Defining a Class Template

Let’s use the Stack class from Chapter 10 as a model from which to build a template. Here’s the original class declaration:

typedef unsigned long Item;

class Stack
    enum {MAX = 10};    // constant specific to class
    Item items[MAX];    // holds stack items
    int top;            // index for top stack item
    bool isempty() const;
    bool isfull() const;
    // push() returns false if stack already is full, true otherwise
    bool push(const Item & item);   // add item to stack
    // pop() returns false if stack already is empty, true otherwise
    bool pop(Item & item);          // pop top into item

The template approach will replace the Stack definition with a template definition and the Stack member functions with template member functions. As with template functions, you preface a template class with code that has the following form:

template <class Type>

The keyword template informs the compiler that you’re about to define a template. The part in angle brackets is analogous to an argument list to a function. You can think of the keyword class as serving as a type name for a variable that accepts a type as a value, and of Type as representing a name for this variable.

Using class here doesn’t mean that Type must be a class; it just means that Type serves as a generic type specifier for which a real type will be substituted when the template is used. Newer C++ implementations allow you to use the less confusing keyword typename instead of class in this context:

template <typename Type>  // newer choice

You can use your choice of generic type name in the Type position; the name rules are the same as those for any other identifier. Popular choices include T and Type; in this case, we’ll use the latter. When a template is invoked, Type will be replaced with a specific type value, such as int or string. Within the template definition, you can use the generic type name to identify the type to be stored in the stack. For the Stack case, that would mean using Type wherever the old declaration formerly used the typedef identifier Item. For example,

Item items[MAX];  // holds stack items

becomes the following:

Type items[MAX];  // holds stack items

Similarly, you can replace the class methods of the original class with template member functions. Each function heading will be prefaced with the same template announcement:

template <class Type>

Again, you should replace the typedef identifier Item with the generic type name Type. One more change is that you need to change the class qualifier from Stack:: to Stack<Type>::. For example,

bool Stack::push(const Item & item)

becomes the following:

template <class Type>                     // or template <typename Type>
bool Stack<Type>::push(const Type & item)

If you define a method within the class declaration (an inline definition), you can omit the template preface and the class qualifier.

Listing 14.13 shows the combined class and member function templates. It’s important to realize that these templates are not class and member function definitions. Rather, they are instructions to the C++ compiler about how to generate class and member function definitions. A particular actualization of a template, such as a stack class for handling string objects, is called an instantiation or a specialization. Placing the template member functions in a separate implementation file won’t work. (For a while, the standard did provide the keyword export to allow such a separate implementation file. But not many vendors implemented it. C++11 discontinues that use of export but reserves the export keyword for possible future use.) Because the templates aren’t functions, they can’t be compiled separately. Templates have to be used in conjunction with requests for particular instantiations of templates. The simplest way to make this work is to place all the template information in a header file and to include the header file in the file that will use the templates.

Listing 14.13. stacktp.h

// stacktp.h -- a stack template
#ifndef STACKTP_H_
#define STACKTP_H_
template <class Type>
class Stack
    enum {MAX = 10};    // constant specific to class
    Type items[MAX];    // holds stack items
    int top;            // index for top stack item
    bool isempty();
    bool isfull();
    bool push(const Type & item); // add item to stack
    bool pop(Type & item);        // pop top into item

template <class Type>
    top = 0;

template <class Type>
bool Stack<Type>::isempty()
    return top == 0;

template <class Type>
bool Stack<Type>::isfull()
    return top == MAX;

template <class Type>
bool Stack<Type>::push(const Type & item)
    if (top < MAX)
        items[top++] = item;
        return true;
        return false;

template <class Type>
bool Stack<Type>::pop(Type & item)
    if (top > 0)
        item = items[--top];
        return true;
        return false;


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