6. Geo-tag Your Images

One of the most exciting features of the 6D is the built-in GPS. With it, you have the ability to embed the GPS coordinates of your location into any photograph you take, which is known as geo-tagging. Have you ever stumbled upon a waterfall while on a walk through the woods and wanted to revisit that location in the future? Now you can find that location again with ease.

Not only can you embed the GPS location into individual images as you take them, but you can also track the route you take, which is known as GPS logging. You can then take this “track” and load it onto the Map Utility software that came with your camera, and you can even upload your track to Google Maps so you can share your adventures with your friends.

Enabling GPS

1. Turn your camera on.

2. Use the Multi-Controller to move to the second setup menu (A).


3. Move down to GPS, and hit the Set button.

4. Hit the Set button again on Select GPS device, and set it to Internal GPS (B).


5. Next move to “Set up,” and press the Set button.

6. Make sure Auto time setting is set to Auto update so the time code on your images comes from the satellites your GPS unit connects to (C).

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