Things to Know About Virtual Methods

We’ve already discussed the main points about virtual methods:

• Beginning a class method declaration with the keyword virtual in a base class makes the function virtual for the base class and all classes derived from the base class, including classes derived from the derived classes, and so on.

• If a virtual method is invoked by using a reference to an object or by using a pointer to an object, the program uses the method defined for the object type rather than the method defined for the reference or pointer type. This is called dynamic, or late, binding. This behavior is important because it’s always valid for a base-class pointer or reference to refer to an object of a derived type.

• If you’re defining a class that will be used as a base class for inheritance, you should declare as virtual functions the class methods that may have to be redefined in derived classes.

There are several other things you may need to know about virtual methods, some of which have been mentioned in passing already. Let’s look at them next.


Constructors can’t be virtual. Creating a derived object invokes a derived-class constructor, not a base-class constructor. The derived-class constructor then uses a base-class constructor, but this sequence is distinct from the inheritance mechanism. Thus, a derived class doesn’t inherit the base-class constructors, so usually there’s not much point to making them virtual, anyway.


Destructors should be virtual unless a class isn’t to be used as a base class. For example, suppose Employee is a base class and Singer is a derived class that adds a char * member that points to memory allocated by new. Then, when a Singer object expires, it’s vital that the ~Singer() destructor be called to free that memory.

Now consider the following code:

Employee * pe = new Singer; // legal because Employee is base for Singer
delete pe;                  // ~Employee() or ~Singer()?

If the default static binding applies, the delete statement invokes the ~Employee() destructor. This frees memory pointed to by the Employee components of the Singer object but not memory pointed to by the new class members. However, if the destructors are virtual, the same code invokes the ~Singer() destructor, which frees memory pointed to by the Singer component, and then calls the ~Employee() destructor to free memory pointed to by the Employee component.

Note that this implies that even if a base class doesn’t require the services of an explicit destructor, you shouldn’t rely on the default constructor. Instead, you should provide a virtual destructor, even if it has nothing to do:

virtual ~BaseClass() { }

By the way, it’s not an error for a class to have a virtual destructor even if it is not intended to be a base class; it’s just a matter of efficiency.


Normally, you should provide a base class with a virtual destructor even if the class doesn’t need a destructor.


Friends can’t be virtual functions because friends are not class members, and only members can be virtual functions. If this poses a problem for a design, you might be able to sidestep it by having the friend function use virtual member functions internally.

No Redefinition

If a derived class fails to redefine a function (virtual or not), the class will use the base class version of the function. If a derived class is part of a long chain of derivations, it will use the most recently defined version of the function. The exception is if the base versions are hidden, as described next.

Redefinition Hides Methods

Suppose you create something like the following:

class Dwelling
      virtual void showperks(int a) const;
class Hovel : public Dwelling
      virtual void showperks() const;

This causes a problem. You might get a compiler warning similar to the following:

Warning: Hovel::showperks(void) hides Dwelling::showperks(int)

Or perhaps you won’t get a warning. Either way, the code has the following implications:

Hovel trump;
trump.showperks();      // valid
trump.showperks(5);     // invalid

The new definition defines a showperks() function that takes no arguments. Rather than resulting in two overloaded versions of the function, this redefinition hides the base class version that takes an int argument. In short, redefining inherited methods is not a variation of overloading. If you redefine a function in a derived class, it doesn’t just override the base class declaration with the same function signature. Instead, it hides all base-class methods of the same name, regardless of the argument signatures.

This fact of life leads to a couple rules of thumb. First, if you redefine an inherited method, you need to make sure you match the original prototype exactly. One relatively new exception to this rule is that a return type that is a reference or pointer to a base class can be replaced by a reference or pointer to the derived class. This feature is termed covariance of return type because the return type is allowed to vary in parallel with the class type:

class Dwelling
// a base method
      virtual Dwelling & build(int n);
class Hovel : public Dwelling
// a derived method with a covariant return type
      virtual Hovel & build(int n);  // same function signature

Note that this exception applies only to return values, not to arguments.

Second, if the base class declaration is overloaded, you need to redefine all the base-class versions in the derived class:

class Dwelling
// three overloaded showperks()
      virtual void showperks(int a) const;
      virtual void showperks(double x) const;
      virtual void showperks() const;
class Hovel : public Dwelling
// three redefined showperks()
      virtual void showperks(int a) const;
      virtual void showperks(double x) const;
      virtual void showperks() const;

If you redefine just one version, the other two become hidden and cannot be used by objects of the derived class. Note that if no change is needed, the redefinition can simply call the base-class version:

void Hovel::showperks() const {Dwelling::showperks();}

Access Control: protected

So far the class examples in this book have used the keywords public and private to control access to class members. There is one more access category, denoted with the keyword protected. The protected keyword is like private in that the outside world can access class members in a protected section only by using public class members. The difference between private and protected comes into play only within classes derived from the base class. Members of a derived class can access protected members of a base class directly, but they cannot directly access private members of the base class. So members in the protected category behave like private members as far as the outside world is concerned but behave like public members as far as derived classes are concerned.

For example, suppose the Brass class declared the balance member as protected:

class Brass
    double balance;

In this case, the BrassPlus class could access balance directly without using Brass methods. For example, the core of BrassPlus::Withdraw() could be written this way:

void BrassPlus::Withdraw(double amt)
    if (amt < 0)
        cout << "Withdrawal amount must be positive; "

             << "withdrawal canceled. ";
    else if (amt <= balance)       // access balance directly
        balance -= amt;
    else if ( amt <= balance + maxLoan - owesBank)
        double advance = amt - balance;
        owesBank += advance * (1.0 + rate);
        cout << "Bank advance: $" << advance << endl;
        cout << "Finance charge: $" << advance * rate << endl;
        balance -= amt;
        cout << "Credit limit exceeded. Transaction cancelled. ";

Using protected data members may simplify writing the code, but it has a design defect. For example, continuing with the BrassPlus example, if balance were protected, you could write code like this:

void BrassPlus::Reset(double amt)
    balance = amt;

The Brass class was designed so that the Deposit() and Withdraw() interface provides the only means for altering balance. But the Reset() method essentially makes balance a public variable as far as BrassPlus objects are concerned, ignoring, for example, the safeguards found in Withdraw().


You should prefer private to protected access control for class data members, and you should use base-class methods to provide derived classes access to base-class data.

However, protected access control can be quite useful for member functions, giving derived classes access to internal functions that are not available publicly.

Abstract Base Classes

So far you’ve seen simple inheritance and the more intricate polymorphic inheritance. The next step in increasing sophistication is the abstract base class (ABC). Let’s look at some programming situations that provide the background for ABCs.

Sometimes applying the is-a rule is not as simple as it might appear. Suppose, for example, you are developing a graphics program that is supposed to represent, among other things, circles and ellipses. A circle is a special case of an ellipse: It’s an ellipse whose long axis is the same as its short axis. Therefore, all circles are ellipses, and it is tempting to derive a Circle class from an Ellipse class. But when you get to the details, you may find problems.

To see this, first consider what you might include as part of an Ellipse class. Data members could include the coordinates of the center of the ellipse, the semimajor axis (half the long diameter), the semiminor axis (half the short diameter), and an orientation angle that gives the angle from the horizontal coordinate axis to the semimajor axis. Also the class could include methods to move the ellipse, to return the area of the ellipse, to rotate the ellipse, and to scale the semimajor and semiminor axes:

class Ellipse
    double x;     // x-coordinate of the ellipse's center
    double y;     // y-coordinate of the ellipse's center
    double a;     // semimajor axis
    double b;     // semiminor axis
    double angle; // orientation angle in degrees
    void Move(int nx, ny) { x = nx; y = ny; }
    virtual double Area() const { return 3.14159 * a * b; }
    virtual void Rotate(double nang) { angle += nang; }
    virtual void Scale(double sa, double sb)  { a *= sa; b *= sb; }

Now suppose you derive a Circle class from the Ellipse class:

class Circle : public Ellipse

Although a circle is an ellipse, this derivation is awkward. For example, a circle needs only a single value, its radius, to describe its size and shape instead of having a semimajor axis (a) and semiminor axis (b). The Circle constructors can take care of that by assigning the same value to both the a and b members, but then you have redundant representation of the same information. The angle parameter and the Rotate() method don’t really make sense for a circle, and the Scale() method, as it stands, can change a circle to a non-circle by scaling the two axes differently. You can try fixing things with tricks, such as putting a redefined Rotate() method in the private section of the Circle class so that Rotate() can’t be used publicly with a circle, but, on the whole, it seems simpler to define a Circle class without using inheritance:

class Circle      // no inheritance
    double x;     // x-coordinate of the circle's center
    double y;     // y-coordinate of the circle's center
    double r;     // radius
    void Move(int nx, ny) { x = nx; y = ny; }
    double Area() const { return 3.14159 * r * r; }
    void Scale(double sr)  { r *= sr; }

Now the class has only the members it needs. Yet this solution also seems weak. The Circle and Ellipse classes have a lot in common, but defining them separately ignores that fact.

There is another solution: You can abstract from the Ellipse and Circle classes what they have in common and place those features in an ABC. Next, you derive both the Circle and Ellipse classes from the ABC. Then, for example, you can use an array of base-class pointers to manage a mixture of Ellipse and Circle objects—that is, you can use a polymorphic approach. In this case, what the two classes have in common are the coordinates of the center of the shape; a Move() method, which is the same for both; and an Area() method, which works differently for the two classes. Indeed, the Area() method can’t even be implemented for the ABC because it doesn’t have the necessary data members. C++ has a way to provide an unimplemented function by using a pure virtual function. A pure virtual function has = 0 at the end of its declaration, as shown for the Area() method:

class BaseEllipse  // abstract base class
    double x;   // x-coordinate of center
    double y;   // y-coordinate of center
    BaseEllipse(double x0 = 0, double y0 = 0) : x(x0),y(y0) {}
    virtual ~BaseEllipse() {}
    void Move(int nx, ny) { x = nx; y = ny; }
    virtual double Area() const = 0; // a pure virtual function

When a class declaration contains a pure virtual function, you can’t create an object of that class. The idea is that classes with pure virtual functions exist solely to serve as base classes. For a class to be a genuine ABC, it has to have at least one pure virtual function. It is the = 0 in the prototype that makes a virtual function a pure virtual function. In the case of the Area() method, the function has no definition, but C++ allows even a pure virtual function to have a definition. For example, perhaps all the base methods are like Move() in that they can be defined for the base class, but you still need to make the class abstract. You could then make the prototype virtual:

void Move(int nx, ny) = 0;

This makes the base class abstract. But then you could still provide a definition in the implementation file:

void BaseEllipse::Move(int nx, ny) { x = nx; y = ny; }

In short, the = 0 in the prototype indicates that the class is an abstract base class and that the class doesn’t necessarily have to define the function.

Now you can derive the Ellipse class and Circle class from the BaseEllipse class, adding the members needed to complete each class. One point to note is that the Circle class always represents circles, whereas the Ellipse class represents ellipses that can also be circles. However, an Ellipse class circle can be rescaled to a non-circle, whereas a Circle class circle must remain a circle.

A program using these classes would be able to create Ellipse objects and Circle objects but no BaseEllipse objects. Because Circle and Ellipse objects have the same base class, a collection of such objects can be managed with an array of BaseEllipse pointers. Classes such as Circle and Ellipse are sometimes termed concrete classes to indicate that you can create objects of those types.

In short, an ABC describes an interface that uses a least one pure virtual function, and classes derived from an ABC use regular virtual functions to implement the interface in terms of the properties of the particular derived class.

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