Compilation and Linking

Originally, Stroustrup implemented C++ with a C++-to-C compiler program instead of developing a direct C++-to-object code compiler. This program, called cfront (for C front end), translated C++ source code to C source code, which could then be compiled by a standard C compiler. This approach simplified introducing C++ to the C community. Other implementations have used this approach to bring C++ to other platforms. As C++ has developed and grown in popularity, more and more implementers have turned to creating C++ compilers that generate object code directly from C++ source code. This direct approach speeds up the compilation process and emphasizes that C++ is a separate, if similar, language.

The mechanics of compiling depend on the implementation, and the following sections outline a few common forms. These sections outline the basic steps, but they are no substitute for consulting the documentation for your system.

Unix Compiling and Linking

Originally, the Unix CC command invoked cfront. However, cfront didn’t keep pace with the evolution of C++, and its last release was in 1993. These days a Unix computer instead might have no compiler, a proprietary compiler, or a third-party compiler, perhaps commercial, perhaps freeware, such as the GNU g++ compiler. In many of these other cases (but not in the no-compiler case!), the CC command still works, with the actual compiler being invoked differing from system to system. For simplicity, we’ll assume that CC is available, but realize that you might have to substitute a different command for CC in the following discussion.

You use the CC command to compile your program. The name is in uppercase letters to distinguish it from the standard Unix C compiler cc. The CC compiler is a command-line compiler, meaning you type compilation commands on the Unix command line.

For example, to compile the C++ source code file spiffy.C, you would type this command at the Unix prompt:

CC spiffy.C

If, through skill, dedication, or luck, your program has no errors, the compiler generates an object code file with an o extension. In this case, the compiler produces a file named spiffy.o.

Next, the compiler automatically passes the object code file to the system linker, a program that combines your code with library code to produce the executable file. By default, the executable file is called a.out. If you used just one source file, the linker also deletes the spiffy.o file because it’s no longer needed. To run the program, you just type the name of the executable file:


Note that if you compile a new program, the new a.out executable file replaces the previous a.out. (That’s because executable files take a lot of space, so overwriting old executable files helps reduce storage demands.) But if you develop an executable program you want to keep, you just use the Unix mv command to change the name of the executable file.

In C++, as in C, you can spread a program over more than one file. (Many of the programs in this book in Chapters 8 through 16 do this.) In such a case, you can compile a program by listing all the files on the command line, like this:

CC my.C precious.C

If there are multiple source code files, the compiler does not delete the object code files. That way, if you just change the my.C file, you can recompile the program with this command:

CC my.C precious.o

This recompiles the my.C file and links it with the previously compiled precious.o file.

You might have to identify some libraries explicitly. For example, to access functions defined in the math library, you may have to add the -lm flag to the command line:

CC usingmath.C -lm

Linux Compiling and Linking

Linux systems most commonly use g++, the GNU C++ compiler from the Free Software Foundation. The compiler is included in most Linux distributions, but it may not always be installed. The g++ compiler works much like the standard Unix compiler. For example, the following produces an executable file call a.out:

g++ spiffy.cxx

Some versions might require that you link in the C++ library:

g++ spiffy.cxx -lg++

To compile multiple source files, you just list them all in the command line:

g++ my.cxx precious.cxx

This produces an executable file called a.out and two object code files, my.o and precious.o. If you subsequently modify just one of the source code files, say my.cxx, you can recompile by using my.cxx and the precious.o:

g++ my.cxx precious.o

The GNU compiler is available for many platforms, including the command-line mode for Windows-based PCs as well as for Unix systems on a variety of platforms.

Command-Line Compilers for Windows Command Prompt Mode

An inexpensive route for compiling C++ programs on a Windows PC is to download a free command-line compiler that runs in Windows Command Prompt mode, which opens an MS-DOS-like window. Free Windows downloads that include the GNU C++ compiler are Cygwin and MinGW; they use g++ as the compiler name.

To use the g++ compiler, you first open a command prompt window. Cygwin and MinGW do this for you automatically when you start those programs. To compile a source code file named great.cpp, you type the following command at the prompt:

g++ great.cpp

If the program compiles successfully, the resultant executable file is named a.exe.

Windows Compilers

Windows products are too abundant and too often revised to make it reasonable to describe them all individually. At the present the most popular is Microsoft Visual C++ 2010, which is available in the free Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express edition. The Wikipedia link ( provides a comprehensive list of compilers for many platforms, including Windows. Despite different designs and goals, most Windows-based C++ compilers share some common features.

Typically, you must create a project for a program and add to the project the file or files constituting the program. Each vendor supplies an IDE with menu options and, possibly, automated assistance, in creating a project. One very important matter you have to establish is the kind of program you’re creating. Typically, the compiler offers many choices, such as a Windows application, an MFC Windows application, a dynamic link library, an ActiveX control, a DOS or character-mode executable, a static library, or a console application. Some of these may be available in both 64-bit and 32-bit versions.

Because the programs in this book are generic, you should avoid choices that require platform-specific code, such as Windows applications. Instead, you want to run in a character-based mode. The choice depends on the compiler. In general, you should look to see if there is an option labeled Console, character-mode, or DOS executable and try that. For instance, in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010, select the Win32 Console Application option, click Application Settings, and select the Empty Project option. In C++Builder XE, select Console Application under C++Builder Projects.

After you have the project set up, you have to compile and link your program. The IDE typically gives you several choices, such as Compile, Build, Make, Build All, Link, Execute, Run, and Debug (but not necessarily all these choices in the same IDE!):

Compile typically means compile the code in the file that is currently open.

Build or Make typically means compile the code for all the source code files in the project. This is often an incremental process. That is, if the project has three files, and you change just one, and then just that one is recompiled.

Build All typically means compile all the source code files from scratch.

• As described earlier, Link means combine the compiled source code with the necessary library code.

Run or Execute means run the program. Typically, if you have not yet done the earlier steps, Run does them before trying to run a program.

Debug means run the program with the option of going through step-by-step.

A compiler may offer the option of Debug and Release versions. The former contains extra code that increases the program size, slows program execution, but enables detailed debugging features.

A compiler generates an error message when you violate a language rule and identifies the line that has the problem. Unfortunately, when you are new to a language, you may find it difficult to understand the message. Sometimes the actual error may occur before the identified line, and sometimes a single error generates a chain of error messages.


When fixing errors, fix the first error first. If you can’t find it on the line identified as the line with the error, check the preceding line.

Be aware of the fact that a particular compiler accepts a program doesn’t necessarily mean that the program is valid C++. And the fact that a particular compiler rejects a program doesn’t necessarily mean that the program is invalid C++. However, current compilers are more compliant with the Standard than their predecessors of a few years ago. Also compilers typically have options to control how strict the compiler is.


Occasionally, compilers get confused after incompletely building a program and respond by giving meaningless error messages that cannot be fixed. In such cases, you can clear things up by selecting Build All to restart the process from scratch. Unfortunately, it is difficult to distinguish this situation from the more common one in which the error messages merely seem to be meaningless.

Usually, the IDE lets you run the program in an auxiliary window. Some IDEs close the window as soon as the program finishes execution, and some leave it open. If your compiler closes the window, you’ll have a hard time seeing the output unless you have quick eyes and a photographic memory. To see the output, you must place some additional code at the end of the program:

      cin.get();  // add this statement
      cin.get();  // and maybe this, too
      return 0;

The cin.get() statement reads the next keystroke, so this statement causes the program to wait until you press the Enter key. (No keystrokes get sent to a program until you press Enter, so there’s no point in pressing another key.) The second statement is needed if the program otherwise leaves an unprocessed keystroke after its regular input. For example, if you enter a number, you type the number and then press Enter. The program reads the number but leaves the Enter keystroke unprocessed, and it is then read by the first cin.get().

C++ on the Macintosh

Apple currently supplies a developer framework called Xcode with the Mac OS X operating system. It’s free but normally not preinstalled. You can install it from the operating system installation disks, or you can download it for a nominal fee from Apple. (Be aware that it is over a 4GB download.) Not only does it provide an IDE that supports several programming languages, it also installs a couple of compilers—g++ and clang—that can be used as command-line programs in the Unix mode accessible through the Terminal utility.


For IDEs: To save time, you can use just one project for all the sample programs. Just delete the previous sample source code file from the project list and add the current source code. This saves time, effort, and lessens disk clutter.


As computers have grown more powerful, computer programs have become larger and more complex. In response to these conditions, computer languages have evolved so that it’s easier to manage the programming process. The C language incorporated features such as control structures and functions to better control the flow of a program and to enable a more structured, modular approach. To these tools C++ adds support for object-oriented programming and generic programming. This enables even more modularity and facilitates the creation of reusable code, which saves time and increases program reliability.

The popularity of C++ has resulted in a large number of implementations for many computing platforms; the C++ ISO standards (C++98/03 and C++11) provide a basis for keeping these many implementations mutually compatible. The standards establishes the features the language should have, the behavior the language should display, and a standard library of functions, classes, and templates. The standards supports the goal of a portable language across different computing platforms and different implementations of the language.

To create a C++ program, you create one or more source files containing the program as expressed in the C++ language. These are text files that must be compiled and linked to produce the machine-language files that constitute executable programs. These tasks are often accomplished in an IDE that provides a text editor for creating the source files, a compiler and a linker for producing executable files, and other resources, such as project management and debugging capabilities. But the same tasks can also be performed in a command-line environment by invoking the appropriate tools individually.

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