

– operator, 50

!= statement, 195

|| operator, 218

++ operator, 59

+ operator, 44–45, 50–52

= operator, 14–15

== statement, 194

! prefix, 218

&& operator, 217–218

* operator, 53

% modulo operator


1049 error, 417

1084 error, 46


accepting values in functions, 39–43


Keychain, 434–435, 510–511

to methods from outside classes, 153

to objects. See access to objects

passwords granting. See passwords

private statement restricting, 161–162

to values of properties, 164

access to objects

introduction to, 3

sending messages to output panel, 8–11

on Stage, 5–7

summary of, 19

Actions panel

accepting values in functions, 39–42

code completion assistance in, 153

creating new objects in, 25–26

disabled, 135

display stacks in, 29–30

dynamically adding objects to Stage, 26

graphics without timelines vs., 302

in mouse event handler creation, 71

parameters of objects in, 15–16

in timeline scripting with mouse events, 86

writing ActionScript using, introduction to, 9–11

ActionScript overview. See also specific topics

accessing and manipulating objects, 3

Actions panel, 9–10

ActionScript 3.0, defined, xvi

of advanced Boolean logic, 215

of animation, 333

of building out classes, 141

of classes, generally, 131

of classes in streamlined interfaces, 157

of conditionals, 191

converting objects to MovieClips for, 5–7

of desktop applications, 393

of drawing, 301

dynamically adding objects from Library, 21

of event creation, 67

of external media, 369

of frame events, 99

of functions, 35

of groups of objects, 257

instance names in, 7

interactivity for items on Stage, 3

introduction to, xiii

of keyboards, working with, 227

of mathematical operators, 49

methodology for learning, xiv

of mobile applications, 427

MovieClip properties, 14–19

new project for, 4–10

of organizing classes, 175

Output panel, 10

prerequisites for using, xiii–xvi

of random numbers, 215

of repeating actions, 257

setup, 119–121

summary of, xv

of text, working with, 227

of timeline scripting with mouse events, 79

of timer events, 99

versions of, 4

addChild statement, 29–30

addEventListener, 71, 75

addition operator, 50–52

Adobe AIR 2.6, defined. See also Adobe AIR for desktop applications; Adobe AIR for mobile applications, xvi

Adobe AIR 2.7, defined, 438

Adobe AIR for desktop applications

certificates in, 420–422

close method in, 404–406

configuring projects in, generally, 419

drag API in, 401–403

events in, generally, 397

icons in, 419–420

installing applications in, 422–424

introduction to, 393–394

maximize control in, 398–401

minimize control in, 397–398

publishing projects in, 422

resizable layouts in, 411–418

resizing windows in, 406–410

as runtime. See AIR runtime

starting projects in, 394–396

summary of, 425

Adobe AIR for mobile applications

Android applications, creating first, 431–434

debugging, on Android, 458–459

debugging, on iOS, 460–462

debugging, over USB generally, 458

dragging with touch in, 442–444

gesture events, generally, 450

interactions for devices, generally, 439

introduction to, 427

iOS applications, creating first, 434–438

long press events in, 445–449

optimizing content, 463–464

pinch to zoom gestures, 450–455

projects, creating new, 431–438

projects, setup for, 428–430

rotate gestures in, 455–457

as runtime. See AIR runtime

summary of, 465

tap interactions in, 439–442

testing devices in, 429–430

touch interactions in, 439–442

Adobe Fireworks, 419–420, 471

Adobe Flash Builder 4.5, xvii

Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5, xvii

Adobe Flash Platform

Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 for working with, xvii

Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5, xvii

Adobe Flex 4.5 for working with, xvii

AIR for mobile applications on, 427

defined, xvi

resources for publishing AIR applications on, 423

runtime of. See Flash runtime

tools of, xvi

Adobe Flash Player

defined, xvi

object parameters in, 16

Times New Roman font in, 231

trace statements not appearing in, 10

visible property in, 18

Adobe Flex 4.5, xvii

advanced Boolean logic. See Boolean logic, advanced

AIR runtime. See also Adobe AIR for desktop applications; Adobe AIR for mobile applications

of AIR 2.7, 438

creating desktop applications with, generally, 393, 425

creating mobile applications with, generally, 427, 465

downloading, 394, 423

introduction to, xvi

iOS vs. Android in, 428

align property, 406

alpha property

of fills, 320

of gradients, 321, 323

in starfield project, 352–354, 365

of strokes, 308

analog clock appearance, 114–115

AND operator, 217–218

Android 2.2, 427, 429

Android 3.x (Honeycomb), 427

Android devices, 430, 504–505

Android Package files (.APK), 428

Android platform

applications for, generally, 428

creating first application for, 431–434

debugging on, 458–459

Flipr game on. See Flipr game project

introduction to, 427

testing applications for, 504–505

touch interactions in, generally, 439

website publishing Air for, 503


adding more visual elements to, 358–361

brightness adjustments for, 352–355

fluidity of, 355–358

intervals for, 355–358

introduction to, 333

location on screen and rate of change in, 348–351

location + time as, generally, 334–335

of multiple objects with loops, 343–348

random, 338–342

rate of change of, 348–351, 355–358

scaling size of visual elements in, 361–365

summary of, 366

timer-based, 110–111, 336–338

APIs (application programming interfaces)

drag, 401–403

for dragging windows in AIR, 401–403

FLVPlayback, 376–382

for graphics. See graphics API (application programming interface)

for mobile applications in AIR, 439

.APK files (for Android Packages), 428

Apple Devices Application files (.IPA), 428

Apple Mac OS X

AIR applications for, 424

Applications folder in, 420

desktop applications for, 394

Snow Leopard, 504

Apple mobile devices

introduction to, 427–429

resolution for, 434

testing applications on, 506

application programming interfaces (APIs). See APIs (application programming interfaces)

arithmetic functions. See mathematical operators


animation in, 342–345

creating groups of items with, generally, 265–266

creating with loops, 269–273

defined, 257

for game board creation, 489

introduction to, 257

looping through, 274–276

loops for, 258

modifying, 266–269

removing items from, 268–269

summary of, 277

values of Flipr tiles in, 489

arrow keys, 251–253

artwork in projects. See drawing

.as file extension, 144, 154

assignment operator

assigning new objects to named objects with, 33

defined, 14

on Output panel, 55

audio, 373–375

authortime, 21

auto-generated imports, 121


Basic Latin character range, 235

beginFill method, 318–320

beginGradientFill method, 321

bitmaps, 463, 475

Bondini font, 472

Boolean conditional tests, 258

Boolean logic, advanced. See also Boolean variables

complex conditionals, building, 219–220

introduction to, 215

logic operators, using, 216–218

NOT operator, 218

AND operator, 217–218

OR operator, 218

random numbers, generating, 221–224

summary of, 225

Boolean variables. See also Boolean logic, advanced

adding feedback, 200–201

defined, 18

drag and drop for mouse, 198–200

equality, demonstrating, 196–198

equality, testing for, 194

inequality, demonstrating, 196–198

inequality, testing for, 195–196

introduction to, 192–193

break statement, 261–262

brightness adjustments, 352–355

Brimelow, Lee, 508

broadcast-listener relationships. See also event listeners, 68

building out classes. See classes


for AIR desktop applications, 395–396

close windows, 404–406

drag windows, 401–403

endGameButton, 472, 474, 484

event callback objects for, 87–88

for Flipr, 472, 480–481

forwardButton, 83, 90

goBackButton, 472, 481

graphics API and, 374, 380, 396

hoverButton, 87–94

instructionsButton, 472, 481

internal timeline for special effects of, 85–86

labels for, 382–384

layer of Stage, 97

layout of, 411–418

maximize, 398–401

minimize, 397–398

object type, 22

padding around, 413

playButton, 85–86, 87–93

resize windows, 406–410

start, 123

startGameButton, 472, 474

stopButton, 81–82, 90–93

toggle, 382–384

video playback, 382–384

x and y coordinates of, 412–413


Cache as Bitmap object setting, 475

cacheAsBitmap property, 463

callback functions

_endSplash, 480

arrays and, 272–273, 276

circleClick, 71–73

e event callback objects, 89–95

endTouch, 449

hoverButton, 87–94

introduction to, 69

keyboardEvent handler and, 246–249

in minimize window controls, 398

playVideo, 381–382

seeking to specific frames with, 83–84

simple, 96

for starting timers, 124–125

stopping playback with, 83–84

for timer events, 125–126

TimerEvent.TIMER for, 336–338

for touch interactions in mobile applications, 444

callouts, 37–38, 41

camel case, 7

capitalization, 10

Captivate, 429

ceil method, 224

cell-based animation, 334

cell phones, 429–430

centering objects, 451–452

Certificate field, 434–435

Certificate Signature Settings window, 420

Certificate Signing Requests, 509


code-signing, 422–423

Development, 510–511

self-signed, 420–423, 432

character codes, 250–251

characters in fonts, 234–235

Charge Only mode, 505


for desktop events, generally, 397

dragging windows with, 401

introduction to, 395–396

native vs. custom, 425

circleClick callback function, 71–73

circles, 318

circular geometry, 325

class-based scripts, defined, 8

class constructors. See also classes

button label customizing with, 146–147

class instance creation using, 144–145

introduction to, 143

multiple properties, customizing with, 148–149

parameters of, adding, 146–149

parameters of, generally, 146

parameters of, making optional, 150–151


building out, generally, 141, 154

constructor parameters in, generally, 146

constructors of, generally, 143

containers for, 133

creating, 134–137

customizing button labels with, 146–147

customizing multiple properties with, 146–147

definition warning, 24

Document. See Document class

extending functionality of, 305–307

finding definitions for, 137

flash.text.TextField, 229

flash.text.TextFormat, 231 class package, 378

GameBoard, 482–488

getter methods in, creating, 165–166

getter methods in, generally, 164

getter methods in, using, 166–168

instances of, creating, 144–145

introduction to, 131

Math, 221–224

methods in, accessing from outside classes, 153

methods in, creating generally, 152

optional constructor parameters in, 150–151

organizing, generally, 175, 187

overview of, 132

package folders of, creating, 176–180

packages for, changing source paths of, 183–186

packages for, creating nested, 182–183

packages for, referring to all classes in, 180–182

parts of, 142

politeness of, 164

private, best practices for naming, 163

private, generally, 161–162

ProLoader class, 370–371, 389

properties of, customizing multiple, 148–149

public, best practices, 164

public, generally, 158–160

setter methods in, creating, 165–166

setter methods in, generally, 164

setter methods in, using, 166–168

Sound class, 374–375, 389

Sprite, 302–307

in streamlining interfaces, generally, 157, 173

summary of, 138

TextFormat, 231–232

TouchGestures Document class, 450

variables in, generally, 133

VideoButton class, 382–384

clickedTile property, 500

_clickTile method, 499

close method, 404–406

close window control, 411–413

code-signing certificates, 422–423


of Flipr tiles, 468–469, 500

hexadecimal numbers for, 231–232

of lines, 308

combined assignment operators, 55, 57

commenting out, 29

commercial code-signing certificates, 422–423

Compiler Errors panel, 43

complex conditionals, 219–220

complex logic patterns. See Boolean logic, advanced

complex vectors, 463

Components panel, 376

concatenation, 44–45, 51–52


adding feedback with, 200–201

for animation, 345–348

Boolean variables as, generally, 192–193

drag and drop with, 198–200

equality, demonstrating, 196–198

equality, testing for, 194

if statements, 204–206

if.else if statements, 209–212

if.else statements, 206–208

inequality, demonstrating, 196–198

inequality, testing for, 195–196

introduction to, 191

summary of, 213

testing conditions with, generally, 202–204

conditions, testing. See testing conditions

confirmation messages

AIR application publication, 422

in array creation, 273

trace statement generating, 170

const statement, 413–417

constant values, 413–417

constructor parameters. See also class constructors

customizing button labels with, 146–147

customizing multiple properties with, 148–149

making optional, 150–151

constructors. See class constructors


for classes, 133, 138

for objects, 470

variables as, 13

continue statement, 261–262


close window, 404–406, 411–413

drag window, 401–403, 411, 413

Flipr main, 480–482

Flipr player, 494–500

location of buttons for window, 411–413

maximize window, 398–401, 411–412

minimize window, 397–398, 411, 418

native window, 395–397, 401, 409

resizable layout of window, 415–417

resize window, 406–410

values in window, 413–417

y coordinate of window, 412–413

Convert to Symbol dialog box, 5, 23

countdown clock project

ActionScript setup in, 119–121

auto-generated imports in, 121

display objects in, 122–123

event listeners for start buttons in, 123

Flash Professional, setup in, 117–118

kick-off meeting notes for, 116

solution and walkthrough of, 117–126

specifications for, 114

summary of, 127

timers, callback functions for events in, 125–126

timers, callback functions for starting, 124–125

timers, timer event listeners for, 124

visual design review of, 115

createGradientBox method, 324

curly brace locations, 38, 46

currentCount property, 470

curves, 312–315

curveTo method, 312–317


data types, 40


on Android, 458–459

on iOS, 460–462

over USB, generally, 458

decimals, 221–225

decrement operators, 58

defaultTextFormat property, 233

defining variables, 159

degrees, 325

Dell mobile devices

applications for, generally, 428

testing applications with, 429, 505

Deployment Settings, for iOS, 434–435

desktop applications

AIR for, introduction to, 393–394

certificates for, 420–422

close method in, 404–406

configuring projects for, generally, 419

desktop events in, generally, 397

drag API in, 401–403

icons in, 419–420

installing, 422–424

maximize control in, 398–401

minimize control in, 397–398

publishing projects in, 422

resizable layouts in, 411–418

resizing windows in, 406–410

starting projects in, 394–396

summary of, 425

desktop events. See also desktop applications

close, 404–406

drag, 401–403

introduction to, 397

maximize, 398–401

minimize, 397–398

resizing windows in, 406–410

Developer Member Center of iOS, 507

Developer Program for iOS, 506

Development Certificates, 510–511

DiceOut game project

Document class overview, 284–288

Document class walkthrough, code for rolling dice, 292–295

Document class walkthrough, contents before constructor, 288–290

Document class walkthrough, ending game, 296

Document class walkthrough, event listeners, 290–292

Document class walkthrough, scores, 296

introduction to, 279

kick-off meeting notes on, 283

solution and walkthrough, generally, 284

specifications for, 280

summary of, 297

visual design review of, 281–282

display objects, 122–123

Display section of Properties panel, 463

display stacks

defined, 25

instances in, assigning properties to, 30

objects in, creating new, 25–28

objects in, dynamically adding to Stage, 29–30

_displayInstructions method, 481

displayState property, 401

displayTile method, 498

division operator, 53–54

do loop, 264

Document class

for AIR desktop applications, starting, 396

for animation. See animation

arrays in, 265

Booleans, 192–193, 197–209

creating, 169–171

in DiceOut game project, overview, 284–288

in DiceOut game project, walkthrough, 288–296

in Flipr game project, 475–478

for loop for, 259

in game board creation, 488–489

initialization methods in, 171–172

for iOS applications, 440–449

for minimize control, 397

nested packages for, 182–183

newGame method in, 494–496

packages for, creating, 176–180

packages for, referring to all classes in, 180–182

for pausing video, 382–383

PlayAudio project and, 373–375

for playing video from Web, 377–378

ProLoader class and, 370–372

RandomNumber, 221–224

for seeking in videos, 385–387

source path for, 183–186

sprites. See sprites

TextFields, creating, 228–230

TextFields, creating KeyboardEvent handler in, 246

TextFields, customizing style with, 231–237

TextFields, layout with, 238–245

TouchGestures, 450–456

for video playback alteration, 380–381

dot notation, 15

drag and drop

for desktop applications, 401–403

drag window control for, 411, 413

for mobile applications, 442–444, 447

testing for, 218

testing location of objects, 196–198

touch interactions for, 442–444

using mouse, 198–200

drawCircle method, 318

drawEllipse method, 318


circles, 318

code for, generally, 302

curves, 312–315

degrees in, 325

ellipses, 318

fills, 318–320

gradients, 321–326

introduction to, 301

lines, drawing, 307–312

loops and, 326–329

rectangles, 317

rounded rectangles, 317–318

shapes, first, 303–304

shapes, generally, 315–317

Sprite class, extending, 305–307

Sprite class, generally, 302–303

strokes for, 307–312

summary of, 330

drawRect method, 317

drawRoundRect method, 317

Droid, 429

drop and drag. See drag and drop

dropDrag method, 200

dynamic text labels, 146

dynamically adding objects to Stage

comments, creating, 31–32

display stacks, assigning properties to instances, 30

display stacks, creating new objects for, 25–28

display stacks, defined, 25

display stacks, working with, 29–30

introduction to, 21

named library assets in, 22–25

spaces for, 32

summary of, 31

dynamically created instances, 30

dynamically created instances, assigning properties to, 30

dynamically loading images, 370


e event object, 73, 89–95

editing-in-place, 85

ellipses, 318

embedded fonts, 234–237

embedded video, 376

emulators, 430

endFill method, 320

endGameButton, 472, 474

_endSplash callback method, 480

endTouch callback function, 449

ENTER_FRAME event, 104–107

equality, 194, 196–198


1049 error, 417

1084 error, 46

class definition warning, 24

required parameter, 42–43

type mismatch, 43, 92–94

event callback objects

finished example of, 92–94

introduction to, 87–88

using, 89–92

event handlers. See also interfaces

for desktop application buttons, 410

dynamic, 85, 94–95

function definitions as, 96

for keyboard events, 246–253

for mouse events, 69, 70–73

for seeking to specific frames, 84

for sprites, 302

event listeners

addEventListener, 71, 75

in countdown clock project, 123

for dragging windows, 403

for Flipr main controls, 480–481

for Flipr score and timer displays, 493

introduction to, 69

in keyboardEvent handlers, 246–249

in MouseEvent handlers, 69–73

parentheses in, 71

removing, 106–107

for resizable layout of window controls, 415–417

for resizing windows, 408–410, 425

seeking to specific frames with, 83–84

simple callback functions in, 96

for splash screen timers, 479–480

for start buttons, 123

stopping playback using, 82–84

in timers, 124

for touch interactions in mobile applications, 444

event objects

e, 73, 89–95

in mobile applications, 470

event target data example, 94–95

event types, 73, 75

Event.RESIZE event, 410


adding, 75

close, 404–406

desktop. See desktop events

drag, 401–403

frame. See frame events

gesture, 450–457

handlers for. See event handlers

introduction to, 68–69

listeners for. See event listeners

maximize, 398–401

minimize, 397–398

mouse. See mouse events

objects for. See event objects

resizing window, 406–410

summary of, 76

timer. See timer events

Export as Bitmap object setting, 475

external media

audio from Web, playing, 373–375

images, 370–372

introduction to working with, 369

summary of, 389

video from Web, playing, 376–378

video playback, altering, 379–382

video playback, pausing, 382–384

video playback, rewinding and seeking, 384–388


false value

for loop testing for, 258

introduction to, 17

NOT operator testing for, 218

AND operator testing for, 217–218

feedback, 200–201

fills, 318–320

Fireworks, 419–420, 471

FLA project files. See also Flash Professional CS5.5

classes in packages, referring to, 180–182

Document class in, creating, 169–171

Document class linking to, 302

equality and inequality in, 196–198

fonts in, 234

getName method for, 160

nested packages for, 182–183

package folders for, 176–180

publishing AIR applications and, 422

resizing windows in, 418

self-signed certificates in, 420–421

source path for, 183–186

Flash Platform. See Adobe Flash Platform

Flash Platform from Start to Finish, 423

Flash Player 10.2, defined. See also Adobe Flash Player, xvi

Flash Professional CS5.5. See also Adobe Flash Platform

Actions panel in, generally, 9–11

AIR projects in, creating, 394–396

AIR projects in, using, 424–425, 438

Android applications in, debugging, 458–459

Android applications in, generally, 431–434

Android applications in, testing, 504

Boolean variables in. See Boolean variables

Components panel in, 376

Convert to Symbol dialog box in, 5

countdown clock project in, 117–118

creating classes in, generally, 158–160

creating Document classes in, 169–171, 173

defined, xvi

drawing with ActionScript and, 302

FLA files for. See FLA project files

Format Embedding dialog box, 234

frame rate property in, 108–110

iOS applications in, creating generally, 434, 437

iOS applications in, debugging, 460

looping with drawing API in, 326–328

mobile device applications in. See mobile applications

nested packages in, 182–183

New Project dialog box in, 4

preview mode in, 470

project review in, 471–475

random number generator in, 221–224

runtime of. See Flash runtime

text fields in, 228

timeline scripting in, generally, 80

video delivery in, 376

Flash runtime. See also Flash Professional CS5.5

animation in, 333

API for artwork in, 302

default location of objects in, 16

display stack contents in, 28

displaying object locations, 16

evaluating order of operations, 61–62

introduction to, xiii, xvi

pixel hinting in, 318

text fields in, 228

triggering frame events, 99, 104

flash.display.Sprite class, 303

flash.text.TextField class, 229

flash.text.TextFormat class, 231

flattened files, 506–511

Flipr game project

Document class review in, 475–478

Flash Professional project review in, 471–475

game board, creating, 491–492

game logic, creating, 482–490

game rules, setting up, 494–500

introduction to, 467

kick-off meeting notes for, 470

main controls, displaying, 480–482

player controls, setting up, 494–500

score displays, setting up, 493–494

solution and walkthrough of, generally, 471

specifications for, 468

splash screen, displaying, 479

summary of, 501

timer displays, setting up, 493–494

visual design review of, 469

floor method, 222–223 class package, 378


adding to projects, 376–378

altering video playback with, 379–382

rewinding video with, 384–397

seeking video with, 384–387

summary of, 388–389

folders. See also packages, 176–180, 420

Font Embedding dialog box, 235


Bondini, 472

changing later, 233–234

creating custom, 234–237

formatting, 231–232

for loop

drawing API and, 326–328

for Flipr game board, 491

introduction to, 257–260

for puzzle solutions, 497

Format Embedding dialog box, 234

formatting text, 231–232

forwardButton instance, 83, 90

FPS (frame rate property), 108–110

frame events

ENTER_FRAME, 104–107

introduction to, 99

removing event listeners, 106–107

summary of, 111

timer events vs., 108–110

frame labels, 90

frame rate property (FPS), 108–110

frame scripts, defined, 8

frames, seeking to specific, 83–84

Froyo, 427, 505

fully qualified package names, 178

function statement, 37


accepting values in, 39–43

errors when running, 42–43

fundamentals of, 36–38

introduction to, 35

for methods, 152

returning values from, 44–46

summary of, 47


game boards. See also Flipr game project, 491–492

game logic, 482–490

“Game Over” screen

absence of, 469

appearance of, 474

specifications for, 468

timer triggering, 494

game rules, 494–500

gameBoard, 472

GameBoard class, 482–488

gameLevelText text field, 472

_gameOver method, 494

gameTimer, 472, 493–494

generic objects, 159

geometry, 325, 338

gesture events. See also touch interactions

introduction to working with, 450

pinch to zoom, 450–455

rotate, 455–457

GESTURE mode, 441, 450, 454

GESTURE_ROTATION event type, 455–456

getter methods

creating, 165–166

politeness of, 164

using, 166–168

GIF files, 370

Gingerbread, 504–505

glyphs, 234–235

goBackButton, 472, 481

Google, 428

gotoAndPlay() function, 84, 90

gotoAndStop() function, 84, 90–92

gotoAndStop method call, 303

gradients, 321–326

Graphic object type, 22

graphics API (application programming interface)

drawing curves with, 312–315

drawing desktop application buttons with, 396

drawing lines with, 307–312

drawing play audio buttons with, 374

drawing play video buttons with, 380

drawing shapes with, 315–318

introduction to, 301–302

looping with, 326–329

shape creation using, 303–304

graphics property

extending class functionality in, 305–307

introduction to, 303

lineStyle method of, 307–308

with statement for, 311–312

groups of items. See arrays

groups of objects. See arrays


handling scope, 87

handsets, 428

hexadecimal numbers, 231–232, 308

Honeycomb, 427

hoverButton callback function, 87–94

HTC mobile devices, 428


icons, 419–420

idNo of clicked items, 499

if statements, 204–206

if.else if statements, 209–212

if.else statements, 206–208

Illegal assignment to variable specified as constant error, 417

images, 370–372

import;, 83

import statement

for packages, 180–182

for sprites, 303

for text fields, 229

increment operators, 58–59

index element selector, 266–267

index numbers, 266–268, 491–492


demonstrating, 196–198

equality vs. See equality

testing for, 195–196

infinite loops, 259

infinitely running timers, 102, 111

init(), 171–172

_init, 230

initialization method

creating, 171–172

for Flipr user interfaces, 490

loops running in, 272

for splash screens, 479

for text fields, 230

instance names

in arrays, 273

assigning unique, 12, 22

on Buttons layer of Stage, 97

camel case for, 7

in classes, accessing, 154

in classes, creating, 134

in constructor parameters, adding, 146

for creating objects, 27–28

dot notation and, 15

in Flipr user interfaces, 472

of game buttons, 472

introduction to, 3–7, 19

mouse event handlers and, 70

name attribute for, 95

in objects on Stage, creating new, 28

parent property after, 470

prefixing playback commands with, 97

in timeline scripts with mouse events, 80, 95


creating, 144–145

defined, 6

naming. See instance names

of objects, creating, 27

var statement for, 133

Instructions screen for Flipr

contents of, 472–473

in Document class, 477

introduction to, 469

instructionsButton, 472, 481

interactions for mobile devices. See also interfaces

creating, generally, 439

dragging with touch, 442–444

gesture events for, generally, 450

long press events, 445–449

pinch to zoom gestures, 450–455

rotate gestures, 455–457

tap, 439–442

touch, 439–442

interfaces. See also events

application programming. See APIs (application programming interfaces)

defined, 67

Flipr user, 471–472

for mobile devices. See interactions for mobile devices

streamlining. See classes

INTERNET option, 439


in animation, 355–358

currentCount property for, 470

in timers, 100–102, 111

iOS platform

configuring devices for, 430

creating first application for, 434–438

debugging applications for, 460–462

testing applications for, 506–511

touch interactions on, 439

website packaging applications for, 503

IP addresses, 461

.IPA files (for Apple Devices Applications), 428, 435


introduction to, 427

on iOS platform, 428

resolution for, 434

as testing device, 429


introduction to, 427

on iOS platform, 428

resolution for, 434

iPod touch

on iOS platform, 428

resolution for, 434

as testing device, 429

_isCorrect, 192–194


in controlling flow of loops, 261

in for loop, 258–260

in nested loops, 263

iTunes, 436, 505


JPEG files, 370–372, 469


keeping classes polite, 164

key codes

character codes vs., 250–251

constants containing, 253

defined, 249

in keyboard shortcuts, 251–253

KeyboardEvent handler

introduction to, 246–249

key vs. character codes in, 250–251

special key recognition in, 251–253

keyboards, 227

Keychain Access, 434–435, 510–511

keyframes, 8, 85–86

kick-off meeting notes

countdown clock project, 116

on DiceOut game project, 283

Flipr game project, 470

kuler, 308


layers in timeline, 8


of buttons, 411–418

in desktop applications, 411–418

manually sketching, 240

of text. See layouts for text

of window controls in AIR, 411–418

layouts for text

escape sequences in, 241–245

introduction to, 238–240

Text Layout Framework, 228

left to right evaluation, 60

length property, 274


Flipr user interfaces in, 472

FLVPlayback, adding, 376–378, 389

importing images into, 370

objects in. See Library objects

Library objects

adding dynamically, 21

classes of, 132, 135, 137

in countdown clock project, 117, 122

display stacks for, 27–28

displaying, 122

dynamic event handlers for, 94

ENTER_FRAME event and, 104

equality and inequality of, 197

Font, 234–235

introduction to, 5–6

loops creating arrays for, 269

on MovieClip timelines, 85

named assets, creating, 22–25

in Project setup of Flash Professional, 117

tween-based animation of, 80

values in functions of, accepting, 39–40

lines, drawing, 307–312

lineStyle method

for curves, 313–314

for extending Sprite class, 305

for gradients, 321–322

for lines, 307–311

for looping, 326–328

for rectangles, 317–319

for shapes, 304, 315–316

with statement and, 312

for strokes, 307–311

lineTo method, 310–311, 315–317

Linkage class names, 137–138

listeners. See event listeners

_loadImage method, 371–372


of curly braces, 38, 46

of objects, testing, 46, 196–198

rate of change and, 348–351

time and, 334–335

of window control buttons, 411–413, 418

x coordinates for. See x coordinates

y coordinates for. See y coordinates

logic operators, 216–218

logos, 472

long division with remainders, 53–54

long press events, 445–449


animation of multiple objects with, 343–348

arrays and, generally, 265–266

break statement controlling, 261–262

continue statement controlling, 261–262

creating arrays with, 269–273

do loop, 264

in drawing with ActionScript, 326–329

for. See for loop

introduction to, 257–258

modifying arrays and, 266–269

nesting, 262–263

for objects already in arrays, 274–276

summary of, 277


Mac OS X

AIR applications for, 424

Applications folder in, 420

desktop applications for, 394

Snow Leopard, 504

testing mobile applications for, 506

main controls in Flipr, 480–482

manipulating objects. See also objects

introduction to, 3

parameters for, 8–18

summary of, 19

manually sketching layouts. See also layouts, 240, 411–413

mastheads, 472

Math class, 221–224

mathematical operators

addition, 50–52

combined assignment, 55, 57

concatenation, 51–52

decrement, 58

division, 53–54

increment, 58–59

introduction to, 49–50

left to right evaluation by, 60

long division with remainders, 53–54

modulo, 53

multiplication, 53

order of operations by, evaluating, 61

order of operations by, forcing, 62–63

order of operations by, generally, 60

parentheses forcing order of, 62–63

subtraction, 50

summary of, 64–65

variables and, 55–57

Math.random method

in animation, 340–341

in drawing with ActionScript, 328

generating random numbers with, 221–225

matrix parameter, 324

maximize window control, 398–401, 411–412

Menu commands, 11

menu for Flipr, 469


broadcasting mouse events, 68–69

buttons displaying, 70

“Click!” 75

confirmation, in array creation, 273

confirmation, of AIR application publication, 422

confirmation, trace statement generating, 170

debugging, on Android, 458–459

debugging, on iOS, 460

error, in named library asset creation, 24

functions generating, 44–46

greeting, functions generating, 44–45


object instances broadcasting, 68

sending to Output panel, 8–11

testing application, 504

for timeline playback, 82, 95


_clickTile, 499

_displayInstructions, 481

_endSplash callback, 480

_gameOver, 494

_loadImage, 371–372

_positionControls, 410, 417

_quit, 481

_scoreGame, 498

_setupControls, 480–481

accessing from outside classes, 153

beginFill, 318–320

beginGradientFill, 321

ceil, 224

close, 404–406

createGradientBox, 324

creating, 152

curveTo, 312–317

displayTile, 498

drawCircle, 318

drawEllipse, 318

drawRect, 317

drawRoundRect, 317

dropDrag, 200

endFill, 320

floor, 222–223

getter, 164–168

gotoAndStop method call, 303

of graphics property, 307–308

initialization. See initialization method

introduction to, 131

lineStyle. See lineStyle method

lineTo, 310–311, 315–317

Math.random, 221–225, 328, 340–341

moveTo, 310–311

new_configureWindow, 409–410

newGame, 494–496

play method of FLVPlayback, 381–382, 389

private _setupGame, 496

public newGame, 496

public statement for, 152

push(), 267–268, 272

resetTimer, 494

round, 224

seekPercent, 384–385

setLabel, 382–384

setter, 164–168

setTextFormat, 233–234

setTimer, 494

splice(), 268–269

startDrag, 198, 200, 213

startMove, 403

startTouchDrag, 444, 447

stopDrag, 198, 213

stopTouchDrag, 444

for TOUCH_POINT, 479

minimize window control

for desktop applications, 397–398

location of, 418

in resizable layouts, 411

mobile applications

on Android, creating first, 431–434

configuring environment for. See mobile environment configuration

debugging, on Android, 458–459

debugging, on iOS, 460–462

debugging, over USB generally, 458

dragging with touch, 442–444

gesture events for, generally, 450

interactions for, generally, 439

introduction to, 427

on iOS, creating first, 434–438

long press events in, 445–449

optimizing, 463–464

pinch to zoom gestures in, 450–455

rotate gestures for, 455–457

summary of, 465

tap interactions in, 439–442

test project for, 431–438

testing devices for, 429–430

touch interactions for, 439–442

mobile environment configuration. See also mobile applications

Android devices, setting up for testing, 504–505

introduction to, 503

iOS devices, setting up for testing, 506–511

modulo operator

%, 53–54

defined, 53

for Flipr game board, 491–492

motion. See animation

Motorola mobile devices, 428–429

mouse event handlers, 70–73

mouse events

adding to existing timeline scripts, generally, 80

callback objects, 87–94

common, 75

controlling timeline playback with, 81

drag and drop, 198–200

event target data example and, 94–95

gotoAndStop(), 92

for handling scope, 87

hovering, 74–75

in mobile applications, 442


for MovieClips, generally, 85–86

for playback, stopping at specific frames, 83–84

for playback, stopping generally, 81–83

simple callback functions and, 96

timeline scripting with, generally, 79, 97

touch events vs., 470

MouseEvent.CLICK, 481

MouseEvent.CLICK event, 398

MouseEvent.CLICK event type, 381, 384

MOUSE_OVER events, 68–69

moveTo method, 310–311


accepting values in functions in, 39–42

Boolean variables in. See Boolean variables

class constructors for, 143–151

class statement for, 143

classes in, creating generally, 134–137

complex conditionals for, 219

converting visual objects to, 5–7

in countdown clock project, 118

customizing button labels for, 146–147

customizing multiple properties in, 148

Document class in, creating, 169–171

drag and drop for, 213

ENTER_FRAME and, 104–107

Flipr user interfaces in, 471

for loop for, 259

flow of loops in, 261

frame scripts for, 8–11

game board creation in, 489

gameTimer, 472, 493–494

graphics property in, 303–304

graphics vs., 22

import statement for, 142

looping through arrays for, 274

loops creating arrays for, 269–271

in mobile applications, 470

mouse event handlers for, 69–73

naming instances in, 7

object parameters in, 12–18

packages for. See packages

perComplete, 472–474

properties of, 17

random number generator for, 221–224

sprites for, 302–303

symbol properties for, 134–137

Tile, 498

in timeline scripting with mouse events, 85–86

TimerExpired, 118

TimerStart, 118

without timelines, 302–303

MP3 files, 373–374

multi-screen projects on desktops. See Adobe AIR for desktop applications

multi-screen projects on mobile devices. See Adobe AIR for mobile applications

multiplication operator, 53

Multitouch.inputMode property, 441, 450–456


named Library assets. See also Library objects, 22–25


fully qualified package, 178

instance. See instance names

Linkage class, 137–138

native installers, 394

native window controls

in AIR, generally, 395–398

drag, 401–403

resize, 409–410

nativeWindow object, 403

nativeWindow property of Stage, 397–398

NativeWindowDisplayState, 401, 407–409


condition statements, 216–217

loops, 262–263

packages, 182–183

New Project dialog box, 4

new statement, 28–30, 33

new_configureWindow method, 409–410

newGame method, 494–496

nextFrame(), 92–93

Nexus One

configuring devices, 431

testing Android applications on, 504–505

as testing devices, 429

NOT operator, 218

number of intervals in timers, 100, 111

:Number statement, 43


hexadecimal, 308

index, 266–268, 491–492

random, 215, 221–224

var statement for, 133


Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). See also interfaces, 131, 157


accessing. See access to objects

already in arrays, loops for, 274–276

animating multiple, loops for, 343–348

bitmap settings for, 475

centering, 451–452

containers for, 470

countdown clock, 117, 122

creating new, 25–28

dynamically adding. See dynamically adding objects to Stage

event, 73, 89–95, 470

event callback, 87–94

generic, 159

Graphic object type, 22

groups of. See arrays

manipulating. See manipulating objects

moving with timers, 336–338

nativeWindow, 403

in new project creation, 4

parameters for, 12–18

sending messages to Output panel, 8–11

on Stage, 5–7

testing location of, 46, 196–198

width property of, 413

OOP (Object-Oriented Programming). See also interfaces, 131, 157

optimization of mobile applications, 463–464

OR operator, 218

order of operations

evaluating, 61

forcing, 62–63

introduction to, 60

Output panel

_getCodesmethod in, 250

1084: Syntax error in, 46

addition operator on, 50–52

array modification in, 268–269

assignment operator on, 55

class display screen on, 144–145

combined assignment operators in, 55

concatenation operator on, 51–52

decrement operator on, 58

display stacks and, 28–29

division operator on, 53

from for loop, 260

“The function runMe was executed,” 36

getter method display in, 166, 170

if statement results on, 206

increment operator on, 58

loop code sending iterator values to, 260

looping through arrays in, 276

mathematical operators in, 50–53

mouse click events in, 72–73, 75

multiplication operator on, 53

nesting loops in, 263

AND operator in, 217

OR operation in, 218

playback, stopping, 82

random numbers in, 221

returning values from functions in, 44–46

sending messages to, 8–11

setter method display in, 166, 170

subtraction operator in, 50–52

“Tick!” displays on, 101–103

timers in, 101–103

trace statement and, 28–29, 177, 180

true value and equality statement on, 194

x coordinate on, 12–13, 16, 200

y coordinate on, 12–13, 16, 200


.p12 files, 434–435, 511


folders for, creating, 176–180

nested, 182–183

referring to all classes in, 180–182

source paths of, 183–186

padding around buttons, 413


of class constructors, 146–151

of objects, 12–18

of timer events, 100

parent property, 470, 499


in event listeners, 71

forcing order of operations, 62–63

location of, 46


for AIR applications, 421

AIR for Android, 432–433

AIR for iOS, 435

for keychain access, 511

pausing video, 382–384

pen, virtual, 310–315

perComplete, 472–474

phones. See also iPhone, 429–430, 504–505

pinch to zoom gestures, 450–455

pipes, 218

pixel hinting, 318

play method of FLVPlayback, 381–382, 389


controlling, generally, 81

FLVPlayback. See FLVPlayback

messages, 95

stopping, 81–83

stopping at specific frames, 83–84

playButton, 85–93

player controls, 494–500

Player drop-down list, 394–395

PNG files, 370

polite classes, 164

_positionControls method, 410, 417

prevFrame(), 92–94

preview mode, 470


best practices for, 163

classes, 160, 173

introduction to, 161–162

restricting access with, 161–162

private _setupGame method, 496

private variables, 192–199

progressive video, 376

ProLoader class, 370–371, 389


accessing values of, 164

align, 406

alpha. See alpha property

assigning to instances, 30

cacheAsBitmap, 463

clickedTile, 500

currentCount, 470

customizing multiple, 148–149

defaultTextFormat, 233

displayState, 401

frame rate, 108–110

graphics. See graphics property

length, 274

of MovieClips, 14–19

Multitouch.inputMode, 441, 450–456

nativeWindow, 397–398

parent, 470, 499

scaleMode, 406–409

scaleX and scaleY, 447

StageAlign, 411

stageWidth and stageHeight, 328, 349

symbol, 135–136, 138

target, 89–92

of text, 231–237

values of, 17, 217–218, 258

width of objects, 413

Properties panel

in AIR, 395

Display section of, 463

frame rate property (FPS) in, 108–110

introduction to, 12–14

Provisioning portal of iOS, 507–510


best practices for, 164

classes, 143

for classes, 158

introduction to, 158–160

methods, 152

public newGame method, 496

Publish preview, 11

Publish Settings window, 185

publishing AIR applications, 395, 422

push() method, 267–268, 272


_quit method, 481

quiz project

escape sequences for responses in, 241–245

keyboardEvent handler in, 246

questions, creating text fields for, 228–230

questions, properties of text for, 231–237

responses in layout of, 238–240

text fields for answers in, 242–245

quotation marks

in conditionals, 213

indicating text, 10, 19

in private variables, 193


radial gradients, 326

random animation, 338–342

random number generator, 340–341, 349

random numbers, 215, 221–224

rate of change, 348–351, 355–358

“ready to run,” 505

rectangles, 317

remote debugging, 458, 460–461

_removeInstructions, 481

repeating actions. See loops

reposition() function, 39–43

required parameter error, 42–43

resetTimer method, 494

resizable layouts of window controls, 411–418

resize window controls, 406–410

resuming video playback, 384

return statement, 44–46

returning values from functions, 44–46

rewinding video, 384–388

RIM platform, 425

rise over run, 338

rotate gestures, 455–457

rotating gradient boxes, 325–326

round method, 224

rounded rectangles, 317–318


Safari, 506

Samsung mobile devices, 428–429

scaleMode property, 406–409

scaleX and scaleY properties, 365, 447

scaling size of visual elements, 361–365

scope of code, 87–88

score displays, 493–494, 498

_scoreGame method, 498

seeking to specific frames, 83–84

seeking video, 384–388

seekPercent method, 384–385

self-signed certificates, 420–423, 432

semicolons, 15, 46

setLabel method, 382–384

setter methods

classes, 164

creating, 165–166

using, 166–168

setTextFormat method, 233–234

setTimer method, 494

Settings Window in AIR

configuring projects in, 395–396

Create Self-Signed Digital Certificate window in, 421

Icons tab in, 419–420

introduction to, 419

for iOS, 461

self-signed certificates and, 432

_setupControls method, 480–481

@sfdesigner, 501

shapes, 303–304, 315–317

ShockWave Flash (SWF), 370–372, 389

shortcuts on keyboards, 251–253

simple callback functions, 96

single quotes, 96

size of images, 370

sketching layouts manually, 240, 411–413

slope of animation

rise over run in, 338

stageWidth and stageHeight in, 349

summary of, 366

solutions and walkthroughs

ActionScript setup for countdown clock, 119–121

auto-generated imports for countdown clock, 121

contents before constructor in DiceOut, 288–290

for countdown clock, generally, 117

of countdown clock, generally, 127

for DiceOut game project, generally, 284, 297

display objects of countdown clock, 122–123

Document class in DiceOut, generally, 284–288

Document class in Flipr, 475–478

ending game in DiceOut, 296

event listeners in DiceOut, 290–292

Flash project review in Flipr, 471–475

for Flipr game project, generally, 471

game board in Flipr, 491–492

game logic in Flipr, 482–490

game rules in Flipr, 494–500

main controls in Flipr, 480–482

player controls in Flipr, 494–500

Project setup for countdown clock, 117–118

rolldie method in DiceOut Document class, 292–295

score displays in Flipr, 493–494

scores in DiceOut Document class, 296

splash screen in Flipr, 479

start button event listeners in countdown clock, 123

starting timer in countdown clock, 124–125

timer and timer event listeners in countdown clock, 124

timer displays in Flipr, 493–494

timer events in countdown clock, 125–126

Sound class, 374–375, 389

speaker-listener relationships. See also event listeners, 68

special key recognition, 251–253


for countdown clock project, 114

for DiceOut game project, 280

for Flipr game project, 468

speed of startup, 370

splash screens

displaying, 479

in Document class, 476

game logos on, 472

introduction to, 469, 471

splice() method, 268–269

Sprite class, 302–307


class of, generally, 302–303

defined, 302

extending classes of, 305–307

in Flipr user interfaces, 471–472

stacks in Library. See also display stacks; Library objects, 23


accepting values in functions on, 39–40

accessing objects on, 5–7

animation on. See animation

comments on, creating, 31–32

countdown clock on, 122–123

display objects on, 122

display properties of mobile applications on, 463

display stacks, assigning properties to instances, 30

display stacks, creating new objects for, 25–28

display stacks, defined, 25

display stacks, working with, 29–30

dynamic event handlers for objects on, 85

dynamically adding objects to. See dynamically adding objects to Stage

editing-in-place on, 85

mouse event handlers on, 70

named library assets in, 22–25

parameters of objects on, 12–18

playButton instance on, 85–86

scaleMode property of, 406–409

spaces, working with, 32

summary of, 31

tween-based animation on, 80

StageAlign property, 411

StageScaleMode, 406–409

stageWidth and stageHeight properties, 328, 349

starfield project. See animation

startDrag method

Boolean variables and, 198, 200

summary of, 213

startGameButton, 472–474, 482

startMove method, 403

startTouchDrag method, 444, 447

startup times, 370


in timeline playback, 82

in timeline scripting, 97

in timer intervals, 111

for timers, 102–103

stopButton instance, 81–82, 90–93

stopDrag method, 198, 213

stops, gradient, 321

stopTouchDrag method, 444

Streak, 429, 505

streaming video, 376, 388

string concatenation, 44–45, 51–52


constructor parameters optional with, 150

customizing multiple properties with, 148

defined, 10

defining variables for, 164

getter method for, 165–167

of lines, 310–311

in method creation, 152

private, 161, 163

setter method for, 165–167

text as, 10

text field labels with, defining, 146

var statement for, 133

variables for, defining, 159

strokes, 307–312

Stucki, Ben, 464

style of lines, 307–308

style of text

changing later, 233–234

customizing, generally, 231–232

fonts, creating custom, 234–237

subtraction operator, 50

SWF (ShockWave Flash), 370–372, 389

Symantec, 422

Symbol properties window, 135–136, 138

syntax errors, 46

System Chrome

custom vs., 425

dragging windows with, 401

introduction to, 395–396


t operator, 53

tablets, 428–429

tap interactions. See also touch interactions, 439–442

target property, 89–92


Android applications, 504–505

Boolean conditional, 258

conditions. See testing conditions

drag and drop, 218

for equality, 194

for false value, 217–218, 258

for loop for, 258

for inequality, 195–196

iOS applications, 506–511

location of objects, 46, 196–198

mobile applications, 431–438, 465

mobile devices for, 429–430

NOT operator for, 218

AND operator for, 217–220

OR operator for, 218

trace statement for, 202

for true value, 217–218, 258

x coordinate locations. See x coordinates

y coordinate locations. See y coordinates

testing conditions. See also Boolean logic, advanced

generally, 202–204

if statements, 204–206

if.else if statements, 209–212

if.else statements, 206–208

loops for, 258


in button labels, 146

fields of, 228–230, 242–245

KeyboardEvent handler in TextFields, 246–253

layout of, escape sequences in, 241–245

layout of, generally, 238–240

style of, changing later, 233–234

style of, creating custom fonts, 234–237

style of, customizing generally, 231–232

summary of, 251–253

working with, generally, 227

Text Layout Framework (TLF), 228

TextFormat class, 231–232

thermometers, 469, 474


example of, 101–102

generally, 100, 111

stopping timers and, 102–103

Tile MovieClip, 498

tilePuzzleArray, 496–497


arrays for values of, 489

grid for, 469, 490–491

specifications for, 468

tileVariety variable, 496–497

time-based animation

introduction to, 334

summary of, 366

TimerEvent.TIMER for, 336–338

time + location, 334–335


accepting values in functions on, 39

animating thermometers with, 474

class instances in, 144

constructor parameters optional on, 150

ENTER_FRAME event in, 104

Flipr user interfaces on, 472

frame scripts on, 8–10

functions on, 36

introduction to, 5

layers of, 8

mathematical operators in, 50, 53

mouse event handlers in, 71

in multiple property customizing, 148–149

new scripts, 25–26

playback, 82

scripting. See timeline scripting with mouse events

Timeline panel, 8, 26

timeline scripting with mouse events

event callback objects in, finished example of, 92–94

event callback objects in, generally, 87–88

event callback objects in, using, 89–92

event target data example, 94–95

gotoAndStop()shortcuts for, 92

handling scope in, 87

introduction to, 79

in MovieClips, 85–86

playback, controlling generally, 81

playback, stopping, 81–83

playback, stopping at specific frames, 83–84

project for (ball moving across screen), introducing, 80

simple callback functions in, 96

summary of, 97

Timer, defined, 100

TIMER event, 493

timer events

callback functions for, 125–126

frame events vs., 108–110

introduction to, 99

parameters of, 100

stopping, 102–103

summary of, 111

using, 100–102

TIMER_COMPLETE event, 100–102

TimerEvent, 100

TimerEvent.TIMER, 336–338, 445


_timerSecond for game displays, 493

in animation, 336–338

displaying, 493–494

event listeners for, 124

events in. See timer events

“Game Over” screen triggered by, 494

gameTimer, 493–494

intervals in, 355–358

in mobile applications, 470

resetTimer method for, 494

setTimer method for, 494

for splash screens, 479–480

starting with callback functions, 124–125

ticking of, 100–103, 111

TIMER event for game displays, 493

_timerSecond, 493

Times New Roman, 231

times, startup, 370

TLF (Text Layout Framework), 228

toggle buttons, 218, 382–384

totalRight variable, 496, 498–499

touch interactions. See also gesture events

creating, 439–442

mouse events vs., 470

splash screens and, 479

TOUCH_BEGIN event type, 443–448

TOUCH_END event type, 443–449

TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, 481

TouchGestures Document class, 450

TOUCH_INPUT interaction type, 442

TOUCH_POINT method, 441, 479

touchPointID, 444

trace statement

arrays and, 266

calling functions with, 44–47

for conditionals testing, 202

debugging on iOS with, 462

defined, 10–12

in timeline scripting, 89

TransformGestureEvent, 450–456

transparency, 308, 323

true value

for loop testing for, 258

introduction to, 17

AND operator testing for, 217–218

OR operator testing for, 218

tween-based animation, 80, 334

tweens, 80, 82

Twitter, 501

type mismatch error, 43

typeof statement, 52


UDID, 506

uint (unsigned integer), 259

URLs, 371–372, 378

USB debugging, 458, 504

user experience, 382, 389

user interfaces, 471–472



accepting in functions, 39–43

Boolean. See Boolean variables

false. See false value

of properties, 164

returning from functions, 44–46

true. See true value

in window controls, 413–417

var statement

for class variables, generally, 133

in for loop, 259

for mathematical operators, 56

text fields, creating with, 228, 230


Boolean. See Boolean variables

of classes, generally, 133

defining, 159

introduction to, 12

of mathematical operators, 55–57

private, 192–199

specified as constant, 417

tileVariety, 496–497

totalRight, 496, 498–499

var statement for, see var statement

vectors, 463

Verdana font, 234

VeriSign, 422

video from Web, 376–378

video playback

altering generally, 379–382

pausing, 382–384

rewinding, 384–388

seeking, 384–388

VideoButton class, 382–384

virtual pen, 310–315

visibility settings, 18

visual design review

of countdown clock project, 115

of DiceOut game project, 281–282

of Flipr game project, 469


walkthroughs. See solutions and walkthroughs

while statement, 264

whitespace characters, 32, 38

width property of Stage objects, 413

WiFi, 460–461

window controls

close, 404–406

drag, 401–403

maximize, 398–401

minimize, 397–398

native, 395–397

resizable layouts of, 411–418

resize, 406–410


AIR applications for, 424

desktop applications for, 394

Start Menu in, 420, 424

testing Android devices in, 504

testing iOS applications and, 508

wireframes, 114–115

with statement, 311–312, 328

workspace for ActionScript development, 136–137


x coordinates

in adding animation elements, 358–361

in animation brightness, 352–355

in animation fine-tuning, generally, 349

in animation fluidity and rate of change, 355–358

curveTo method and, 312–315

feedback identifying, 200–201

for Flipr game board, 491

if statement testing, 204–206

if.else if statement testing, 209–212

if.else statement testing, 206–208

introduction to, 12–15

in loops animating multiple objects, 343–348

AND operators testing, 219–220

in random animation, 339–342

in scaling size of animation elements, 361–365

testing for, 196–200, 202–203

window control buttons on, 412–413


y coordinates

in adding animation elements, 358–361

in animation brightness, 352–355

in animation fine-tuning, generally, 349

in animation fluidity and rate of change, 355–358

curveTo method and, 312–315

feedback identifying, 200–201

for Flipr game board, 492

if statement testing, 204–206

if.else if statement testing, 209–212

if.else statement testing, 206–208

introduction to, 12–15

in loops animating multiple objects, 343–348

AND operators testing, 219–220

in random animation, 339–342

in scaling size of animation elements, 361–365

testing for, 196–200, 202–203

window control buttons on, 412–413

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