

Accuvest Global Advisors, 136–142

Alesco Advisors, LLC, 171–177

alternatively weighted ETFs, 35–36, 54–56

The American Association of Independent Investors, 3

Armstrong, David B. (CFA and Managing Director of Monument Wealth Management), 119–124

Arnott, Rob (Research Affiliates), 32, 37–38

asset class factors, 57–58

assets under management (AUM), 3, 71

Aussie Dollar, 63


Barclays Global Investors, 51

Barron’s, 2, 69

bear markets

average length, 2

cumulative losses or gains, 2

ETFs, 2, 16–18

number of, 2

BlackRock, 51

Bloomberg, 2–3

Bogle, John C. (founder of the Vanguard Group), 32–34


market performance, 21–22

Bowen, Patrick J. (President of One Capital Management, LLC), 148-154

BRIC countries, 12

bull markets

average length, 2

cumulative gains, 2

ETFs, 16–18

number of, 2

buying and holding, 17


Cabot Money Management, Inc., 154–159

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), 60

capital gains and losses, 30

cap-weighted ETFs

as an investment choice, 54

cap weighting versus alternatively weighting, 35–36

cap weighting versus equal weighting, 39–40

cap weighting versus fundamental weighting, 43–49

criticism of, 31–34

efficient market hypothesis, 34–35

performance, 6–7

as the purest form of investing, 58

risks, 6–7

slicing and dicing, 56–57

CBS MarketWatch, 3

Cedarwinds Investment Management, 95–101

CFA Institute societies, 3

Chinese renmimbi ETP, 63


ETFs, 12–13

sectors, 18–20

Chudom Hayes Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, 142–148

Chudom, Kyle (Co-founder and Portfolio Manager of Chudom Hayes Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney), 142–148

Clarke, Todd (President of CLS Investments, LLC), 194–200

ClearRock Capital, 130–136

CLS Investments, LLC, 194–200

CNBC, 2, 69

commodities, 12

country ETFs, 6, 12

currencies, 12, 62–64

CurrencyShares, 63–64

cycles, 2, 15–16, 18


Davidow, Anthony (Managing Director and Portfolio Strategist of Rydex|SGI), 59–67

Dow-Jones Industrial Average ETF, 5

drug and pharmaceutical sectors, 20

Dynamic Market Portfolio ETF, 9


Efficient Market Advisors, LLC, 107–113

efficient market hypothesis, 34–35

Eichen, Mitchell D. (Founder and CEO of MDE Group), 165–171

Elizalde, Raul (President and CIO of Path Financial), 73–78

emerging countries, 12

Emerging Equity Income ETF, 11

Emerging Markets Equity Income ETF, 12

Emerging Markets Small Cap Dividend ETF, 11

energy sector, 20, 66

Energy Select Sector SPDR, 20

enhanced ETFs, 12, 17

enhancing performance, 41–43

equal-weight ETFs, 39–40, 64–67

Erin Burnett of CNBC Street Signs, 2

Eshman, Mark (Co-founder, Chairman, and CIO of ClearRock Capital), 130–136

ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds)

alternatively weighted ETFs, 35–36, 54–56

cap-weighted ETFs, 6–7, 31–36, 54, 56–58

choosing, 12–13

enhanced ETFs, 12, 17

equal-weight ETFs, 64–67

growth of, 8, 12

how they fit into the investment environment, 2

intelligent ETFs, 8–10

inverse ETFs, 12, 17

original ETFs, 5–7

strategies, 2–3

ETNs, 12

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). See ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds)


Fama, Eugene (Professor at the University of Chicago), 32

fast-growing countries, 12

Faucetta, Daniel A. (Principal of Global ETF Strategies), 90–95

First Affirmative Financial Network, 160–165

foreign markets, 12

Forlines, John A. (Chairman and CIO of JForlines Global Investment Management), 124–130

Fox Business, 2

French, Kenneth (Professor at Dartmouth College), 32

frontier countries, 12

FTSE RAFI Emerging Markets Portfolio, 11

FTSE RAFI US 1000 Portfolio ETF, 11

FTSE RAFI US 1500 Small-Mid Portfolio ETF, 11

fundamental indexing, 37–39, 43–49

fundamental portfolios, 34


Garff, David (President of Accuvest Global Advisors), 136–142

Gay, George R. (CEO of First Affirmative Financial Network), 160–165

global economy, 2

Global ETF Strategies, 90–95

gold, 12, 22

Gould, James G. (President of Alesco Advisors, LLC), 171–177

growth of ETFs, 8, 12

growth portfolios, 34


Hayes, Eric (Co-founder and Portfolio Manager of Chudom Hayes Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney), 142–148

health-care sector, 21

Hong Kong ETF, 6


Ibbotson Associates, 34


cap weighting, 6–7, 31–32

long-term investing, 28–30


leather tanning and finishing, 29

logging, 29

intelligent ETFs, 8–10

inverse ETFs, 12, 17


types of, 70–71

iShares ETFs, 51–53

iShares Global S&P Healthcare Sector Index Fund, 21


James, Bryce (Founder and CEO of Smart Portfolios, LLC), 113–118

Japan, 6, 48–49

JForlines Global Investment Management, 124–130

Jones, Michael (Founding Partner, Chairman, and CIO of RiverFront Investment Group), 183–188

junk bonds, 22


Larry Kudlow of CNBC The Call, 2

leather tanning and finishing industry, 29

logging industry, 29

Lohrey, Paul (Managing Director and the head of iShares U.S. Product Management for BlackRock), 52–58

long-term investing, indexes, 28–30

Longview Capital Management, LLC, 101–107

Lutts, Robert T. (President and CIO of Cabot Money Management, Inc.), 154–159


Maclay, Geoffrey G. (Rip), Jr. (Founder and Managing Partner of Cedarwinds Investment Management), 95–101

Malkiel, Burton G. (economics professor and author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street), 32–34

market bottom, 1

market cycles, 2, 15–16, 18

market price, 34–35

market timing, 16, 25–28

market-cap method, 31–32

Markowitz, Harry, 60

MDE Group, 165–171

Metropolitan Capital Strategies, LLC, 84–90

Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), 59–62, 67

money management, 30

money managers

assets under management (AUM), 3, 71

cost, 71

ETF strategies, 69–72

Monument Wealth Management, 119–124

Morgan, Herb W. (CEO and CIO of Efficient Market Advisors, LLC), 107–113

Morgan Stanley, 51

Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI), 51

Morningstar, 38



Nasdaq-100 Index ETF, 5

natural gas, 12

natural resources, 12

Navellier & Associates, 177–182

Navellier, Louis G. (Founder and Chairman of Navellier & Associates), 177–182

NBC, 2, 69

negative alpha, 37


oil, 12, 22

oil-rich countries, 12

Oliver Capital Management, 79–84

Oliver, Mark K. (Founder and Portfolio Manager of Oliver Capital Management), 78–84

One Capital Management, LLC, 148–154

original ETFs, 5–7


Path Financial, 73–78


enhancing performance, 41–43

underperformance problems, 40–41

Pharmaceutical HOLDRs, 21

platinum, 22

PowerShares Capital Management, 9

PowerShares Dynamic Biotech & Genome Portfolio, 20

PowerShares Dynamic Pharmaceuticals Portfolio, 20

PowerShares FTSE RAFI Developed Markets ex-US ETF, 38

PowerShares FTSE RAFI US 1000 ETF, 38

PowerShares FTSE RAFI US 1500 Small/Mid-cap ETF, 38

precious metals, 12


RAFI U.S. Small-Mid Cap ETF, 12

real estate, 12

Research Affiliates Fundamental Index (RAFI), 38

Research Affiliates (RA), 11, 37–49

Research Magazine ETF Advisor Hall of Fame, 2, 69

RiverFront Investment Group, 183–188

Rydex|SGI, 2, 10, 39, 59–67


Sage Advisory Services, Ltd. Co., 200–205

The San Francisco Examiner, 3

Schombert, David A. (President and CIO of Metropolitan Capital Strategies, LLC), 84–90

sector strategies, 66–67


bottom-performing, 18–19

choosing, 18–20

drug and pharmaceutical, 20

energy, 20

health care, 21

top-performing, 18–19

selecting. See choosing

Sharpe, Bill, 60

sideways market, 1–2, 16–18

Siegel, Jeremy (WisdomTree), 32

silver, 12, 22

Small-Cap Dividend ETF, 12

Smart Portfolios, LLC, 113–118

Smith, Robert G. (President and CIO of Sage Advisory Services, Ltd. Co.), 200–205

Snow, Sharon (CEO of Metropolitan Capital Strategies, LLC), 84–90

socially responsible investing (SRI), 160

S&P 500 Equal Weight ETF, 39–40

S&P 500 Index, 31, 40

S&P 500 Index ETF, 6–7, 10, 30

S&P mid-cap ETF, 6

S&P small-cap ETF, 6


cap-weighted indexes, 31–32

market performance, 21–22

Strategically Engineered Portfolio Program (SEEP), 80

Swiss Franc, 63


taxes, 30

10-year Treasury bill, 22, 2

Treasury bonds, 22

“Turn on a Paradigm?” article (The Wall Street Journal), 32


underperformance problems, 40–41

value portfolios, 34

volatility, 25–28


Wagner, Christian M. (CEO and CIO of Longview Capital Management, LLC), 101–107

The Wall Street Journal, 2, 69

Wall Street Transcript, 2

Weiskopf, David K., III (Principal of Global ETF Strategies), 90–95

WisdomTree ETFs, 10–12

Wisehaupt Bray Asset Management at HighTower Advisors, 189–194

Wisehaupt, David (Managing Director and Chief Investment Strategist of Wisehaupt Bray Asset Management at HighTower Advisors), 189–194

World Equity Benchmark Shares (WEBS), 51


zero-sum game, 52–53

Zweig, Jason, 29

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