Explicit Specializations

Suppose you define a structure like the following:

struct job
      char name[40];
      double salary;
      int floor;

Also suppose you want to be able to swap the contents of two such structures. The original template uses the following code to effect a swap:

temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;

Because C++ allows you to assign one structure to another, this works fine, even if type T is a job structure. But suppose you only want to swap the salary and floor members, keeping the name members unchanged. This requires different code, but the arguments to Swap() would be the same as for the first case (references to two job structures), so you can’t use template overloading to supply the alternative code.

However, you can supply a specialized function definition, called an explicit specialization, with the required code. If the compiler finds a specialized definition that exactly matches a function call, it uses that definition without looking for templates.

The specialization mechanism has changed with the evolution of C++. We’ll look at the current form as mandated by the C++ Standard.

Third-Generation Specialization (ISO/ANSI C++ Standard)

After some youthful experimentation with other approaches, the C++98 Standard settled on this approach:

• For a given function name, you can have a non template function, a template function, and an explicit specialization template function, along with overloaded versions of all of these.

• The prototype and definition for an explicit specialization should be preceded by template <> and should mention the specialized type by name.

• A specialization overrides the regular template, and a non template function overrides both.

Here’s how prototypes for swapping type job structures would look for these three forms:

// non template function prototype
void Swap(job &, job &);

// template prototype
template <typename T>
void Swap(T &, T &);

// explicit specialization for the job type
template <> void Swap<job>(job &, job &);

As mentioned previously, if more than one of these prototypes is present, the compiler chooses the non template version over explicit specializations and template versions, and it chooses an explicit specialization over a version generated from a template. For example, in the following code, the first call to Swap() uses the general template, and the second call uses the explicit specialization, based on the job type:

template <class T>          // template
void Swap(T &, T &);

// explicit specialization for the job type
template <> void Swap<job>(job &, job &);
int main()
    double u, v;
    Swap(u,v);  // use template
    job a, b;
    Swap(a,b);  // use void Swap<job>(job &, job &)

The <job> in Swap<job> is optional because the function argument types indicate that this is a specialization for job. Thus, the prototype can also be written this way:

template <> void Swap(job &, job &);   // simpler form

In case you have to work with an older compiler, we’ll come back to pre-C++ Standard usage soon, but first, let’s see how explicit specializations are supposed to work.

An Example of Explicit Specialization

Listing 8.13 illustrates how explicit specialization works.

Listing 8.13. twoswap.cpp

// twoswap.cpp -- specialization overrides a template
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
void Swap(T &a, T &b);

struct job
    char name[40];
    double salary;
    int floor;

// explicit specialization
template <> void Swap<job>(job &j1, job &j2);
void Show(job &j);

int main()
    using namespace std;
    cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
    int i = 10, j = 20;
    cout << "i, j = " << i << ", " << j << ". ";
    cout << "Using compiler-generated int swapper: ";
    Swap(i,j);    // generates void Swap(int &, int &)
    cout << "Now i, j = " << i << ", " << j << ". ";

    job sue = {"Susan Yaffee", 73000.60, 7};
    job sidney = {"Sidney Taffee", 78060.72, 9};
    cout << "Before job swapping: ";
    Swap(sue, sidney); // uses void Swap(job &, job &)
    cout << "After job swapping: ";
    // cin.get();
    return 0;

template <typename T>
void Swap(T &a, T &b)    // general version
    T temp;
    temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;

// swaps just the salary and floor fields of a job structure

template <> void Swap<job>(job &j1, job &j2)  // specialization
    double t1;
    int t2;
    t1 = j1.salary;
    j1.salary = j2.salary;
    j2.salary = t1;
    t2 = j1.floor;
    j1.floor = j2.floor;
    j2.floor = t2;

void Show(job &j)
    using namespace std;
    cout << j.name << ": $" << j.salary
         << " on floor " << j.floor << endl;

Here’s the output of the program in Listing 8.13:

i, j = 10, 20.
Using compiler-generated int swapper:
Now i, j = 20, 10.
Before job swapping:
Susan Yaffee: $73000.60 on floor 7
Sidney Taffee: $78060.72 on floor 9
After job swapping:
Susan Yaffee: $78060.72 on floor 9
Sidney Taffee: $73000.60 on floor 7

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