
Like most photographers, our studio had very humble beginnings. I was a corporate slave working in a cubicle every day, working my tail off for someone else. I loved photography and had been exposed to it at a very early age. My aunt had a darkroom in the basement and my love was born. Now, I’m not going to lie. I had been an amateur for most of my life. Around 2006, a friend and co-worker got me reenergized about photography, and I knew this was what I wanted to be when I grew up.

In 2008, our first year as professionals, our studio grossed $50,000. Hardly a living compared to my salary and benefits in corporate America. We nearly lost everything we had after that year. Looking down the barrel of foreclosure and bankruptcy, I knew something had to change. And it did! I put my business degree to work. Instead of trying to emulate what other photographers were doing in their business, I used my business training to establish a bona fide business model and plan for my newly formed company. And we have never looked back! In 2011, gross sales for our studio crossed the $1 million mark. I share that with you so that you know anything is possible. We grew our business in blue-collar America during the middle of a recession.

When I decided to go pro back in 2008, my biggest frustration was the lack of quality educational material out there. No one would share the business side of things. Everyone wanted to tell you about flash and posing. And when the topic of business would come up, it was always this cloak-and-dagger conversation. They would share, but not too much. After all, we might steal all their secrets. Well, I needed real substance, not fluff.

Wow, things sure have changed in the last five years! Today, not only is everyone a photographer, but everyone is an educator.

For me, there is a lot of responsibility that comes with being an educator. Unfortunately, I see a lot of people out there for the money, and that is the wrong motivation. Our industry and our profession is in trouble right now. We need help. We need to raise the bar or soon there will no longer be a professional photographer. When I decided to get involved with the educational side of our industry, I knew I had to be willing to share everything I knew. That is my promise to you as a student.

When I was coming up, no one was willing to show what was behind the curtain. Well, here we go. This book is meant to get you on the right track when it comes to the business of photography. It’s not tied to any specific genre of photography, nor is it meant to be. Instead, it’s a broad overview of the business side of things. If there is something I see photographers struggling with the world over, it’s the business side of photography. This is a great launch point for your business. And make no mistake, this is the first in a series of books where we drill down into the various aspects of starting up, maintaining, and growing your business.

In reading this book, the best advice I can offer is to get your highlighter and use this book as a reference for everything you are doing with your business. Read it over and over again until it fully makes sense to you. Most importantly, do something with all this information. Don’t sit on it. Look for ways to incorporate it into your business and get your business moving in the right direction.

Much love and success,

Sal Cincotta

For more training and education from Sal, be sure to follow him online:


Twitter: @salcincotta

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