The exception Class

The main intent for C++ exceptions is to provide language-level support for designing fault-tolerant programs. That is, exceptions make it easier to incorporate error handling into a program design so you don’t have to tack on some more rigid form of error handling as an afterthought. The flexibility and relative convenience of exceptions should encourage programmers to integrate fault handling into the program design process, if appropriate. In short, exceptions are the kind of feature that, like classes, can modify your approach to programming.

Newer C++ compilers are incorporating exceptions into the language. For example, the exception header file (formerly exception.h or except.h) defines an exception class that C++ uses as a base class for other exception classes used to support the language. Your code, too, can throw an exception object or use the exception class as a base class. One virtual member function is named what(), and it returns a string, the nature of which is implementation dependent. However, because this method is virtual, you can redefine it in a class derived from exception:

#include <exception>
class bad_hmean : public std::exception
    const char * what() { return "bad arguments to hmean()"; }
class bad_gmean : public std::exception
    const char * what() { return "bad arguments to gmean()"; }

If you don’t want to handle these derived exceptions differently from one another, you can catch them with the same base-class handler:

try {
catch(std::exception & e)
    cout << e.what() << endl;

Or you could catch the different types separately.

The C++ library defines many exception types based on exception.

The stdexcept Exception Classes

The stdexcept header file defines several more exception classes. First, the file defines the logic_error and runtime_error classes, both of which derive publicly from exception:

class logic_error : public exception {
explicit logic_error(const string& what_arg);

class domain_error : public logic_error {
explicit domain_error(const string& what_arg);

Note that the constructors take a string object as an argument; this argument provides the character data returned as a C-style string by the what() method.

These two new classes serve, in turn, as bases for two families of derived classes. The logic_error family describes, as you might expect, typical logic errors. In principle, sound programming could avoid such errors, but in practice, such errors might show up. The name of each class indicates the sort of error it is intended to report:


Each class has a constructor like that of logic_error that allows you to provide the string to be returned by the what() method.

Perhaps a little amplification might be helpful. A mathematical function has a domain and a range. The domain consists of the values for which the function is defined, and the range consists of the values that a function returns. For example, the domain of the sine function is from negative infinity to positive infinity because the sine is defined for all real numbers. But the range of the sine function is from -1 to +1 because those are the extreme possible values of the sine of an angle. On the other hand, the domain of the inverse function arcsine is -1 to +1, while its range is -[pi] to +[pi]. If you wrote a function that passed an argument to the std::sin() function, you could have your function throw a domain_error object if the argument were outside the -1 to +1 domain.

The invalid_argument exception alerts you that an unexpected value has been passed to a function. For example, if a function expects to receive a string for which each character is either a '0' or '1', it could throw the invalid_argument exception if some other character appeared in the string.

The length_error exception is used to indicate that not enough space is available for the desired action. For example, the string class has an append() method that throws a length_error exception if the resulting string would be larger than the maximum possible string length.

The out_of_bounds exception is typically used to indicate indexing errors. For example, you could define an array-like class for which operator()[] throws the out_of_bounds exception if the index used is invalid for that array.

Next, the runtime_error family describes errors that might show up during runtime but that could not easily be predicted and prevented. The name of each class indicates the sort of error it is intended to report:


Each class has a constructor like that of runtime_error that allows you to provide the string to be returned by the what() method.

An underflow error can occur in floating-point calculations. In general, there is a smallest nonzero magnitude that a floating-point type can represent. A calculation that would produce a smaller value would cause an underflow error. An overflow error can occur with either integer or floating-point types when the magnitude of the result of a calculation would exceed the largest representable value for that type. A computational result can lie outside the valid range of a function without being an underflow or overflow, and you can use the range_error exception for such situations.

In general, an exception of the logic_error family indicates a problem that is susceptible to a programming fix, whereas a runtime_error family exception is just a bit of unavoidable trouble. All these error classes have the same general characteristics. The main distinction is that the different class names allow you to handle each type of exception individually. On the other hand, the inheritance relationships allow you to lump them together if you prefer. For example, the following code catches the out_of_bounds exception individually, treats the remaining logic_error family of exceptions as a group and treats exception objects, the runtime_error family of objects and any remaining exception types derived from exception collectively:

try {
catch(out_of_bounds & oe) // catch out_of_bounds error
catch(logic_error & oe)   // catch remaining logic_error family
catch(exception & oe)     // catch runtime_error, exception objects

If one of these library classes doesn’t meet your needs, it makes sense to derive an exception class from logic_error or runtime_error so that you can fit your exceptions into the same general hierarchy.

The bad_alloc Exception and new

The current C++ way to handle memory allocation problems with new is to have new throw a bad_alloc exception. The new header includes a declaration for the bad_alloc class, which is publicly derived from the exception class. In the days of yore, however, new returned a null pointer when it couldn’t allocate the requested amount of memory.

Listing 15.13 demonstrates the current approach. If the exception is caught, the program displays the implementation-dependent message returned by the inherited what() method and terminates early.

Listing 15.13. newexcp.cpp

// newexcp.cpp -- the bad_alloc exception
#include <iostream>
#include <new>
#include <cstdlib>  // for exit(), EXIT_FAILURE
using namespace std;

struct Big
    double stuff[20000];

int main()
    Big * pb;
    try {
        cout << "Trying to get a big block of memory: ";
        pb = new Big[10000]; // 1,600,000,000 bytes
        cout << "Got past the new request: ";
    catch (bad_alloc & ba)
        cout << "Caught the exception! ";
        cout << ba.what() << endl;
    cout << "Memory successfully allocated ";
    pb[0].stuff[0] = 4;
    cout << pb[0].stuff[0] << endl;
    delete [] pb;
    return 0;

Here’s the output for one system:

Trying to get a big block of memory:
Caught the exception!

In this case, the what() method returns the string "std::bad_alloc".

If the program runs without allocation problems on your system, you can try increasing the amount of memory requested.

The Null Pointer and new

Much code was written when new (the old new) returned a null pointer upon failure. Some compilers handled the transition to the new new by letting the user set a flag or switch to choose which behavior she wanted. Currently, the standard provides for an alternative form of new that still returns a null pointer. Its use looks like this:

int * pi = new (std::nothrow) int;
int * pa = new (std::nowthrow) int[500];

Using this form, you could rewrite the core of Listing 15.13 this way:

Big * pb;

pb = new (std::nothrow) Big[10000]; // 1,600,000,000 bytes
if (pb == 0)
    cout << "Could not allocate memory. Bye. ";

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