A Move Example

Let’s look at an example to see how move semantics and rvalue references work. Listing 18.2 defines and uses the Useless class, which incorporates dynamic memory allocation, a regular copy constructor, and a move constructor, which uses move semantics and an rvalue reference. In order to illustrate the processes involved, the constructors and destructor are unusually verbose, and the class uses a state variable to keep track of the number of objects. Also some important methods, such as the assignment operator, are omitted. (Despite these omissions, the Useless class should not be confused with the eco-friendly Use_Less class.)

Listing 18.2. useless.cpp

// useless.cpp -- an otherwise useless class with move semantics
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// interface
class Useless
    int n;          // number of elements
    char * pc;      // pointer to data
    static int ct;  // number of objects
    void ShowObject() const;
    explicit Useless(int k);
    Useless(int k, char ch);
    Useless(const Useless & f); // regular copy constructor
    Useless(Useless && f);      // move constructor
    Useless operator+(const Useless & f)const;
// need operator=() in copy and move versions
    void ShowData() const;

// implementation
int Useless::ct = 0;

    n = 0;
    pc = nullptr;
    cout << "default constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;

Useless::Useless(int k) : n(k)
    cout << "int constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
    pc = new char[n];

Useless::Useless(int k, char ch) : n(k)
    cout << "int, char constructor called; number of objects: " << ct
         << endl;
    pc = new char[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        pc[i] = ch;

Useless::Useless(const Useless & f): n(f.n)
    cout << "copy const called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
    pc = new char[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        pc[i] = f.pc[i];

Useless::Useless(Useless && f): n(f.n)
    cout << "move constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
    pc = f.pc;       // steal address
    f.pc = nullptr;  // give old object nothing in return
    f.n = 0;

    cout << "destructor called; objects left: " << --ct << endl;
    cout << "deleted object: ";
    delete [] pc;

Useless Useless::operator+(const Useless & f)const
    cout << "Entering operator+() ";
    Useless temp = Useless(n + f.n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        temp.pc[i] = pc[i];
    for (int i = n; i < temp.n; i++)
        temp.pc[i] = f.pc[i - n];
    cout << "temp object: ";
    cout << "Leaving operator+() ";
    return temp;

void Useless::ShowObject() const
    cout << "Number of elements: " << n;
    cout << " Data address: " << (void *) pc << endl;

void Useless::ShowData() const
    if (n == 0)
        cout << "(object empty)";
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            cout << pc[i];
    cout << endl;

// application
int main()
        Useless one(10, 'x'),
        Useless two = one;           // calls copy constructor
        Useless three(20, 'o'),
        Useless four (one + three);  // calls operator+(), move constructor
        cout << "object one: ";
        cout << "object two: ";
        cout << "object three: ";
        cout << "object four: ";

The crucial definitions are those of the two copy/move constructors. First, shorn of the output statements, here is the copy constructor:

Useless::Useless(const Useless & f): n(f.n)
    pc = new char[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        pc[i] = f.pc[i];

It does the usual deep copy, and it is the constructor that’s used by the following statement:

Useless two = one;           // calls copy constructor

The reference f refers to the lvalue object one.

Next, again shorn of the output statements, here is the move constructor:

Useless::Useless(Useless && f): n(f.n)
    pc = f.pc;       // steal address
    f.pc = nullptr;  // give old object nothing in return
    f.n = 0;

It takes ownership of the existing data by setting pc to point to the data. At this time, both pc and f.pc point to the same data. This would be awkward when the destructors are called, because a program shouldn’t call delete [] twice for the same address. To avoid this problem, the constructor then sets the original pointer to the null pointer because it is not an error to apply delete [] to the null pointer. This appropriation of ownership often is termed pilfering. The code also sets the element count in the original object to 0. This isn’t necessary, but it makes the output for our example look more self-consistent. Note that the changes to the f object require not using const in the parameter declaration.

It is this constructor that is used in the following statement:

Useless four (one + three);  // calls move constructor

The expression one + three invokes Useless::operator+(), and the rvalue reference f binds to the rvalue temporary object returned by the method.

Here’s the output when the program was compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 2010:

int, char constructor called; number of objects: 1
Number of elements: 10 Data address: 006F4B68
copy const called; number of objects: 2
Number of elements: 10 Data address: 006F4BB0
int, char constructor called; number of objects: 3
Number of elements: 20 Data address: 006F4BF8
Entering operator+()
int constructor called; number of objects: 4
Number of elements: 30 Data address: 006F4C48
temp object:
Leaving operator+()
move constructor called; number of objects: 5
Number of elements: 30 Data address: 006F4C48
destructor called; objects left: 4
deleted object:
Number of elements: 0 Data address: 00000000
object one: xxxxxxxxxx
object two: xxxxxxxxxx
object three: oooooooooooooooooooo
object four: xxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooo
destructor called; objects left: 3
deleted object:
Number of elements: 30 Data address: 006F4C48
destructor called; objects left: 2
deleted object:
Number of elements: 20 Data address: 006F4BF8
destructor called; objects left: 1
deleted object:
Number of elements: 10 Data address: 006F4BB0
destructor called; objects left: 0
deleted object:
Number of elements: 10 Data address: 006F4B68

Note that object two is a separate copy of object one: Both display the same data output, but the data addresses (006F4B68 and 006F4BB0) are different. On the other hand, the data address (006F4C48) of the object created in the Useless::operator+() method is the same as the data address stored in the four object, which was constructed by the move copy constructor. Also note how the destructor was called for the temporary object after the four object was constructed. You can tell that is the temporary object that was deleted because the size and the data address both show as 0.

Compiling the same program (but replacing nullptr with 0) with g++ 4.5.0 with the –std=c++11 flag leads to an interestingly different output:

int, char constructor called; number of objects: 1
Number of elements: 10 Data address: 0xa50338
copy const called; number of objects: 2
Number of elements: 10 Data address: 0xa50348
int, char constructor called; number of objects: 3
Number of elements: 20 Data address: 0xa50358
Entering operator+()
int constructor called; number of objects: 4
Number of elements: 30 Data address: 0xa50370
temp object:
Leaving operator+()
object one: xxxxxxxxxx
object two: xxxxxxxxxx
object three: oooooooooooooooooooo
object four: xxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooo
destructor called; objects left: 3
deleted object:
Number of elements: 30 Data address: 0xa50370
destructor called; objects left: 2
deleted object:
Number of elements: 20 Data address: 0xa50358
destructor called; objects left: 1
deleted object:
Number of elements: 10 Data address: 0xa50348
destructor called; objects left: 0
deleted object:
Number of elements: 10 Data address: 0xa50338

Note that the move constructor is not called and that only four objects were created. The compiler did not call any of our constructors to construct the four object; instead, it deduced that the four object should be the beneficiary of the work done by operator+() and transferred the name four to the object created in operator+(). In general, compilers are empowered to make their own optimizations if the result is the same that would have been obtained by going through all the steps. Even if you omit the move constructor from the code and compile with g++, you get the same behavior.

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