87

ImageCreateTrueColor function, 87

mysql_query function, 96

photo upload script, 80

preg_match function, 72

resource, 100

switch method for validation, 93–94

testing capability, 72–73

troubleshooting info for uploads, 83

for user login, 97–100

using, 18

using in server-side validation, 72

PHP functions

for data cleansing, 142–144

htmlspecialchars(), 142–143

mysql_real_escape_string(), 142–144

PHP registration, building for validation, 92–100


retrieving, 108–110

zooming in on, 191–193

planning design, 23

plotting data, 183–188


Back Button and Query (BBQ) Library, 241

Cloud Zoom, 191–193

colorText, 200–202

Context Menu, 236

creating, 200–202

Easy Background Resize, 194–196

fn object, 200

gMap, 171, 180–182

jqPlot, 171, 183–188

returning this object, 201

Sexy Curls, 197–199

structuring, 202

Tablesorter, 171–178

TinyTips, 171, 178–181

tool tips, 178–181

using $ (dollar sign) with, 200

versus widgets, 148

zWeatherFeedjQuery, 189–191

post method

callback for, 101

closing, 102

GET method, 108

invoking, 103

using with ajaxSetup, 116–118

using with inc/movieUp.js file, 125

validating, 100–102

postdvd.php file. See also DVD example

creating, 121

database connection, 121

database update, 122

running SQL query, 122

sleep timer, 122

preventDefault setting, using with submit event, 102–103

Progressbar widget

calling, 165

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 163

CSS rules, 164

displaying, 165–166

fading in, 165

features of, 163

hiding, 164

removing, 166

setting margin, 164

shade, 163–164

using to close code, 163

z-index, 164

progressive enhancement

applying principles of, 27

examples, 19–22

explained, 19

HTML and CSS, 20

including jQuery library, 21


query strings, identifying, 108


registration function

preventDefault setting, 102–103

serializing form data, 103

setting submit event, 102–103

starting, 102

registration window, fading out, 105

regular expressions

for file extensions, 70, 120–121

using with forms, 63–65

using with thumbnails, 85

using with tweets, 131–132

return false;

anchor tag, 15

encountering, 15

preventDefault();call, 15–16

stopPropagation(), 15

right-click context menu, disabling, 235–240


Safari browser, xiii

script tag, using to close code, 4

scripts. See also server-side scripts

::contains selector, 112

loading dynamically, 112–116

modal window, 112–113

for tweets, 130–133

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 144

security certificate, considering, 144

security protocol, HTTPS, 144


binding event handlers to, 3

caching, 10

::contains, 112

creating, 3

reading, 9

requestChart, 183

serializing form data, 103

server, retrieving info from, 110–111

server-side scripts, securing, 141–142. See also scripts

server-side validation

developing for forms, 72–73

exif_imagetype function, 73

Sexy Curls plugin, using, 198–199

sites. See Web sites

slash-asterisk (/*), using with comments, 8

sleep function, using with Dialog widget, 159

sleep timer, creating for postdvd.php, 122

Smith, George, 38

span element, 4

sprite interaction

addClass method, 223

click function, 222–223

creating, 221–224

hover function, 222

mouseout section of hover event, 222–223

span element, 222

span selected element, 222

sprite-based navigation

animation, 55–56

background images, 52–53

background position, 53

column position, 53

column width, 53

creating, 50–56

CSS layout, 50

defining markup, 51

hover effect, 56

layout of items, 54

mainNav.jpg sprite, 50–51

span background-position, 53

span element, 55–56

spriteNav rule, 52

sprites, 52–54

width position, 53

x- and y-axes, 53

spritenav.css file, creating, 218

spritenav.js file

creating, 221

packing, 11–14

unpacking, 14


adding to application interface, 223

anchor tags, 218

background-position, 219–220

base width, 219

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 218–221

images, 221

span elements, 219–220

uses of, 54

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 144

“Stay with us” tab, navigating to, 162

storyboards, using, 23

styles, applying with ThemeRoller widget, 149

submit event, setting, 102–103. See also events

submit method, binding addMovie form to, 124

submitErrors, incrementing, 138

$submitErrors variable, initializing, 135

SXSW Interactive conference, 19


tabbed interfaces

creating, 152–155

div tags, 152–153

unordered list, 153

tabindex attribute, using with focus function, 60

table records, sorting, 172–177

Tablesorter plugin

arrival dates, 177

columns, 176

conditional check, 174

features of, 171

HTML markup, 174

HTML section, 173

HTML table output, 175

requests id, 174

sorter property, 174

sorting records, 176–177

tbody section, 175

testing for data, 174

thead section, 175

unsorted data, 177

using, 172–177

Tabs widget, features of, 149–155

text editors, xii

ThemeRoller widget

choosing styles with, 149

downloading, 148

this object, returning for plugins, 201


createThumbnail() function, 85

creating for uploads, 83–88

height and width for, 86

naming, 48

time() function, using with cookie, 99

timeout, setting for uploads, 77–79

TinyTips plugin

creating on tabs, 179

downloading, 178

features of, 171

setting up, 179

source references, 178–179

Tool tips. See TinyTips plugin

tweet data, returning in JSONP format, 127


containing in name:value pairs, 131

getJSON request method, 131

hash tags, 132

regular expressions, 131–132

script for, 130–133

search @ prefix, 132

tweetText, inserting anchor tags in, 132

Twitter, creating URL access to, 130–131

Twitter API, popularity of, 127

Twitter widget

body section, 130

function of, 133

style info for, 129–130


Ullman, Larry, 100

unobtrusive JavaScript, 22

unordered HTML list

creating, 239

example of, 27

uploaded files

beginning loop for, 80

connecting to mySQL database, 80

createThumbnail function, 81

processing, 80–81

validation code, 81


attribute selector, 70

callback-style functionality, 77–79

clearing input fields, 79

client-side jQuery, 76

client-side validation, 69–71

creating thumbnails, 83–88

error span for file types, 69–71

fading in confirmation message, 78

fading out confirmation message, 79

file types, 69–70

iframe, 75–76

inputLength variable, 77–78

inserting image information, 82–83

modal windows, 78

performing, 74–75

PHP code, 75

PHP troubleshooting info, 83

removing confirmation modal, 79

saving image data, 82–83

scripting, 76–77

server-side validation, 72–73

setTimeout function, 77–79

SQL query, 82

thumbnails, 83–88

user login, creating PHP for, 97–100

user name, in use, 102–103


identifying via cookies, 139–141

informing with Progressbar, 163–167

users_add.php form, loading, 232

users_search.php form, creating, 230

users.php page, creating, 227

user-supplied data, cleansing, 141–144


validation. See AJAX validation; client-side validation; email validation; password validation; server-side validation

visitor, establishing “dialog” with, 158–162


waiting indicator, calling, 125

weather, predicting, 189–191

Web application interface. See application interface

Web pages

curl effect, 198–199

features of, 5

loading portions of, 111

styling with CSS, 18

Web sites. See also Photographer’s Exchange Web site

animated graphics, 125

Cloud Zoom plugin, 191

Easing Plugin, 38

Easy Background Resize plugin, 194–196

Electronic Frontier Foundation, 144

Firebug download, xiii, 10

gMap plugin, 180

Google Closure Compiler, 11

GSGD, 38

jqPlot plugin, 183

jQuery UI, 148

jsFiddle tool, 16

regular expressions, 63

Tablesorter plugin, 172

ThemeRoller, 148

TinyTips plugin, 178

zWeatherFeedjQuery plugin, 189


Accordion, 149, 226–229

Autocomplete, 149

calendars for forms, 155–157

Custom Context Menu, 240

Datepicker function, 156–157

“dialog” for visitors, 158–162

Dialog, 149

design of, 152

field completion, 167–170

onSelect option for dates, 156

versus plugins, 148

Progressbar, 163–167

tabbed interfaces, 152–155

Tabs, 149

ThemeRoller, 148


XAMPP, xiii

XML (Extensible Markup Language), versus JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 126


zWeatherFeedjQuery plugin

adding to lodge Web site, 189–190

downloading, 189

RSSlocation code, 190–191

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