Functor Concepts

Just as the STL defines concepts for containers and iterators, it defines functor concepts:

• A generator is a functor that can be called with no arguments.

• A unary function is a functor that can be called with one argument.

• A binary function is a functor that can be called with two arguments.

For example, the functor supplied to for_each() should be a unary function because it is applied to one container element at a time.

Of course, these concepts come with refinements:

• A unary function that returns a bool value is a predicate.

• A binary function that returns a bool value is a binary predicate.

Several STL functions require predicate or binary predicate arguments. For example, Listing 16.9 uses a version of sort() that takes a binary predicate as its third argument:

bool WorseThan(const Review & r1, const Review & r2);
sort(books.begin(), books.end(), WorseThan);

The list template has a remove_if() member that takes a predicate as an argument. It applies the predicate to each member in the indicated range, removing those elements for which the predicate returns true. For example, the following code would remove all elements greater than 100 from the list three:

bool tooBig(int n){ return n > 100; }
list<int> scores;

Incidentally, this last example shows where a class functor might be useful. Suppose you want to remove every value greater than 200 from a second list. It would be nice if you could pass the cut-off value to tooBig() as a second argument so you could use the function with different values, but a predicate can have but one argument. If, however, you design a TooBig class, you can use class members instead of function arguments to convey additional information:

template<class T>
class TooBig
    T cutoff;
    TooBig(const T & t) : cutoff(t) {}
    bool operator()(const T & v) { return v > cutoff; }

Here one value (v) is passed as a function argument, and the second argument (cutoff) is set by the class constructor. Given this definition, you can initialize different TooBig objects to different cut-off values to be used in calls to remove_if(). Listing 16.15 illustrates the technique.

Listing 16.15. functor.cpp

// functor.cpp -- using a functor
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>

template<class T>  // functor class defines operator()()
class TooBig
    T cutoff;
    TooBig(const T & t) : cutoff(t) {}
    bool operator()(const T & v) { return v > cutoff; }

void outint(int n) {std::cout << n << " ";}

int main()
    using std::list;
    using std::cout;
    using std::endl;

    TooBig<int> f100(100); // limit = 100
    int vals[10] = {50, 100, 90, 180, 60, 210, 415, 88, 188, 201};
    list<int> yadayada(vals, vals + 10); // range constructor
    list<int> etcetera(vals, vals + 10);
 // C++11 can use the following instead
//  list<int> yadayada = {50, 100, 90, 180, 60, 210, 415, 88, 188, 201};
//  list<int> etcetera {50, 100, 90, 180, 60, 210, 415, 88, 188, 201};
    cout << "Original lists: ";
    for_each(yadayada.begin(), yadayada.end(), outint);
    cout << endl;
    for_each(etcetera.begin(), etcetera.end(), outint);
    cout << endl;
    yadayada.remove_if(f100);               // use a named function object
    etcetera.remove_if(TooBig<int>(200));   // construct a function object
    cout <<"Trimmed lists: ";
    for_each(yadayada.begin(), yadayada.end(), outint);
    cout << endl;
    for_each(etcetera.begin(), etcetera.end(), outint);
    cout << endl;
    return 0;

One functor (f100) is a declared object, and the second (TooBig<int>(200)) is an anonymous object created by a constructor call. Here’s the output of the program in Listing 16.15:

Original lists:
50 100 90 180 60 210 415 88 188 201
50 100 90 180 60 210 415 88 188 201
Trimmed lists:
50 100 90 60 88
50 100 90 180 60 88 188

Suppose that you already have a template function with two arguments:

template <class T>
bool tooBig(const T & val, const T & lim)
    return val > lim;

You can use a class to convert it to a one-argument function object:

template<class T>
class TooBig2
    T cutoff;
    TooBig2(const T & t) : cutoff(t) {}
    bool operator()(const T & v) { return tooBig<T>(v, cutoff); }

That is, you can use the following:

TooBig2<int> tB100(100);
int x;
cin >> x;
if (tB100(x))   // same as if (tooBig(x,100))

So the call tB100(x) is the same as tooBig(x,100), but the two-argument function is converted to a one-argument function object, with the second argument being used to construct the function object. In short, the class functor TooBig2 is a function adapter that adapts a function to meet a different interface.

As noted in the listing, C++11’s initializer-list feature simplifies initialization. You can replace

int vals[10] = {50, 100, 90, 180, 60, 210, 415, 88, 188, 201};
list<int> yadayada(vals, vals + 10); // range constructor
list<int> etcetera(vals, vals + 10);

with this:

list<int> yadayada = {50, 100, 90, 180, 60, 210, 415, 88, 188, 201};
list<int> etcetera {50, 100, 90, 180, 60, 210, 415, 88, 188, 201};

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