Using the ApplicationBar


Visual Studio provides you with a starting point by placing the markup for an ApplicationBar in a comment block when you create a new Windows Phone Portrait Page, a Windows Phone Landscape Page, and various Windows Phone projects using the Add New Item and New Project dialogs.

The ApplicationBar requires a namespace alias at the top of your page or control, as shown:


The markup for an ApplicationBar element is placed in the page’s phone:PhoneApplicationPage element. Placed within it are ApplicationBarIconButton elements and a MenuItems element containing ApplicationBarMenuItem, as shown in the following example:

    <shell:ApplicationBar IsVisible="True" IsMenuEnabled="True">
                        Text="Button 1"/>
                        Text="Button 2"/>
            <shell:ApplicationBarMenuItem Text="MenuItem 1"/>
            <shell:ApplicationBarMenuItem Text="MenuItem 2"/>


The application bar can contain up to four buttons and up to 50 menu items.

Best Practice

Avoid placing more than six menu items in the application bar. Doing so decreases the usability of your page, forcing the user to scroll down a long list to find the menu item that she is seeking.

When your PhoneApplicationPage is created, its ApplicationBar property is automatically assigned to the ApplicationBar instance if it exists.

The ApplicationBar consists of two collections of items, each with a corresponding ApplicationBar property: Buttons and MenuItems. The Buttons property is the ApplicationBar’s Content property, which means that in XAML any items located directly as child elements of the ApplicationBar element must be ApplicationBarIconButtons and are placed in the ApplicationBar.Buttons collection automatically.

Figure 8.1 shows an example of an application bar in its expanded state.


FIGURE 8.1 Expanding the application bar reveals its menu items.

To prevent the menu section from being expanded, set the ApplicationBar.IsMenuEnabled property to false. To hide the application bar entirely, set the ApplicationBar.IsVisible property to false.

Minimizing the Icon Button Tray

Since the release of Windows Phone 7.1 SDK, you have been able to minimize the application bar so that just the bar’s ellipsis is shown. This is controlled by the Mode property of the ApplicationBar, which can be either Default or Minimized.

Application Bar and System Tray Dimensions

In portrait mode the height of the application bar is fixed at 72 pixels. In landscape mode its width is also fixed at 72 pixels. When minimized, the application bar’s icon buttons are not shown, and the height of the icon button tray is reduced from 72 pixels to 30 pixels.

The system tray is 32 pixels high in portrait mode and 72 pixels wide in landscape mode. It always extends to the edge of the screen.

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