B. The SQLite Quick-Start Guide

The Android System allows individual applications to have private SQLite databases in which to store their application data. This Quick-Start Guide is not a complete documentation of the SQLite commands. Instead, it is designed to get you up and running with common tasks. The first part of this appendix introduces the features of the sqlite3 command-line tool. We then provide an in-depth database example using many common SQLite commands. See the online SQLite documentation (http://www.sqlite.org) for a complete list of features, functionality, and limitations of SQLite.

Exploring Common Tasks with SQLite

SQLite is a lightweight and compact, yet powerful, embedded relational database engine available as public domain. It is fast and has a small footprint, making it perfect for phone system use. Instead of the heavyweight server-based databases such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, each SQLite database is within a self-contained single file on disk.

Android applications store their private databases (SQLite or otherwise) under a special application directory:

/data/data/<application package name>/databases/<databasename>

For example, the database for the PetTracker application provided in this book is found at:


The database file format is standard and can be moved across platforms. You can use the Dalvik Debug Monitor Service (DDMS) File Explorer to pull the database file and inspect it with third-party tools such as SQLite Database Browser 2.0, if you like.

Image Tip

Application-specific SQLite databases are private files accessible only from within that application. To expose application data to other applications, the application must become a content provider.

Using the sqlite3 Command-Line Interface

In addition to programmatic access to create and use SQLite databases from within your applications, you can also interact with the database using the familiar command-line sqlite3 tool, which is accessible via the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) remote shell.

The command-line interface for SQLite, called sqlite3, is exposed using the ADB tool, which we cover in Appendix A, “The Android Debug Bridge Quick-Start Guide.”

Launching the ADB Shell

You must launch the ADB shell interface on the emulator or device (if it is rooted) to use the sqlite3 commands. If only one Android device (or emulator) is running, you can connect by simply typing

c:>adb shell

If you want to connect to a specific instance of the emulator, you can connect by typing

adb –s <serialNumber> shell

For example, to connect to the emulator at port 5554, you would use the following command:

adb –s emulator-5554 shell

Connecting to a SQLite Database

Now you can connect to the Android application database of your choice by name. For example, to connect to the database we created with the PetTracker application, we would connect like this:

c:>adb -e shell
# sqlite3 /data/data/com.androidbook.PetTracker/databases/pet_tracker.db
SQLite version 3.6.22
Enter ".help" for instructions

Now we have the sqlite3 command prompt, where we can issue commands. You can exit the interface at any time by typing


Or, type


Commands for interacting with the sqlite3 program start with a dot (.) to differentiate them from SQL commands you can execute directly from the command line. This syntax might be different from other programs you are familiar with (for example, MySQL commands).

Image Warning

Most Android devices don’t allow running the sqlite3 command as emulators do. Rooted devices do allow this command.

Exploring Your Database

You can use the sqlite3 commands to explore what your database looks like and interact with it. You can

• List available databases.

• List available tables.

• View all the indices on a given table.

• Show the database schema.

Listing Available Databases

You can list the names and file locations attached to this database instance. Generally, you have your main database and a temp database, which contains temp tables. You can list this information by typing

sqlite> .databases
seq name file
--- ---- -------------------------------------------------
0   main /data/data/com.androidbook.PetTracker/databases/...
1   temp

Listing Available Tables

You can list the tables in the database you connect to by typing

sqlite> .tables
android_metadata table_pets       table_pettypes

Listing Indices of a Table

You can list the indices of a given table by typing

sqlite>.indices table_pets

Listing the Database Schema of a Table

You can list the schema of a given table by typing

sqlite>.schema table_pets
AUTOINCREMENT,pet_name TEXT,pet_type_id INTEGER);

Listing the Database Schema of a Database

You can list the schemas for the entire database by typing

CREATE TABLE android_metadata (locale TEXT);
AUTOINCREMENT,pet_name TEXT,pet_type_id INTEGER);

Importing and Exporting the Database and Its Data

You can use the sqlite3 commands to import and export database data and the schema; you can also interact with it. You can

• Send command output to a file instead of STDOUT (the screen).

• Dump the database contents as a SQL script (so you can recreate it later).

• Execute SQL scripts from files.

• Import data into the database from a file.

Image Note

The file paths are on the Android device, not your computer. You need to find a directory on the Android device in which you have permission to read and write files. For example, /data/local/tmp/ is a shared directory.

Sending Output to a File

Often, you want the sqlite3 command results to pipe to a file instead of to the screen. To do this, you can type the output command followed by the file path to which the results should be written on the Android system. For example

sqlite>.output /data/local/tmp/dump.sql

Dumping Database Contents

You can create a SQL script to create tables and their values by using the dump command. The dump command creates a transaction that includes calls to CREATE TABLE and INSERT to populate the database with data. This command can take an optional table name or dump the whole database.

Image Tip

The dump command is a great way to do a full archival backup of your database.

For example, the following commands pipe the dump output for the table_pets table to a file, and then set the output mode back to the console:

sqlite>.output /data/local/tmp/dump.sql
sqlite>.dump table_pets
sqlite>.output stdout

You can then use DDMS and the File Explorer to pull the SQL file off the Android file system. The resulting dump.sql file looks like this:

CREATE TABLE table_pets (
pet_name TEXT,
pet_type_id INTEGER);

INSERT INTO "table_pets" VALUES(1,'Rover',9);
INSERT INTO "table_pets" VALUES(2,'Garfield',8);

Executing SQL Scripts from Files

You can create SQL script files and run them through the console. These scripts must be on the Android file system. For example, let’s put a SQL script called myselect.sql in the /data/local/tmp/ directory of the Android file system. The file has two lines:

SELECT * FROM table_pettypes;
SELECT * FROM table_pets;

We can then run this SQL script by typing

sqlite>.read /data/local/tmp/myselect.sql

You see the query results on the command line.

Importing Data

You can import formatted data using the import and separator commands. Files such as CSV use commas for delimiters, but other data formats might use spaces or tabs. You specify the delimiter using the separator command. You specify the file to import using the import command.

For example, put a CSV script called some_data.csv in the /data/local/tmp/ directory of the Android file system. The file has four lines. It is a comma-delimited file of pet type IDs and pet type names:

21,great white shark

You can then import this data into the table_pettypes table, which has two columns: an _id column and a pet_type descriptor. To import this data, type the following command:

sqlite>.separator ,
sqlite>.import /data/local/tmp/some_data.csv table_pettypes

Now, if you query the table, you see it has four new rows.

Executing SQL Commands on the Command Line

You can also execute raw SQL commands on the command line. Simply type the SQL command, making sure it ends with a semicolon (;). If you use queries, you might want to change the output mode to column so that query results are easier to read (in columns) and the headers (column names) are printed. For example

sqlite> .mode column
sqlite> .header on
sqlite> select * from table_pettypes WHERE _id < 11;
_id        pet_type
---------- ----------
8          bunny
9          fish
10         dog

You’re not limited to queries, either. You can execute any SQL command you see in a SQL script on the command line if you like.

Image Tip

We’ve found it helpful to use the sqlite3 command line to test SQL queries if our Android SQL queries with QueryBuilder are not behaving. This is especially true of more complicated queries.

You can also control the width of each column (so text fields don’t truncate) using the width command. For example, the following command prints query results with the first column five characters wide (often an ID column such as _id), followed by a second column 50 characters wide (text column).

sqlite> .width 5 50

Image Warning

SQLite keeps the database schema in a special table called sqlite_master. You should consider this table read-only. SQLite stores temporary tables in a special table called sqlite_temp_master, which is also a temporary table.

Using Other sqlite3 Commands

A complete list of sqlite3 commands is available by typing

sqlite> .help

Understanding SQLite Limitations

SQLite is powerful, but it has several important limitations compared to traditional SQL Server implementations, such as the following:

• SQLite is not a substitute for a high-powered, server-driven database.

• Being file-based, the database is meant to be accessed in a serial, not a concurrent, manner. Think “single user”—the Android application. It has some concurrency features, but they are limited.

• Access control is maintained by file permissions, not database user permissions.

• Referential integrity is not maintained. For example, foreign key constraints are parsed (for example, in CREATE TABLE) but not enforced automatically. However, using trigger functions can enforce them.

ALTER TABLE support is limited. You can use only RENAME TABLE and ADD COLUMN. You may not drop or alter columns or perform any other such operations. This can make database upgrades a bit tricky.

• Trigger support is limited. You cannot use FOR EACH STATEMENT or INSTEAD OF. You cannot create recursive triggers.

• You cannot nest transaction operations.

• Views are read-only.


• SQLite does not support stored procedures or auditing.

• The built-in functions of the SQL language are limited.

• See the SQLite documentation for limitations on the maximum database size, table size, and row size. The Omitted SQL page is helpful (http://www.sqlite.org/omitted.html) as is the Unsupported SQL Wiki (http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=UnsupportedSql).

Learning by Example: A Student Grade Database

Let’s work through a student “Grades” database to show standard SQL commands to create and work with a database. Although you can create this database using the sqlite3 command line, we suggest using the Android application to create the empty Grades database, so that it is created in a standard “Android” way.

The setup: The purpose of the database is to keep track of each student’s test results for a specific class. In this example, each student’s grade is calculated from their individual performance on

• Four quizzes (each weighted as 10 percent of overall grade)

• One midterm (weighted as 25 percent of overall grade)

• One final (weighted as 35 percent of overall grade)

All tests are graded on a scale of 0–100.

Designing the Student Grade Database Schema

The Grades database has three tables: Students, Tests, and TestResults.

The Students table contains student information. The Tests table contains information about each test and how much it counts toward the student’s overall grade. Finally, all students’ test results are stored in the TestResults table.

Setting Column Datatypes

sqlite3 has support for the following common datatypes for columns:

INTEGER (signed integers)

REAL (floating point values)

TEXT (UTF-8 or UTF-16 string; encoded using database encoding)

BLOB (data chunk)

Image Tip

Do not store files such as images in the database. Instead, store images as files in the application file directory and store the filename or URI path in the database.

Creating Simple Tables with AUTOINCREMENT

First, let’s create the Students table. We want a student id to reference each student. We can make this the primary key and set its AUTOINCREMENT attribute. We also want the first and last name of each student, and we require these fields (no nulls). Here’s our SQL statement:

lname TEXT NOT NULL );

For the Tests table, we want a test id to reference each test or quiz, much like the Students table. We also want a friendly name for each test and a weight value for how much each test counts for the student’s final grade (as a percentage). Here’s our SQL statement:

testname TEXT,
weight REAL DEFAULT .10 CHECK (weight<=1));

Inserting Data into Tables

Before we move on, let’s look at several examples of how to add data to these tables. To add a record to the Students table, you need to specify the column names and the values in order. For example

INSERT into Students
(fname, lname)
('Harry', 'Potter'),

Now, we’re going to add a few more records to this table for Ron and Hermione. At the same time, we need to add a bunch of records to the Tests table. First, we add the Midterm, which counts for 25 percent of the grade:

INSERT into Tests
(testname, weight)
('Midterm', .25);

Then we add a couple quizzes, which use the default weight of 10 percent:

INSERT into Tests (testname) VALUES ('Quiz 1'),

Finally, we add a Final test worth 35 percent of the total grade.

Querying Tables for Results with SELECT

How do we know the data we’ve added is in the table? Well, that’s easy. We simply query for all rows in a table using a SELECT:


This returns all records in the Tests table:

id    testname        weight
----- --------------- ------
1     Midterm         0.25
2     Quiz 1          0.1
3     Quiz 2          0.1
4     Quiz 3          0.1
5     Quiz 4          0.1
6     Final           0.35

Now, ideally, we want the weights to add up to 1.0. Let’s check using the SUM aggregate function to sum all the weight values in the table:

SELECT SUM(weight) FROM Tests;

This returns the sum of all weight values in the Tests table:


We can also create our own columns and alias them. For example, we can create a column alias called fullname that is a calculated column: It’s the student’s first and last names concatenated using the || concatenation.

SELECT fname||' '|| lname AS fullname, id FROM Students;

This gives us the following results:

fullname         id
------------     --
Harry Potter      1
Ron Weasley       2
Hermione Granger  3

Using Foreign Keys and Composite Primary Keys

Now that we have our students and tests all set up, let’s create the TestResults table. This is a more complicated table. It’s a list of student-test pairings, along with the score.

The TestResults table pairs up student IDs from the Students table with test IDs from the Tests table. Columns, which link to other tables in this way, are often called foreign keys. We want unique student-test pairings, so we create a composite primary key from the student and test foreign keys. Finally, we enforce that the scores are numbers between 0 and 100. No extra credit or retaking tests in this class!

CREATE TABLE TestResults (
studentid INTEGER REFERENCES Students(id),
testid INTEGER REFERENCES Tests(id),
score INTEGER CHECK (score<=100 AND score>=0),
PRIMARY KEY (studentid, testid));

Image Tip

SQLite does not enforce foreign key constraints, but you can set them up anyway and enforce the constraints by creating triggers. For an example of using triggers to enforce foreign key constraints in SQL, check out the FullDatabase project provided on the book’s websites for Chapter 3.

Now it’s time to insert some data into this table. Let’s say Harry Potter received an 82 percent on the midterm exam:

INSERT into TestResults
(studentid, testid, score)

Now let’s input the rest of the students’ scores. Harry is a good student. Ron is not a good student, and Hermione aces every test (of course). When they’re all added, we can list them. We can do a SELECT * to get all columns or we can specify the columns we want explicitly like this:

SELECT studentid, testid, score FROM TestResults;

Here are the results from this query:

studentid  testid     score
---------- ---------- -----
1          1          82
1          2          88
1          3          78
1          4          90
1          5          85
1          6          94
2          1          10
2          2          90
2          3          50
2          4          55
2          5          45
2          6          65
3          6          100
3          5          100
3          4          100
3          3          100
3          2          100
3          1          100

Altering and Updating Data in Tables

Ron’s not a good student, and yet he received a 90 percent on Quiz #1. This is suspicious, so as the teacher, we check the actual paper test to see if we made a recording mistake. He actually earned 60 percent. Now we need to update the table to reflect the correct score:

UPDATE TestResults
SET score=60
WHERE studentid=2 AND testid=2;

You can delete rows from a table using the DELETE function. For example, to delete the record we just updated, use the following:

DELETE FROM TestResults WHERE studentid=2 AND testid=2;

You can delete all rows in a table by not specifying the WHERE clause:

DELETE FROM TestResults;

Querying Multiple Tables Using JOIN

Now that we have all our data in our database, it is time to use it. The preceding listing was not easy for a human to read. It would be much nicer to see a listing with the names of the students and names of the tests instead of their IDs.

Combining data is often handled by performing a JOIN with multiple table sources; there are different kinds of JOIN operations. When you work with multiple tables, you need to specify which table a column belongs to (especially with all these different id columns). You can refer to columns by their column name or by their table name, then a dot (.), and then the column name.

Let’s relist the grades again, only this time, include the name of the test and the name of the student. Also, we limit our results only to the score for the Final (test id 6):

Students.fname||' '|| Students.lname AS StudentName,
FROM TestResults
JOIN Students
       ON (TestResults.studentid=Students.id)
JOIN Tests
       ON (TestResults.testid=Tests.id)
WHERE testid=6;

This gives us the following results (you could leave off the WHERE to get all tests):

StudentName        testname       score
------------------ -------------- -----
Harry Potter       Final          94
Ron Weasley        Final          65
Hermione Granger   Final          100

Using Calculated Columns

Hermione always likes to know where she stands. When she comes to ask what her final grade is likely to be, we can perform a single query to show all her results and calculate the weighted scores of all her results:

Students.fname||' '|| Students.lname AS StudentName,
(Tests.weight*TestResults.score) AS WeightedScore
FROM TestResults
JOIN Students
       ON (TestResults.studentid=Students.id)
JOIN Tests
       ON (TestResults.testid=Tests.id)
WHERE studentid=3;

This gives us predictable results:

StudentName        testname  weight  score  WeightedScore
----------------   --------  ------  -----  ------------
Hermione Granger   Midterm   0.25    100        25.0
Hermione Granger   Quiz 1    0.1     100        10.0
Hermione Granger   Quiz 2    0.1     100        10.0
Hermione Granger   Quiz 3    0.1     100        10.0
Hermione Granger   Quiz 4    0.1     100        10.0
Hermione Granger   Final     0.35    100        35.0

We can just add up the Weighted Scores and be done, but we can also do it via the query:

Students.fname||' '|| Students.lname AS StudentName,
SUM((Tests.weight*TestResults.score)) AS TotalWeightedScore
FROM TestResults
JOIN Students
       ON (TestResults.studentid=Students.id)
JOIN Tests
       ON (TestResults.testid=Tests.id)
WHERE studentid=3;

Here we get a nice consolidated listing:

StudentName       TotalWeightedScore
----------------  -----------------
Hermione Granger  100.0

If we wanted to get all our students’ grades, we need to use the GROUP BY clause. Also, let’s order them so the best students are at the top of the list:

Students.fname||' '|| Students.lname AS StudentName,
SUM((Tests.weight*TestResults.score)) AS TotalWeightedScore
FROM TestResults
JOIN Students
       ON (TestResults.studentid=Students.id)
JOIN Tests
       ON (TestResults.testid=Tests.id)
GROUP BY TestResults.studentid
ORDER BY TotalWeightedScore DESC;

This makes our job as teacher almost too easy, but at least we’re saving trees by using a digital grade book.

StudentName               TotalWeightedScore
------------------------- -----------------
Hermione Granger          100.0
Harry Potter              87.5
Ron Weasley               46.25

Using Subqueries for Calculated Columns

You can also include queries within other queries. For example, you can list each student and a count of how many tests they passed, where a passing score means higher than 60, as in the following:

Students.fname||' '|| Students.lname AS StudentName,
Students.id AS StudentID,
FROM TestResults
WHERE TestResults.studentid=Students.id
AND TestResults.score>60)
AS TestsPassed
FROM Students;

Again, we see that Ron needs a tutor:

StudentName       StudentID  TestsPassed
-----------       ---------  ----------
Harry Potter      1          6
Ron Weasley       2          1
Hermione Granger  3          6

Deleting Tables

You can always delete tables using the DROP TABLE command. For example, to delete the TestResults table, use the following SQL command:

DROP TABLE TestResults;

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