
If you use iostream instead of iostream.h, you should use the following namespace directive to make the definitions in iostream available to your program:

using namespace std;

This is called a using directive. The simplest thing to do is to accept this for now and worry about it later (for example, in Chapter 9, “Memory Models and Namespaces”). But so you won’t be left completely in the dark, here’s an overview of what’s happening.

Namespace support is a C++ feature designed to simplify the writing of large programs and of programs that combine pre-existing code from several vendors and to help organize programs. One potential problem is that you might use two prepackaged products that both have, say, a function called wanda(). If you then use the wanda() function, the compiler won’t know which version you mean. The namespace facility lets a vendor package its wares in a unit called a namespace so that you can use the name of a namespace to indicate which vendor’s product you want. So Microflop Industries could place its definitions in a namespace called Microflop. Then Microflop::wanda() would become the full name for its wanda() function. Similarly, Piscine::wanda() could denote Piscine Corporation’s version of wanda(). Thus, your program could now use the namespaces to discriminate between various versions:

Microflop::wanda("go dancing?");       // use Microflop namespace version
Piscine::wanda("a fish named Desire"); // use Piscine namespace version

In this spirit, the classes, functions, and variables that are a standard component of C++ compilers are now placed in a namespace called std. This takes place in the h-free header files. This means, for example, that the cout variable used for output and defined in iostream is really called std::cout and that endl is really std::endl. Thus, you can omit the using directive and, instead, code in the following style:

std::cout << "Come up and C++ me some time.";
std::cout << std::endl;

However, many users don’t feel like converting pre-namespace code, which uses iostream.h and cout, to namespace code, which uses iostream and std::cout, unless they can do so without a lot of hassle. This is where the using directive comes in. The following line means you can use names defined in the std namespace without using the std:: prefix:

using namespace std;

This using directive makes all the names in the std namespace available. Modern practice regards this as a bit lazy and potentially a problem in large projects. The preferred approaches are to use the std:: qualifier or to use something called a using declaration to make just particular names available:

using std::cout;   // make cout available
using std::endl;   // make endl available
using std::cin;    // make cin available

If you use these directives instead of the following, you can use cin and cout without attaching std:: to them:

using namespace std;  // lazy approach, all names available

But if you need to use other names from iostream, you have to add them to the using list individually. This book initially uses the lazy approach for a couple reasons. First, for simple programs, it’s not really a big issue which namespace management technique you use. Second, I’d rather emphasize the more basic aspects about learning C++. Later, the book uses the other namespace techniques.

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