

acquisitions editors

identifying players, 9394

roles, 258

adaptive content design, 26, 28, 35

content modeling/models, 135

creating, 139141

implementing, 150

uses, 143145

content owners’ roles, 254

content’s importance over device considerations, 136139

content strategists’ roles, 253

definition, 134

reuse, 161162

granularity of, 141142

ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning), 57

Adobe Flash, 62

Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL), 57, 37

Allen, Anthony, 47

Ambient Insight Research, 61

American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) case study, 47

analyzing content lifecycles, 8788

identifying lifecycles, 89

identifying players, processes, and issues, 90

acquisitions or product development, 9394

authors or content contributors, 9293

customers, 9092

design, 9495

editors, 95

information technology, 9596

instructional design, 97

learning development, 97

production, 9798

reviewers, 98

sales and marketing, 9899

translation/localization, 99

analyzing content reuse, 104105

analyzing customer needs, 67

conducting assessments, 68

content strategists’ roles, 253

customer personas, 7374

identifying, 68

identifying players, 9092


analyzing existing, 7072

gathering new, 7273

metadata, 191192

analyzing workflow by reviewers, 172

Aptara, 42

archive portion, CMS (content management systems), 292293

art roles, 258

assistant editors, roles, 259

ASTD (American Society for Training and Development) case study, 47

auditing content, 101, 104

analyzing content, 104105

versus content inventories, 102

content reuse analysis, 104105

content reuse assessment, 104

examples, 106116

examples for reuse

enterprise content, 106110

learning materials, 114116

product content, 112114

publishing, 110112


representative materials selection, 102103

scope identification, 102

quality assessment, 103

augmented reality systems, 55


collaborative, 218221

organization changes required, 221228

content models, 143144, 150

guidelines for structured content, 208209

identifying players, 9293

information technologists’ roles, 257

internal authors’ roles, 255


familiar tools, 286287

integration with CMS (content management systems), 289

overview, 284

page layout, 284285

separation of format and content, 288

structural and stylistic control, 287288

structured content, 286

structured editors, 285286

technically complex, 287

traditional word processing, 284285

workflow design, 172

automated reuse of content, options, 145149, 154155

component-based, 152, 157

conditional/filtered, 152, 157159

fragment-based, 153, 159160

identical, 152, 156

section-based, 152, 156157

variable, 153, 160



automated device adaptation, 146147

publishing roles, 258260

Breast Cancer Diagnosis Guide, 37 case study, 37


reuse of content, 213, 216

types of content, 4

building block approach to writing, 211, 255

business owners/analysts, roles, 255256


case studies

ASTD (American Society for Training and Development), 47, 37

Elekta Group, 5354

global content strategies, 63

global foodservice retailer, 63

lack of ongoing oversight, 240

LCMS (learning content management systems), 63

staring with content and context, 74

CCMS (component content management systems)

dedicated, 297

enterprise, 298300

learning, 298299

publishing, 298

socially enabled content integration layer, 5354

Web, 297

change management

communicating, 231232

content owners’ roles, 254

definition, 230

eliciting change agents’ help, 233

identifying pain, issues, and consequences, 231

obtaining champions, 233

overcoming resistance, 233236

reasons projects fail, 236239

changing roles

art, 258

business owners/analysts, 255256

content owners, 253254

content strategists, 253

senior, 252

editors, 256

external authors, 254

information architects, 256257

information technologists, 257

internal authors, 255


acquisitions editors, 258

assistant editors, 259

copy editors, 260

development editors, 258259

production-print, 260


editors’ roles, 256

structured writing, 210

technical publishing, 50

CMS (content management systems)

ability to meet enterprise requirements, 301302

archive portion, 292293

basics, 289290

CCMS (component content management systems)

dedicated, 297

enterprise, 298300

learning, 298299

publishing, 298

Web, 297

CRM (Customer relationship management) systems, 300

crosswalks, 196197

versus databases, 301

DMS (document management systems), 296

ECM (enterprise content management) systems, 300

information technologists’ roles, 257

integration with authoring tools, 289

LCCMS (learning component content management systems), 298

LCMS (learning content management systems), 57, 299

management portion

access control, 290

checking in/checking out, 292

search and retrieval, 292

updates, 291292

version control, 291

modular DITA-based content, 54

reuse of content

automatic, 154

manual, 153

socially enabled content integration layer, 5354

TCMS (traditional content management systems), 295

types, 293

WCMS (Web content management systems), 293

advantages, 294

disadvantages, 294295

workflow, 169, 172

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 263

collaborative authoring, 218221

definition, 219

internal authors’ roles, 255

organization changes required, 221228

requirements, 221

communities, structure versus community, 52

component-based reuse of content, 152, 157

component content management systems (CCMS)

dedicated, 297

enterprise, 298300

learning, 298299

publishing, 298

socially enabled content integration layer, 5354

Web, 297

component metadata, 195197

component models, 135

constraints of eBooks, 137138

constraints of mobile, 137138

granularity of reuse, 141142

conditional/filtered reuse of content, 152, 157159


multiple use, 211212

mobile, 213

reuse of, 213218

writing guidelines, 212213

sources of

customer service departments, 4

learning groups, 4

marketing and sales departments, 4

publishers, 4

technical publications, 4

in technical publications

customized, 5051

dynamic, 51

dynamic and personalized, 54

reuse of, 50

types of, 4

content audits, 101, 104

analyzing content, 104105

content strategists’ roles, 253

versus content inventories, 102

content reuse analysis, 104105

content reuse assessment, 104

examples, 106116

examples for reuse

enterprise content, 106110

learning materials, 114116

product content, 112114

publishing, 110112


representative materials selection, 102103

scope identification, 102

quality assessment, 103

content lifecycles, analyzing, 8788

identifying lifecycles, 89

identifying players, processes, and issues, 90

acquisitions or product development, 9394

authors or content contributors, 9293

customers, 9092

design, 9495

editors, 95

information technology, 9596

instructional design, 97

learning development, 97

production, 9798

reviewers, 98

sales and marketing, 9899

translation/localization, 99

content lifecycles, visions after substantive audits

authoring, 124, 126

business owners/analysts’ roles, 255256

creating content, 125126

global requirements, 124125

localization, 124

managing content, 127129

multichannel delivery, 129

publications and delivery, 125

reviewing content, 126127

usage, 123

content management systems (CMS)

ability to meet enterprise requirements, 301302

archive portion, 292293

basics, 289290

CCMS (component content management systems)

dedicated, 297

enterprise, 298300

learning, 298299

publishing, 298

Web, 297

CRM (Customer relationship management) systems, 300

crosswalks, 196197

versus databases, 301

DMS (document management systems), 296

ECM (enterprise content management) systems, 300

information technologists’ roles, 257

integration with authoring tools, 289

LCCMS (learning component content management systems), 298

LCMS (learning content management systems), 57, 299

management portion

access control, 290

checking in/checking out, 292

search and retrieval, 292

updates, 291292

version control, 291

modular DITA-based content, 54

reuse of content

automatic, 154

manual, 153

socially enabled content integration layer, 5354

TCMS (traditional content management systems), 295

types, 293

WCMS (Web content management systems), 293

advantages, 294

disadvantages, 294295

workflow, 169, 172

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 263

content modeling/models, 135

adaptive content, 134

component models, 140141

constraints of eBooks, 137138

constraints of mobile, 137138

content models

creating, 139141

editors’ roles, 256

elements, 135

granularity, 141143

implementing, 150

information products, 135

IPM (information product models), 135, 139140

uses, 143145

content’s importance over device considerations, 136139

governance, 241

structured content, 209210, 255

content owners, roles, 253254

content reuse

adaptive design support, 161162

automated reuse/options, 145149, 154155

component-based, 152, 157

conditional/filtered, 152, 157159

fragment-based, 153, 159160

identical, 152, 156

section-based, 152, 156157

variable, 153, 160

content owners’ roles, 254

content strategists’ roles, 253

creating strategy, 152

governance, 241242

manual reuse/options, 145, 153154

component-based, 152, 157

conditional/filtered, 152, 157159

fragment-based, 153, 159160

identical, 152, 156

section-based, 152, 156157

variable, 153, 160

metadata, 196200

multiple use, 211218

not most productive, 162163

RLOs (reusable learning objects), 64


derivative reuse, 156

locked reuse, 155

structured writing, 207

internal authors’ roles, 255

structural versus content reuse, 152

content silo traps, 5

causes of, 910

effects of

customers suffer, 9

duplication of effort, 6

explosion of mobile devices, 7

higher costs, 6

lack of consistency and standardization, 89

multiple content management system purchases, 8

poor communication, 7

reduced awareness of other initiatives, 8

content strategists, roles, 252253

Content Strategy for the Web, 34

Contributor element of semantic metadata, 194

Cooper, Alan, 74

Cooper, Charles, 48, 139

copy editors, roles, 260

Cost of Offering, 142

Coverage element of semantic metadata, 194

create, content lifecycle, 89

Creator element of semantic metadata, 194

CRM (customer relationship management) systems, 196197, 300

crosswalks, 194, 196197

customer needs analysis, 67

conducting assessments, 68

content strategists’ roles, 253

customer personas, 7374

identifying, 68

identifying players, 9092


analyzing existing, 7072

gathering new, 7273

metadata, 191192

customer relationship management (CRM) systems, 196197, 300

customer service departments, 4


Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) and XML (Extensible Markup Language), 5152

alternatives, 278280

DITA for Publishers, 279280

reasons needed, 273278

social Web, 52, 54

structured XML to DITA XML, 53

Date element of semantic metadata, 194

delivery systems

automation, 309310

basics, 308

capabilities, 308

content lifecycle, 89

output support, 309310

transformation, 309

derivative reuse, 156

Description element of semantic metadata, 194

descriptive metadata, 189195

development editors, roles, 258259

Dewey, Melvil, 189

Dewey Decimal Classification system, 189

digital publishing, 42

discoverable content, 23

DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) and XML (Extensible Markup Language), 5152

alternatives, 278280

DITA for Publishers, 279280

reasons needed, 273278

social Web, 52, 54

structured XML to DITA XML, 53

DMS (document management systems), 296

DocBook, 278279

D.O.S.©, 8182

DTD (Document Type Definition), 269271, 274275

Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, 194

Dublin Core Metadata initiative, 194195



automated device adaptation, 147

component models, 137138

content’s priority, 136

content types, 4

information architect’s roles, 256

publishing in-house, 4445

publishing roles, 258260

shift in content delivery, 36

eBooks 101: The Digital Content Strategy for Reaching Customers Anywhere, Anytime, on Any Device, 48, 139

ECM (enterprise content management) systems, 300


identifying players, 95

roles, 256

structured editors tools, 285286

eLearning Guild, 61

eLearning materials, 6061, 64

shift in content delivery, 36

types of content, 4

electronic point of sale (EPOS) apps, 36

electronic publication (EPUB) files, 44

Elekta Group case study, 5354

enhanced eBooks, 4

enterprise content

CMS (content management systems), 298299

ECM (enterprise content management) systems, 300

representative material for audits, 103

reuse of, 106110

EPOS (electronic point of sale) apps, 36

EPUB (electronic publication) files, 44

eReaders, 44

Extensible Markup Language (XML). See XML

eXtensible Metadata Platform (XMP), 195

eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) stylesheets, 266, 272273

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), 272

external authors, roles, 254


FAQs (frequently asked questions), 4

flowcharts, 169, 171

Foraker Labs, 37

Format element of semantic metadata, 194

fragment-based reuse of content, 153, 159160


Goldfarb, Charles, 265


boards, 245247

content guidelines, 239, 241

content models, 241

definition, 230

reuse of content, 241242

taxonomy and metadata, 243245

workflow, 243

granularity, component models

reuse, 141142

structure, 142143

Value Proposition, 142143


Halvorson, Kristina, 34

help, shift in content delivery, 36

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

265, 62

interactivity, 62

versus XML (Extensible Markup Language), 268


IBM, 265, 273

identical reuse of content, 152, 156

Identifier element of semantic metadata, 194

IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum), 44

IDs (instructional designers), 57

ILT (instructor-led training), 5859, 64

versus eLearning, 60

information architects, roles, 256257

information product model (IPM), 135, 253

information technology/technologists

identifying players, 9596

roles, 257

The Inmates Are Running the Asylum, 74

instructional designers (IDs), 57, 97

intelligent content

adaptable, 26, 28

definition, 16

discoverable, 23

National Regulatory Agency, 27

reconfigurable, 26


definition, 23

reasons to reuse content, 2325

roles in unified content strategies, 28

semantically categorized, 2223

structurally rich

benefits of, 22

importance of, 2122

semantic structure, 1821

stylesheets, 19

interactive web content

shift in content delivery, 36

types of content, 4

internal authors, roles, 255

International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF), 44

IPM (information product model), 135


KM (knowledge management) systems, 196197

KPCB, 35


Language element of semantic metadata, 194

LCCMS (learning component content management systems), 298

LCMS (learning content management systems), 57, 299

LD (learning development) teams, 57, 64

learning management systems (LMS), 57

learning materials

content lifecycle analysis, 97

eLearning, 6061, 64

ILT (instructor-led training), 5859

versus eLearning, 60

mLearning (learning via mobile), 61, 64

mobile, 6162

representative material for audits, 103

reuse of content, 114116

roles in unified content strategies, 64

shift in content delivery, 36

types of content, 4

virtual classroom training, 5960

lifecycle of content, analyzing, 8788

identifying lifecycles, 89

identifying players, processes, and issues, 90

acquisitions or product development, 9394

authors or content contributors, 9293

customers, 9092

design, 9495

editors, 95

information technology, 9596

instructional design, 97

learning development, 97

production, 9798

reviewers, 98

sales and marketing, 9899

translation/localization, 99

lifecycles of content, visions after substantive audits

authoring, 124, 126

business owners/analysts’ roles, 255256

creating content, 125126

global requirements, 124125

localization, 124

managing content, 127129

multichannel delivery, 129

publications and delivery, 125

reviewing content, 126127

usage, 123

Living the GI Way, 100

Living the GI Way (LGIW), 7576

adaptive content, 162

automated device adaptation, 146147

component models, 141

concentration on areas of need, 8485

content audits, 117118

content lifecycles, 100

exploratory phase, 121

content models

supporting authors, 144

value proposition reuse, 145

content reuse

component-based, 157

conditional, 158159

fragment-based, 160

section-based, 157

variable, 160

customer needs analysis, 7576

IPM (information product model) for sales and marketing, 140

metadata, 203

partial content matrix, 122

problems to be solved, 8485

scenario, 121

unified content lifecycle, 125129

visions after substantive audits, 123125

workflow, 181

LMS (learning management systems), 57

locked reuse, 155


manage, content lifecycle, 89

management portion of CMS (content management systems)

access control, 290

checking in/checking out, 292

search and retrieval, 292

updates, 291292

version control, 291

manual reuse of content/options, 145, 153154

component-based, 152, 157

conditional/filtered, 152, 157159

fragment-based, 153, 159160

identical, 152, 156

section-based, 152, 156157

variable, 153, 160

Marco, David, 184

Marcotte, Ethan, 134

marketing and sales departments, 4

Mars Climate Orbiter mission, 187


benefits of, 187188

CMS (content management systems), 290

content reuse considerations, 188, 198200

content strategists’ roles, 253

crosswalks, 194, 196197

definition, 184187

designing, 183

governance, 243245

information architect’s roles, 256

intelligent content, 23

learning materials content, 64

relationships, 202203

standards, 194195

Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, 194

Dublin Core Metadata initiative, 194195

RDF (Resource Description Framework), 194195

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), 195

XMP (eXtensible Metadata Platform), 195

for tracking, 200202

types, 188189

component, 195197

descriptive, 189195

visions after substantive audits, 127

Microsoft Office 2007, XML (Extensible Markup Language), 287

Microsoft Word

designed for paper output, 275

DocBook, 279

familiar authoring tools, 286287

metadata properties, 184186

RTF (Rich Text Format), 265

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 264

mLearning (learning via mobile), 61, 64


automated device adaptation, 149

component models, 137138

content’s priority, 136

information architect’s roles, 256

learning materials, 6162

multiple use content, 212214, 217

technical publications influences, 55

modeling/models of content, 135

adaptive content, 134

component models, 140141

constraints of eBooks, 137138

constraints of mobile, 137138

content models

creating, 139141

editors’ roles, 256

elements, 135

granularity, 141143

implementing, 150

information products, 135

IPM (information product models), 135, 139140

uses, 143145

content’s importance over device considerations, 136139

governance, 241

structured content, 209210, 255

modular RLOs (reusable learning objects), 64

Mulcahy, Anne, 22

multichannel content delivery, 129


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 187

National Library of Medicine (NLM), 279280

National Regulatory Agency, 27

NLM (National Library of Medicine), 279280


OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards), 273

Olson, Derek, 37

online help, shift in content delivery, 36

Oracle XML Author, 264

Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), 273


page layout tools, 284285

pattern matching, 24


content lifecycle analysis, 90

workflow design, 171172

approvers, 173

authors, 172

editors, 172

reviewers, 172

press releases

multiple use content, 217

reuse of content, 212

types of content, 4

product content

representative material for audits, 103

reuse of, 112114

production-print’s roles, roles, 260

Publisher element of semantic metadata, 194


CCMS (component content management systems), 298

changing roles

acquisitions editors, 258

assistant editors, 259

copy editors, 260

development editors, 258259

production-print, 260

content’s priority, 136

digital publishing, 42

eBook, in-house, 4445

EPUB (electronic publication) files, 44

processes, 42

representative material for audits, 103

reuse of content, 110112

roles in unified content strategies, 46

solutions to challenges, 125

sources of content, 4

traditional, 43

XML (Extensible Markup Language) early, 4546


RDF (Resource Description Framework), 194195

reasons to reuse content, 2325

reconfigurable content, 26

Relation element of semantic metadata, 194

Resource Description Framework (RDF), 194195

reusable learning objects (RLOs), 64

reuse of content

adaptive design support, 161162

automated reuse/options, 145149, 154155

component-based, 152, 157

conditional/filtered, 152, 157159

fragment-based, 153, 159160

identical, 152, 156

section-based, 152, 156157

variable, 153, 160

content owners’ roles, 254

content strategists’ roles, 253

creating strategy, 152

governance, 241242

manual reuse/options, 145, 153154

component-based, 152, 157

conditional/filtered, 152, 157159

fragment-based, 153, 159160

identical, 152, 156

section-based, 152, 156157

variable, 153, 160

metadata, 196200

multiple use, 211218

not most productive, 162163

RLOs (reusable learning objects), 64


derivative reuse, 156

locked reuse, 155

structured writing, 207

internal authors’ roles, 255

structural versus content reuse, 152


content lifecycle, 89

identifying players, 98

workflow analysis, 172, 74

Rights element of semantic metadata, 194

RLOs (reusable learning objects), 64

Rockley, Ann, 48, 139

roles and change

art, 258

business owners/analysts, 255256

content owners, 253254

content strategists, 253

senior, 252

editors, 256

external authors, 254

information architects, 256257

information technologists, 257

internal authors, 255


acquisitions editors, 258

assistant editors, 259

copy editors, 260

development editors, 258259

production-print, 260

RTF (Rich Text Format), 265


schemas and DTD (Document Type Definition), 269271

SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference), 57

section-based reuse of content, 152, 156157

securing reusable content

derivative reuse, 156

locked reuse, 155

semantically categorized content, 2223

semantic structure, 1821

senior strategists, 252

SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)

DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture), 275

DocBook, 278

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

moving to from SGML, 274

origins of, 265267

Sharable Content Object Reference (SCORM), 57

Simplified Technical English (STE), 5354

single sourcing, 4951

SMEs (subject matter experts), 53

authors or content contributors, 92

social Web, 4, 52

DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture), 52, 54

Source element of semantic metadata, 194

STE (Simplified Technical English), 5354

Strategic Coach® Program, 81

strategies, 152

structurally rich content

benefits of, 22

granularity of structure, 142143

importance of, 2122

semantic structure, 1821

stylesheets, 19

structure, versus community

communities, 52

DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) and social Web, 52, 54

social Web, 52

wikis, 52

structured content

authoring guidelines, 208209

authoring tools, 286

building block approach, 211, 255

versus content reuse, 152

definition, 206207

importance of, 206

internal authors’ roles, 255

models, 209210

for different channels, 210

multiple uses of, 211218

principles of, 207

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 266

structured editors tools, 285286

Subject element of semantic metadata, 194

subject matter experts (SMEs), 54

substantive audits

content audits, 101

versus content inventories, 102

content reuse analysis, 104105

content reuse assessment, 104

examples for reuse, 106116

processes, 102103

quality assessment, 103

content lifecycle analysis, 8788

acquisitions or product development, 9394

authors or content contributors, 9293

customers, 9092

design, 9495

editors, 95

identifying lifecycles, 89

identifying players, processes, and issues, 90

information technology, 9596

instructional design, 97

learning development, 97

production, 9798

reviewers, 98

sales and marketing, 9899

translation/localization, 99

customer needs, 67

conducting assessments, 68

identifying, 68

information, analyzing existing, 7072

information, gathering new, 7273

customer personas, 7374

problems to be solved, 7980

challenges, 83

dangers, 8182

D.O.S.©, 8182

goals, 8283

opportunities, 82

roles of unified content strategies, 85

staff to be interviewed, 81

strengths, 82


unified content lifecycles, 123125

unified content strategies, 120122

swimlane diagrams, 170171

versus flowcharts, 171



governance, 243245

information architect’s roles, 256

vertical, 190191

TCMS (traditional content management systems), 295

technical publications, reuse in

augmented reality systems, 55


customized, 5051

dynamic, 51

dynamic and personalized, 54

reuse of, 50

types of, 4

mobile influences, 55

multiple channels/copies, 50

single-source publishing, 50

structure versus community

communities, 52

DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture), 5152, 54

social Web, 52, 54

wikis, 52

and unified content strategies, 55

TEI (Text Encoding Initiative), 279280


content’s priority, 4

content types, 4

types of content, 4

Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), 279280

Thompson, Richard, 74

Title element of semantic metadata, 194

TMSs (translation memory systems), 2425

trade books, 4

traditional content management systems (TCMS), 295

traditional publishing, 43, 136

translation memory systems. See TMSs

Type element of semantic metadata, 194


unified content strategies

adaptive content design

component models, granularity, 141143

content modeling, 135

content models, creating, 139141

content models, implementing, 150

content models, uses, 143149

content owners’ roles, 254

content’s importance over device considerations, 136139

definition, 134

benefits of

cost reduction, 11

faster time-to-market, 11

quality improvement, 12

resource use improves, 11

unlimited device delivery, 12

business owners/analysts’ roles, 255256

change management

communicating, 231232

content owners’ roles, 254

definition, 230

eliciting change agents’ help, 233

identifying pain, issues, and consequences, 231

obtaining champions, 233

overcoming resistance, 233236

reasons projects fail, 236239

definition, 1011

editors’ roles, 256

intelligent content, 28

roles of, 3839

in intelligent content, 28

with learning materials, 64

in problems to be solved, 85

in publishing, 46

in technical publications, 55

scope of, 12

visions after substantive audits, 120122

web, 3435

expectations beyond, 36

Urbina, Noz, 54

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), 195


Value Proposition, 142

reusable content, 145, 152

variable reuse of content, 153, 160

vertical taxonomies, 190191

virtual classroom training, 4, 5960


of unified content lifecycles, 123125

of unified content strategies, 120122


W3C (World Wide Wed Consortium), 195, 265

WCMS (Web content management systems), 293, 297

advantages, 294

disadvantages, 294295

Webby Awards Official Honoree, 2011, 37


automated device adaptation, 148

information architects’ roles, 256

reuse of content, 212, 218

white papers

shift in content delivery, 36

types of content, 4

wikis, 52

word processing, 284285, 287

workflow/workflow systems

basics, 302

benefits of, 166167

business rules governing, 177178

components, 166

administration, 305306

creation, 303

processing, 303

routing, 303304

deadlines and escalation, 306307

definition, 166

designing, 165, 179181

flowcharts, 169

governance, 243

ideal workflow, 169

information technologists’ roles, 257

metadata review and approval, 200201

players, 171173

processes, 171, 176177

defining, 178

improving, 168

simplifying, 168

reporting, 307308

responsibilities, 171, 173

roles, 171, 173

rules, 304305

security and electronic signatures, 306

swimlane diagrams, 170

versus flowcharts, 171

tasks, 173175

defining, 176177

descriptions of, 175176

World Wide Wed Consortium (W3C), 195


Xerox Corporation, 22

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

advantages, 269

authoring tools, 284

structured editors, 285286

CMS (content management systems), 263

definition, 267

DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture), 5152

alternatives, 278280

reasons needed, 273278

social Web, 52, 54

structured XML to DITA XML, 53

DTD (Document Type Definition) and schemas, 269271

early version, 4546

fear of, 264

versus HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 268

origins, 265266

in content creation, 266

production-print’s roles, 280

separating content and format, 271273

tags, use of, 268

W3C (World Wide Wed Consortium), 265

XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) stylesheets, 266, 272273

XMP (eXtensible Metadata Platform), 195

XPath, 272

XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects), 272273

XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) stylesheets, 266, 272273, 309310

XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations), 272

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