The TR1

The Technical Report 1, or TR1, was a project of a subset of the C++ Standards committee. TR1 was a compilation of library extensions that were compatible with the C++98 standard, but which were not required by the standard. They were candidates for the next iteration of the standard. The TR1 library enabled the C++ community to test the worthiness of the library components. Thus, when the standards committee incorporated most of TR1 into C++11, it was dealing with known and proven libraries.

The Boost libraries contributed much to TR1. Examples include the tuple template class, the array template class, the bind and function templates, smart pointers (with some name and implementation changes), static_assert, the regex library, and the random library. Furthermore, the experiences of the Boost community and of users of the TR1 led to actual language changes, such as the deprecation of exception specifications, and the addition of variadic templates, which allows for a better implementation of the tuple template class and of the function template.

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