10. Rituals, Traditions, and Celebrations

The challenges in this section ask you to reflect on any rituals or traditions you engage in, and how you celebrate successes. A ritual can be as simple as taking a deep breath before you start writing. What are your beliefs and practices? What inspires and motivates you? How do you avoid writer’s block?

It’s helpful to know how to keep your muse amused.

Now get started writing!

214. Inspiration

Suggested time: 10–15 minutes


Writers and artists since the beginning of time have found quirky methods to woo their muses. In her article “O Muse! You Do Make Things Difficult,” Diane Ackerman says that “the poet Schiller used to keep rotten apples under the lid of his desk and inhale their pungent bouquet when he needed to find the right word.”

• Ernest Hemingway wrote standing up.

• Diane Ackerman likes to soak in the bathtub (as did Benjamin Franklin).

• Proust drank tea and ate madeleines.

What do you do to stay inspired?

Rituals are important. – John Lennon

215. I Won!

Suggested time: 10–15 minutes


Write about a time when you were awarded a prize, an award, or anything else that made you feel like a winner. Describe any anticipation you had about the award, and how you celebrated.

216. Let’s Celebrate!

Suggested time: 10–15 minutes


What is your favorite celebration? Describe in detail how you celebrate. Include foods or drinks, activities, decorations, and those who join in on the event.

217. Wedding

Suggested time: 45–120 minutes


Weddings can be beautiful. They can also bring out the strongest emotions. Write a true or fictional story about two people fighting at a wedding.

Tradition is a guide, not a jailor – Somerset Maugham

Did you know?

The precursor to the bridal bouquet was a bunch of herbs, such as garlic and rosemary, carried by brides in ancient Rome. The herbs were meant to ward off evil, and they symbolized fidelity and fertility.1

218. Exciting Package

Suggested time: 10–15 minutes


Describe the best package you’ve ever received. Tell how it arrived and who sent it, and write about its significance. Then describe a great package that you have sent or would like to send to someone.

219. Best Gift

Suggested time: 10–15 minutes


What is the best gift you’ve ever received? Explain the occasion, who gave you the gift, and whether it was a surprise. Write a detailed description of the gift.

220. A Holiday Tradition

Suggested time: 10–15 minutes


Describe a holiday tradition that you enjoy. Start by telling how the tradition started, including who started it, why, how, and when. Tell how the tradition has changed or not changed over the years.

I love music passionately. And because I love it I try to free it from barren traditions that stifle it. – Claude Debussy

221. Staying on Top

Suggested time: 10–15 minutes

Explain what you do to stay at the top of your game. Describe any training or practice or other disciplines you take on.

Did you know?

The official colors of Mardi Gras became purple, green, and gold in 1872 to honor Russian Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich, who chose them. Purple symbolizes justice, green faith, and gold power.2

222. Acceptance Speech

Suggested time: 45–90 minutes


Write an acceptance speech for an award you would dearly like to win. Keep the tone sincere and candid. Don’t say anything negative, such as “I really don’t deserve this award,” but do offer a gracious acceptance and tell your audience how hard you worked and how much help you received along the way.

Include the following:

• Thanks to those who helped you with your achievement

• Recognition of the organization who sponsors the award

• An anecdote about the early days when you were just starting out

• A fun fact about how you became interested in your field of achievement

Did you know?

Olympic winners in 752 BC were awarded a prized wreath of olive leaves.3

223. Costume

Suggested time: 10–15 minutes

Think about all the costumes you’ve ever worn for Halloween, come-as-you-are parties, plays, and so forth. Try to recall your very first Halloween costume or the earliest one that you can remember.

Choose a favorite costume or one that you really hated. How did it feel to wear that costume? Were you transformed into another character? How did you acquire the costume? Did someone make it for you? Did you make it? Did you purchase it? Did someone give it to you?

Write a few paragraphs describing the costume and the event that you wore it to.

224. Rite of Passage

Suggested time: 10–15 minutes

Describe an unusual rite of passage you and your friends have engaged in. Was there some status involved with completing the ritual? Describe the rite, who was involved, and what the passage meant.

225. Invent a Tradition

Suggested time: 10–15 minutes


Have you created your own tradition? If so, describe it and explain why it has meaning for you.

If you haven’t invented a tradition, it’s time to get started. Maybe you’re going to carve Celtic art into Halloween pumpkins every year. Maybe you’re going to celebrate your birthday with a dunk in the ocean, even if it’s a cold December day. Create your most imaginative and fun event and explain its significance.

Celebrate what you want to see more of. – Tom Peters

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