1. Getting Started with C++

In this chapter you’ll learn about the following:

• The history and philosophy of C and of C++

• Procedural versus object-oriented programming

• How C++ adds object-oriented concepts to the C language

• How C++ adds generic programming concepts to the C language

• Programming language standards

• The mechanics of creating a program

Welcome to C++! This exciting language, which blends the C language with support for object-oriented programming and for generic programming, became one of the most important programming languages of the 1990s and continues strongly in the 2000s. Its C ancestry brings to C++ the tradition of an efficient, compact, fast, and portable language. Its object-oriented heritage brings C++ a fresh programming methodology, designed to cope with the escalating complexity of modern programming tasks. Its template features bring yet another new programming methodology: generic programming. This triple heritage is both a blessing and a bane. It makes the language very powerful, but it also means there’s a lot to learn.

This chapter explores C++’s background further and then goes over some of the ground rules for creating C++ programs. The rest of the book teaches you to use the C++ language, going from the modest basics of the language to the glory of object-oriented programming (OOP) and its supporting cast of new jargon—objects, classes, encapsulation, data hiding, polymorphism, and inheritance—and then on to its support of generic programming. (Of course, as you learn C++, these terms will be transformed from buzzwords to the necessary vocabulary of cultivated discourse.)

Learning C++: What Lies Before You

C++ joins three separate programming categories: the procedural language, represented by C; the object-oriented language, represented by the class enhancements C++ adds to C; and generic programming, supported by C++ templates. This chapter looks into those traditions. But first, let’s consider what this heritage implies about learning C++. One reason to use C++ is to avail yourself of its object-oriented features. To do so, you need a sound background in standard C, for that language provides the basic types, operators, control structures, and syntax rules. So if you already know C, you’re poised to learn C++. But it’s not just a matter of learning a few more keywords and constructs. Going from C to C++ involves perhaps more work than learning C in the first place. Also if you know C, you must unlearn some programming habits as you make the transition to C++. If you don’t know C, you have to master the C components, the OOP components, and the generic components to learn C++, but at least you may not have to unlearn programming habits. If you are beginning to think that learning C++ may involve some mind-stretching effort on your part, you’re right. This book will guide you through the process in a clear, helpful manner, one step at a time, so the mind-stretching will be sufficiently gentle to leave your brain resilient.

C++ Primer Plus approaches C++ by teaching both its C basis and its new components, so it assumes that you have no prior knowledge of C. You’ll start by learning the features C++ shares with C. Even if you know C, you may find this part of the book a good review. Also it points out concepts that will become important later, and it indicates where C++ differs from C. After you have a good grounding in the basics of C, you’ll learn about the C++ superstructure. At that point, you’ll learn about objects and classes and how C++ implements them. And you will learn about templates.

This book is not intended to be a complete C++ reference; it doesn’t explore every nook and cranny of the language. But you will learn most of the major features of the language, including templates, exceptions, and namespaces.

Now let’s take a brief look at some of C++’s background.

The Origins of C++: A Little History

Computer technology has evolved at an amazing rate over the past few decades. Today a notebook computer can compute faster and store more information than the mainframe computers of the 1960s. (Quite a few programmers can recall bearing offerings of decks of punched cards to be submitted to a mighty, room-filling computer system with a majestic 100KB of memory—far less memory than even a smartphone uses today.) Computer languages have evolved, too. The changes may not be as dramatic, but they are important. Bigger, more powerful computers spawn bigger, more complex programs, which, in turn, raise new problems in program management and maintenance.

In the 1970s, languages such as C and Pascal helped usher in an era of structured programming, a philosophy that brought some order and discipline to a field badly in need of these qualities. Besides providing the tools for structured programming, C also produced compact, fast-running programs, along with the ability to address hardware matters, such as managing communication ports and disk drives. These gifts helped make C the dominant programming language in the 1980s. Meanwhile, the 1980s witnessed the growth of a new programming paradigm: object-oriented programming, or OOP, as embodied in languages such as SmallTalk and C++. Let’s examine these C and OOP a bit more closely.

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