Special Member Functions

C++11 adds two more special member functions (the move constructor and the move assignment operator) to four previous ones (the default constructor, the copy constructor, the copy assignment operator, and the destructor). These are member functions that the compiler provides automatically, subject to a variety of conditions.

The default constructor, recall, is a constructor that can be called with no arguments. The compiler provides one if you fail to define any constructors for the class. This default version of a default constructor is termed the defaulted default constructor. The defaulted default constructor leaves members of the built-in types uninitialized, and it invokes the default constructors for members that are class objects.

Also the compiler provides a defaulted copy constructor if you don’t provide one and if your code requires its use, and it now provides a defaulted move constructor if you don’t provide one and if your code requires its use. If the class name is Someclass, these two defaulted constructors have the following prototypes:

Someclass::Someclass(const Someclass &);  // defaulted copy constructor
Someclass::Someclass(Someclass &&);       // defaulted move constructor

In similar circumstances, the compiler provides a defaulted copy assignment operator and a defaulted move assignment operator with the following prototypes:

Someclass & Someclass::operator(const Someclass &);  // defaulted copy assignment
Someclass & Someclass::operator(Someclass &&);       // defaulted move assignment

Finally, the compiler provides a destructor if you don’t.

There are various exceptions to this description. If you do provide a destructor or a copy constructor or a copy assignment operator, the compiler does not automatically provide a move constructor or a move assignment operator. If you do provide a move constructor or a move assignment operator, the compiler does not automatically provide a copy constructor or a copy assignment operator.

Also the defaulted move constructor and defaulted move assignment operator work similarly to their copy counterparts, doing memberwise initialization and copying for built-in types. For members that are class objects, constructors and assignment operators for those classes are used as if the parameters were rvalues. This, in turn, invokes move constructors and assignment operators, if defined, and copy constructors and assignment operators otherwise, if defined.

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