Simplifying with typedef

C++ does provide tools other than auto for simplifying declarations. You may recall from Chapter 5, “Loops and Relational Expressions,” that the typedef keyword allows you to create a type alias:

typedef double real; // makes real another name for double

The technique is to declare the alias as if it were an identifier and to insert the keyword typedef at the beginning. So you can do this to make p_fun an alias for the function pointer type used in Listing 7.19:

typedef const double *(*p_fun)(const double *, int);  // p_fun now a type name
p_fun p1 = f1;  // p1 points to the f1() function

You then can use this type to build elaborations:

p_fun pa[3] = {f1,f2,f3}; // pa an array of 3 function pointers
p_fun (*pd)[3] = &pa;     // pd points to an array of 3 function pointers

Not only does typedef save you some typing, it makes writing the code less error prone, and it makes the program easier to understand.


Functions are the C++ programming modules. To use a function, you need to provide a definition and a prototype, and you have to use a function call. The function definition is the code that implements what the function does. The function prototype describes the function interface: how many and what kinds of values to pass to the function and what sort of return type, if any, to get from it. The function call causes the program to pass the function arguments to the function and to transfer program execution to the function code.

By default, C++ functions pass arguments by value. This means that the formal parameters in the function definition are new variables that are initialized to the values provided by the function call. Thus, C++ functions protect the integrity of the original data by working with copies.

C++ treats an array name argument as the address of the first element of the array. Technically, this is still passing by value because the pointer is a copy of the original address, but the function uses the pointer to access the contents of the original array. When you declare formal parameters for a function (and only then), the following two declarations are equivalent:

typeName arr[];
typeName * arr;

Both of these mean that arr is a pointer to typeName. When you write the function code, however, you can use arr as if it were an array name in order to access elements: arr[i]. Even when passing pointers, you can preserve the integrity of the original data by declaring the formal argument to be a pointer to a const type. Because passing the address of an array conveys no information about the size of the array, you normally pass the array size as a separate argument. Alternatively, you can pass pointers to the beginning of the array and to one position past the end to indicate a range, as do the algorithms in the STL.

C++ provides three ways to represent C-style strings: by using a character array, a string constant, or a pointer to a string. All are type char* (pointer-to-char), so they are passed to a function as a type char* argument. C++ uses the null character () to terminate strings, and string functions test for the null character to determine the end of any string they are processing.

C++ also provides the string class to represent strings. A function can accept string objects as arguments and use a string object as a return value. The string class size() method can be used to determine the length of a stored string.

C++ treats structures the same as basic types, meaning that you can pass them by value and use them as function return types. However, if a structure is large, it might be more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure and let the function work with the original data. These same considerations apply to class objects.

A C++ function can be recursive; that is, the code for a particular function can include a call of itself.

The name of a C++ function acts as the address of the function. By using a function argument that is a pointer to a function, you can pass to a function the name of a second function that you want the first function to evoke.

Chapter Review

1. What are the three steps in using a function?

2. Construct function prototypes that match the following descriptions:

a. igor() takes no arguments and has no return value.

b. tofu() takes an int argument and returns a float.

c. mpg() takes two type double arguments and returns a double.

d. summation() takes the name of a long array and an array size as values and returns a long value.

e. doctor() takes a string argument (the string is not to be modified) and returns a double value.

f. ofcourse() takes a boss structure as an argument and returns nothing.

g. plot() takes a pointer to a map structure as an argument and returns a string.

3. Write a function that takes three arguments: the name of an int array, the array size, and an int value. Have the function set each element of the array to the int value.

4. Write a function that takes three arguments: a pointer to the first element of a range in an array, a pointer to the element following the end of a range in an array, and an int value. Have the function set each element of the array to the int value.

5. Write a function that takes a double array name and an array size as arguments and returns the largest value in that array. Note that this function shouldn’t alter the contents of the array.

6. Why don’t you use the const qualifier for function arguments that are one of the fundamental types?

7. What are the three forms a C-style string can take in a C++ program?

8. Write a function that has this prototype:

int replace(char * str, char c1, char c2);

Have the function replace every occurrence of c1 in the string str with c2, and have the function return the number of replacements it makes.

9. What does the expression *"pizza" mean? What about "taco"[2]?

10. C++ enables you to pass a structure by value, and it lets you pass the address of a structure. If glitz is a structure variable, how would you pass it by value? How would you pass its address? What are the trade-offs of the two approaches?

11. The function judge() has a type int return value. As an argument, it takes the address of a function. The function whose address is passed, in turn, takes a pointer to a const char as an argument and returns an int. Write the function prototype.

12. Suppose we have the following structure declaration:

struct applicant {
    char name[30];
    int credit_ratings[3];

a. Write a function that takes an applicant structure as an argument and displays its contents.

b. Write a function that takes the address of an applicant structure as an argument and displays the contents of the pointed-to structure.

13. Suppose the functions f1() and f2() have the following prototypes:

void f1(applicant * a);
const char * f2(const applicant * a1, const applicant * a2);

Declare p1 as a pointer that points to f1 and p2 as a pointer to f2. Declare ap as an array of five pointers of the same type as p1, and declare pa as a pointer to an array of ten pointers of the same type as p2. Use typedef as an aid.

Programming Exercises

1. Write a program that repeatedly asks the user to enter pairs of numbers until at least one of the pair is 0. For each pair, the program should use a function to calculate the harmonic mean of the numbers. The function should return the answer to main(), which should report the result. The harmonic mean of the numbers is the inverse of the average of the inverses and can be calculated as follows:

harmonic mean = 2.0 × x × y / (x + y)

2. Write a program that asks the user to enter up to 10 golf scores, which are to be stored in an array. You should provide a means for the user to terminate input prior to entering 10 scores. The program should display all the scores on one line and report the average score. Handle input, display, and the average calculation with three separate array-processing functions.

3. Here is a structure declaration:

struct box
      char maker[40];
      float height;
      float width;
      float length;
      float volume;

a. Write a function that passes a box structure by value and that displays the value of each member.

b. Write a function that passes the address of a box structure and that sets the volume member to the product of the other three dimensions.

c. Write a simple program that uses these two functions.

4. Many state lotteries use a variation of the simple lottery portrayed by Listing 7.4. In these variations you choose several numbers from one set and call them the field numbers. For example, you might select five numbers from the field of 1–47). You also pick a single number (called a mega number or a power ball, etc.) from a second range, such as 1–27. To win the grand prize, you have to guess all the picks correctly. The chance of winning is the product of the probability of picking all the field numbers times the probability of picking the mega number. For instance, the probability of winning the example described here is the product of the probability of picking 5 out of 47 correctly times the probability of picking 1 out of 27 correctly. Modify Listing 7.4 to calculate the probability of winning this kind of lottery.

5. Define a recursive function that takes an integer argument and returns the factorial of that argument. Recall that 3 factorial, written 3!, equals 3 × 2!, and so on, with 0! defined as 1. In general, if n is greater than zero, n! = n * (n - 1)!. Test your function in a program that uses a loop to allow the user to enter various values for which the program reports the factorial.

6. Write a program that uses the following functions:

Fill_array() takes as arguments the name of an array of double values and an array size. It prompts the user to enter double values to be entered in the array. It ceases taking input when the array is full or when the user enters non-numeric input, and it returns the actual number of entries.

Show_array() takes as arguments the name of an array of double values and an array size and displays the contents of the array.

Reverse_array() takes as arguments the name of an array of double values and an array size and reverses the order of the values stored in the array.

The program should use these functions to fill an array, show the array, reverse the array, show the array, reverse all but the first and last elements of the array, and then show the array.

7. Redo Listing 7.7, modifying the three array-handling functions to each use two pointer parameters to represent a range. The fill_array() function, instead of returning the actual number of items read, should return a pointer to the location after the last location filled; the other functions can use this pointer as the second argument to identify the end of the data.

8. Redo Listing 7.15 without using the array class. Do two versions:

a. Use an ordinary array of const char * for the strings representing the season names, and use an ordinary array of double for the expenses.

b. Use an ordinary array of const char * for the strings representing the season names, and use a structure whose sole member is an ordinary array of double for the expenses. (This design is similar to the basic design of the array class.)

9. This exercise provides practice in writing functions dealing with arrays and structures. The following is a program skeleton. Complete it by providing the described functions:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int SLEN = 30;
struct student {
    char fullname[SLEN];
    char hobby[SLEN];
    int ooplevel;
// getinfo() has two arguments: a pointer to the first element of
// an array of student structures and an int representing the
// number of elements of the array. The function solicits and
// stores data about students. It terminates input upon filling
// the array or upon encountering a blank line for the student
// name. The function returns the actual number of array elements
// filled.
int getinfo(student pa[], int n);

// display1() takes a student structure as an argument
// and displays its contents
void display1(student st);

// display2() takes the address of student structure as an
// argument and displays the structure's contents
void display2(const student * ps);

// display3() takes the address of the first element of an array
// of student structures and the number of array elements as
// arguments and displays the contents of the structures
void display3(const student pa[], int n);

int main()
     cout << "Enter class size: ";
     int class_size;
     cin >> class_size;
     while (cin.get() != ' ')

    student * ptr_stu = new student[class_size];
    int entered = getinfo(ptr_stu, class_size);
    for (int i = 0; i < entered; i++)
    display3(ptr_stu, entered);
    delete [] ptr_stu;
    cout << "Done ";
    return 0;

10. Design a function calculate() that takes two type double values and a pointer to a function that takes two double arguments and returns a double. The calculate() function should also be type double, and it should return the value that the pointed-to function calculates, using the double arguments to calculate(). For example, suppose you have this definition for the add() function:

double add(double x, double y)
       return x + y;

Then, the function call in the following would cause calculate() to pass the values 2.5 and 10.4 to the add() function and then return the add() return value (12.9):

double q = calculate(2.5, 10.4, add);

Use these functions and at least one additional function in the add() mold in a program. The program should use a loop that allows the user to enter pairs of numbers. For each pair, use calculate() to invoke add() and at least one other function. If you are feeling adventurous, try creating an array of pointers to add()-style functions and use a loop to successively apply calculate() to a series of functions by using these pointers. Hint: Here’s how to declare such an array of three pointers:

double (*pf[3])(double, double);

You can initialize such an array by using the usual array initialization syntax and function names as addresses.

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