Chapter 2: The Flexible Grid

When I was in college, a professor once told me that every artistic movement—whether musical, literary, or from the fine arts—could be seen as a response to the one that preceded it. Filmmakers of the sixties produced Bonnie and Clyde and The Graduate to counter such old Hollywood pictures as The Sound of Music. In Paradise Lost, John Milton actually writes his literary predecessors into the backdrop of hell—a not-so-subtle dig at their poetic street cred. And if it wasn’t for the tight arrangements of Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman, Charlie Parker might never have produced the wild-eyed experimentation of bebop.

One artist establishes a point; another sets the counterpoint. And this was especially true for the artists of the Modernist period in the mid-20th century. The Modernists were looking at the creative output of their predecessors, the Romantic period of the late 19th century, with, well, a little disdain. To them, Romantic art was just laden down with all this stuff—needless, embellished ornamentation that overwhelmed the artwork, and impeded its ability to properly communicate with the viewer (FIG 2.1).

Four pieces of artwork, including two paintings, Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix and The Gate by Hans Hoffmann, and two print designs

FIG 2.1: The Modernists heralded a shift away from the embellished realism of William Blake and Eugène Delacroix, to the more rational approach of Hans Hofmann and Josef Müller-Brockmann.

Now, the Modernist reaction to this took many different forms, spanning nearly every artistic medium. In painting, this meant reducing works to experiments in line, shape, and color. But graphic designers of the period, like Jan Tschichold, Emil Ruder, and Josef Müller-Brockmann, popularized this concept of a typographic grid: a rational system of columns and rows, upon which modules of content could be placed (FIG 2.2). And thanks to designers like Khoi Vinh and Mark Boulton, we’ve managed to adapt this old concept to the needs of contemporary web design.

Screenshot of a typographic grid

FIG 2.2: When tailored to the needs of your content as well as the page’s dimensions, the typographic grid is a powerful tool, aiding designer and reader alike.

In his book Grid Systems in Graphic Design, Müller-Brockmann referred to this process as “creating a typographic space on the page,” tailoring the proportions of the grid to the size of a blank piece of paper. But for a web designer, we’re missing one key component: the presence of an actual page. Our canvas, the browser window, can bend and flex to any shape or size, whether changed at the whim of the reader, or fixed by the phone or tablet they’re using to view our content.

Often, the first layer of our grid-based layouts looks like this:

#page {
  width: 960px;
  margin: 0 auto;

We create an element in our markup, give it a fixed width in our CSS, and center it in the page. But when we’re thinking flexibly, we instead need to translate a design created in Photoshop (FIG 2.3) into something more fluid, something more proportional.

Screenshot of a grid in Photoshop over the       Robot or Not design

FIG 2.3: Our PSD is looking pretty, but that grid’s more than slightly pixel-heavy. How can we become more flexible?

How do we begin?

Flexible typesetting

To find an answer, let’s do a little role-playing. No, no—you can put away those twenty-sided dice. I had something a bit more practical (and a bit less orc-enabled) in mind.

Pretend for a moment that you’re working as a front-end developer. (If you’re already a front-end developer, well, pretend you’re also wearing a pirate hat.) A designer on your team has asked you to convert a simple design into markup and CSS. Always game to help out, you take a quick look at the PSD she sent you (FIG 2.4).

Mockup of a line of text with a 'READ         MORE' link

FIG 2.4: The mockup for our typesetting exercise. This should take, like, minutes.

There’s not much content here, true. But hey—even short jobs require close attention to detail, so you begin focusing on the task at hand. And after carefully assessing the content types in the mockup, here’s the HTML you come up with:

<h1>Achieve sentience with Skynet! <a href="#">Read More &raquo;</a></h1>

A headline with a link embedded in it—a fine foundation of semantic markup, don’t you think? After dropping in a reset stylesheet, the content begins shaping up in your browser (FIG 2.5).

Screenshot of the same text and link with no design in a browser

FIG 2.5: Plain, style-free markup. The stuff dreams (and websites) are made of.

It’s definitely a modest start. But with our foundation in place, we can begin adding a layer of style. Let’s start by applying some basic rules to the body element:

body { 
  background-color: #DCDBD9; 
  color: #2C2C2C; 
  font: normal 100% Cambria, Georgia, serif;

Nothing too fancy: We’re applying a light gray background color (#DCDBD9) to our entire document, and a fairly dark text color (#2C2C2C). And finally, we’ve dropped in the font characteristics: a default weight (normal) and a serif-heavy font stack (Cambria, Georgia, serif).

Finally, you’ve probably noticed that the font-size has been set to 100%. In doing so, we’ve simply set our base type size to the browser’s default, which in most cases is 16 pixels. We can then use ems to size text up or down from that relative baseline. But before we do, we can see that our headline’s starting to shape up (FIG 2.6).

Screenshot of the same text with a gray       background and a chosen font

FIG. 2.6: With one simple CSS rule, we can set some high-level parameters for our design.

Wondering why the h1 doesn’t look, well, headline-y? We’re currently using a reset stylesheet, which overrides a browser’s default styles for HTML elements. It’s a handy way to get all browsers working from a consistent baseline. Personally, I’m a big fan of Eric Meyer’s reset (, but there are dozens of fine alternatives out there.

At any rate, that’s why our h1 looks so small: it’s simply inheriting the font-size of 100% we set on the body element, and rendering at the browser’s default type size of 16 pixels.

Now, if we were content with pixels, we could just translate the values from the comp directly into our CSS:

h1 {
  font-size: 24px;
  font-style: italic;
  font-weight: normal;

h1 a {
  color: #747474;
  font: bold 11px Calibri, Optima, Arial, sans-serif;
  letter-spacing: 0.15em;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  text-decoration: none;

And that would be fine—there’s nothing actually wrong with setting your type in pixels. But for the purposes of our relative typesetting experiment, let’s instead start to think proportionally, and express those pixel-based font-size values in relative terms. So instead of pixels, we’ll use our friend the em.

Contextual healing

To do so, we’ll need to do a teensy bit of math: we’ll simply take the target font size from our comp, and divide it by the font-size of its containing element—in other words, its context. The result is our desired font-size expressed in relative, oh-so-flexible ems.

In other words, relative type sizes can be calculated with this simple formula:

target ÷ context = result

(Quick aside: If you’re at all like me, the word “math” causes immediate and serious panic. But speaking as someone who took a philosophy course for his college math credit, don’t run screaming into the hills quite yet. I rely on my computer’s calculator program heavily, and simply paste the result into my CSS. That keeps me from really having to, you know, do the math.)

So with our formula in hand, let’s turn back to that 24px headline. Assuming that our base font-size: 100% on the body element equates to 16px, we can plug those values directly into our formula. So if we need to express our h1’s target font size (24px) relative to its context (16px), we get:

24 ÷ 16 = 1.5

And there we are: 24px is 1.5 times greater than 16px, so our font-size is 1.5em:

h1 {
  font-size: 1.5em; /* 24px / 16px */
  font-style: italic;
  font-weight: normal;

And voilà! Our headline’s size perfectly matches the size specified in our comp, but is expressed in relative, scaleable terms (FIG 2.7).

Screenshot of the resized text in a       browser

FIG 2.7: Our headline is properly sized with flexible, scaleable ems. (But what the heck is up with that link?)

(I usually put the math behind my measurements in a comment to the right-hand side of the line (/* 24px / 16px */), which makes future adjustments much, much easier for me to make.)

With that squared away, let’s turn to our lonely little “Read More” link. Actually, as you can see in FIGURE 2.7, it’s not so little—and that’s the problem. Sized in our comp (FIG 2.4) at 11 pixels in a generously kerned sans-serif, we need to scale the text down. A lot. Because at the moment, it’s simply inheriting the font-size: 1.5em set on its containing element, the h1.

And that’s important to note. Because the headline’s text is set at 1.5em, any elements inside that headline need to be expressed in relation to that value. In other words, our context has changed.

So to set the font-size of our link in ems, we’ll divide our target of 11px not by 16px, the value set on the body, but by 24px—the font size of the headline, our new context:

11 ÷ 24 = 0.458333333333333

After that little division we’re left with one of the least sexy numbers you’ve probably seen yet today. (Oh, but just you wait: the chapter’s not over yet.)

Now, you might be tempted to round 0.45833333333333em to the nearest sane-looking number—say, to 0.46em. But don’t touch that delete key! It might make your eyes bleed to look at it, but 0.458333333333333 perfectly represents our desired font size in proportional terms. What’s more, browsers are perfectly adept at rounding off those excess decimal places as they internally convert the values to pixels. So giving them more information, not less, will net you a better result in the end.

In the spirit of accuracy, we can just drop that homely-looking number directly into our CSS:

h1 a {
  font: bold 0.458333333333333em Calibri, Optima, Arial, sans-serif; /* 11px / 24px */
  color: #747474;
  letter-spacing: 0.15em;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  text-decoration: none;

The result? Our tiny page is finished, perfectly matching our intended design—but with text set in resizeable, scaleable ems (FIG 2.8).

Screenshot with the link resized to be       smaller

FIG 2.8: And with some simple math, our typesetting’s complete—without a single pixel in sight.

From flexible fonts to a flexible grid

It’s possible you’re very, very bored right now. I mean, here you are, knee-deep in what’s supposed to be a chapter about creating flexible, grid-based layouts, and this Ethan fellow won’t stop prattling on about typesetting and math. The nerve.

But the first time I had to build on a flexible grid, I had no idea where to begin. So I did what I do every time I’m faced with a problem I don’t know how to solve: I avoided it entirely, and started working on something else.

As I started work on setting the site’s type in ems, I had a minor epiphany: namely, that we can apply the same sort of proportional thinking to layout that we apply to relative font sizes. In other words, every aspect of our grid—the rows and columns, and the modules draped over them—can be expressed as proportions of their containing element, rather than in unchanging, inflexible pixels.

And we can do so by recycling our trusty target ÷ context = result formula. Let’s dive in.

Creating a flexible grid

Let’s pretend that our designer sent over another mockup, since she was so impressed with our quick turnaround on that headline we produced. We’re now tasked with coding the blog section of the Robot or Not website (FIG 2.9).

Mockup of the blog design

FIG 2.9: Our new assignment: converting this blog design into a standards-based, flexible layout.

As it turns out, our designer likes us so darn much she’s even included a quick content inventory of the page (FIG 2.10), which will save us some pre-production planning. We should really send her some cookies or something.

Mockup of the hierarchy and layout for       the content of the block

FIG 2.10: The content inventory for our blog module.

We can handily translate her schematic into a basic markup structure, like so:

<div id="page"> 
  <div class="blog section"> 
    <h1 class="lede">Recently in <a href="#">The Bot Blog</a></h1>  

    <div class="main"> 
    </div><!-- /end .main -->

    <div class="other"> 
    </div><!-- /end .other -->

  </div><!-- /end .blog.section -->
</div><!-- /end #page -->

Our skeleton markup is lean, mean, and semantically rich, perfectly matching the high-level content inventory. We’ve created a generic container for the entire page (#page), which in turn contains our .blog module. And within .blog we’ve created two more containers: a div classed as .main for our main article content, and another div classed as .other for, um, other stuff. Poetry it ain’t, but poetry it doesn’t have to be.

At this point, we’re going to skip a few steps in our exercise. In fact, let’s pretend that this is one of those cooking shows where the chef throws a bunch of ingredients into a pot, and then turns around to produce a fully cooked turkey. (This metaphor handily demonstrates how infrequently I watch cooking shows. Or cook turkey.)

But let’s assume that we’ve already done all the CSS related to typesetting, background images, and just about every element of our design that isn’t related to layout (FIG 2.11). With those other details finished, we can focus exclusively on producing our fluid grid.

Screenshot of blog content without layout

FIG 2.11: Our template is finished! Well, with the possible exception of, you know, an actual layout.

So how exactly do we turn those .main and .other blocks into proper columns? With our content inventory finished and some basic markup in place, let’s go back to our comp and take a closer look at the grid’s physical characteristics (FIG 2.12).

Mockup of design with grid overlay       showing width of the grid and overall width

FIG 2.12: Grid-based layout is grid-based!

Reviewing the design tells us a few things: first, that the grid itself is divided into 12 columns, each measuring 69 pixels across and separated by regular 12px-wide gutters. Taken together, those columns and gutters give us a total width of 960 pixels. However, the blog itself is only 900 pixels wide, centered horizontally within that 960px-wide canvas.

So those are the high-level details. And if we take a closer look at the two columns inside of the blog (FIG 2.13), we can see that the left-hand content column (.main in our markup) is 566 pixels wide, while the right-hand, secondary column (.other) is only 331 pixels across.

Mockup of design with grid overlay       showing width of main and sidebar columns

FIG 2.13: Let’s narrow our focus a bit, and measure the internal columns.

Well now. Quite a few pixel values floating around so far, aren’t there? And if we were content with pixels we could simply drop them into our CSS directly. (Hello, leading statement!)

#page {
  margin: 36px auto;
  width: 960px;

.blog {
  margin: 0 auto 53px;
  width: 900px;

.blog .main {
  float: left;
  width: 566px;

.blog .other {
  float: right;
  width: 331px;

Nice and neat: we’ve set the width of #page to 960 pixels, centered the 900px-wide .blog module within that container, set the widths of .main and .other to 566px and 331px, respectively, and finally floated the two columns opposite each other. And the result looks stellar (FIG 2.14).

Screenshot of blog content with layout

FIG 2.14: A few pixel-based floats later, and our design’s nearly finished. Or is it?

But while our layout’s matched the comp perfectly, the result is downright inflexible. Fixed at a width of 960px, our page is blissfully indifferent to changes in viewport size, forcing a horizontal scrollbar upon the reader if the window drops even slightly below 1024 pixels (FIG 2.15).

Screenshot resized to show content       overflowing

FIG 2.15: Our layout is lovely, but it’s so very inflexible. Let’s fix that.

In short, we can do better.

From pixels to percentages

Instead of pasting the pixel values from our comp directly into our CSS, we need to express those widths in relative, proportional terms. Once we’ve done so, we’ll have a grid that can resize itself as the viewport does, but without compromising the design’s original proportions.

Let’s start at the outermost #page element, which contains our design, and work our way in:

#page {
  margin: 36px auto;
  width: 960px;

Nasty, evil pixels. We hates them.

Okay, okay: not really. Remember, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with fixed-width layouts! But to move toward a more flexible grid, let’s start with a percentage value to replace that 960px:

#page {
  margin: 36px auto;
  width: 90%;

I’ll confess that I arrived at 90% somewhat arbitrarily, doing a bit of trial and error in the browser window to see what looked best. By setting our #page element to a percentage of the browser window, we’ve created a container that will expand and contract as the viewport does (FIG 2.16). And as that container is centered horizontally within the page, we’ll be left with a comfortable five percent margin on either side.

Three screenshots at different widths       showing resized blog content container

FIG 2.16: Our container flexes as the browser window does.

So far, so good. Moving down the markup, let’s set our sights on the .blog module itself. Previously, when we were toying with pixels, we wrote the following rule:

.blog {
  margin: 0 auto 53px;
  width: 900px;

Instead of a value set in pixels, we need to express .blog ’s width of 900px in proportional terms: specifically, describing it as a percentage of the width of its containing element. And this is where our beloved target ÷ context = result formula comes back into play.

We already know our target pixel width for our blog: that’s 900px, as defined in our mockup. What we want is to describe that width in relative terms, as a percentage of .blog’s containing element. Since .blog is nested within the #page element, we’ve got our context—namely, 960 pixels, the width of #page as it was designed in the mockup.

So let’s divide our target width for .blog (900) by its context (960):

900 ÷ 960 = 0.9375

We’re left with a result of 0.9375. Doesn’t look like much, I’ll admit. But by moving the decimal over two places we’re left with 93.75%, a percentage we can drop directly into our CSS:

.blog {
  margin: 0 auto 53px;
  width: 93.75%; /* 900px / 960px */

(Just as I did with our relative typesetting exercise, I’ve left the formula in a comment off to the right of the width property. This is a personal preference, of course, but I’ve found it to be incredibly helpful.)

So that takes care of our two containing elements. But what about our content columns?

.blog .main {
  float: left;
  width: 566px;

.blog .other {
  float: right;
  width: 331px;

Our left-hand content column is floated to the left, and set at 566px; the additional content is floated opposite, sized at a width of 331px. Once again, let’s replace those pixel-based target widths with percentages.

But before we drop those values into our target ÷ context = result formula, it’s important to note that our context has changed. Last time, we divided the width of our blog module by 960px, the width of its container (#page). But since they’re nested inside .blog, we need to express our columns’ widths in relation to 900px—the width of the blog.

So we’ll divide our two target values (566px and 331px) by 900px, our new context:

566 ÷ 900 = .628888889
331 ÷ 900 = .367777778

Once we move our decimal points we’re left with 62.8888889% and 36.7777778%, the proportional widths of .main and .other:

.blog .main {
  float: left;
  width: 62.8888889%; /* 566px / 900px */

.blog .other {
  float: right;
  width: 36.7777778%; /* 331px / 900px */

Just like that, we’re left with a flexible, grid-based layout (FIG 2.17).

Three screenshots showing nicely resized       design

FIG 2.17: Our flexible grid is complete.

With some simple math we’ve created a percentage-based container and two flexible columns, creating a layout that resizes in concert with the browser window. And as it does, the pixel widths of those columns might change—but the proportions of our design remain intact.

Flexible margins and padding

Now that those two columns are in place, we’re done with the top-level components of our flexible grid. Marvelous. Wonderful. Stupendous, even. But before we haul out any more adjectives, there’s quite a bit of detail work to be done.

Can’t get no ventilation

First and foremost, our design may be flexible, but it is in serious need of some detail work. The two most grievous offenders? The title of our blog is flush left within its container (FIG 2.18), and our two columns currently abut each other, with no margins or gutters in sight (FIG 2.19). We definitely have some cleanup to do.

Zoomed-in screenshot of headline directly       adjacent to container

FIG 2.18: Our headline is in dire need of padding.

Zoomed-in screenshot of content directly       adjacent to sidebar

FIG 2.19: Margins? We don’t need no stinking margins. (Actually, we do. We really do.)

So let’s begin with that headline. In our comp, there’s 48 pixels of space between our headline and the left edge of its container (FIG 2.20). Now, we could use pixels to set a fixed padding-left on our headline in either pixels or ems, like so:

Mockup of design showing grid overlay of       48 pixels of left padding for headline

FIG 2.20: According to the design, we need 48px of horizontal padding on the left edge of our headline.

.lede {
  padding: 0.8em 48px;

This is a decent solution. But a fixed value for that padding-left would create a gutter that doesn’t line up with the rest of our fluid grid. As our flexible columns expand or contract, that gutter would simply ignore the rest of our design’s proportions, sitting stubbornly at 48px no matter how small or wide the design became.

So instead, let’s create a flexible gutter. So far, we’ve been describing various elements’ widths in proportional terms. But we can also create percentage-based margins and padding to preserve the integrity of our flexible grid. And we can reuse the target ÷ context = result formula to do so.

Before we start in with the math, it’s important to note that the context is slightly different for each, and depends on whether you’re setting flexible margins or flexible padding:

  1. When setting flexible margins on an element, your context is the width of the element’s container.
  2. When setting flexible padding on an element, your context is the width of the element itself. Which makes sense, if you think about the box model: we’re describing the padding in relation to the width of the box itself.

Since we want to set some padding on our headline, our context is the width of our .lede title. Now since the headline doesn’t have a declared width, its width (and the context we need for our formula) is the width of the blog module, or 900px. So out comes the calculator, and we’re left with:

48 ÷ 900 = 0.0533333333

which translates to:

.lede {
  padding: 0.8em 5.33333333%; /* 48px / 900px */

And there we have it: our 48px padding has been expressed in relative terms, as a proportion of our headline’s width.

With that issue resolved, let’s introduce a bit of whitespace to our compacted content. To do so, it’s worth remembering that each column actually has a smaller module contained within it: the left-hand .blog column contains an .article, while the .other column contains our .recent-entries listing (FIG 2.21).

Mockup of margins and size of main and       sidebar columns

FIG 2.21: Taking a look at the comp, we can quickly size up their respective widths. Pun unfortunate, but intended.

We start with the recent entries module. Fortunately for us, our work’s over pretty quickly. Since we know the width of the element (231px) and the width of its containing column (331px), we can simply center our module horizontally:

.recent-entries {
  margin: 0 auto;
  width: 69.7885196%; /* 231px / 331px */

Now, we could take the same approach with our article. But instead, let’s make it a bit more interesting. Remember the 48px padding we set on our headline? Well, our article falls along the same column (FIG 2.22). So rather than just centering our article within its container, let’s create another proportional gutter.

Mockup of grid overlay showing common       padding for headline and article elements

FIG 2.22: Our headline and article share a common padding.

Our target value is 48px. And since we’re working with relative padding, our context should be the width of the article itself. But once again, since there’s no explicit width set on .article, we can simply use 566px, the width of its parent (.blog), for our context:

.article {
  padding: 40px 8.48056537%; /* 48px / 566px */

Voilà! Our flexible grid’s all but finished (FIG 2.23).

Screenshot of updated design

FIG 2.23: Flexible padding and margins! Hooray!

Getting negative

Let’s turn to our blog entry’s beleaguered date header. Currently, it’s spanning the full width of the blog entry, and that won’t do. Given what we’ve learned so far, it’s fairly straightforward to fix its width: the comp tells us our date should be floated to the left, and that it occupies one 69px column (refer back to FIG 2.12). Since the date sits within the 474px-wide article, we have our context.

Armed with that information, let’s write some quick CSS:

.date {
  float: left;
  width: 14.556962%; /* 69px / 474px */

So far, so flexible, so good. But there’s one key component missing: our date is currently floating neatly against the left edge of the article, with the title and copy floating around it (FIG 2.24). What we need to do is to pull that quote out of its container, and move it across the left-hand edge of the entire module.

Screenshot of content too close to other       elements

FIG 2.24: Something’s rotten in Demark. (By “Denmark,” I mean “our entry date.” And by “rotten,” I mean “entirely too close to the adjoining text.”)

And with negative margins, we can do exactly that. And we don’t have to change our approach because the margin is negative: just as before, we simply need to express that margin in relation to the width of the element’s container.

If we look at the mockup, we can see that there are 81 pixels from the left edge of the date over to the left edge of the article (FIG. 2.25). And if this was a fixed-width design, that would be our negative margin:

Mockup of negative margin amount for date       element

FIG 2.25: We need to draw that date out to the left by 81px. Or, you know, the relative equivalent thereof.

.date {
  float: left;
  margin-left: -81px;
  width: 69px;

But hey: we haven’t used a single pixel yet, and we’re not about to start now. Instead, we want to express that margin in relative terms, just as we did with our pull quote. It’s going to be a negative margin, but that doesn’t change the math. We still want to express our target value—that 81px-wide margin—as a percentage of 474px, the width of the date’s containing element:

81 ÷ 474 = .170886076

Do the decimal shift and slap a minus sign on there, and we’ve got our proportional, negative margin:

.date {
  float: left;
  margin-left: -17.0886076%; /* 81px / 474px */
  width: 14.556962%; /* 69px / 474px */

Now sit back, relax, and take comfort in the fact that you’ve built your first fully flexible grid (FIG 2.26). I feel a high five coming on.

Screenshot of finished design

FIG 2.26: Our flexible grid is finally finished. Not a pixel value in sight, and we didn’t have to skimp on the aesthetics.

Moving forward, flexibly

I realize I just subjected you to a truckload of division signs. And as someone who gets headaches from balancing his checkbook, believe me: I sympathize.

But building a flexible grid isn’t entirely about the math. The target ÷ context = result formula makes it easy to articulate those proportions into stylesheet-ready percentages, sure—but ultimately, we need to break our habit of translating pixels from Photoshop directly into our CSS, and focus our attention on the proportions behind our designs. It’s about becoming context-aware: better understanding the ratio-based relationships between element and container.

But a fluid grid is just our foundation, the first layer of a responsive design. Let’s move onto the next step.

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