Pointers and const

Using const with pointers has some subtle aspects (pointers always seem to have subtle aspects), so let’s take a closer look. You can use the const keyword two different ways with pointers. The first way is to make a pointer point to a constant object, and that prevents you from using the pointer to change the pointed-to value. The second way is to make the pointer itself constant, and that prevents you from changing where the pointer points. Now for the details.

First, let’s declare a pointer pt that points to a constant:

int age = 39;
const int * pt = &age;

This declaration states that pt points to a const int (39, in this case). Therefore, you can’t use pt to change that value. In other words, the value *pt is const and cannot be modified:

*pt += 1;          // INVALID because pt points to a const int
cin >> *pt;        // INVALID for the same reason

Now for a subtle point. This declaration for pt doesn’t necessarily mean that the value it points to is really a constant; it just means the value is a constant insofar as pt is concerned. For example, pt points to age, and age is not const. You can change the value of age directly by using the age variable, but you can’t change the value indirectly via the pt pointer:

*pt = 20;         // INVALID because pt points to a const int
age = 20;         // VALID because age is not declared to be const

Previous examples have assigned the address of a regular variable to a regular pointer. This example assigns the address of a regular variable to a pointer-to-const. That leaves two other possibilities: assigning the address of a const variable to a pointer-to-const and assigning the address of a const to a regular pointer. Are they both possible? The first is, and the second isn’t:

const float g_earth = 9.80;
const float * pe = &g_earth;   // VALID

const float g_moon = 1.63;
float * pm = &g_moon;          // INVALID

For the first case, you can use neither g_earth nor pe to change the value 9.80. C++ doesn’t allow the second case for a simple reason: If you can assign the address of g_moon to pm, then you can cheat and use pm to alter the value of g_moon. That makes a mockery of g_moon’s const status, so C++ prohibits you from assigning the address of a const to a non-const pointer. (If you are really desperate, you can use a type cast to override the restriction; see Chapter 15, “Friends, Exceptions, and More,” for a discussion of the const_cast operator.)

The situation becomes a bit more complex if you have pointers to pointers. As you saw earlier, assigning a non-const pointer to a const pointer is okay, provided that you’re dealing with just one level of indirection:

int age = 39;          // age++ is a valid operation
int * pd = &age;       // *pd = 41 is a valid operation
const int * pt = pd;   // *pt = 42 is an invalid operation

But pointer assignments that mix const and non-const in this manner are no longer safe when you go to two levels of indirection. If mixing const and non-const were allowed, you could do something like this:

const int **pp2;
int *p1;
const int n = 13;
pp2 = &p1; // not allowed, but suppose it were
*pp2 = &n; // valid, both const, but sets p1 to point at n
*p1 = 10;  // valid, but changes const n

Here the code assigns a non-const address (&pl) to a const pointer (pp2), and that allows pl to be used to alter const data. So the rule that you can assign a non-const address or pointer to a const pointer works only if there is just one level of indirection—for example, if the pointer points to a fundamental data type.


You can assign the address of either const data or non-const data to a pointer-to-const, provided that the data type is not itself a pointer, but you can assign the address of non-const data only to a non-const pointer.

Suppose you have an array of const data:

const int months[12] = {31,28,31,30,31,30, 31, 31,30,31,30,31};

The prohibition against assigning the address of a constant array means that you cannot pass the array name as an argument to a function by using a non-constant formal argument:

int sum(int arr[], int n);  // should have been const int arr[]
int j = sum(months, 12);    // not allowed

This function call attempts to assign a const pointer (months) to a non-const pointer (arr), and the compiler disallows the function call.

For yet another subtle point, consider the following declarations:

int age = 39;
const int * pt = &age;

The const in the second declaration only prevents you from changing the value to which pt points, which is 39. It doesn’t prevent you from changing the value of pt itself. That is, you can assign a new address to pt:

int sage = 80;
pt = &sage; // okay to point to another location

But you still can’t use pt to change the value to which it points (now 80).

The second way to use const makes it impossible to change the value of the pointer itself:

int sloth = 3;
const int * ps = &sloth;      // a pointer to const int
int * const finger = &sloth;  // a const pointer to int

Note that the last declaration has repositioned the keyword const. This form of declaration constrains finger to point only to sloth. However, it allows you to use finger to alter the value of sloth. The middle declaration does not allow you to use ps to alter the value of sloth, but it permits you to have ps point to another location. In short, finger and *ps are both const, and *finger and ps are not const (see Figure 7.5).

Figure 7.5. Pointers-to-const and const pointers.


If you like, you can declare a const pointer to a const object:

double trouble = 2.0E30;
const double * const stick = &trouble;

Here stick can point only to trouble, and stick cannot be used to change the value of trouble. In short, both stick and *stick are const.

Typically you use the pointer-to-const form to protect data when you pass pointers as function arguments. For example, recall the show_array() prototype from Listing 7.5:

void show_array(const double ar[], int n);

Using const in this declaration means that show_array() cannot alter the values in any array that is passed to it. This technique works as long as there is just one level of indirection. Here, for example, the array elements are a fundamental type. But if they were pointers or pointers-to-pointers, you wouldn’t use const.

Functions and Two-Dimensional Arrays

To write a function that has a two-dimensional array as an argument, you need to remember that the name of an array is treated as its address, so the corresponding formal parameter is a pointer, just as for one-dimensional arrays. The tricky part is declaring the pointer correctly. Suppose, for example, that you start with this code:

int data[3][4] = {{1,2,3,4}, {9,8,7,6}, {2,4,6,8}};
int total = sum(data, 3);

What should the prototype for sum() look like? And why does the function pass the number of rows (3) as an argument and not also the number of columns (4)?

Well, data is the name of an array with three elements. The first element is, itself, an array of four int values. Thus, the type of data is pointer-to-array-of-four-int, so an appropriate prototype would be this:

int sum(int (*ar2)[4], int size);

The parentheses are needed because the following declaration would declare an array of four pointers-to-int instead of a single pointer-to-array-of-four-int, and a function parameter cannot be an array:

int *ar2[4]

Here’s an alternative format that means exactly the same thing as this first prototype, but, perhaps, is easier to read:

int sum(int ar2[][4], int size);

Either prototype states that ar2 is a pointer, not an array. Also note that the pointer type specifically says it points to an array of four ints. Thus, the pointer type specifies the number of columns, which is why the number of columns is not passed as a separate function argument.

Because the pointer type specifies the number of columns, the sum() function only works with arrays with four columns. But the number of rows is specified by the variable size, so sum() can work with a varying number of rows:

int a[100][4];
int b[6][4];
int total1 = sum(a, 100);    // sum all of a
int total2 = sum(b, 6);      // sum all of b
int total3 = sum(a, 10);     // sum first 10 rows of a
int total4 = sum(a+10, 20);  // sum next 20 rows of a

Given that the parameter ar2 is a pointer to an array, how do you use it in the function definition? The simplest way is to use ar2 as if it were the name of a two-dimensional array. Here’s a possible function definition:

int sum(int ar2[][4], int size)
    int total = 0;
    for (int r = 0; r < size; r++)
        for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
            total += ar2[r][c];
    return total;

Again, note that the number of rows is whatever is passed to the size parameter, but the number of columns is fixed at four, both in the parameter declaration for ar2 and in the inner for loop.

Here’s why you can use array notation. Because ar2 points to the first element (element 0) of an array whose elements are array-of-four-int, the expression ar2 + r points to element number r. Therefore ar2[r] is element number r. That element is itself an array-of-four-int, so ar2[r] is the name of that array-of-four-int. Applying a subscript to an array name gives an array element, so ar2[r][c] is an element of the array-of-four-int, hence is a single int value. The pointer ar2 has to be dereferenced twice to get to the data. The simplest way is to use brackets twice, as in ar2[r][c]. But it is possible, if ungainly, to use the * operator twice:

ar2[r][c] == *(*(ar2 + r) + c)  // same thing

To understand this, you can work out the meaning of the subexpressions from the inside out:

ar2              // pointer to first row of an array of 4 int
ar2 + r          // pointer to row r (an array of 4 int)
*(ar2 + r)       // row r (an array of 4 int, hence the name of an array,
                 // thus a pointer to the first int in the row, i.e., ar2[r]

*(ar2 +r) + c    // pointer int number c in row r, i.e., ar2[r] + c
*(*(ar2 + r) + c // value of int number c in row r, i.e. ar2[r][c]

Incidentally, the code for sum() doesn’t use const in declaring the parameter ar2 because that technique is for pointers to fundamental types, and ar2 is a pointer to a pointer.

Functions and C-Style Strings

Recall that a C-style string consists of a series of characters terminated by the null character. Much of what you’ve learned about designing array functions applies to string functions, too. For example, passing a string as an argument means passing an address, and you can use const to protect a string argument from being altered. But there are a few special twists to strings that we’ll unravel now.

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