

32-bit operating system, 205

180 degree rule, 106

720p high-definition, 50, 51

1080p high-definition, 50, 51


AC adapter, 36

adapter rings, 8081

add-on gear, 1314

adjustable tension controls, 44


Media Encoder, 257

Premiere Elements, 213, 256

Premiere Pro, 205, 220222

Advanced Video Coding High Definition (AVCHD) format, 28

AGC (Automatic Gain Control) option, 6061, 180

Analyze clip feature, 230


composition and, 9297

from multiple cameras, 108

for shooting video, 17

types of, 101103


adjusting for video, 4849, 60

depth of field and, 22, 41, 84, 138139

features of, 38, 7374

focus and, 5, 23, 84

prime lenses and, 74

rings/manual control, 144146

zoom lenses and, 40

Aperture Priority mode, 59


Compressor, 206, 255, 257

iMovie, 212, 214, 256

QuickTime, 203, 254, 256

archiving video data, 193

aspect ratio, 51

audio, recording

adjusting levels, 6061

bit depth, 178

dual system sound, 184187

guidelines, 176

improving, 11, 14

internal microphone, 180

lavalier microphone, 181182, 183

microphone placement, 183

microphone polar patterns, 179

monitoring, 188189

on-camera microphone, 181

sampling rate, 178

setting channels, 177

audio syncing

automatic, 226

DualEyes, 227

manual, 223225

audio transitions, 229

audio waveform, 223

audiometers, 189

auto filters, 231

auto white balance, 55, 57

autofocus, 83, 143

Automatic Gain Control (AGC) option, 6061, 180

automatic video compression, 257

AVCHD (Advanced Video Coding High Definition) format, 28



creating soft, 5, 78, 12, 139

techniques for, 7980

backing up footage

card reader for, 193194

of finished project, 252

hard drive for, 195201

organizing footage, 202204

transcoding option, 205207

transferring footage, 201202

workflow for, 192193

backlight, for three-point lighting, 171

backup drive, 192

ball leveling, 44

batch processing, 256

batteries, 3536

bit depth, 178

black drives, 199


causes of, 78

shutter speed and, 7273, 150

stylized. see bokeh

body size, camera, 26

bokeh. see shallow depth of field

brightness, LCD screen, 27

built-in syncing tools, 226

bus power, 194, 199

bust shot, 100


camera configuration

assignments on, 65

frame rate, 5253

frame size, 5051

Picture Styles/Controls, 6164

shooting mode, 5960

for shooting video, 4849

volume controls, 6061

white balancing, 5559

camera settings

depth of field and, 22, 41, 7374, 84

exposure and, 131132


LCD screen, 2627

prior investment in, 25

recording format, 2728

recording length, 2829

sensor resolution, 30

sensor size, 3031

size/weight of, 2526


EOS-1D X, 141

EOS 5D Mark II, 141

EOS 7D, 51, 6263, 81

cardioid pickup pattern, 179

ceremonies, lighting at, 141

CF (CompactFlash) cards, 33

challenge, of video, 7


for recording audio, 177

unwanted color and, 244, 245

chargers, 3536

China Ball lanterns, 165

Cineform Studio/NeoScene, 206, 252

cinematic composition

180 degree rule, 106

eye line and, 104

rule of thirds, 104105

sequencing shots, 106107

clapboard, 186, 223

clapping hands, 187, 223


adding to tracks, 217219

selecting/loading, 216217

close-up shot, 100

cloud coverage, 122

cloudy white balance preset, 56


correction vs. grading, 236

tools for adjusting, 230236

Vibrance adjustment, 71, 232

video vs. photo, 54

color cast adjustment

contrast repair, 243

unwanted color, 244246

Vectorscope for, 242243

Color Corrector effect, 234

color temperatures

Hue wheel control of, 246

indoor shots and, 163

sunlight and, 118

white balancing, 58, 118, 163164

Common Media folder, 204

CompactFlash (CF) cards, 33


assignments on, 111

cinematic, 103107

defined, 91

multiple cameras for, 108

repeating action, 108109

shot angles, 9297, 101103

shot list, 110

shot types, 98100


automatic, 257

preview, 256

in recording format, 2728

tools for, 255257

video vs. photo, 54

concerts, lighting at, 140

connection port, for card reader, 194

connectivity, portable drive, 199

content/story review, 251


creating, 89

Curves adjustment for, 6869

for outdoor shots, 130131

repairing, 243

Controls, 6164

convenience, of DSLR cameras, 6

cost consideration

choice of lens, 36, 41

compression tools, 256257

DSLR value, 6

editing software, 212213

electronic viewfinders, 88

fast zoom lenses, 142

lower f-stops, 74

tripod heads, 43

Creative COW website, 215

cropped sensors, 31, 32

Curves adjustment

for contrast, 6869

features of, 233

lifting shadows, 71, 131

underexposure and, 237239

Custom White Balance mode, 163164

customer support, editing software, 215


data transfer

to backup/edit drives, 192

workflow, 201202

daylight-balanced lightbulbs, 166

daylight shooting

assignments on, 133

challenges, 113

clouds and, 122

color correction for, 114115

contrast for, 130131

filters for, 132

lens flares, 123126

location choice, 119120

proper exposure, 131132

sunlight issues, 116122

underexposure and, 127

daylight white balance preset, 56, 57

depth of field

aperture settings and, 22, 41, 7374, 84

control over, 78

in low lighting, 136139

sensor size and, 3031

shallow. see shallow depth of field

Digital Photography Review, 38

digital recorders. see external audio recorders

dimmer, for fill light, 170

diopter, 85

direct sunlight white balance preset, 56, 57

dragging technique, 217, 218

drive speed, 198

Drobo Pro external drive, 200

dropping frames, 34

DSLR video cameras

add-on gear, 1314

aesthetic benefits, 79

assignments on, 19

drawbacks, 1112

popularity, 67

technical benefits, 910

dual mono audio system, 177

dual system sound

advantages of, 184

dedicated recorder for, 185

smartphone application for, 185

syncing audio, 186187

DualEyes, Singular Software, 227

Dutch angle shots, 103


earbuds, monitoring audio and, 188189

edit drive, 192

editing, nonlinear

adding transitions, 227

adjusting color/exposure, 230236

assignments on, 247

automatic audio sync, 226

DualEyes syncing audio, 227

exposure problems, 237241

fixing color casts, 242246

importing media, 216

Insert edit for, 221222

manual audio sync, 223225

overview, 209211

Overwrite edit for, 220221

selecting/loading clips, 216217

software choice, 212215

targeting tracks, 217218

editing software

for backup copies, 252

cost, 212213

customer support, 215

ease of use, 213

options, 214

supported file formats, 214

for viewing footage, 203

electronic viewfinders, 8788, 143

emotional impact, of sequencing, 107


AC adapters, 36

assignments on, 45

batteries/chargers, 3536

camera features, 2531

full-frame sensors, 3031, 141

lens features, 3641. see also lens(es)

loupes, 14. see also loupes

memory cards, 31, 3334

monopods, 2224

tripods, 14, 4244, 114, 142143

ergonomics, camera, 2526


aperture setting and, 60

assignments on, 89

control over, 131132

external monitors and, 86

fixing overexposure, 239241

fixing underexposure, 237239

loupes improving, 8485

sunlight and, 119120, 127130

tools for adjusting, 230236

viewfinders and, 8788

zoom lenses and, 40

exposure triangle

aperture in, 7374

ISO in, 75

for low lighting, 144145

overview, 72

shutter speed in, 7273

extension cables, 86

external audio recorders

advantages of, 11, 14, 177

bit depth, 178

for dual system sound, 185

external drives, 200

external microphones, 11, 14, 181

external monitors, 86

eye level recording, 102

eye line, 104

eyedroppers, 244246


f-stops. see aperture

Facebook, publishing on, 265267

facial details, key light and, 170

Fast Color Corrector effect, 234

feature-limited software, 205

field monitors, 86

file formats, 254255

fill light, 170171

filmic images, 89, 72, 74

filters, 125, 132

Final Cut Pro X

editing tool, 212, 220222, 229, 230, 236

importing media, 216

transcoding and, 205, 206

fine cut review, 251

FireWire interface, 194, 196, 211

fixtures, China Ball, 165

Flash Video file format, 255

flash white balance preset, 56, 57

Flat option, in Picture Styles, 6364

flesh tone line, 243

flexibility, LCD screen, 27

fluid-head tripods

features of, 14

for low-light shots, 143

selection of, 4344

fluorescent lights, 166, 168169

fluorescent white balance preset, 56

focal lengths, 32, 39, 40


aperture settings and, 23, 60, 138139

assignments on, 89

challenges, 12

external monitors and, 86

light/motion impacting, 78

loupes and, 8485

for low lighting, 143

maintaining, 8384

manual, 143

rack focusing, 8081

setting, 8182

shallow depth of field, 7677, 7980

viewfinders and, 8788


backing up. see backing up footage

Common Media folder, 204

importing, 216

selecting, 203

transferring, 192, 201202

viewing, 203

foreground, 7980

Fotodiox, 8081

frame rates, 5253

frame size, 5051

framing subjects, 104105, 135

full-frame sensors, 3031, 141

Full HD, 50, 51


getting coverage, 98


H.264 file format, 28, 254, 255

handles, 18, 228229

hard drives

editing and, 218

external, 200

importance of, 195

interface types, 196197

internal, 199

portable, 198199

speed, 198

HDMI cables, 86

headphones, 188189

heads, tripod, 4344

height, tripod, 44

Hi-Speed USB 2.0, 197

high angle shots, 102

high-definition (HD) video formats, 5051

highlights, 69, 70, 127, 130

histograms, 127129

hood, for lens protection, 124125

HTML5 file format, 254

Hue wheels, 244, 246

hypercardioid microphone pickup pattern, 179


incandescent white balance preset, 56, 57

indoor shooting

additional lighting, 164169

adjustments for, 160161

assignments on, 173

available lighting, 162163

information sources, 172

overview, 157159

three-point lighting, 170172

white balancing, 163164

Insert edit command, 221222

interface types, hard drive, 196197

internal drives, 199

internal microphone, 180

intervalometer., 154

investment, on camera, 25

ISO settings

adjusting for video, 4849

changing for focus, 84

dedicated button for, 147

high, for low-light shots, 136137

raising for low lighting, 146147

testing upper limits, 148149

visible noise and, 75


JPEG files, 54


Kelvin scale, 118

key light, 170

kilohertz (kHz), 178

Kino Flo fluorescent lights, 168, 169


Lanternlock fixture, 165

lavalier microphone, 181182, 183

LCD screens

criteria for, 2627

loupes and, 8485

swivel, 85

LED lights, 167168

lens flares

blocking light, 125126

causes of, 123124

filters and, 125

hood protection, 124125

positioning and, 126, 127


aperture, 38. see also aperture

clean, 125

focal length, 32, 39, 40

for low lighting, 141142, 144

manufacturers, 3638

used, 41, 8081

zoom vs. prime, 4041, 74

Levels adjustment, 232, 239241

Lexar memory card reader, 193

light. see also sunlight

backlight, 171

fill, 170171

for focus, 78, 84

for indoor shots, 162164

key, 170

loupes and, 85

low, 10

temperatures, 58, 118, 163


China Ball lanterns, 165

fluorescent, 168169

overhead, 164

practical, 164

professional, 169

reflector clamp, 166

shop/work, 166

Live View function, 26, 35, 163164

location, daylight shots and, 119120

long-term storage, 193


focus/exposure and, 14, 8485

low lighting and, 143

outdoor shots and, 130

viewfinders with, 8788

low-light shooting

adjusting for, 136139

assignments on, 155

common scenarios, 140141

with DSLR cameras, 10

equipment, 141143

lowering f-stop, 144146

overview, 135

raising ISO, 146149

shadows and, 151

shutter speed adjustments, 150151

sunrise/sunset, 152153

time-lapse photography, 154


manual aperture ring, 145146

Manual mode, 5960, 72, 143

manually set white balance, 56, 58


audio recorder, 185

lens, 3638

professional lighting, 169

tripod head, 44

master shot, 98

material, tripod leg, 44

medium close-up (MCU) shot, 100

medium shot (MS), 99

medium wide shot (MWS), 99

megapixel count, 30, 54

memory cards

format, 3334

function of, 31

mounting, 192

need for, 1112

number of, 33

reader for, 193194

speeds, 34


external, 11, 14, 181

internal, 180

lavalier, 181182, 183

on-camera, 181

placement, 183

polar patterns, 179

rub, 183

shotgun, 176, 179, 181


Expression Encoder/Expression Encoder Pro, 257

Windows FAT32 file system, 28

Windows Media file format, 255

monitors, 86, 217219

mono audio system, 177

monopod, 22, 23, 24


blurring, 7273, 78, 150

impact on focus, 78

sequencing of, 1516

shutter speed and, 7273, 150

zooming in, 98

Motion JPEG format, 28

MPEG-4 file format, 254, 255

MPEG Streamclip, 206, 257

MS (medium shot), 99

multichannel audio system, 177

multiple cameras, 108

multiple slots, in card reader, 194

museums, lighting at, 141

MWS (medium wide shot), 99


National Television System Committee (NTSC) standards, 53

neutral (ND) density filter, 125, 132

Neutral option, Picture Styles, 6364

nifty-fifty lenses, 39, 142

night shooting, outdoor, 141


D7000 frame rates, 53

full-frame sensor, 141

NIKKOR lenses, 142

older prime lenses, 81

Picture Styles options, 6263

prime lens, 74


ISO settings and, 75, 148149

minimizing, 176

nonlinear editing. see editing, nonlinear

NTSC (National Television System Committee) standards, 53


older prime lens, 81

older software, 205

omnidirectional pickup pattern, 179

on-camera microphone, 181

online video, 253257

operating system, for viewing footage, 203

original equipment manufacturer (OEM) lenses, 3638

outdoor shooting

daylight and. see daylight shooting

at night, 141

over-the-ear headphones, 188189

overcranking, 53

overexposure, 119, 127130

overhead lights, 164

overhead shots, 103

Overwrite edit command, 220221


paper lanterns, 165

pasting technique, 217

patch panel interface, 217

performances, lighting at, 140

Phase Alternating Line (PAL) standards, 53

Photo JPEG format, 28

photography tripods, 43, 44


in setting focus, 81

videos vs., 54, 130131

Picture Styles, 6164

PluralEyes, Singular Software, 226

polar (pickup) patterns microphone, 179, 183

popularity, of DSLR cameras, 67

portable drives, 198199

portable Super-Speed USB 3.0, 198


for composition, 108

lens flares and, 126, 127

shop lights, 166

power, 3536

practical lights, 164

practice, in focusing, 83


in compression tools, 255

white balance, 5557

prime lenses, 41, 74, 142, 144

Pro Audio To Go application, 185

Program shooting mode, 59


quality checks, 250251

Quick Look option, 203

Quick Preview feature, 203


rack focusing, 8081

recording devices. see external audio recorders

recording formats, 2728

recording length limitations, 2829

recording sound. see audio, recording

Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) configuration, 195, 200, 211, 218

reference image, for white balance, 5859

reflections, 160, 161

reflector, 121

reflector clamp light, 166

repeating scenes, 18, 108109

resolution, 27, 30, 54

resources, 172, 270

Rode VideoMic Pro, 181

Rogue FlashBender, 126

rough cut review, 251

rule of thirds, 104105


safety issues, 165, 166

sampling rate, 178

scoops, 166

Secure Digital (SD) cards, 3334

selects, 203, 204


cropped, 31, 32

full-frame, 3031, 141

resolution, 30

size, 3031

Serial ATA (SATA) interface, 197, 218

server-class drives, 199

shade white balance preset, 56, 57

Shadow/Highlight adjustment, 130, 231


Curves adjustment, 71, 131

fill light for, 170171

preserving, 161

sunlight and, 116117, 119120, 122

utilizing, 151

shakiness, 40

shallow depth of field

challenge of, 12

for close-ups, 100

creating, 7677

desirability of, 4, 7, 30, 38

foreground/background, 7980

for framing, 41, 135

shop lights, 166

shotgun microphones

polar patterns of, 179

pros and cons of, 181

recording with, 176


list of, 110

sequencing, 106107

types of, 98100

Shutter Priority shooting mode, 59

shutter speed

adjusting for video, 4849, 60

guidelines, 7273, 151

for low lighting, 150151

lowering for focus, 84

unique adjustments, 151

Singular Software, 226, 227


camera, 26

LCD screen, 2627

sensor, 3031

video, 253

slate application, 187, 223

sliding base plates, 44

slow-motion effects, 53

slow processors, 205

smartphone application, 185

softbox diffuser, 170

software tools, for transcoding, 206

Source Monitor, 217219


card reader, 194

hard drive, 198

memory card, 34

portable drive, 199

spreader bar, 44


loupes and, 85

shoulder rigs and, 136

tripods and, 14, 44, 114, 142143

standard-definition video format, 50, 51

Standard option, Picture Styles, 60, 6364

stereo audio system, 177

Sun Seeker: 3D Augmented Reality Viewer, 120, 121

sunlight. see also daylight shooting

bouncing, 121

challenges of, 116117

color temperatures and, 118, 163

explained, 117

location and, 119120

tracking, 120121

sunrise/sunset, lighting at, 141, 152153

Super-Speed USB 3.0, 197, 198

surround sound, 177

swivel LCD screen, 85

sync-sound audio track, 224225

synchronizing audio

automatically, 226

DualEyes for, 227

in field, 186187

manually, 223225


tapeless workflow, of DSLR cameras, 1112

Technicolor CineStyle, 62

temperature, color, 58, 118, 163

tension controls, adjustable, 44

third-party codecs, 252

third-party lenses, 36, 38

three-point editing, 218219

three-point lighting, 170172

three-stage tripods, 44

Three-Way Color Corrector, 235

time-lapse photography, 154

Timeline, 218219

timing, shooting video and, 1718


minimizing, 206207

need for, 205

software tools, 206


handles for, 228229

video/audio, 229


fluid head for, 4344, 143

low lighting and, 140, 142143

need for, 42

photo head vs. video head, 43

selection of, 44

stability of, 14, 114, 142143

tungsten white balance preset, 56

Twitter, 268269

two-stage tripods, 44


Ultra Direct Memory Access (UDMA) rating, 34

underexposure, 127130, 237239

Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface, 197

used lenses, 41, 8081, 144

used professional lighting equipment, 169

UV filters, 125


variable ND filter, 132

Vectorscope, 242243

vendors, China Ball lantern, 165

Vibrance adjustment, 71

video compression. see compression

video footage. see footage

video publishing/sharing

backup copy, 252

feedback and, 249250, 251

quality checks, 250251

for Web viewing. see web video files

video quality vs. photo quality, 54, 130131

video transitions, 229

video tripod heads, 43

viewfinders, 14, 8788, 130

Vimeo, 262265

visual interest, of sequencing, 106

Vivid option, Picture Styles, 6364

Vivitar prime lens, 144

volume controls, 6061


wall power, 36

web video files

compression tools for, 255257

Facebook hosting, 265267

file format for, 254255

overview, 253

Twitter hosting, 268269

Vimeo hosting, 262265

YouTube hosting, 259262

weddings, lighting at, 141

weight, camera, 26

Westcott Spiderlite, 168, 169

white balance

automatic, 55

color temperatures for, 58, 118, 163164

for indoor shots, 163164

manually setting, 56, 58

presets, 5557

reference image for, 5859

wide shot (WS), 99

work lights, 166


data transfer, 201202

footage organization, 204

video project, 192193


XLR audio connector, 182


YouTube, publishing to, 259262


Zacuto Z-Finder, 85

Zoom H4n recorder, 185

zoom lenses

features of, 40

lens flares in, 124

in low lighting, 142, 146

zooming in, 82, 98

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