
Range Controls

The RangeBase control is an abstract class that represents a control that oversees a numeric value that falls between a minimum and a maximum value. Windows Phone provides three RangeBase controls: the ProgressBar, ScrollBar, and Slider (see Figure 5.14).


FIGURE 5.14 RangeBase controls.

The RangeBase control provides various range related properties and events for monitoring its Value property (see Table 5.2).

TABLE 5.2. Properties of the RangeBase Class



If the Value property is set to a value outside the range defined by the Minimum and Maximum properties, no Exception is raised. Instead the Value property is coerced and set to either the Minimum or Maximum value.

However, setting Minimum, Maximum, Value, SmallChange, or LargeChange to NaN, NegativeInfinity, or PositiveInfinity raises an ArgumentException. In addition, setting SmallChange or LargeChange to a value less than zero raises an ArgumentException.

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