Side Effects and Sequence Points

Let’s take a closer look at what C++ does and doesn’t say about when increment operators take effect. First, recall that a side effect is an effect that occurs when evaluating an expression modifies something, such as a value stored in a variable. A sequence point is a point in program execution at which all side effects are guaranteed to be evaluated before going on to the next step. In C++ the semicolon in a statement marks a sequence point. That means all changes made by assignment operators, increment operators, and decrement operators in a statement must take place before a program proceeds to the next statement. Some operators that we’ll discuss in later chapters have sequence points. Also the end of any full expression is a sequence point.

What’s a full expression? It’s an expression that’s not a subexpression of a larger expression. Examples of full expressions include an expression portion of an expression statement and an expression that serves as a test condition for a while loop.

Sequence points help clarify when postfix incrementation takes place. Consider, for instance, the following code:

while (guests++ < 10)
     cout << guests << endl;

(The while loop, discussed later this chapter, works like a for loop that has just a test expression.) Sometimes C++ newcomers assume that “use the value, then increment it” means, in this context, to increment guests after it’s used in the cout statement. However, the guests++ < 10 expression is a full expression because it is a while loop test condition, so the end of this expression is a sequence point. Therefore, C++ guarantees that the side effect (incrementing guests) takes place before the program moves on to cout. Using the postfix form, however, guarantees that guests will be incremented after the comparison to 10 is made.

Now consider this statement:

y = (4 + x++) + (6 + x++);

The expression 4 + x++ is not a full expression, so C++ does not guarantee that x will be incremented immediately after the subexpression 4 + x++ is evaluated. Here the full expression is the entire assignment statement, and the semicolon marks the sequence point, so all that C++ guarantees is that x will have been incremented twice by the time the program moves to the following statement. C++ does not specify whether x is incremented after each subexpression is evaluated or only after all the expressions have been evaluated, which is why you should avoid statements of this kind.

C++11 documentation has dropped the term “sequence point” because the concept doesn’t carry over well when discussing multiple threads of execution. Instead, descriptions are framed in terms of sequencing, with some events being described as being sequenced before other events. This descriptive approach isn’t intended to change the rules; the goal is to provide language that can more clearly handle multithreaded programming.

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