Quick Tips for Shooting Better Portraits

Before we get to the challenges for this chapter, I thought it would be a good idea to discuss some tips for portrait photography that don’t necessarily have anything to do with your camera settings. There are entire books that focus on portrait lighting, posing, and so on, but here are a few tips to help you capture better portrait images.

Avoid the Center of the Frame

This falls under the category of composition. Place your subject to the side of the frame (Figure 5.15)—it generally creates a more interesting image than placing your subject directly in the middle.


Figure 5.15. An off-center subject creates a pleasing composition.

Choose the Right Lens

Choosing the correct lens can make a huge impact on your portraits. A wide-angle lens can distort the features of your subject, which can lead to an unflattering portrait. Select a longer focal length if you want to remove distortion while still getting close (Figure 5.16).


Figure 5.16. I used a long focal length to keep my distance from this woman while taking her photo.

Use the Frame

Have you ever noticed that most people are taller than they are wide? Turn your camera vertically for a more pleasing composition (Figure 5.17).


Figure 5.17. A vertically composed image is a good choice for many portraits.

Sunblock for Portraits

The midday sun can be harsh and can do unflattering things to a person’s face. If you can, find a shady spot out of the direct sunlight (Figure 5.18). You will get softer shadows, smoother skin tones, and better detail. This holds true for overcast skies as well. Just be sure to adjust your white balance accordingly.


Figure 5.18. A shady area will give you diffused lighting for portraits.

Keep an Eye on Your Background

It’s easy to get so caught up in taking a great shot that you forget about the details. Keep an eye on what’s going on behind your subjects so they don’t end up with things popping out of their heads (Figure 5.19).


Figure 5.19. I placed the subject so there were no distracting elements directly behind him.

More than Just a Pretty Face

Most people think of a portrait as a photo of someone’s face. Don’t ignore other aspects of your subject that reflect his or her personality—hands, especially, can go a long way toward describing someone (Figure 5.20).


Figure 5.20. This image of a couple holding hands tells a story without showing their faces.

Get Down on their Level

If you want better pictures of children, don’t shoot from an adult’s eye level. Getting the camera down to the child’s level will make your images look more personal (Figure 5.21).


Figure 5.21. Children look their best when photographed from their level.

Don’t be Afraid to Get Close

When you are taking someone’s picture, don’t be afraid of getting close and filling the frame (Figure 5.22). This doesn’t mean you have to shoot from a foot away; try zooming in and capturing the details.


Figure 5.22. Fill the frame to focus attention on the person rather than on their surroundings.

Find Candid Moments

Sometimes the best images are the ones that weren’t posed. Find moments when people are just being themselves (Figure 5.23).


Figure 5.23. Sometimes the best portraits are the ones that weren’t planned.

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