When Exceptions Go Astray

After an exception is thrown, it has two opportunities to cause problems. First, if it is thrown in a function that has an exception specification, it has to match one of the types in the specification list. (Remember that in an inheritance hierarchy, a class type matches objects of that type and of types descended from it.) If the exception doesn’t match the specification, the unmatched exception is branded an unexpected exception, and, by default, it causes the program to abort. (Although C++11 deprecates exception specifications, they still remain in the language and in some existing code.) If the exception passes this first hurdle (or avoids it because the function lacks an exception specification), it then has to be caught. If it isn’t, which can happen if there is no containing try block or no matching catch block, the exception is branded an uncaught exception, and by default, it causes the program to abort. However, you can alter a program’s response to unexpected and uncaught exceptions. Let’s see how, beginning with uncaught exceptions.

An uncaught exception doesn’t initiate an immediate abort. Instead, the program first calls a function called terminate(). By default, terminate() calls the abort() function. You can modify the behavior of terminate() by registering a function that terminate() should call instead of abort(). To do this, you call the set_terminate() function. Both set_terminate() and terminate() are declared in the exception header file:

typedef void (*terminate_handler)();
terminate_handler set_terminate(terminate_handler f) throw();  // C++98
terminate_handler set_terminate(terminate_handler f) noexcept; // C++11
void terminate();            // C++98
void terminate() noexcept;   // C++11

Here the typedef makes terminate_handler the type name for a pointer to a function that has no arguments and no return value. The set_terminate() function takes, as its argument, the name of a function (that is, its address) that has no arguments and the void return type. It returns the address of the previously registered function. If you call the set_terminate() function more than once, terminate() calls the function set by the most recent call to set_terminate().

Let’s look at an example. Suppose you want an uncaught exception to cause a program to print a message to that effect and then call the exit() function, providing an exit status value of 5. First, you include the exception header file. You can make its declarations available with a using directive or appropriate using declarations, or you can use the std:: qualifier:

#include <exception>
using namespace std;

Next, you design a function that does the two required actions and has the proper prototype:

void myQuit()
    cout << "Terminating due to uncaught exception ";

Finally, at the start of the program, you designate this function as your chosen termination action:


Now, if an exception is thrown and not caught, the program calls terminate(), and terminate() calls MyQuit().

Next, let’s look at unexpected exceptions. By using exception specifications for a function, you provide the means for users of the functions to know which exceptions to catch. That is, suppose you have the following prototype:

double Argh(double, double) throw(out_of_bounds);

Then you might use the function this way:

try {
    x = Argh(a, b);
catch(out_of_bounds & ex)

It’s good to know which exceptions to catch; recall that an uncaught exception, by default, aborts the program.

However, there’s a bit more to the story. In principle, the exception specification should include exceptions thrown by functions called by the function in question. For example, if Argh() calls a Duh() function that can throw a retort object exception, then retort should appear in the Argh() exception specification as well as in the Duh() exception specification. Unless you write all the functions yourself and are careful, there’s no guarantee that this will get done correctly. You might, for example, use an older commercial library whose functions don’t have exception specifications. This suggests that you should look more closely at what happens if a function throws an exception that is not in its exception specification. (It also suggests that the whole exception specification mechanism might be unwieldy, which is part of the reason C++11 deprecates it.)

The behavior is much like that for uncaught exceptions. If there is an unexpected exception, the program calls the unexpected() function. (You didn’t expect the unexpected() function? No one expects the unexpected() function!) This function, in turn, calls terminate(), which, by default, calls abort(). Just as there is a set_terminate() function that modifies the behavior of terminate(), there is a set_unexpected() function that modifies the behavior of unexpected(). These new functions are also declared in the exception header file:

typedef void (*unexpected_handler)();
unexpected_handler set_unexpected(unexpected_handler f) throw();   // C++98
unexpected_handler set_unexpected(unexpected_handler f) noexcept;  // C++11
void unexpected();           // C++98
void unexpected() noexcept;  // C+0x

However, the behavior of the function you supply for set_unexpected() is more regulated than that of a function for set_terminate(). In particular, the unexpected_handler function has the following choices:

• It can end the program by calling terminate() (the default behavior), abort(), or exit().

• It can throw an exception.

The result of throwing an exception (the second choice here) depends on the exception thrown by the replacement unexpected_handler function and the original exception specification for the function that threw the unexpected type:

• If the newly thrown exception matches the original exception specification, then the program proceeds normally from there; that is, it will look for a catch block that matches the newly thrown exception. Basically, this approach replaces an exception of an unexpected type to an exception of an expected type.

• If the newly thrown exception does not match the original exception specification and if the exception specification does not include the std::bad_exception type, the program calls terminate(). The bad_exception type derives from the exception type and is declared in the exception header file.

• If the newly thrown exception does not match the original exception specification and if the original exception specification does include the std::bad_exception type, the unmatched exception is replaced with an exception of the std::bad_exception type.

In short, if you’d like to catch all exceptions, expected or otherwise, you can do something like the following. First, you make sure the exception header file declarations are available:

#include <exception>
using namespace std;

Next, you design a replacement function that converts unexpected exceptions to the bad_exception type and that has the proper prototype:

void myUnexpected()
    throw std::bad_exception();  //or just throw;

Just using throw without an exception causes the original exception to be rethrown. However, the exception will be replaced with a bad_exception object if the exception specification includes that type.

Next, at the start of the program, you designate this function as your chosen unexpected exception action:


Finally, you include the bad_exception type in exception specifications and catch block sequences:

double Argh(double, double) throw(out_of_bounds, bad_exception);
try {
    x = Argh(a, b);
catch(out_of_bounds & ex)
catch(bad_exception & ex)

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