12. Classes and Dynamic Memory Allocation

In this chapter you’ll learn about the following:

• Using dynamic memory allocation for class members

• Implicit and explicit copy constructors

• Implicit and explicit overloaded assignment operators

• What you must do if you use new in a constructor

• Using static class members

• Using placement new with objects

• Using pointers to objects

• Implementing a queue abstract data type (ADT)

This chapter looks at how to use new and delete with classes and how to deal with some of the subtle problems that using dynamic memory can cause. This may sound like a short list of topics, but these topics affect constructor design, destructor design, and operator overloading.

Let’s look at a specific example of how C++ can add to your memory load. Suppose you want to create a class with a member that represents someone’s last name. The simplest, most primitive way is to use a character array member to hold the name. But this has some drawbacks. You might use a 14-character array and then run into Bartholomew Smeadsbury-Crafthovingham. Or to be safer, you might use a 40-character array. But if you then create an array of 2,000 such objects, you’ll waste a lot of memory with character arrays that are only partly filled. (At that point, you’re adding to the computer’s memory load.) There is an alternative.

Often it is much better to decide many matters, such as how much storage to use, when a program runs rather than when it’s compiled. The usual C++ approach to storing a name in an object is to use the new operator in a class constructor to allocate the correct amount of memory while the program is running. The usual way to accomplish this is to use the string class, which takes care of the memory management details for you. But you won’t learn much about memory management that way, so let’s attack the problem directly. Introducing new to a class constructor raises several new problems unless you remember to take a series of additional steps, such as expanding the class destructor, bringing all constructors into harmony with the new destructor, and writing additional class methods to facilitate correct initialization and assignment. (This chapter, of course, explains all these steps.)

Dynamic Memory and Classes

What would you like for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the next month? How many ounces of milk for dinner on the 3rd day? How many raisins in your cereal for breakfast on the 15th day? If you’re like most people, you’d rather postpone some of those decisions until the actual mealtimes. Part of the strategy in C++ is to take the same attitude toward memory allocation, letting the program decide about memory during runtime rather than during compile time. That way, memory use can depend on the needs of a program instead of on a rigid set of storage-class rules. Remember that to gain dynamic control of memory, C++ utilizes the new and delete operators. Unhappily, using these operators with classes can pose some new programming problems. As you’ll see, destructors can become necessary instead of merely ornamental. And sometimes you have to overload an assignment operator to get a program to behave properly. We’ll look into these matters now.

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