10. Objects and Classes

In this chapter you’ll learn about the following:

• Procedural and object-oriented programming

• The concept of classes

• How to define and implement a class

• Public and private class access

• Class data members

• Class methods (also called class function members)

• Creating and using class objects

• Class constructors and destructors

const member functions

• The this pointer

• Creating arrays of objects

• Class scope

• Abstract data types

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a particular conceptual approach to designing programs, and C++ has enhanced C with features that ease the way to applying that approach. The following are the most important OOP features:

• Abstraction

• Encapsulation and data hiding

• Polymorphism

• Inheritance

• Reusability of code

The class is the single most important C++ enhancement for implementing these features and tying them together. This chapter begins an examination of classes. It explains abstraction, encapsulation, and data hiding, and shows how classes implement these features. It discusses how to define a class, provide a class with public and private sections, and create member functions that work with the class data. Also this chapter acquaints you with constructors and destructors, which are special member functions for creating and disposing of objects that belong to a class. Finally, you meet the this pointer, an important component of some class programming. The following chapters extend this discussion to operator overloading (another variety of polymorphism) and inheritance, the basis for reusing code.

Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming

Although in this book we have occasionally explored the OOP perspective on programming, we’ve usually stuck pretty close to the standard procedural approach of languages such as C, Pascal, and BASIC. Let’s look at an example that clarifies how the OOP outlook differs from that of procedural programming.

As the newest member of the Genre Giants softball team, you’ve been asked to keep the team statistics. Naturally, you turn to your computer for help. If you were a procedural programmer, you might think along these lines:

Let’s see, I want to enter the name, times at bat, number of hits, batting averages (for those who don’t follow baseball or softball, the batting average is the number of hits divided by the player’s official number of times at bat; an at bat terminates when a player gets on base or makes an out, but certain events, such as getting a walk, don’t count as official times at bat), and all those other great basic statistics for each player. Wait, the computer is supposed to make life easier for me, so I want to have it figure out some of that stuff, such as the batting average. Also I want the program to report the results. How should I organize this? I guess I should do things right and use functions. Yeah, I’ll make main() call a function to get the input, call another function to make the calculations, and then call a third function to report the results. Hmmm, what happens when I get data from the next game? I don’t want to start from scratch again. Okay, I can add a function to update the statistics. Golly, maybe I’ll need a menu in main() to select between entering, calculating, updating, and showing the data. Hmmm...how am I going to represent the data? I could use an array of strings to hold the players’ names, another array to hold the at bats for each player, yet another array to hold the hits, and so on. No, that’s dumb. I can design a structure to hold all the information for a single player and then use an array of those structures to represent the whole team.

In short, with a procedural approach, you first concentrate on the procedures you will follow and then think about how to represent the data. (So that you don’t have to keep the program running the whole season, you probably also want to be able to save data to a file and read data from a file.)

Now let’s see how your perspective changes when you don your OOP hat (in an attractive polymorphic design). You begin by thinking about the data. Furthermore, you think about the data not only in terms of how to represent it, but in terms of how it’s to be used:

Let’s see, what am I keeping track of? A ball player, of course. So I want an object that represents the whole player, not just her batting average or times at bat. Yeah, that’ll be my fundamental data unit, an object representing the name and statistics for a player. I’ll need some methods to handle this object. Hmmm, I guess I need a method to get basic information into this unit. The computer should calculate some of the stuff, like the batting averages—I can add methods to do calculations. And the program should do those calculations automatically, without the user having to remember to ask to have them done. Also I’ll need methods for updating and displaying the information. So the user gets three ways to interact with the data: initialization, updating, and reporting. That’s the user interface.

In short, with an OOP approach, you concentrate on the object as the user perceives it, thinking about the data you need to describe the object and the operations that will describe the user’s interaction with the data. After you develop a description of that interface, you move on to decide how to implement the interface and data storage. Finally, you put together a program to use your new design.

Abstraction and Classes

Life is full of complexities, and one way we cope with complexity is to frame simplifying abstractions. You are a collection of more than an octillion atoms. Some students of the mind would say that your mind is a collection of several semiautonomous agents. But it’s much simpler to think of yourself as a single entity. In computing, abstraction is the crucial step of representing information in terms of its interface with the user. That is, you abstract the essential operational features of a problem and express a solution in those terms. In the softball statistics example, the interface describes how the user initializes, updates, and displays the data. From abstraction, it is a short step to the user-defined type, which in C++ is a class design that implements the abstract interface.

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