Chapter 10 Assignments

Many of the techniques covered in this chapter are specific to certain shooting situations that may not come about very often. It’s a good idea to practice them a few times so that when the situation does present itself, you’ll be ready. Here are a few challenges to get you started.

Set your My Menu settings

Go through all the settings on your 6D, and make a list of the ones you find yourself using most often. Then follow the steps in this chapter to set up your My Menu section so you always have easy access to those settings.

Study your histograms

Over the course of a day, study the histograms for every image you take. Take note of the scenes where you overexposed for highlights or underexposed for shadows, and adjust your exposure settings accordingly.

Try something new

Try the zoom-panning and light-painting techniques found at the end of this chapter. Use your imagination, and try to come up with your own creative tricks for turning ordinary images into something special. There is no right or wrong way to do it—just have fun experimenting.

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