Selecting a Smart Pointer

Which pointer type should you use? If the program uses more than one pointer to an object, shared_ptr is your choice. For instance, you may have an array of pointers and use some auxiliary pointers to identify particular elements, such as the largest and the smallest. Or you could have two kinds of objects that contain pointers to the same third object. Or you might have an STL container of pointers. Many of the STL algorithms include copy or assignment operations that will work with shared_ptr but not with unique_ptr (you’ll get a compiler warning) or auto_ptr (you’ll get undefined behavior). If your compiler doesn’t offer shared_ptr, you can get a version from the Boost library.

If the program doesn’t need multiple pointers to the same object, unique_ptr works. It’s a good choice for the return type for a function that returns a pointer to memory allocated by new. That way, ownership is transferred to the unique_ptr assigned the return value, and that smart pointer takes on the responsibility of calling delete. You can store unique_ptr objects in an STL container providing you don’t invoke methods or algorithms, such as sort(), that copy or assign one unique_ptr to another. For example, assuming the proper includes and using statements, code fragments like the following could be used in a program:

unique_ptr<int> make_int(int n)
    return unique_ptr<int>(new int(n));
void show(unique_ptr<int> & pi)             // pass by reference
    cout << *a << ' ';
int main()
    vector<unique_ptr<int> > vp(size);
    for (int i = 0; i < vp.size(); i++)
        vp[i] = make_int(rand() % 1000);    // copy temporary unique_ptr
    vp.push_back(make_int(rand() % 1000))   // ok because arg is temporary
    for_each(vp.begin(), vp.end(), show);   // use for_each()

The call to push_back() works because it passes a temporary unique_ptr to be assigned to a unique_ptr in vp. Also note the for_each() statement would fail if show() were passed an object by value instead of by reference because then it would be necessary to initialize pi to a nontemporary unique_ptr from vp, which isn’t allowed. As mentioned before, the compiler will catch attempts to use unique_ptr inappropriately.

You can assign a unique_ptr to shared_ptr under the same conditions that you can assign one unique_ptr to another—the source has to be an rvalue. As previously, in the following code make_int() is a function with a unique_ptr<int> return type:

unique_ptr<int> pup(make_int(rand() % 1000);  // ok
shared_ptr<int> spp(pup);                     // not allowed, pup an lvalue
shared_ptr<int> spr(make_int(rand() % 1000);  // ok

The shared_ptr template includes an explicit constructor for converting an rvalue unique_ptr to a shared_ptr. The shared_ptr takes over ownership of the object previously owned by the unique_ptr.

You would use auto_ptr in the same situation as unique_ptr, but the latter is preferred. If your compiler doesn’t provide unique_ptr, you might consider the BOOST library scoped_ptr, which is similar.

The Standard Template Library

The STL provides a collection of templates representing containers, iterators, function objects, and algorithms. A container is a unit, like an array, that can hold several values. STL containers are homogeneous; that is, they hold values all of the same kind. Algorithms are recipes for accomplishing particular tasks, such as sorting an array or finding a particular value in a list. Iterators are objects that let you move through a container much as pointers let you move through an array; they are generalizations of pointers. Function objects are objects that act like functions; they can be class objects or function pointers (including function names because a function name acts as a pointer). The STL lets you construct a variety of containers, including arrays, queues, and lists, and it lets you perform a variety of operations, including searching, sorting, and randomizing.

Alex Stepanov and Meng Lee developed STL at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, releasing the implementation in 1994. The ISO/ANSI C++ committee voted to incorporate it as a part of the C++ Standard. The STL is not an example of object-oriented programming. Instead, it represents a different programming paradigm called generic programming. This makes STL interesting both in terms of what it does and in terms of its approach. There’s too much information about the STL to present in a single chapter, so we’ll look at some representative examples and examine the spirit of the generic programming approach. We’ll begin by looking at a few specific examples. Then, when you have a hands-on appreciation for containers, iterators, and algorithms, we’ll look at the underlying design philosophy and then take an overview of the whole STL. Appendix G, “The STL Methods and Functions,” summarizes the various STL methods and functions.

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