Defining a Function

You can group functions into two categories: those that don’t have return values and those that do. Functions without return values are termed type void functions and have the following general form:

void functionName(parameterList)
    return;          // optional

Here parameterList specifies the types and number of arguments (parameters) passed to the function. This chapter more fully investigates this list later. The optional return statement marks the end of the function. Otherwise, the function terminates at the closing brace. Type void functions correspond to Pascal procedures, FORTRAN subroutines, and modern BASIC subprogram procedures. Typically, you use a void function to perform some sort of action. For example, a function to print Cheers! a given number (n) of times could look like this:

void cheers(int n)           // no return value

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        std::cout << "Cheers! ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

The int n parameter list means that cheers() expects to have an int value passed to it as an argument when you call this function.

A function with a return value produces a value that it returns to the function that called it. In other words, if the function returns the square root of 9.0 (sqrt(9.0)), the function call has the value 3.0. Such a function is declared as having the same type as the value it returns. Here is the general form:

typeName functionName(parameterList)
      return value;   // value is type cast to type typeName

Functions with return values require that you use a return statement so that the value is returned to the calling function. The value itself can be a constant, a variable, or a more general expression. The only requirement is that the expression reduces to a value that has, or is convertible to, the typeName type. (If the declared return type is, say, double, and the function returns an int expression, the int value is type cast to type double.) The function then returns the final value to the function that called it. C++ does place a restriction on what types you can use for a return value: The return value cannot be an array. Everything else is possible—integers, floating-point numbers, pointers, and even structures and objects! (Interestingly, even though a C++ function can’t return an array directly, it can return an array that’s part of a structure or object.)

As a programmer, you don’t need to know how a function returns a value, but knowing the method might clarify the concept for you. (Also it gives you something to talk about with your friends and family.) Typically, a function returns a value by copying the return value to a specified CPU register or memory location. Then the calling program examines that location. Both the returning function and the calling function have to agree on the type of data at that location. The function prototype tells the calling program what to expect, and the function definition tells the called program what to return (see Figure 7.1). Providing the same information in the prototype as in the definition might seem like extra work, but it makes good sense. Certainly, if you want a courier to pick up something from your desk at the office, you enhance the odds of the task being done right if you provide a description of what you want both to the courier and to someone at the office.

Figure 7.1. A typical return value mechanism.


A function terminates after executing a return statement. If a function has more than one return statement—for example, as alternatives to different if else selections—the function terminates after it executes the first return statement it reaches. For instance, in the following example, the else isn’t needed, but it does help the casual reader understand the intent:

int bigger(int a, int b)
    if (a > b )
        return a;  // if a > b, function terminates here
        return b;  // otherwise, function terminates here

(Usually, having multiple return statements in a function is considered potentially confusing, and some compilers might issue a warning. However, the code here is simple enough to understand.)

Functions with return values are much like functions in Pascal, FORTRAN, and BASIC. They return a value to the calling program, which can then assign that value to a variable, display the value, or otherwise use it. Here’s a simple example that returns the cube of a type double value:

double cube(double x)    // x times x times x
    return x * x * x; // a type double value

For example, the function call cube(1.2) returns the value 1.728. Note that this return statement uses an expression. The function computes the value of the expression (1.728, in this case) and returns the value.

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