Implementing Class Member Functions

We still have to create the second part of the class specification: providing code for those member functions represented by a prototype in the class declaration. Member function definitions are much like regular function definitions. Each has a function header and a function body. Member function definitions can have return types and arguments. But they also have two special characteristics:

• When you define a member function, you use the scope-resolution operator (::) to identify the class to which the function belongs.

• Class methods can access the private components of the class.

Let’s look at these points now.

First, the function header for a member function uses the scope-resolution operator (::) to indicate to which class the function belongs. For example, the header for the update() member function looks like this:

void Stock::update(double price)

This notation means you are defining the update() function that is a member of the Stock class. Not only does this identify update() as a member function, it means you can use the same name for a member function for a different class. For example, an update() function for a Buffoon class would have this function header:

void Buffoon::update()

Thus, the scope-resolution operator resolves the identity of the class to which a method definition applies. We say that the identifier update() has class scope. Other member functions of the Stock class can, if necessary, use the update() method without using the scope-resolution operator. That’s because they belong to the same class, making update() in scope. Using update() outside the class declaration and method definitions, however, requires special measures, which we’ll get to soon.

One way of looking at method names is that the complete name of a class method includes the class name. Stock::update() is called the qualified name of the function. A simple update(), on the other hand, is an abbreviation (the unqualified name) for the full name—one that can be used just in class scope.

The second special characteristic of methods is that a method can access the private members of a class. For example, the show() method can use code like this:

std::cout << "Company: " << company
          << "  Shares: " << shares << endl
          << "  Share Price: $" << share_val
          << "  Total Worth: $" << total_val << endl;

Here company, shares, and so on are private data members of the Stock class. If you try to use a nonmember function to access these data members, the compiler stops you cold in your tracks. (However, friend functions, which Chapter 11 discusses, provide an exception.)

With these two points in mind, we can implement the class methods as shown in Listing 10.2. We’ve placed them in a separate implementation file, so the file needs to include the stock00.h header file so that compiler can access the class definition. To provide more namespace experience, the code uses the std:: qualifier in some methods and using declarations in others.

Listing 10.2. stock00.cpp

// stock00.cpp -- implementing the Stock class
// version 00
#include <iostream>
#include "stock00.h"
void Stock::acquire(const std::string & co, long n, double pr)
    company = co;
    if (n < 0)
        std::cout << "Number of shares can't be negative; "
                  << company << " shares set to 0. ";
        shares = 0;
        shares = n;
    share_val = pr;

void Stock::buy(long num, double price)
     if (num < 0)
        std::cout << "Number of shares purchased can't be negative. "
             << "Transaction is aborted. ";
        shares += num;
        share_val = price;

void Stock::sell(long num, double price)
    using std::cout;
    if (num < 0)
        cout << "Number of shares sold can't be negative. "
             << "Transaction is aborted. ";
    else if (num > shares)
        cout << "You can't sell more than you have! "
             << "Transaction is aborted. ";
        shares -= num;
        share_val = price;

void Stock::update(double price)
    share_val = price;

void Stock::show()
    std::cout << "Company: " << company
              << "  Shares: " << shares << ' '
              << "  Share Price: $" << share_val
              << "  Total Worth: $" << total_val << ' ';

Member Function Notes

The acquire() function manages the first acquisition of stock for a given company, whereas buy() and sell() manage adding to or subtracting from an existing holding. The buy() and sell() methods make sure that the number of shares bought or sold is not a negative number. Also if the user attempts to sell more shares than he or she has, the sell() function terminates the transaction. The technique of making the data private and limiting access to public functions gives you control over how the data can be used; in this case, it allows you to insert these safeguards against faulty transactions.

Four of the member functions set or reset the total_val member value. Rather than write this calculation four times, the class has each function call the set_tot() function. Because this function is merely the means of implementing the code and not part of the public interface, the class makes set_tot() a private member function. (That is, set_tot() is a member function used by the person writing the class but not used by someone writing code that uses the class.) If the calculation were lengthy, this could save some typing and code space. Here, however, the main value is that by using a function call instead of retyping the calculation each time, you ensure that exactly the same calculation gets done. Also if you have to revise the calculation (which is not likely in this particular case), you have to revise it in just one location.

Inline Methods

Any function with a definition in the class declaration automatically becomes an inline function. Thus, Stock::set_tot() is an inline function. Class declarations often use inline functions for short member functions, and set_tot() qualifies on that account.

You can, if you like, define a member function outside the class declaration and still make it inline. To do so, you just use the inline qualifier when you define the function in the class implementation section:

class Stock
    void set_tot();  // definition kept separate

inline void Stock::set_tot()  // use inline in definition
    total_val = shares * share_val;

The special rules for inline functions require that they be defined in each file in which they are used. The easiest way to make sure that inline definitions are available to all files in a multifile program is to include the inline definition in the same header file in which the corresponding class is defined. (Some development systems may have smart linkers that allow the inline definitions to go into a separate implementation file.)

Incidentally, according to the rewrite rule, defining a method within a class declaration is equivalent to replacing the method definition with a prototype and then rewriting the definition as an inline function immediately after the class declaration. That is, the original inline definition of set_tot() in Listing 10.1 is equivalent to the one just shown, with the definition following the class declaration.

Which Object Does a Method Use?

Now we come to one of the most important aspects of using objects: how you apply a class method to an object. Code such as this uses the shares member of an object:

shares += num;

But which object? That’s an excellent question! To answer it, first consider how you create an object. The simplest way is to declare class variables:

Stock kate, joe;

This creates two objects of the Stock class, one named kate and one named joe.

Next, consider how to use a member function with one of these objects. The answer, as with structures and structure members, is to use the membership operator:;    // the kate object calls the member function;     // the joe object calls the member function

The first call here invokes show() as a member of the kate object. This means the method interprets shares as kate.shares and share_val as kate.share_val. Similarly, the call makes the show() method interpret shares and share_val as joe.shares and joe.share_val, respectively.


When you call a member function, it uses the data members of the particular object used to invoke the member function.

Similarly, the function call kate.sell() invokes the set_tot() function as if it were kate.set_tot(), causing that function to get its data from the kate object.

Each new object you create contains storage for its own internal variables, the class members. But all objects of the same class share the same set of class methods, with just one copy of each method. Suppose, for example, that kate and joe are Stock objects. In that case, kate.shares occupies one chunk of memory, and joe.shares occupies a second chunk of memory. But and both invoke the same method—that is, both execute the same block of code. They just apply the code to different data. Calling a member function is what some OOP languages term sending a message. Thus, sending the same message to two different objects invokes the same method but applies it to two different objects (see Figure 10.2).

Figure 10.2. Objects, data, and member functions.


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