Customizing the Full-Screen Picker Page


Both the DatePicker and TimePicker allow you to change the full-screen picker page using the DateTimePickerBase.PickerPageUri property. This property is normally specified using a component URI, with the assembly and path to the PhoneApplicationPage. In the following example a DatePicker uses a custom picker page, located in an Examples assembly:

<toolkit:DatePicker Value="{Binding Date, Mode=TwoWay}"
                    Header="date with custom picker"
             PickerPageUri="/Examples;component/CustomDatePickerView.xaml" />

The task of the picker page is to allow the user to select a DateTime value, and then to use the NavigationService to navigate back to the original page. A picker page must implement the IDateTimePickerPage interface. This interface consists of a single nullable DateTime property called Value.

A custom picker page called CustomDatePickerView is located in the ControlExamples/WindowsPhoneToolkit/DateAndTimePickers directory in the downloadable sample code. The sample allows the user to select from an arbitrary list of DateTime values.

The viewmodel consists of a list of DateTime values that the user selects from, a single DateTime property that tracks the selected date, and a command that is used to set the selected date value from buttons in the view.

The list of dates is defined in the viewmodel like so:

readonly List<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>();

public IEnumerable<DateTime> Dates
        return dates;

The list is populated with five DateTime values, within the viewmodel constructor:

for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)

Each DateTime value in the list is presented as a button in the view.

Within the viewmodel, a property called Date holds the selected date:

DateTime? date = DateTime.Now;

public DateTime? Date
        return date;
        Assign(ref date, value);

An ICommand is used to set the Date property via buttons in the view. The ICommand is shown in the following excerpt:

readonly DelegateCommand<DateTime?> setDateCommand;

public DelegateCommand<DateTime?> SetDateCommand
        return setDateCommand;

The setDateCommand is initialized in the viewmodel constructor. The constructor accepts an Action parameter that is used during execution of the SetDateCommand to call the NavigationService.GoBack method, after a DateTime value has been selected by the user. The constructor is shown in full in the following excerpt:

public CustomDatePickerViewModel(Action completeAction)
    for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)

    setDateCommand = new DelegateCommand<DateTime?>(
        dateTime =>
                if (dateTime == null)

                Date = dateTime;

                if (completeAction != null)

The custom picker view initializes its viewmodel, passing it a lambda expression, which allows the viewmodel to return to the calling page.


As an alternative to passing the viewmodel a lambda expression, you may want to consider using a dedicated INavigationService for your app. Such a service is discussed in Chapter 29, “Storing App Data in a Local Database,” and exists as part of the Calcium framework for Windows Phone

Passing a reference to a page property, as shown in this example, causes the page to remain alive, ineligible for garbage collection, for the lifetime of the viewmodel. If the viewmodel does not share the same lifetime as the view, then a memory leak may ensue. In this example, the lifetime of the viewmodel is the same as the view’s, and hence it is not an issue.

When the viewmodel determines that a DateTime value has been acquired, it invokes the specified Action, and the page with the DatePicker retrieves the DateTime value from the page’s Value property (see Listing 9.3).

LISTING 9.3. CustomDatePickerView Class

public partial class CustomDatePickerView
    : PhoneApplicationPage, IDateTimePickerPage
    public CustomDatePickerView()
        DataContext = new CustomDatePickerViewModel(
            () => NavigationService.GoBack());

    CustomDatePickerViewModel ViewModel
            return (CustomDatePickerViewModel)DataContext;
    public DateTime? Value
            return ViewModel.Date;
            ViewModel.Date = value;

The XAML for the view contains a ListBox that is bound to the list of DateTime values. A DataTemplate is used to present each DateTime as a button. Each button is bound to the SetDateCommand of the viewmodel, as shown in the following excerpt:

<StackPanel x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1">
    <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Dates}"
            SelectedItem="{Binding Date}">
                <Button Content="{Binding}"
                    Command="{Binding DataContext.SetDateCommand,
                    CommandParameter="{Binding}" />

When visible, the custom picker page presents the five DateTime values, as shown in Figure 9.19.


FIGURE 9.19 The custom date/time picker page.

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