Pivot Load Events


Pivot raises various events to indicate when a PivotItem is being brought into view and when it is being moved out of view.

Best Practice

To improve the performance of your app, use the LoadingPivotItem event to load content on demand. One approach is to convert the content of each PivotItem into a UserControl. You can then subscribe to the LoadingPivotItem event on the Pivot, and then when the event is raised instantiate the UserControl and set it as the PivotItem’s content.

The UnloadedPivotItem event also provides the opportunity to clean up any unneeded resources.

When the user switches from one PivotItem to another, events are raised in the following order:

1. The UnloadingPivotItem event is raised for the first PivotItem.

2. The LoadingPivotItem event is raised for the second PivotItem.

3. The UnloadedPivotItem event is raised for the first PivotItem.

4. The LoadedPivotItem event is raised for the second PivotItem.

These events are not cancelable. That is, they are not designed to allow for preventing or returning the Pivot to the previously active PivotItem. It is possible, however, to queue a change back to the previously active PivotItem. Queuing an index change in one of the load event handlers has to be performed after the current PivotItem change has finished; otherwise, the Pivot will get out of sync. This can be done by using the Dispatcher to invoke the change, which means it occurs after the current UI thread task completes. The following example demonstrates how to use the Dispatcher to lock the Pivot to the first PivotItem:

void Pivot_LoadingPivotItem(object sender, PivotItemEventArgs e)
    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(delegate { pivot.SelectedIndex = 0; });

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